提交 b3c4307d 编写于 作者: B Bartek Iwańczuk 提交者: Ryan Dahl

Refactor module resolving (#2493)

Adds ModuleSpecifier, which wraps a URL. This is now passed around instead of
specifier and resolver strings.
上级 2a5138a5
......@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_compile_sync() {
tokio_util::init(|| {
let specifier = "./tests/002_hello.ts";
use crate::worker;
let module_name = worker::root_specifier_to_url(specifier)
use crate::module_specifier::ModuleSpecifier;
let module_name = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_root(specifier)
......@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ mod tests {
fn test_bundle_async() {
let specifier = "./tests/002_hello.ts";
use crate::worker;
let module_name = worker::root_specifier_to_url(specifier)
use crate::module_specifier::ModuleSpecifier;
let module_name = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_root(specifier)
......@@ -502,8 +502,8 @@ pub enum DenoSubcommand {
fn get_default_bundle_filename(source_file: &str) -> String {
use crate::worker::root_specifier_to_url;
let url = root_specifier_to_url(source_file).unwrap();
use crate::module_specifier::ModuleSpecifier;
let url = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_root(source_file).unwrap().to_url();
let path_segments = url.path_segments().unwrap();
let last = path_segments.last().unwrap();
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ mod http_body;
mod http_util;
mod import_map;
pub mod js_errors;
mod module_specifier;
pub mod msg;
pub mod msg_util;
pub mod ops;
......@@ -45,9 +46,9 @@ pub mod worker;
use crate::compiler::bundle_async;
use crate::errors::RustOrJsError;
use crate::module_specifier::ModuleSpecifier;
use crate::progress::Progress;
use crate::state::ThreadSafeState;
use crate::worker::root_specifier_to_url;
use crate::worker::Worker;
use deno::v8_set_flags;
use flags::DenoFlags;
......@@ -98,10 +99,12 @@ where
pub fn print_file_info(
worker: Worker,
url: &str,
module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
) -> impl Future<Item = Worker, Error = ()> {
state::fetch_module_meta_data_and_maybe_compile_async(&worker.state, url, ".")
.and_then(move |out| {
).and_then(move |out| {
println!("{} {}", ansi::bold("local:".to_string()), &(out.filename));
......@@ -193,10 +196,8 @@ fn fetch_or_info_command(
debug!("main_module {}", main_module);
let main_url = root_specifier_to_url(&main_module).unwrap();
.execute_mod_async(&main_url, true)
.execute_mod_async(&main_module, true)
.and_then(move |()| {
if print_info {
......@@ -269,11 +270,10 @@ fn bundle_command(flags: DenoFlags, argv: Vec<String>) {
let (mut _worker, state) = create_worker_and_state(flags, argv);
let main_module = state.main_module().unwrap();
let main_url = root_specifier_to_url(&main_module).unwrap();
assert!(state.argv.len() >= 3);
let out_file = state.argv[2].clone();
debug!(">>>>> bundle_async START");
let bundle_future = bundle_async(state, main_url.to_string(), out_file)
let bundle_future = bundle_async(state, main_module.to_string(), out_file)
.map_err(|e| {
debug!("diagnostics returned, exiting!");
eprintln!("\n{}", e.to_string());
......@@ -313,10 +313,8 @@ fn run_script(flags: DenoFlags, argv: Vec<String>) {
debug!("main_module {}", main_module);
let main_url = root_specifier_to_url(&main_module).unwrap();
.execute_mod_async(&main_url, false)
.execute_mod_async(&main_module, false)
.and_then(move |()| {
worker.then(|result| {
use std::fmt;
use url::Url;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
/// Resolved module specifier
pub struct ModuleSpecifier(Url);
impl ModuleSpecifier {
pub fn to_url(&self) -> Url {
/// Resolves module using this algorithm:
/// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#resolve-a-module-specifier
pub fn resolve(
specifier: &str,
base: &str,
) -> Result<ModuleSpecifier, url::ParseError> {
// 1. Apply the URL parser to specifier. If the result is not failure, return
// the result.
// let specifier = parse_local_or_remote(specifier)?.to_string();
if let Ok(url) = Url::parse(specifier) {
return Ok(ModuleSpecifier(url));
// 2. If specifier does not start with the character U+002F SOLIDUS (/), the
// two-character sequence U+002E FULL STOP, U+002F SOLIDUS (./), or the
// three-character sequence U+002E FULL STOP, U+002E FULL STOP, U+002F
// SOLIDUS (../), return failure.
if !specifier.starts_with('/')
&& !specifier.starts_with("./")
&& !specifier.starts_with("../")
// TODO This is (probably) not the correct error to return here.
