import argparse import numpy as np import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid import model from model import wrap_encoder as encoder from model import wrap_decoder as decoder from model import fast_decode as fast_decoder from config import * from train import pad_batch_data import reader def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Training for Transformer.") parser.add_argument( "--src_vocab_fpath", type=str, required=True, help="The path of vocabulary file of source language.") parser.add_argument( "--trg_vocab_fpath", type=str, required=True, help="The path of vocabulary file of target language.") parser.add_argument( "--test_file_pattern", type=str, required=True, help="The pattern to match test data files.") parser.add_argument( "--batch_size", type=int, default=50, help="The number of examples in one run for sequence generation.") parser.add_argument( "--pool_size", type=int, default=10000, help="The buffer size to pool data.") parser.add_argument( "--special_token", type=str, default=["", "", ""], nargs=3, help="The , and tokens in the dictionary.") parser.add_argument( 'opts', help='See for all options', default=None, nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) args = parser.parse_args() # Append args related to dict src_dict = reader.DataReader.load_dict(args.src_vocab_fpath) trg_dict = reader.DataReader.load_dict(args.trg_vocab_fpath) dict_args = [ "src_vocab_size", str(len(src_dict)), "trg_vocab_size", str(len(trg_dict)), "bos_idx", str(src_dict[args.special_token[0]]), "eos_idx", str(src_dict[args.special_token[1]]), "unk_idx", str(src_dict[args.special_token[2]]) ] merge_cfg_from_list(args.opts + dict_args, [InferTaskConfig, ModelHyperParams]) return args def translate_batch(exe, src_words, encoder, enc_in_names, enc_out_names, decoder, dec_in_names, dec_out_names, beam_size, max_length, n_best, batch_size, n_head, d_model, src_pad_idx, trg_pad_idx, bos_idx, eos_idx, unk_idx, output_unk=True): """ Run the encoder program once and run the decoder program multiple times to implement beam search externally. This is deprecated since a faster beam search decoder based solely on Fluid operators has been added. """ # Prepare data for encoder and run the encoder. enc_in_data = pad_batch_data( src_words, src_pad_idx, n_head, is_target=False, is_label=False, return_attn_bias=True, return_max_len=False) # Append the data shape input to reshape the output of embedding layer. enc_in_data = enc_in_data + [ np.array( [-1, enc_in_data[2].shape[-1], d_model], dtype="int32") ] # Append the shape inputs to reshape before and after softmax in encoder # self attention. enc_in_data = enc_in_data + [ np.array( [-1, enc_in_data[2].shape[-1]], dtype="int32"), np.array( enc_in_data[2].shape, dtype="int32") ] enc_output =, feed=dict(zip(enc_in_names, enc_in_data)), fetch_list=enc_out_names)[0] # Beam Search. # To store the beam info. scores = np.zeros((batch_size, beam_size), dtype="float32") prev_branchs = [[] for i in range(batch_size)] next_ids = [[] for i in range(batch_size)] # Use beam_inst_map to map beam idx to the instance idx in batch, since the # size of feeded batch is changing. beam_inst_map = { beam_idx: inst_idx for inst_idx, beam_idx in enumerate(range(batch_size)) } # Use active_beams to recode the alive. active_beams = range(batch_size) def beam_backtrace(prev_branchs, next_ids, n_best=beam_size): """ Decode and select n_best sequences for one instance by backtrace. """ seqs = [] for i in range(n_best): k = i seq = [] for j in range(len(prev_branchs) - 1, -1, -1): seq.append(next_ids[j][k]) k = prev_branchs[j][k] seq = seq[::-1] # Add the , since next_ids don't include the . seq = [bos_idx] + seq seqs.append(seq) return seqs def init_dec_in_data(batch_size, beam_size, enc_in_data, enc_output): """ Initialize the input data for