提交 01bb110b 编写于 作者: weixin_48148422's avatar weixin_48148422

fix & enhancement for udp connection handling

1. potential data race in `taosProcessMonitorTimer`:
the issue does not exist at present because there's only one scheduler
thread, which means there's no cocurrent calls to this function for a
same `pMonitor`. but if more scheduler threads are created later,
there's a data race issue in rare case. as threads number can be
easily increased by increase the value of `taosTmrThreads`, it is very
unlikely that the developer could realize this function need to be
revised together. that's why i say it is a 'potential' issue.

this issue happens in below scenario:
a. scheduler thread1: `if (pSet)` is true and new timer is installed by
b. scheduler thread1: `if (pMonitor->pSet == NULL)` is true but
`taosTmrStopA` is blocked, either by the mutex of the timer or os thread
c. timer thread: 200ms elapse, new call to `taosProcessMonitorTimer` is
initialized in scheduler thread2;
d. scheduler thread2: `if (pMonitor->pTimer != tmrId)` is false;
e. scheduler thread1: unblocked, stops timer and frees `pMonitor`;
f. scheduler thread2: unexpected behavior because `pMonitor` is not
valid any more.

because the result of this issue is crash or worse, i suggest to fix it
though the possibility of all the conditions are met is very very low.

2. `pthread_attr_t` related issues: per manual, an initialized
`pthread_attr_t` can be reused, should be destroyed, and the behavior of
re-init it is undefined. this issue exist in other modules also.

3. memory leaks;

4. improve failure case handling of `taosInitUdpConnection`;

5. typo
上级 22aa8b08
......@@ -137,9 +137,7 @@ void taosProcessMonitorTimer(void *param, void *tmrId) {
tTrace("%s monitor timer is expired, update the link status", pSet->label);
(*pSet->fp)(data, pMonitor->dataLen, pMonitor->ip, 0, pSet->shandle, NULL, NULL);
taosTmrReset(taosProcessMonitorTimer, 200, pMonitor, pSet->tmrCtrl, &pMonitor->pTimer);
if (pMonitor->pSet == NULL) {
} else {
......@@ -181,6 +179,7 @@ void *taosReadTcpData(void *argv) {
if (retLen != pInfo->msgLen) {
tError("%s failed to read data from server, msgLen:%d retLen:%d", pSet->label, pInfo->msgLen, retLen);
} else {
(*pSet->fp)(buffer, pInfo->msgLen, pMonitor->ip, (int16_t)pInfo->port, pSet->shandle, NULL, pMonitor->pConn);
......@@ -214,9 +213,11 @@ int taosReceivePacketViaTcp(uint32_t ip, STaosHeader *pHead, SUdpConn *pConn) {
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
code = pthread_create(&(thread), &thattr, taosReadTcpData, (void *)pMonitor);
if (code < 0) {
tTrace("%s faile to create thread to read tcp data, reason:%s", pSet->label, strerror(errno));
tTrace("%s failed to create thread to read tcp data, reason:%s", pSet->label, strerror(errno));
pMonitor->pSet = NULL;
return code;
......@@ -402,6 +403,9 @@ void *taosUdpTcpConnection(void *argv) {
tTrace("%s UDP server is created, ip:%s:%d", pSet->label, pSet->ip, pSet->port);
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
while (1) {
if (pSet->tcpFd < 0) break;
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(clientAddr);
......@@ -422,14 +426,14 @@ void *taosUdpTcpConnection(void *argv) {
pTransfer->port = clientAddr.sin_port;
pTransfer->pSet = pSet;
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
if (pthread_create(&(thread), &thattr, taosTransferDataViaTcp, (void *)pTransfer) < 0) {
tTrace("%s faile to create thread for UDP server, reason:%s", pSet->label, strerror(errno));
tTrace("%s failed to create thread for UDP server, reason:%s", pSet->label, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
......@@ -448,7 +452,6 @@ void *taosInitUdpConnection(char *ip, short port, char *label, int threads, void
memset(pSet, 0, (size_t)size);
strcpy(pSet->ip, ip);
pSet->port = port;
pSet->threads = threads;
pSet->shandle = shandle;
pSet->fp = fp;
pSet->tcpFd = -1;
......@@ -458,8 +461,16 @@ void *taosInitUdpConnection(char *ip, short port, char *label, int threads, void
char udplabel[12];
sprintf(udplabel, "%s.b", label);
pSet->tmrCtrl = taosTmrInit(RPC_MAX_UDP_CONNS * threads, 5, 5000, udplabel);
if (pSet->tmrCtrl == NULL) {
tError("%s failed to initialize tmrCtrl")
return NULL;
// }
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thAttr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
short ownPort;
for (int i = 0; i < threads; ++i) {
pConn = pSet->udpConn + i;
......@@ -467,6 +478,7 @@ void *taosInitUdpConnection(char *ip, short port, char *label, int threads, void
pConn->fd = taosOpenUdpSocket(ip, ownPort);
if (pConn->fd < 0) {
tError("%s failed to open UDP socket %s:%d", label, ip, port);
return NULL;
......@@ -477,11 +489,10 @@ void *taosInitUdpConnection(char *ip, short port, char *label, int threads, void
pConn->localPort = (int16_t)ntohs(sin.sin_port);
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&thAttr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
if (pthread_create(&pConn->thread, &thAttr, taosRecvUdpData, pConn) != 0) {
tError("%s failed to create thread to process UDP data, reason:%s", label, strerror(errno));
return NULL;
......@@ -496,6 +507,7 @@ void *taosInitUdpConnection(char *ip, short port, char *label, int threads, void
pthread_mutex_init(&pConn->mutex, NULL);
pConn->tmrCtrl = pSet->tmrCtrl;
......@@ -520,6 +532,7 @@ void *taosInitUdpServer(char *ip, short port, char *label, int threads, void *fp
// pthread_t thread;
// pSet->tcpThread = pthread_create(&(thread), &thattr, taosUdpTcpConnection, pSet);
pthread_create(&(pSet->tcpThread), &thattr, taosUdpTcpConnection, pSet);
return pSet;
......@@ -540,13 +553,16 @@ void taosCleanUpUdpConnection(void *handle) {
for (int i = 0; i < pSet->threads; ++i) {
pConn = pSet->udpConn + i;
pConn->signature = NULL;
if (pConn->hash) {
for (int i = 0; i < pSet->threads; ++i) {
pConn = pSet->udpConn + i;
pthread_join(pConn->thread, NULL);
tTrace("chandle:%p is closed", pConn);
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