// TODO: This error is very not-user-friendly
return Err(url::ParseError::RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase);
// 3. Return the result of applying the URL parser to specifier with base URL
// as the base URL.
let base_url = Url::parse(base)?;
let u = base_url.join(&specifier)?;
/// Takes a string representing a path or URL to a module, but of the type
/// passed through the command-line interface for the main module. This is
/// slightly different than specifiers used in import statements: "foo.js" for
/// example is allowed here, whereas in import statements a leading "./" is
/// required ("./foo.js"). This function is aware of the current working
/// directory and returns an absolute URL.
pub fn resolve_root(
root_specifier: &str,
) -> Result<ModuleSpecifier, url::ParseError> {
if let Ok(url) = Url::parse(root_specifier) {
} else {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
let base = Url::from_directory_path(cwd).unwrap();
let url = base.join(root_specifier)?;
impl From<Url> for ModuleSpecifier {
fn from(url: Url) -> Self {
impl fmt::Display for ModuleSpecifier {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
impl PartialEq<String> for ModuleSpecifier {
fn eq(&self, other: &String) -> bool {
&self.to_string() == other
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ use crate::fs as deno_fs;
use crate::http_util;
use crate::js_errors::apply_source_map;
use crate::js_errors::JSErrorColor;
use crate::module_specifier::ModuleSpecifier;
use crate::msg;
use crate::msg_util;
use crate::rand;
......@@ -24,12 +25,10 @@ use crate::state::ThreadSafeState;
use crate::tokio_util;
use crate::tokio_write;
use crate::version;
use crate::worker::root_specifier_to_url;
use crate::worker::Worker;
use deno::js_check;
use deno::Buf;
use deno::JSError;
//use deno::Loader;
use deno::Op;
use deno::PinnedBuf;
use flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder;
......@@ -341,7 +340,9 @@ fn op_start(
let deno_version = version::DENO;
let deno_version_off = builder.create_string(deno_version);
let main_module = state.main_module().map(|m| builder.create_string(&m));
let main_module = state
.map(|m| builder.create_string(&m.to_string()));
let xeval_delim = state
......@@ -507,7 +508,7 @@ fn op_fetch_module_meta_data(
Some(import_map) => {
match import_map.resolve(specifier, referrer) {
Ok(result) => match result {
Some(url) => url.clone(),
Some(module_specifier) => module_specifier.to_string(),
None => specifier.to_string(),
Err(err) => panic!("error resolving using import map: {:?}", err), // TODO: this should be coerced to DenoError
......@@ -2082,11 +2083,11 @@ fn op_create_worker(
let op = root_specifier_to_url(specifier)
.and_then(|specifier_url| {
let op = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_root(specifier)
.and_then(|module_specifier| {
.execute_mod_async(&specifier_url, false)
.execute_mod_async(&module_specifier, false)
.and_then(move |()| {
let mut workers_tl = parent_state.workers.lock().unwrap();
workers_tl.insert(rid, worker.shared());
......@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ use crate::errors::DenoResult;
use crate::flags;
use crate::global_timer::GlobalTimer;
use crate::import_map::ImportMap;
use crate::module_specifier::ModuleSpecifier;
use crate::msg;
use crate::ops;
use crate::permissions::DenoPermissions;
use crate::progress::Progress;
use crate::resources;
use crate::resources::ResourceId;
use crate::worker::resolve_module_spec;
use crate::worker::Worker;
use deno::Buf;
use deno::Loader;
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ pub struct ThreadSafeState(Arc<State>);
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(stutter))]
pub struct State {
pub modules: Arc<Mutex<deno::Modules>>,
pub main_module: Option<String>,
pub main_module: Option<ModuleSpecifier>,
pub dir: deno_dir::DenoDir,
pub argv: Vec<String>,
pub permissions: DenoPermissions,
......@@ -113,24 +113,21 @@ impl ThreadSafeState {
pub fn fetch_module_meta_data_and_maybe_compile_async(
state: &ThreadSafeState,
specifier: &str,
referrer: &str,
module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
) -> impl Future<Item = ModuleMetaData, Error = DenoError> {
let state_ = state.clone();
let specifier = specifier.to_string();
let referrer = referrer.to_string();
let is_root = referrer == ".";
let f =
futures::future::result(state.resolve(&specifier, &referrer, is_root));
f.and_then(move |module_id| {
let use_cache = !state_.flags.reload || state_.has_compiled(&module_id);
let use_cache =
!state_.flags.reload || state_.has_compiled(&module_specifier.to_string());
let no_fetch = state_.flags.no_fetch;
.fetch_module_meta_data_async(&specifier, &referrer, use_cache, no_fetch)
.and_then(move |out| {
).and_then(move |out| {
if out.media_type == msg::MediaType::TypeScript
&& !out.has_output_code_and_source_map()
......@@ -150,7 +147,6 @@ pub fn fetch_module_meta_data_and_maybe_compile_async(
impl Loader for ThreadSafeState {
......@@ -164,28 +160,25 @@ impl Loader for ThreadSafeState {
) -> Result<String, Self::Error> {
if !is_root {
if let Some(import_map) = &self.import_map {
match import_map.resolve(specifier, referrer) {
Ok(result) => {
let result = import_map.resolve(specifier, referrer)?;
if result.is_some() {
return Ok(result.unwrap());
Err(err) => {
// TODO(bartlomieju): this should be coerced to DenoError
panic!("error resolving using import map: {:?}", err);
return Ok(result.unwrap().to_string());
resolve_module_spec(specifier, referrer).map_err(DenoError::from)
let module_specifier =
ModuleSpecifier::resolve(specifier, referrer).map_err(DenoError::from)?;
/// Given an absolute url, load its source code.
