diff --git a/guides/source/initialization.textile b/guides/source/initialization.textile index 48d4373afe581cb85d801203a3ac738c8bf6fc6a..2699ffccda792e77fae25801ff1ddfa4f3321937 100644 --- a/guides/source/initialization.textile +++ b/guides/source/initialization.textile @@ -224,7 +224,18 @@ when 'server' } -This file will change into the root of the directory (a path two directories back from +APP_PATH+ which points at +config/application.rb+), but only if the +config.ru+ file isn't found. This then requires +rails/commands/server+ which requires +action_dispatch+ and sets up the +Rails::Server+ class. +This file will change into the root of the directory (a path two directories back from +APP_PATH+ which points at +config/application.rb+), but only if the +config.ru+ file isn't found. This then requires +rails/commands/server+ which sets up the +Rails::Server+ class. + + +require 'fileutils' +require 'optparse' +require 'action_dispatch' + +module Rails + class Server < ::Rack::Server + + +`fileutils` and `optparse` are standard Ruby libraries which provide helper functions for working with files and parsing options. h4. +actionpack/lib/action_dispatch.rb+