use crate::colors; use crate::global_state::GlobalState; use crate::module_graph::{ModuleGraph, ModuleGraphFile, ModuleGraphLoader}; use crate::msg; use crate::ModuleSpecifier; use crate::Permissions; use deno_core::ErrBox; use serde::Serialize; use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet}; use std::sync::Arc; // TODO(bartlomieju): rename /// Struct containing a module's dependency information. #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct ModuleDepInfo { local: String, file_type: String, compiled: Option, map: Option, dep_count: usize, deps: FileInfoDepTree, } impl ModuleDepInfo { /// Creates a new `ModuleDepInfo` struct for the module with the provided `ModuleSpecifier`. pub async fn new( global_state: &Arc, module_specifier: ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Result { // First load module as if it was to be executed by worker // including compilation step let mut module_graph_loader = ModuleGraphLoader::new( global_state.file_fetcher.clone(), global_state.maybe_import_map.clone(), Permissions::allow_all(), global_state.flags.unstable, false, true, ); module_graph_loader .add_to_graph(&module_specifier, None) .await?; let module_graph = module_graph_loader.get_graph(); let ts_compiler = &global_state.ts_compiler; let file_fetcher = &global_state.file_fetcher; let out = file_fetcher .fetch_cached_source_file(&module_specifier, Permissions::allow_all()) .expect("Source file should already be cached"); let local_filename = out.filename.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let compiled_filename = ts_compiler .get_compiled_source_file(&out.url) .ok() .map(|file| file.filename.to_string_lossy().to_string()); let map_filename = ts_compiler .get_source_map_file(&module_specifier) .ok() .map(|file| file.filename.to_string_lossy().to_string()); let file_type = msg::enum_name_media_type(out.media_type).to_string(); let deps = FileInfoDepTree::new(&module_graph, &module_specifier); let dep_count = get_unique_dep_count(&module_graph) - 1; let info = Self { local: local_filename, file_type, compiled: compiled_filename, map: map_filename, dep_count, deps, }; Ok(info) } } /// Counts the number of dependencies in the graph. /// /// We are counting only the dependencies that are not http redirects to other files. fn get_unique_dep_count(graph: &ModuleGraph) -> usize { graph.iter().fold( 0, |acc, e| { if e.1.redirect.is_none() { acc + 1 } else { acc } }, ) } impl std::fmt::Display for ModuleDepInfo { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_fmt(format_args!("{} {}\n", colors::bold("local:"), self.local))?; f.write_fmt(format_args!( "{} {}\n", colors::bold("type:"), self.file_type ))?; if let Some(ref compiled) = self.compiled { f.write_fmt(format_args!( "{} {}\n", colors::bold("compiled:"), compiled ))?; } if let Some(ref map) = { f.write_fmt(format_args!("{} {}\n", colors::bold("map:"), map))?; } f.write_fmt(format_args!( "{} {} unique {}\n", colors::bold("deps:"), self.dep_count, colors::gray(&format!( "(total {})", human_size(self.deps.total_size.unwrap_or(0) as f64), )) ))?; f.write_fmt(format_args!( "{} {}\n",, colors::gray(&format!("({})", human_size(self.deps.size as f64))) ))?; for (idx, dep) in self.deps.deps.iter().enumerate() { print_file_dep_info(&dep, "", idx == self.deps.deps.len() - 1, f)?; } Ok(()) } } /// A dependency tree of the basic module information. /// /// Constructed from a `ModuleGraph` and `ModuleSpecifier` that /// acts as the root of the tree. #[derive(Serialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] struct FileInfoDepTree { name: String, size: usize, total_size: Option, deps: Vec, } impl FileInfoDepTree { /// Create a `FileInfoDepTree` tree from a `ModuleGraph` and the root `ModuleSpecifier`. pub fn new( module_graph: &ModuleGraph, root_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Self { let mut seen = HashSet::new(); let mut total_sizes = HashMap::new(); Self::visit_module( &mut seen, &mut total_sizes, module_graph, root_specifier, ) } /// Visit modules recursively. /// /// If currently visited module has not yet been seen it will be annotated with dependencies /// and cumulative size of those deps. fn visit_module( seen: &mut HashSet, total_sizes: &mut HashMap, graph: &ModuleGraph, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> Self { let name = specifier.to_string(); let never_seen = seen.insert(name.clone()); let file = get_resolved_file(&graph, &specifier); let size = file.size(); let mut deps = vec![]; let mut total_size = None; if never_seen { let mut seen_deps = HashSet::new(); deps = file .imports .iter() .map(|import| &import.resolved_specifier) .filter(|module_specifier| { seen_deps.insert(module_specifier.as_str().to_string()) }) .map(|specifier| { Self::visit_module(seen, total_sizes, graph, specifier) }) .collect::>(); total_size = if let Some(total_size) = total_sizes.get(&name) { Some(total_size.to_owned()) } else { let total: usize = deps .iter() .map(|dep| { if let Some(total_size) = dep.total_size { total_size } else { 0 } }) .sum(); let total = size + total; total_sizes.insert(name.clone(), total); Some(total) }; } Self { name, size, total_size, deps, } } } /// Returns a `ModuleGraphFile` associated to the provided `ModuleSpecifier`. /// /// If the `specifier` is associated with a file that has a populated redirect field, /// it returns the file associated to the redirect, otherwise the file associated to `specifier`. fn get_resolved_file<'a>( graph: &'a ModuleGraph, specifier: &ModuleSpecifier, ) -> &'a ModuleGraphFile { // Note(kc): This code is dependent on how we are injecting a dummy ModuleGraphFile // into the graph with a "redirect" property. let result = graph.get(specifier.as_str()).unwrap(); if let Some(ref import) = result.redirect { graph.get(import).unwrap() } else { result } } /// Prints the `FileInfoDepTree` tree to stdout. fn print_file_dep_info( info: &FileInfoDepTree, prefix: &str, is_last: bool, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>, ) -> std::fmt::Result { print_dep(prefix, is_last, info, formatter)?; let prefix = &get_new_prefix(prefix, is_last); let child_count = info.deps.len(); for (idx, dep) in info.deps.iter().enumerate() { print_file_dep_info(dep, prefix, idx == child_count - 1, formatter)?; } Ok(()) } /// Prints a single `FileInfoDepTree` to stdout. fn print_dep( prefix: &str, is_last: bool, info: &FileInfoDepTree, formatter: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>, ) -> std::fmt::Result { let has_children = !info.deps.is_empty(); formatter.write_fmt(format_args!( "{} {}{}\n", colors::gray(&format!( "{}{}─{}", prefix, get_sibling_connector(is_last), get_child_connector(has_children), )) .to_string(),, get_formatted_totals(info) )) } /// Gets the formatted totals for the provided `FileInfoDepTree`. /// /// If the total size is reported as 0 then an empty string is returned. fn get_formatted_totals(info: &FileInfoDepTree) -> String { if let Some(_total_size) = info.total_size { colors::gray(&format!(" ({})", human_size(info.size as f64),)).to_string() } else { // This dependency has already been displayed somewhere else in the tree. colors::gray(" *").to_string() } } /// Gets the sibling portion of the tree branch. fn get_sibling_connector(is_last: bool) -> char { if is_last { '└' } else { '├' } } /// Gets the child connector for the branch. fn get_child_connector(has_children: bool) -> char { if has_children { '┬' } else { '─' } } /// Creates a new prefix for a dependency tree item. fn get_new_prefix(prefix: &str, is_last: bool) -> String { let mut prefix = prefix.to_string(); if is_last { prefix.push(' '); } else { prefix.push('│'); } prefix.push(' '); prefix } pub fn human_size(bytse: f64) -> String { let negative = if bytse.is_sign_positive() { "" } else { "-" }; let bytse = bytse.abs(); let units = ["B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"]; if bytse < 1_f64 { return format!