提交 20c03e70 编写于 作者: C claudiob

Remove references to AR::Observer from docs

ActiveRecord::Observer was extracted into a separate gem so it
should not be referenced anymore (see https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/ccecab3)
上级 76c432f5
......@@ -80,17 +80,6 @@ A short rundown of some of the major features:
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveRecord/Callbacks.html]
* Observers that react to changes in a model.
class CommentObserver < ActiveRecord::Observer
def after_create(comment) # is called just after Comment#save
CommentMailer.new_comment_email('david@loudthinking.com', comment).deliver
{Learn more}[link:classes/ActiveRecord/Observer.html]
* Inheritance hierarchies.
class Company < ActiveRecord::Base; end
......@@ -2067,14 +2067,6 @@ The sum of an empty receiver can be customized in this form as well:
[].sum(1) {|n| n**3} # => 1
The method `ActiveRecord::Observer#observed_subclasses` for example is implemented this way:
def observed_subclasses
observed_classes.sum([]) { |klass| klass.send(:subclasses) }
NOTE: Defined in `active_support/core_ext/enumerable.rb`.
### `index_by`
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