require "service/shared_service_tests" require "httparty" require "uri" if SERVICE_CONFIGURATIONS[:s3] class ActiveStorage::Service::S3ServiceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase SERVICE = ActiveStorage::Service.configure(:s3, SERVICE_CONFIGURATIONS) include ActiveStorage::Service::SharedServiceTests test "direct upload" do # FIXME: This test is failing because of a mismatched request signature, but it works in the browser. skip begin key = SecureRandom.base58(24) data = "Something else entirely!" direct_upload_url = @service.url_for_direct_upload(key, expires_in: 5.minutes, content_type: "text/plain", content_length: data.size) url = URI.parse(direct_upload_url).to_s.split("?").first query = CGI::parse(URI.parse(direct_upload_url).query).collect { |(k, v)| [ k, v.first ] }.to_h url, query: query, body: data, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/plain", "Origin": "http://localhost:3000" }, debug_output: STDOUT ) assert_equal data, ensure @service.delete key end end test "signed URL generation" do assert_match /*response-content-disposition=inline.*avatar\.png/, @service.url(FIXTURE_KEY, expires_in: 5.minutes, disposition: :inline, filename: "avatar.png") end end else puts "Skipping S3 Service tests because no S3 configuration was supplied" end