fn load(&self, url: &str) -> Box<deno::SourceCodeInfoFuture<Self::Error>> {
self.metrics.resolve_count.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
let module_specifier = ModuleSpecifier::resolve_root(url)
.expect("should already been properly resolved");
fetch_module_meta_data_and_maybe_compile_async(self, url, ".")
fetch_module_meta_data_and_maybe_compile_async(self, &module_specifier)
.map_err(|err| {
eprintln!("{}", err);
......@@ -256,18 +249,15 @@ impl ThreadSafeState {
let dir =
deno_dir::DenoDir::new(custom_root, &config, progress.clone()).unwrap();
let main_module: Option<String> = if argv_rest.len() <= 1 {
let main_module: Option<ModuleSpecifier> = if argv_rest.len() <= 1 {
} else {
let specifier = argv_rest[1].clone();
let referrer = ".";
// TODO: does this really have to be resolved by DenoDir?
// Maybe we can call `resolve_module_spec`
match dir.resolve_module_url(&specifier, referrer) {
Ok(url) => Some(url.to_string()),
let root_specifier = argv_rest[1].clone();
match ModuleSpecifier::resolve_root(&root_specifier) {
Ok(specifier) => Some(specifier),
Err(e) => {
debug!("Potentially swallowed error {}", e);
// TODO: handle unresolvable specifier
panic!("Unable to resolve root specifier: {:?}", e);
......@@ -275,11 +265,11 @@ impl ThreadSafeState {
let mut import_map = None;
if let Some(file_name) = &flags.import_map_path {
let base_url = match &main_module {
Some(url) => url,
Some(module_specifier) => module_specifier.clone(),
None => unreachable!(),
match ImportMap::load(base_url, file_name) {
match ImportMap::load(&base_url.to_string(), file_name) {
Ok(map) => import_map = Some(map),
Err(err) => {
println!("{:?}", err);
......@@ -319,9 +309,9 @@ impl ThreadSafeState {
/// Read main module from argv
pub fn main_module(&self) -> Option<String> {
pub fn main_module(&self) -> Option<ModuleSpecifier> {
match &self.main_module {
Some(url) => Some(url.to_string()),
Some(module_specifier) => Some(module_specifier.clone()),
None => None,
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
use crate::errors::DenoError;
use crate::errors::RustOrJsError;
use crate::js_errors;
use crate::module_specifier::ModuleSpecifier;
use crate::state::ThreadSafeState;
use crate::tokio_util;
use deno;
......@@ -11,7 +12,6 @@ use futures::Async;
use futures::Future;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::Mutex;
use url::Url;
/// Wraps deno::Isolate to provide source maps, ops for the CLI, and
/// high-level module loading
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ impl Worker {
/// Executes the provided JavaScript module.
pub fn execute_mod_async(
&mut self,
js_url: &Url,
module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
is_prefetch: bool,
) -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = RustOrJsError> {
let worker = self.clone();
......@@ -65,8 +65,12 @@ impl Worker {
let loader = self.state.clone();
let isolate = self.isolate.clone();
let modules = self.state.modules.clone();
let recursive_load =
deno::RecursiveLoad::new(js_url.as_str(), loader, isolate, modules);
let recursive_load = deno::RecursiveLoad::new(
.and_then(move |id| -> Result<(), deno::JSErrorOr<DenoError>> {
......@@ -96,10 +100,10 @@ impl Worker {
/// Executes the provided JavaScript module.
pub fn execute_mod(
&mut self,
js_url: &Url,
module_specifier: &ModuleSpecifier,
is_prefetch: bool,
) -> Result<(), RustOrJsError> {
tokio_util::block_on(self.execute_mod_async(js_url, is_prefetch))
tokio_util::block_on(self.execute_mod_async(module_specifier, is_prefetch))
/// Applies source map to the error.
......@@ -108,58 +112,6 @@ impl Worker {
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/webappapis.html#resolve-a-module-specifier
// TODO(ry) Add tests.