decoder. """ trg_words = np.array( [[bos_idx]] * batch_size * beam_size, dtype="int64") trg_pos = np.array([[1]] * batch_size * beam_size, dtype="int64") src_max_length, src_slf_attn_bias, trg_max_len = enc_in_data[2].shape[ -1], enc_in_data[2], 1 # This is used to remove attention on subsequent words. trg_slf_attn_bias = np.ones((batch_size * beam_size, trg_max_len, trg_max_len)) trg_slf_attn_bias = np.triu(trg_slf_attn_bias, 1).reshape( [-1, 1, trg_max_len, trg_max_len]) trg_slf_attn_bias = (np.tile(trg_slf_attn_bias, [1, n_head, 1, 1]) * [-1e9]).astype("float32") # This is used to remove attention on the paddings of source sequences. trg_src_attn_bias = np.tile( src_slf_attn_bias[:, :, ::src_max_length, :][:, np.newaxis], [1, beam_size, 1, trg_max_len, 1]).reshape([ -1, src_slf_attn_bias.shape[1], trg_max_len, src_slf_attn_bias.shape[-1] ]) # Append the shape input to reshape the output of embedding layer. trg_data_shape = np.array( [batch_size * beam_size, trg_max_len, d_model], dtype="int32") # Append the shape inputs to reshape before and after softmax in # decoder self attention. trg_slf_attn_pre_softmax_shape = np.array( [-1, trg_slf_attn_bias.shape[-1]], dtype="int32") trg_slf_attn_post_softmax_shape = np.array( trg_slf_attn_bias.shape, dtype="int32") # Append the shape inputs to reshape before and after softmax in # encoder-decoder attention. trg_src_attn_pre_softmax_shape = np.array( [-1, trg_src_attn_bias.shape[-1]], dtype="int32") trg_src_attn_post_softmax_shape = np.array( trg_src_attn_bias.shape, dtype="int32") enc_output = np.tile( enc_output[:, np.newaxis], [1, beam_size, 1, 1]).reshape( [-1, enc_output.shape[-2], enc_output.shape[-1]]) return trg_words, trg_pos, trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias, \ trg_data_shape, trg_slf_attn_pre_softmax_shape, \ trg_slf_attn_post_softmax_shape, trg_src_attn_pre_softmax_shape, \ trg_src_attn_post_softmax_shape, enc_output def update_dec_in_data(dec_in_data, next_ids, active_beams, beam_inst_map): """ Update the input data of decoder mainly by slicing from the previous input data and dropping the finished instance beams. """ trg_words, trg_pos, trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias, \ trg_data_shape, trg_slf_attn_pre_softmax_shape, \ trg_slf_attn_post_softmax_shape, trg_src_attn_pre_softmax_shape, \ trg_src_attn_post_softmax_shape, enc_output = dec_in_data trg_cur_len = trg_slf_attn_bias.shape[-1] + 1 trg_words = np.array( [ beam_backtrace(prev_branchs[beam_idx], next_ids[beam_idx]) for beam_idx in active_beams ], dtype="int64") trg_words = trg_words.reshape([-1, 1]) trg_pos = np.array( [range(1, trg_cur_len + 1)] * len(active_beams) * beam_size, dtype="int64").reshape([-1, 1]) active_beams = [beam_inst_map[beam_idx] for beam_idx in active_beams] active_beams_indice = ( (np.array(active_beams) * beam_size)[:, np.newaxis] + np.array(range(beam_size))[np.newaxis, :]).flatten() # This is used to remove attention on subsequent words. trg_slf_attn_bias = np.ones((len(active_beams) * beam_size, trg_cur_len, trg_cur_len)) trg_slf_attn_bias = np.triu(trg_slf_attn_bias, 1).reshape( [-1, 1, trg_cur_len, trg_cur_len]) trg_slf_attn_bias = (np.tile(trg_slf_attn_bias, [1, n_head, 1, 1]) * [-1e9]).astype("float32") # This is used to remove attention on the paddings of source sequences. trg_src_attn_bias = np.tile(trg_src_attn_bias[ active_beams_indice, :, ::trg_src_attn_bias.shape[2], :], [1, 1, trg_cur_len, 1]) # Append the shape input to reshape the output of embedding layer. trg_data_shape = np.array( [len(active_beams) * beam_size, trg_cur_len, d_model], dtype="int32") # Append the shape inputs to reshape before and after softmax in # decoder self attention. trg_slf_attn_pre_softmax_shape = np.array( [-1, trg_slf_attn_bias.shape[-1]], dtype="int32") trg_slf_attn_post_softmax_shape = np.array( trg_slf_attn_bias.shape, dtype="int32") # Append the shape inputs to reshape before and after softmax in # encoder-decoder attention. trg_src_attn_pre_softmax_shape = np.array( [-1, trg_src_attn_bias.shape[-1]], dtype="int32") trg_src_attn_post_softmax_shape = np.array( trg_src_attn_bias.shape, dtype="int32") enc_output = enc_output[active_beams_indice, :, :] return trg_words, trg_pos, trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias, \ trg_data_shape, trg_slf_attn_pre_softmax_shape, \ trg_slf_attn_post_softmax_shape, trg_src_attn_pre_softmax_shape, \ trg_src_attn_post_softmax_shape, enc_output dec_in_data = init_dec_in_data(batch_size, beam_size, enc_in_data, enc_output) for i in range(max_length): predict_all =, feed=dict(zip(dec_in_names, dec_in_data)), fetch_list=dec_out_names)[0] predict_all = np.log( predict_all.reshape([len(beam_inst_map) * beam_size, i + 1, -1]) [:, -1, :]) predict_all = (predict_all + scores[active_beams].reshape( [len(beam_inst_map) * beam_size, -1])).reshape( [len(beam_inst_map), beam_size, -1]) if not output_unk: # To exclude the token. predict_all[:, :, unk_idx] = -1e9 active_beams = [] for beam_idx in range(batch_size): if not beam_inst_map.has_key(beam_idx): continue inst_idx = beam_inst_map[beam_idx] predict = (predict_all[inst_idx, :, :] if i != 0 else predict_all[inst_idx, 0, :]).flatten() top_k_indice = np.argpartition(predict, -beam_size)[-beam_size:] top_scores_ids = top_k_indice[np.argsort(predict[top_k_indice])[:: -1]] top_scores = predict[top_scores_ids] scores[beam_idx] = top_scores prev_branchs[beam_idx].append(top_scores_ids / predict_all.shape[-1]) next_ids[beam_idx].append(top_scores_ids % predict_all.shape[-1]) if next_ids[beam_idx][-1][0] != eos_idx: active_beams.append(beam_idx) if len(active_beams) == 0: break dec_in_data = update_dec_in_data(dec_in_data, next_ids, active_beams, beam_inst_map) beam_inst_map = { beam_idx: inst_idx for inst_idx, beam_idx in enumerate(active_beams) } # Decode beams and select n_best sequences for each instance by backtrace. seqs = [ beam_backtrace(prev_branchs[beam_idx], next_ids[beam_idx], n_best) for beam_idx in range(batch_size) ] return seqs, scores[:, :n_best].tolist() def post_process_seq(seq, bos_idx=ModelHyperParams.bos_idx, eos_idx=ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, output_bos=InferTaskConfig.output_bos, output_eos=InferTaskConfig.output_eos): """ Post-process the beam-search decoded sequence. Truncate from the first and remove the and tokens currently. """ eos_pos = len(seq) - 1 for i, idx in enumerate(seq): if idx == eos_idx: eos_pos = i break seq = seq[:eos_pos + 1] return filter( lambda idx: (output_bos or idx != bos_idx) and \ (output_eos or idx != eos_idx), seq) def py_infer(test_data, trg_idx2word): """ Inference by beam search implented by python, while the calculations from symbols to probilities execute by Fluid operators. """ place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if InferTaskConfig.use_gpu else fluid.CPUPlace() exe = fluid.Executor(place) encoder_program = fluid.Program() with fluid.program_guard(main_program=encoder_program): enc_output = encoder( ModelHyperParams.src_vocab_size, ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1, ModelHyperParams.n_layer, ModelHyperParams.n_head, ModelHyperParams.d_key, ModelHyperParams.d_value, ModelHyperParams.d_model, ModelHyperParams.d_inner_hid, ModelHyperParams.dropout, ModelHyperParams.weight_sharing) decoder_program = fluid.Program() with fluid.program_guard(main_program=decoder_program): predict = decoder( ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size, ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1, ModelHyperParams.n_layer, ModelHyperParams.n_head, ModelHyperParams.d_key, ModelHyperParams.d_value, ModelHyperParams.d_model, ModelHyperParams.d_inner_hid, ModelHyperParams.dropout, ModelHyperParams.weight_sharing) # Load