require 'abstract_unit' require "fixtures/person" require "fixtures/customer" require "fixtures/street_address" require "fixtures/beast" require "fixtures/proxy" require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/conversions' class FinderTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup # TODO: refactor/DRY this setup - it's a copy of the BaseTest setup. # We can probably put this into abstract_unit @matz = { :id => 1, :name => 'Matz' }.to_xml(:root => 'person') @david = { :id => 2, :name => 'David' }.to_xml(:root => 'person') @greg = { :id => 3, :name => 'Greg' }.to_xml(:root => 'person') @addy = { :id => 1, :street => '12345 Street' }.to_xml(:root => 'address') @default_request_headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/xml' } @rick = { :name => "Rick", :age => 25 }.to_xml(:root => "person") @people = [{ :id => 1, :name => 'Matz' }, { :id => 2, :name => 'David' }].to_xml(:root => 'people') @people_david = [{ :id => 2, :name => 'David' }].to_xml(:root => 'people') @addresses = [{ :id => 1, :street => '12345 Street' }].to_xml(:root => 'addresses') # - deep nested resource - # - Luis (Customer) # - JK (Customer::Friend) # - Mateo (Customer::Friend::Brother) # - Edith (Customer::Friend::Brother::Child) # - Martha (Customer::Friend::Brother::Child) # - Felipe (Customer::Friend::Brother) # - Bryan (Customer::Friend::Brother::Child) # - Luke (Customer::Friend::Brother::Child) # - Eduardo (Customer::Friend) # - Sebas (Customer::Friend::Brother) # - Andres (Customer::Friend::Brother::Child) # - Jorge (Customer::Friend::Brother::Child) # - Elsa (Customer::Friend::Brother) # - Natacha (Customer::Friend::Brother::Child) # - Milena (Customer::Friend::Brother) # @luis = {:id => 1, :name => 'Luis', :friends => [{:name => 'JK', :brothers => [{:name => 'Mateo', :children => [{:name => 'Edith'},{:name => 'Martha'}]}, {:name => 'Felipe', :children => [{:name => 'Bryan'},{:name => 'Luke'}]}]}, {:name => 'Eduardo', :brothers => [{:name => 'Sebas', :children => [{:name => 'Andres'},{:name => 'Jorge'}]}, {:name => 'Elsa', :children => [{:name => 'Natacha'}]}, {:name => 'Milena', :children => []}]}]}.to_xml(:root => 'customer') # - resource with yaml array of strings; for ActiveRecords using serialize :bar, Array @marty = <<-eof.strip 5 Marty --- - \"red\" - \"green\" - \"blue\" eof ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock| mock.get "/people/1.xml", {}, @matz mock.get "/people/2.xml", {}, @david mock.get "/people/5.xml", {}, @marty mock.get "/people/Greg.xml", {}, @greg mock.get "/people/4.xml", {'key' => 'value'}, nil, 404 mock.put "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 204 mock.delete "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 200 mock.delete "/people/2.xml", {}, nil, 400 mock.get "/people/99.xml", {}, nil, 404 "/people.xml", {}, @rick, 201, 'Location' => '/people/5.xml' mock.get "/people.xml", {}, @people mock.get "/people/1/addresses.xml", {}, @addresses mock.get "/people/1/addresses/1.xml", {}, @addy mock.get "/people/1/addresses/2.xml", {}, nil, 404 mock.get "/people/2/addresses.xml", {}, nil, 404 mock.get "/people/2/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 404 mock.get "/people/Greg/addresses/1.xml", {}, @addy mock.put "/people/1/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 204 mock.delete "/people/1/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 200 "/people/1/addresses.xml", {}, nil, 201, 'Location' => '/people/1/addresses/5' mock.get "/people//addresses.xml", {}, nil, 404 mock.get "/people//addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 404 mock.put "/people//addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 404 mock.delete "/people//addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 404 "/people//addresses.xml", {}, nil, 404 mock.head "/people/1.xml", {}, nil, 200 mock.head "/people/Greg.xml", {}, nil, 200 mock.head "/people/99.xml", {}, nil, 404 mock.head "/people/1/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 200 mock.head "/people/1/addresses/2.xml", {}, nil, 404 mock.head "/people/2/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 404 mock.head "/people/Greg/addresses/1.xml", {}, nil, 200 # customer mock.get "/customers/1.xml", {}, @luis end Person.user = nil Person.password = nil end def test_find_by_id matz = Person.find(1) assert_kind_of Person, matz assert_equal "Matz", assert end def test_find_by_id_with_custom_prefix addy = StreetAddress.find(1, :params => { :person_id => 1 }) assert_kind_of StreetAddress, addy assert_equal '12345 Street', addy.street end def test_find_all all = Person.find(:all) assert_equal 2, all.size assert_kind_of Person, all.first assert_equal "Matz", assert_equal "David", end def test_find_first matz = Person.find(:first) assert_kind_of Person, matz assert_equal "Matz", end def test_find_last david = Person.find(:last) assert_kind_of Person, david assert_equal 'David', end def test_find_by_id_not_found assert_raise(ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound) { Person.find(99) } assert_raise(ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound) { StreetAddress.find(1) } end def test_find_all_sub_objects all = StreetAddress.find(:all, :params => { :person_id => 1 }) assert_equal 1, all.size assert_kind_of StreetAddress, all.first end def test_find_all_sub_objects_not_found assert_nothing_raised do addys = StreetAddress.find(:all, :params => { :person_id => 2 }) end end def test_find_all_by_from ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to { |m| m.get "/companies/1/people.xml", {}, @people_david } people = Person.find(:all, :from => "/companies/1/people.xml") assert_equal 1, people.size assert_equal "David", end def test_find_all_by_from_with_options ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to { |m| m.get "/companies/1/people.xml", {}, @people_david } people = Person.find(:all, :from => "/companies/1/people.xml") assert_equal 1, people.size assert_equal "David", end def test_find_all_by_symbol_from ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to { |m| m.get "/people/managers.xml", {}, @people_david } people = Person.find(:all, :from => :managers) assert_equal 1, people.size assert_equal "David", end def test_find_single_by_from ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to { |m| m.get "/companies/1/manager.xml", {}, @david } david = Person.find(:one, :from => "/companies/1/manager.xml") assert_equal "David", end def test_find_single_by_symbol_from ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to { |m| m.get "/people/leader.xml", {}, @david } david = Person.find(:one, :from => :leader) assert_equal "David", end end