("{}{}{}", negative, bytse, "B"); } let delimiter = 1024_f64; let exponent = std::cmp::min( (bytse.ln() / delimiter.ln()).floor() as i32, (units.len() - 1) as i32, ); let pretty_bytes = format!("{:.2}", bytse / delimiter.powi(exponent)) .parse::() .unwrap() * 1_f64; let unit = units[exponent as usize]; format!("{}{}{}", negative, pretty_bytes, unit) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use crate::module_graph::ImportDescriptor; use crate::swc_util::Location; use crate::MediaType; #[test] fn human_size_test() { assert_eq!(human_size(16_f64), "16B"); assert_eq!(human_size((16 * 1024) as f64), "16KB"); assert_eq!(human_size((16 * 1024 * 1024) as f64), "16MB"); assert_eq!(human_size(16_f64 * 1024_f64.powf(3.0)), "16GB"); assert_eq!(human_size(16_f64 * 1024_f64.powf(4.0)), "16TB"); assert_eq!(human_size(16_f64 * 1024_f64.powf(5.0)), "16PB"); assert_eq!(human_size(16_f64 * 1024_f64.powf(6.0)), "16EB"); assert_eq!(human_size(16_f64 * 1024_f64.powf(7.0)), "16ZB"); assert_eq!(human_size(16_f64 * 1024_f64.powf(8.0)), "16YB"); } #[test] fn get_new_prefix_adds_spaces_if_is_last() { let prefix = get_new_prefix("", true); assert_eq!(prefix, " ".to_string()); } #[test] fn get_new_prefix_adds_a_vertial_bar_if_not_is_last() { let prefix = get_new_prefix("", false); assert_eq!(prefix, "│ ".to_string()); } fn create_mock_file( name: &str, imports: Vec, redirect: Option, ) -> (ModuleGraphFile, ModuleSpecifier) { let spec = ModuleSpecifier::from( url::Url::parse(&format!("http://{}", name)).unwrap(), ); let file = ModuleGraphFile { filename: "name".to_string(), imports: imports .iter() .map(|import| ImportDescriptor { specifier: import.to_string(), resolved_specifier: import.clone(), resolved_type_directive: None, type_directive: None, location: Location { col: 0, filename: "".to_string(), line: 0, }, }) .collect(), lib_directives: vec![], media_type: MediaType::TypeScript, redirect:|x| x.to_string()), referenced_files: vec![], source_code: "".to_string(), specifier: spec.to_string(), type_headers: vec![], types_directives: vec![], version_hash: "".to_string(), url: "".to_string(), }; (file, spec) } #[test] fn get_resolved_file_test() { let (test_file_redirect, redirect) = create_mock_file("test_redirect", vec![], None); let (test_file, original) = create_mock_file("test", vec![], Some(redirect.clone())); let mut graph = ModuleGraph::new(); graph.insert(original.to_string(), test_file); graph.insert(redirect.to_string(), test_file_redirect); let file = get_resolved_file(&graph, &original); assert_eq!(file.specifier, redirect.to_string()); } #[test] fn dependency_count_no_redirects() { let (a, aspec) = create_mock_file("a", vec![], None); let (b, bspec) = create_mock_file("b", vec![aspec.clone()], None); let (c, cspec) = create_mock_file("c", vec![bspec.clone()], None); let mut graph = ModuleGraph::new(); graph.insert(aspec.to_string(), a); graph.insert(bspec.to_string(), b); graph.insert(cspec.to_string(), c); let count = get_unique_dep_count(&graph); assert_eq!(graph.len(), count); } #[test] fn dependency_count_with_redirects() { let (a, aspec) = create_mock_file("a", vec![], None); let (b, bspec) = create_mock_file("b", vec![], Some(aspec.clone())); let (c, cspec) = create_mock_file("c", vec![bspec.clone()], None); let mut graph = ModuleGraph::new(); graph.insert(aspec.to_string(), a); graph.insert(bspec.to_string(), b); graph.insert(cspec.to_string(), c); let count = get_unique_dep_count(&graph); assert_eq!(graph.len() - 1, count); } }