model parameters of encoder and decoder separately from the saved # transformer model. encoder_var_names = [] for op in encoder_program.block(0).ops: encoder_var_names += op.input_arg_names encoder_param_names = filter( lambda var_name: isinstance(encoder_program.block(0).var(var_name), fluid.framework.Parameter), encoder_var_names) encoder_params = map(encoder_program.block(0).var, encoder_param_names) decoder_var_names = [] for op in decoder_program.block(0).ops: decoder_var_names += op.input_arg_names decoder_param_names = filter( lambda var_name: isinstance(decoder_program.block(0).var(var_name), fluid.framework.Parameter), decoder_var_names) decoder_params = map(decoder_program.block(0).var, decoder_param_names), InferTaskConfig.model_path, vars=encoder_params), InferTaskConfig.model_path, vars=decoder_params) # This is used here to set dropout to the test mode. encoder_program = encoder_program.inference_optimize() decoder_program = decoder_program.inference_optimize() for batch_id, data in enumerate(test_data.batch_generator()): batch_seqs, batch_scores = translate_batch( exe, [item[0] for item in data], encoder_program, encoder_data_input_fields + encoder_util_input_fields, [], decoder_program, decoder_data_input_fields[:-1] + decoder_util_input_fields + (decoder_data_input_fields[-1], ), [], InferTaskConfig.beam_size, InferTaskConfig.max_out_len, InferTaskConfig.n_best, len(data), ModelHyperParams.n_head, ModelHyperParams.d_model, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, # Use eos_idx to pad. ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, # Use eos_idx to pad. ModelHyperParams.bos_idx, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, ModelHyperParams.unk_idx, output_unk=InferTaskConfig.output_unk) for i in range(len(batch_seqs)): # Post-process the beam-search decoded sequences. seqs = map(post_process_seq, batch_seqs[i]) scores = batch_scores[i] for seq in seqs: print(" ".join([trg_idx2word[idx] for idx in seq])) def prepare_batch_input(insts, data_input_names, util_input_names, src_pad_idx, bos_idx, n_head, d_model, place): """ Put all padded data needed by beam search decoder into a dict. """ src_word, src_pos, src_slf_attn_bias, src_max_len = pad_batch_data( [inst[0] for inst in insts], src_pad_idx, n_head, is_target=False) # start tokens trg_word = np.asarray([[bos_idx]] * len(insts), dtype="int64") trg_src_attn_bias = np.tile(src_slf_attn_bias[:, :, ::src_max_len, :], [1, 1, 1, 1]).astype("float32") # These shape tensors are used in reshape_op. src_data_shape = np.array([-1, src_max_len, d_model], dtype="int32") trg_data_shape = np.array([-1, 1, d_model], dtype="int32") src_slf_attn_pre_softmax_shape = np.array( [-1, src_slf_attn_bias.shape[-1]], dtype="int32") src_slf_attn_post_softmax_shape = np.array( [-1] + list(src_slf_attn_bias.shape[1:]), dtype="int32") trg_slf_attn_pre_softmax_shape = np.array( [-1, 1], dtype="int32") # only the first time step trg_slf_attn_post_softmax_shape = np.array( [-1, n_head, 1, 1], dtype="int32") # only the first time step trg_src_attn_pre_softmax_shape = np.array( [-1, trg_src_attn_bias.shape[-1]], dtype="int32") trg_src_attn_post_softmax_shape = np.array( [-1] + list(trg_src_attn_bias.shape[1:]), dtype="int32") # These inputs are used to change the shapes in the loop of while op. attn_pre_softmax_shape_delta = np.array([0, 1], dtype="int32") attn_post_softmax_shape_delta = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1], dtype="int32") def to_lodtensor(data, place, lod=None): data_tensor = fluid.LoDTensor() data_tensor.set(data, place) if lod is not None: data_tensor.set_lod(lod) return data_tensor # beamsearch_op must use tensors with lod init_score = to_lodtensor( np.zeros_like( trg_word, dtype="float32"), place, [range(trg_word.shape[0] + 