TDengine Datasource - build by Taosdata Inc. TDengine backend server implement 2 urls: * `/heartbeat` return 200 ok. Used for "Test connection" on the datasource config page. * `/query` return data based on input sqls. ## Installation To install this plugin: Copy the data source you want to /var/lib/grafana/plugins/. Then restart grafana-server. The new data source should now be available in the data source type dropdown in the Add Data Source View. ``` cp -r /connector/grafana/tdengine /var/lib/grafana/plugins/ sudo service grafana-server restart ``` ### Query API Example request ``` javascript [{ "refId": "A", "alias": "taosd-memory", "sql": "select avg(mem_taosd) from sys.dn where ts > now-5m and ts < now interval(500a)" }, { "refId": "B", "alias": "system-memory", "sql": "select avg(mem_system) from sys.dn where ts > now-5m and ts < now interval(500a)" }] ``` Example response ``` javascript [{ "datapoints": [ [206.488281, 1538137825000], [206.488281, 1538137855000], [206.488281, 1538137885500], [210.609375, 1538137915500], [210.867188, 1538137945500] ], "refId": "A", "target": "taosd-memory" }, { "datapoints": [ [2910.218750, 1538137825000], [2912.265625, 1538137855000], [2912.437500, 1538137885500], [2916.644531, 1538137915500], [2917.066406, 1538137945500] ], "refId": "B", "target": "system-memory" }] ``` ### Heartbeat API Example request ``` javascript get request ``` Example response ``` javascript { "message": "Grafana server receive a quest from you!" } ```