未验证 提交 31197f20 编写于 作者: E Eileen M. Uchitelle 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #40219 from...

Merge pull request #40219 from eileencodes/ensure-connects_to-is-always-called-on-base-or-abstract-classes

Ensure `connects_to` can only be called on base or abstract classes
* `connects_to` can only be called on `ActiveRecord::Base` or abstract classes.
Ensure that `connects_to` can only be called from `ActiveRecord::Base` or abstract classes. This protects the application from opening duplicate or too many connections.
*Eileen M. Uchitelle*, *John Crepezzi*
* All connection adapters `execute` now raises `ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished` rather than
`ActiveRecord::InvalidStatement` when they encounter a connection error.
......@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ def establish_connection(config_or_env = nil)
# Returns an array of database connections.
def connects_to(database: {}, shards: {})
raise NotImplementedError, "connects_to can only be called on ActiveRecord::Base or abstract classes" unless self == Base || abstract_class?
if database.present? && shards.present?
raise ArgumentError, "connects_to can only accept a `database` or `shards` argument, but not both arguments."
......@@ -1661,6 +1661,14 @@ def test_protected_environments_are_stored_as_an_array_of_string
test "cannot call connects_to on non-abstract or non-ActiveRecord::Base classes" do
error = assert_raises(NotImplementedError) do
Bird.connects_to(database: { writing: :arunit })
assert_equal "connects_to can only be called on ActiveRecord::Base or abstract classes", error.message
test "cannot call connected_to on subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base" do
error = assert_raises(NotImplementedError) do
Bird.connected_to(role: :reading) { }
......@@ -24,7 +24,11 @@ def teardown
class MultiConnectionTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base
class SecondaryBase < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
class MultiConnectionTestModel < SecondaryBase
def test_multiple_connection_handlers_works_in_a_threaded_environment
......@@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ def test_multiple_connection_handlers_works_in_a_threaded_environment
# We need to use a role for reading not named reading, otherwise we'll prevent writes
# and won't be able to write to the second connection.
MultiConnectionTestModel.connects_to database: { writing: { database: tf_writing.path, adapter: "sqlite3" }, secondary: { database: tf_reading.path, adapter: "sqlite3" } }
SecondaryBase.connects_to database: { writing: { database: tf_writing.path, adapter: "sqlite3" }, secondary: { database: tf_reading.path, adapter: "sqlite3" } }
MultiConnectionTestModel.connection.execute("CREATE TABLE `multi_connection_test_models` (connection_role VARCHAR (255))")
MultiConnectionTestModel.connection.execute("INSERT INTO multi_connection_test_models VALUES ('writing')")
......@@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ def test_multiple_connection_handlers_works_in_a_threaded_environment
def test_loading_relations_with_multi_db_connection_handlers
# We need to use a role for reading not named reading, otherwise we'll prevent writes
# and won't be able to write to the second connection.
MultiConnectionTestModel.connects_to database: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" }, secondary: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } }
SecondaryBase.connects_to database: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" }, secondary: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } }
relation = ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(role: :secondary) do
MultiConnectionTestModel.connection.execute("CREATE TABLE `multi_connection_test_models` (connection_role VARCHAR (255))")
......@@ -264,15 +264,23 @@ def test_calling_connected_to_on_a_non_existent_shard_raises
class ShardConnectionTestModel < ActiveRecord::Base
class SecondaryBase < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
class ShardConnectionTestModelB < ActiveRecord::Base
class ShardConnectionTestModel < SecondaryBase
class SomeOtherBase < ActiveRecord::Base
self.abstract_class = true
class ShardConnectionTestModelB < SomeOtherBase
def test_same_shards_across_clusters
ShardConnectionTestModel.connects_to shards: { one: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } } }
ShardConnectionTestModelB.connects_to shards: { one: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } } }
SecondaryBase.connects_to shards: { one: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } } }
SomeOtherBase.connects_to shards: { one: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } } }
ActiveRecord::Base.connected_to(shard: :one) do
ShardConnectionTestModel.connection.execute("CREATE TABLE `shard_connection_test_models` (shard_key VARCHAR (255))")
......@@ -287,7 +295,7 @@ def test_same_shards_across_clusters
def test_sharding_separation
ShardConnectionTestModel.connects_to shards: {
SecondaryBase.connects_to shards: {
default: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } },
one: { writing: { database: ":memory:", adapter: "sqlite3" } }
......@@ -323,7 +331,7 @@ def test_swapping_shards_in_a_multi_threaded_environment
tf_default = Tempfile.open "shard_key_default"
tf_shard_one = Tempfile.open "shard_key_one"
ShardConnectionTestModel.connects_to shards: {
SecondaryBase.connects_to shards: {
default: { writing: { database: tf_default.path, adapter: "sqlite3" } },
one: { writing: { database: tf_shard_one.path, adapter: "sqlite3" } }
......@@ -368,7 +376,7 @@ def test_swapping_shards_and_roles_in_a_multi_threaded_environment
tf_default_reading = Tempfile.open "shard_key_default_reading"
tf_shard_one_reading = Tempfile.open "shard_key_one_reading"
ShardConnectionTestModel.connects_to shards: {
SecondaryBase.connects_to shards: {
default: { writing: { database: tf_default.path, adapter: "sqlite3" }, secondary: { database: tf_default_reading.path, adapter: "sqlite3" } },
one: { writing: { database: tf_shard_one.path, adapter: "sqlite3" }, secondary: { database: tf_shard_one_reading.path, adapter: "sqlite3" } }
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