// TODO(ry) Move this to core?
pub fn resolve_module_spec(
specifier: &str,
base: &str,
) -> Result<String, url::ParseError> {
// 1. Apply the URL parser to specifier. If the result is not failure, return
// the result.
// let specifier = parse_local_or_remote(specifier)?.to_string();
if let Ok(specifier_url) = Url::parse(specifier) {
return Ok(specifier_url.to_string());
// 2. If specifier does not start with the character U+002F SOLIDUS (/), the
// two-character sequence U+002E FULL STOP, U+002F SOLIDUS (./), or the
// three-character sequence U+002E FULL STOP, U+002E FULL STOP, U+002F
// SOLIDUS (../), return failure.
if !specifier.starts_with('/')
&& !specifier.starts_with("./")
&& !specifier.starts_with("../")
// TODO(ry) This is (probably) not the correct error to return here.
return Err(url::ParseError::RelativeUrlWithCannotBeABaseBase);
// 3. Return the result of applying the URL parser to specifier with base URL
// as the base URL.
let base_url = Url::parse(base)?;
let u = base_url.join(&specifier)?;
/// Takes a string representing a path or URL to a module, but of the type
/// passed through the command-line interface for the main module. This is
/// slightly different than specifiers used in import statements: "foo.js" for
/// example is allowed here, whereas in import statements a leading "./" is
/// required ("./foo.js"). This function is aware of the current working
/// directory and returns an absolute URL.
pub fn root_specifier_to_url(
root_specifier: &str,
) -> Result<Url, url::ParseError> {
let maybe_url = Url::parse(root_specifier);
if let Ok(url) = maybe_url {
} else {
let cwd = std::env::current_dir().unwrap();
let base = Url::from_directory_path(cwd).unwrap();
impl Future for Worker {
type Item = ();
type Error = JSError;
......@@ -186,12 +138,9 @@ mod tests {
fn execute_mod_esm_imports_a() {
let filename = std::env::current_dir()
let js_url = Url::from_file_path(filename).unwrap();
let argv = vec![String::from("./deno"), js_url.to_string()];
let module_specifier =
let argv = vec![String::from("./deno"), module_specifier.to_string()];
let state = ThreadSafeState::new(
......@@ -202,7 +151,7 @@ mod tests {
tokio_util::run(lazy(move || {
let mut worker =
Worker::new("TEST".to_string(), StartupData::None, state);
let result = worker.execute_mod(&js_url, false);
let result = worker.execute_mod(&module_specifier, false);
if let Err(err) = result {
eprintln!("execute_mod err {:?}", err);
......@@ -217,10 +166,9 @@ mod tests {
fn execute_mod_circular() {
let filename = std::env::current_dir().unwrap().join("tests/circular1.js");
let js_url = Url::from_file_path(filename).unwrap();
let argv = vec![String::from("./deno"), js_url.to_string()];
let module_specifier =
let argv = vec![String::from("./deno"), module_specifier.to_string()];
let state = ThreadSafeState::new(
......@@ -231,7 +179,7 @@ mod tests {
tokio_util::run(lazy(move || {
let mut worker =
Worker::new("TEST".to_string(), StartupData::None, state);
let result = worker.execute_mod(&js_url, false);
let result = worker.execute_mod(&module_specifier, false);
if let Err(err) = result {
eprintln!("execute_mod err {:?}", err);
......@@ -246,11 +194,9 @@ mod tests {
fn execute_006_url_imports() {
let filename = std::env::current_dir()
let js_url = Url::from_file_path(filename).unwrap();
let argv = vec![String::from("deno"), js_url.to_string()];
let module_specifier =
let argv = vec![String::from("deno"), module_specifier.to_string()];
let mut flags = flags::DenoFlags::default();
flags.reload = true;
let state =
......@@ -263,7 +209,7 @@ mod tests {
let result = worker.execute_mod(&js_url, false);
let result = worker.execute_mod(&module_specifier, false);
if let Err(err) = result {
eprintln!("execute_mod err {:?}", err);
......@@ -378,8 +324,9 @@ mod tests {
tokio_util::init(|| {
// "foo" is not a vailid module specifier so this should return an error.
let mut worker = create_test_worker();
let js_url = root_specifier_to_url("does-not-exist").unwrap();
let result = worker.execute_mod_async(&js_url, false).wait();
let module_specifier =
let result = worker.execute_mod_async(&module_specifier, false).wait();
......@@ -390,8 +337,9 @@ mod tests {
// This assumes cwd is project root (an assumption made throughout the
// tests).
let mut worker = create_test_worker();
let js_url = root_specifier_to_url("./tests/002_hello.ts").unwrap();
let result = worker.execute_mod_async(&js_url, false).wait();
let module_specifier =
let result = worker.execute_mod_async(&module_specifier, false).wait();
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