# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # title :ursina天体运行模拟器UI控制 # description :ursina天体运行模拟器UI控制 # author :Python超人 # date :2023-02-11 # link :https://gitcode.net/pythoncr/ # python_version :3.8 # ============================================================================== from ursina import Ursina, window, Entity, Grid, Mesh, camera, Text, application, color, mouse, Vec2, Vec3, \ load_texture, held_keys, Button, ButtonList, destroy, scene, distance, Sequence, Wait, Func from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController from common.consts import SECONDS_PER_HOUR, SECONDS_PER_HALF_DAY, \ SECONDS_PER_DAY, SECONDS_PER_WEEK, SECONDS_PER_MONTH, SECONDS_PER_YEAR from common.consts import AU from simulators.ursina.ui_component import UiSlider, SwithButton, UiButton from simulators.ursina.ursina_config import UrsinaConfig from simulators.ursina.ursina_event import UrsinaEvent from ursina import WindowPanel, InputField, Button, Slider, ButtonGroup, Panel, invoke class UrsinaUI: def ui_component_init(self): self.start_button_text = "●" # 》●▲○◎ self.pause_button_text = "〓" # 〓 || ‖ self.no_trail_button_text = "○ " self.trail_button_text = "○--" # application.time_scale = 0.5 self.slider_body_spin_factor = UiSlider(text='自转速度', min=0.01, max=30, default=1) self.slider_body_size_factor = UiSlider(text='天体缩放', min=0.1, max=100, step=0.1, default=1) self.slider_run_speed_factor = UiSlider(text="运行速度", min=0.01, max=80, default=1) self.slider_control_speed_factor = UiSlider(text="控制速度", min=0.01, max=20, default=application.time_scale) self.slider_trail_length = UiSlider(text="拖尾长度", min=30, max=500, step=10, default=UrsinaConfig.trail_length) self.slider_body_size_factor.on_value_changed = self.on_slider_body_size_changed self.slider_body_spin_factor.on_value_changed = self.on_slider_body_spin_changed self.slider_run_speed_factor.on_value_changed = self.on_slider_run_speed_changed self.slider_control_speed_factor.on_value_changed = self.on_slider_control_speed_changed self.slider_trail_length.on_value_changed = self.on_slider_trail_length_changed self.on_off_switch = SwithButton((self.pause_button_text, self.start_button_text), default=self.start_button_text, tooltips=('暂停', '运行')) self.on_off_switch.selected_color = color.red self.sec_per_time_switch = SwithButton(("默认", "天", "周", "月", "年", "十年", "百年"), default="默认", tooltips=("系统默认", "每秒相当于1天", "每秒相当于1周", "每秒相当于1个月", "每秒相当于1年", "每秒相当于十年", "每秒相当于1百年")) self.sec_per_time_switch.on_value_changed = self.sec_per_time_switch_changed self.on_off_trail = SwithButton((self.no_trail_button_text, self.trail_button_text), default=self.no_trail_button_text, tooltips=('天体运行无轨迹', '天体运行有拖尾轨迹')) self.on_off_trail.on_value_changed = self.on_off_trail_changed self.point_button = UiButton(text='寻找', on_click=self.on_searching_bodies_click) self.reset_button = UiButton(text='重置', on_click=self.on_reset_button_click) # button1 = Button(text='Button 1', scale=(0.1, 0.1), position=(-0.1, 0)) # button2 = Button(text='Button 2', scale=(0.1, 0.1), position=(0.1, 0)) # btn_settings = UiButton(text='操作设置', on_click=self.on_point_button_click) # btn_settings.position = window.top_left # btn_settings.y = 0.5 # # btn_settings.scale = (0.1,0.1) # # btn_settings.y = 0 # btn_settings.scale = (.25, .025), # btn_settings.origin = (-.5, .5), # btn_settings.pressed_scale = 1, # if btn_settings.text_entity: # btn_settings.text_entity.x = .05 # btn_settings.text_entity.origin = (-.5, 0) # btn_settings.text_entity.scale *= .8 self.on_off_switch.on_value_changed = self.on_off_switch_changed wp = WindowPanel( title='', content=( # InputField(name='name_field'), # Button(text='Submit', color=color.azure), self.point_button, self.reset_button, self.sec_per_time_switch, self.on_off_switch, self.on_off_trail, self.slider_trail_length, self.slider_body_size_factor, self.slider_body_spin_factor, self.slider_run_speed_factor, self.slider_control_speed_factor ), ignore_paused=True, color=color.rgba(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) # , popup=True ) self.sec_per_time_switch.x = -0.4 self.on_off_switch.x = 0.2 self.on_off_trail.x = 0.2 # -0.4 wp.y = 0.5 # wp.panel.scale_y / 2 * wp.scale_y # center the window panel wp.x = 0.6 # wp.scale_x + 0.1 # wp.x = 0#wp.panel.scale_x / 2 * wp.scale_x self.wp = wp self.wp.enabled = False def __init__(self): self.ui_component_init() self.settings_handler = Entity(ignore_paused=True) # 加载中文字体文件 # text_time_scale = "1" # self.text_time_scale_info = None self.settings_handler.input = self.settings_handler_input # self.show_text_time_scale_info() # Text('方位控制: Q W E A S D + 鼠标右键', font='msyhl.ttc'), key_info_str = "方位控制[键盘QWEASD]+[鼠标右键],按[空格]更多控制" key_info = Text(text=key_info_str, font=UrsinaConfig.CN_FONT, position=(-1, 0.5), origin=(-1, 1), background=True) # # self.show_button() # slider_text = Text(text='自转速度', scale=1, position=(-0.6, 0.3)) # slider = Slider(scale=0.5, position=(-0.6, 0), min=0, max=10, step=1, text=slider_text) def show_message(self, message, close_time=3): """ 创建消息框 :param message: 消息内容 :param close_time: 定义关闭时间 :return: """ # 创建消息框 message_box = Text(text=message, font=UrsinaConfig.CN_FONT, background=True, origin=(0, 0), y=.25) # 定义关闭函数 def close_message(): destroy(message_box) s = Sequence( Wait(close_time), Func(close_message) ) s.start() # # 使用 time 模块来实现定时关闭 # invoke(close_message, delay=close_time) def sec_per_time_switch_changed(self): # ("默认", "天", "周", "月", "年", "十年", "百年") if self.sec_per_time_switch.value == "天": UrsinaConfig.seconds_per = SECONDS_PER_DAY elif self.sec_per_time_switch.value == "周": UrsinaConfig.seconds_per = SECONDS_PER_WEEK elif self.sec_per_time_switch.value == "月": UrsinaConfig.seconds_per = SECONDS_PER_MONTH elif self.sec_per_time_switch.value == "年": UrsinaConfig.seconds_per = SECONDS_PER_YEAR elif self.sec_per_time_switch.value == "十年": UrsinaConfig.seconds_per = SECONDS_PER_YEAR * 10 elif self.sec_per_time_switch.value == "百年": UrsinaConfig.seconds_per = SECONDS_PER_YEAR * 100 else: UrsinaConfig.seconds_per = 0 def on_off_trail_changed(self): if self.on_off_trail.value == self.trail_button_text: UrsinaConfig.show_trail = True else: UrsinaConfig.show_trail = False def move_camera_to_entity(self, camera_pos: Vec3, entity_pos: Vec3, _distance: float) -> Vec3: # 计算摄像机到实体的向量 direction = entity_pos - camera_pos # 计算当前距离 current_distance = direction.length() # 如果当前距离已经小于等于要求的距离,则直接返回实体坐标 if current_distance <= _distance: return camera_pos # 计算需要移动的距离 _distance = current_distance - _distance # 根据需要移动的距离计算移动向量 move_vector = direction.normalized() * _distance # 返回摄像机移动后的坐标 return camera_pos + move_vector def move_camera_to_entity(self, entity, d): import math # print("before",camera.position, entity.position) camera.position = entity.position # - Vec3(0, 0, d) # 设置摄像机位置 camera.world_position = entity.position # camera.rotation = (0, 0, 0) # 重置摄像机旋转角度 # print("after",camera.position,entity.position) # # 获取相机和实体之间的向量 # target_vector = entity.position - camera.position # target_vector.y = 0 # 假设实体在 x-z 平面上,将 y 坐标设为 0 # # # 计算旋转角度 # angle = math.degrees(math.atan2(target_vector.z, target_vector.x)) # camera.rotation_y = angle # 旋转相机 # camera.look_at(entity.position) # 对准指定实体 def bodies_button_list_click(self, item): if item is not None: # TODO: 先找到位置,确定摄像机的位置 # print("select->", item) # UrsinaConfig.SCALE_FACTOR # import copy # camera_rotation = copy.deepcopy(camera.rotation) try: d = item.planet.scale_x * 20 self.move_camera_to_entity(item.planet, d) except Exception as e: self.show_message(f"{item}飞不见了") # d = distance(camera.position, item.planet.position) # camera.look_at(item.planet) # if d > 1.5 * x: # move_to = self.move_camera_to_entity(camera.position, item.planet.position, x) # camera.position = move_to # camera_rotation = copy.deepcopy(camera.rotation) # camera.rotation = (camera_rotation[0], camera_rotation[1], 0) # camera.forward = (1, 0, 0) # 设置相机的方向向量为x轴方向 destroy(self.bodies_button_list) # my_entity = Entity(model='cube', color=color.red, position=(0, 