1)] * 2) trg_word = to_lodtensor(trg_word, place, [range(trg_word.shape[0] + 1)] * 2) data_input_dict = dict( zip(data_input_names, [ src_word, src_pos, src_slf_attn_bias, trg_word, init_score, trg_src_attn_bias ])) util_input_dict = dict( zip(util_input_names, [ src_data_shape, src_slf_attn_pre_softmax_shape, src_slf_attn_post_softmax_shape, trg_data_shape, trg_slf_attn_pre_softmax_shape, trg_slf_attn_post_softmax_shape, trg_src_attn_pre_softmax_shape, trg_src_attn_post_softmax_shape, attn_pre_softmax_shape_delta, attn_post_softmax_shape_delta ])) input_dict = dict(data_input_dict.items() + util_input_dict.items()) return input_dict def fast_infer(test_data, trg_idx2word): """ Inference by beam search decoder based solely on Fluid operators. """ place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if InferTaskConfig.use_gpu else fluid.CPUPlace() exe = fluid.Executor(place) out_ids, out_scores = fast_decoder( ModelHyperParams.src_vocab_size, ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size, ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1, ModelHyperParams.n_layer, ModelHyperParams.n_head, ModelHyperParams.d_key, ModelHyperParams.d_value, ModelHyperParams.d_model, ModelHyperParams.d_inner_hid, ModelHyperParams.dropout, ModelHyperParams.weight_sharing, InferTaskConfig.beam_size, InferTaskConfig.max_out_len, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx) exe, InferTaskConfig.model_path, vars=filter(lambda var: isinstance(var, fluid.framework.Parameter), fluid.default_main_program().list_vars())) # This is used here to set dropout to the test mode. infer_program = fluid.default_main_program().inference_optimize() for batch_id, data in enumerate(test_data.batch_generator()): data_input = prepare_batch_input( data, encoder_data_input_fields + fast_decoder_data_input_fields, encoder_util_input_fields + fast_decoder_util_input_fields, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, ModelHyperParams.bos_idx, ModelHyperParams.n_head, ModelHyperParams.d_model, place) seq_ids, seq_scores =, feed=data_input, fetch_list=[out_ids, out_scores], return_numpy=False) # How to parse the results: # Suppose the lod of seq_ids is: # [[0, 3, 6], [0, 12, 24, 40, 54, 67, 82]] # then from lod[0]: # there are 2 source sentences, beam width is 3. # from lod[1]: # the first source sentence has 3 hyps; the lengths are 12, 12, 16 # the second source sentence has 3 hyps; the lengths are 14, 13, 15 hyps = [[] for i in range(len(data))] scores = [[] for i in range(len(data))] for i in range(len(seq_ids.lod()[0]) - 1): # for each source sentence start = seq_ids.lod()[0][i] end = seq_ids.lod()[0][i + 1] for j in range(end - start): # for each candidate sub_start = seq_ids.lod()[1][start + j] sub_end = seq_ids.lod()[1][start + j + 1] hyps[i].append(" ".join([ trg_idx2word[idx] for idx in post_process_seq( np.array(seq_ids)[sub_start:sub_end]) ])) scores[i].append(np.array(seq_scores)[sub_end - 1]) print hyps[i][-1] if len(hyps[i]) >= InferTaskConfig.n_best: break def infer(args, inferencer=fast_infer): place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if InferTaskConfig.use_gpu else fluid.CPUPlace() exe = fluid.Executor(place) test_data = reader.DataReader( src_vocab_fpath=args.src_vocab_fpath, trg_vocab_fpath=args.trg_vocab_fpath, fpattern=args.test_file_pattern, batch_size=args.batch_size, use_token_batch=False, pool_size=args.pool_size, sort_type=reader.SortType.NONE, shuffle=False, shuffle_batch=False, start_mark=args.special_token[0], end_mark=args.special_token[1], unk_mark=args.special_token[2], # count start and end tokens out max_length=ModelHyperParams.max_length - 2, clip_last_batch=False) trg_idx2word = test_data.load_dict( dict_path=args.trg_vocab_fpath, reverse=True) inferencer(test_data, trg_idx2word) if __name__ == "__main__": args = parse_args() infer(args)