1, 5)) # # # 获取当前摄像机 # camera = scene.camera # # # 计算 Entity 和摄像机之间的距离 # distance_to_entity = distance(my_entity, camera) # # print('距离:', distance_to_entity) def on_searching_bodies_click(self): results = UrsinaEvent.on_searching_bodies() if len(results) > 0: sub_name, bodies = results[0] if len(bodies) == 0: self.show_message("天体都飞不见了,请重新运行。") # button_dict = {"天体都飞不见了,请重新运行。": lambda: self.bodies_button_list_click(None)} return # print(results[0]) button_dict = {"[关闭]": lambda: self.bodies_button_list_click(None)} camera = scene.camera for body in bodies: def callback_action(b=body): self.bodies_button_list_click(b) if body.appeared: distance_to_entity = distance(body.planet, camera) d = distance_to_entity / UrsinaConfig.SCALE_FACTOR / AU name = f"{body.name}\t距离:{d:.4f}天文单位" button_dict[name] = callback_action else: if hasattr(self, "bodies_button_list"): destroy(self.bodies_button_list) name = f"{body.name}\t距离太远,找不到了" button_dict[name] = lambda: self.bodies_button_list_click(None) if hasattr(self, "bodies_button_list"): destroy(self.bodies_button_list) self.bodies_button_list = ButtonList(button_dict, font=UrsinaConfig.CN_FONT, button_height=1.5) # self.bodies_button_list.input = self.bodies_button_list_input def on_reset_button_click(self): UrsinaEvent.on_reset() def on_off_switch_changed(self): if self.on_off_switch.value == self.pause_button_text: self.on_off_switch.selected_color = color.green application.paused = True for c in self.wp.children: if not c.ignore_paused: # c.enabled = True c.disabled = False else: self.on_off_switch.selected_color = color.red application.paused = False for c in self.wp.children: if not c.ignore_paused: # c.enabled = True c.disabled = False def on_slider_trail_length_changed(self): UrsinaConfig.trail_length = int(self.slider_trail_length.value) def on_slider_control_speed_changed(self): application.time_scale = self.slider_control_speed_factor.value def on_slider_body_spin_changed(self): UrsinaConfig.body_spin_factor = self.slider_body_spin_factor.value def on_slider_body_size_changed(self): UrsinaConfig.body_size_factor = self.slider_body_size_factor.value def on_slider_run_speed_changed(self): UrsinaConfig.run_speed_factor = self.slider_run_speed_factor.value # def show_text_time_scale_info(self): # if self.text_time_scale_info is not None: # self.text_time_scale_info.disable() # text_time_scale = "控制倍率:" + str(application.time_scale).ljust(4, " ") # text_time_scale_info = Text(text=text_time_scale, position=(-0.8, 0.5), origin=(-1, 1), background=True) # def show_button(self): # b = Button(scale=(0, .25), text='zzz') # if key == "escape": # if mouse.locked: # self.on_disable() # else: # sys.exit() # 按空格键则暂停 def settings_handler_input(self, key): import sys if key == "escape": sys.exit() # print(key) elif key == 'space': self.wp.enabled = not self.wp.enabled elif key == 'left mouse down': print(key) # application.paused = not application.paused # Pause/unpause the game. # elif key == 'tab': # # application.time_scale 属性控制游戏时间流逝的速度。 # # 具体来说,它是一个浮点数,用于调整游戏时间流逝速度的比例,其默认值为 1.0,表示正常速度。 # # 当你将它设置为小于 1.0 的值时,游戏时间会变慢,而设置为大于 1.0 的值时,游戏时间则会变快。 # for idx, time_scale in enumerate(time_scales): # if float(application.time_scale) == time_scale: # if idx < len(time_scales) - 1: # application.time_scale = time_scales[idx + 1] # break # else: # application.time_scale = time_scales[0] # elif key == '+': # UrsinaConfig.run_speed_factor *= 2 # elif key == "= up": # UrsinaConfig.body_spin_factor *= 2 # # if application.time_scale in time_scales: # # idx = time_scales.index(application.time_scale) # # if idx < len(time_scales) - 1: # # application.time_scale = time_scales[idx + 1] # elif key == '-': # UrsinaConfig.run_speed_factor *= 0.5 # elif key == "- up": # UrsinaConfig.body_spin_factor *= 0.5 # # if application.time_scale in time_scales: # # idx = time_scales.index(application.time_scale) # # if idx > 0: # # application.time_scale = time_scales[idx - 1] # # self.show_text_time_scale_info()