#coding=utf-8 """ Convert the raw json data into training and validation examples. """ from collections import Counter import json import os import io import string import click import numpy as np import ciseau from vocab import Vocab from evaluate import normalize_answer # Constants UNK = "" SOS = "" EOS = "" PAD = "" splits = ["train", "dev"] ARTICLES = {"a", "an", "the", "of"} # Keep the random embedding matrix the same between runs. np.random.seed(1234) def data_stream(path): """ Given a path json data in Pranav format, convert it to a stream question/context/answers tuple.""" with io.open(path, "r") as handle: raw_data = json.load(handle)["data"] for ex in raw_data: for paragraph in ex["paragraphs"]: context = paragraph["context"] for qa in paragraph["qas"]: question = qa["question"] answers = qa["answers"] if "id" not in qa: qa_id = -1 else: qa_id = qa["id"] yield question, context, answers, qa_id def build_vocabulary(datadir, outdir, glove_path): """Construct the vocabulary object used throughout.""" # We're not going to backprop through the word vectors # both train and dev words end up in the vocab. counter = Counter() for split in splits: datapath = os.path.join(datadir, split + ".json") for question, context, _, _ in data_stream(datapath): for word in ciseau.tokenize(question, normalize_ascii=False): counter[normalize(word)] += 1 for word in ciseau.tokenize(context, normalize_ascii=False): counter[normalize(word)] += 1 common_words = [UNK, SOS, EOS, PAD] + [w for w, _ in counter.most_common()] vocab_path = os.path.join(outdir, "vocab.txt") with io.open(vocab_path, "w", encoding="utf8") as handle: handle.write("\n".join(common_words)) return Vocab(outdir) def normalize_answer_tokens(tokens): start = 0 end = len(tokens) while end - start > 1: first_token = tokens[start].rstrip().lower() if first_token in string.punctuation or first_token in ARTICLES: start += 1 else: break while end - start > 1: last_token = tokens[end - 1].rstrip().lower() if last_token in string.punctuation: end -= 1 else: break return start, end def tokenize_example(question, context, answers, strip_labels=True): # Q: How should we choose the right answer answer = answers[0]["text"] answer_start = answers[0]["answer_start"] if strip_labels: answer_tokens = ciseau.tokenize(answer, normalize_ascii=False) start_offset, end_offset = normalize_answer_tokens(answer_tokens) answer = "".join(answer_tokens[start_offset:end_offset]) # add back the piece that was stripped off: answer_start = answer_start + len("".join(answer_tokens[:start_offset])) # replace answer string with placeholder placeholder = "XXXX" new_context = context[:answer_start] + placeholder + context[answer_start + len(answer):] token_context = ciseau.sent_tokenize(new_context, keep_whitespace=True) token_question = ciseau.tokenize(question) sentence_label = None for sent_idx, sent in enumerate(token_context): answer_start = None for idx, word in enumerate(sent): if placeholder in word: answer_start = idx break if answer_start is None: continue sentence_label = sent_idx # deal with cases where the answer is in the middle # of the word answer = word.replace(placeholder, answer) token_answer = ciseau.tokenize(answer) answer_end = answer_start + len(token_answer) - 1 answer_sent = sent[:answer_start] + token_answer + sent[answer_start + 1:] break token_context[sentence_label] = answer_sent return token_question, token_context, sentence_label, answer_start, answer_end def normalize(word): return word.strip() def same_as_question_feature(question_idxs, context_idxs, vocab): question_words = [vocab.idx_to_word(idx) for idx in question_idxs] # remove stop word and puncutation question_words = set([ w.strip().lower() for w in question_words if w not in ARTICLES and w not in string.punctuation ]) features = [] for word_idx in context_idxs: word = vocab.idx_to_word(word_idx) features.append(int(word.strip().lower() in question_words)) return features def repeated_word_features(context_idxs, vocab): context_words = [vocab.idx_to_word(idx) for idx in context_idxs] word_counter = {} for word in context_words: canon = word.strip().lower() if canon in word_counter: word_counter[canon] += 1 else: word_counter[canon] = 1 max_occur = max(word_counter.values()) min_occur = min(word_counter.values()) occur_range = max(1.0, max_occur - min_occur) repeated_words = [] repeated_word_intensity = [] for word in context_words: canon = word.strip().lower() count = word_counter[canon] repeated = float(count > 1 and canon not in ARTICLES and canon not in string.punctuation) intensity = float((count - min_occur) / occur_range) repeated_words.append(repeated) repeated_word_intensity.append(intensity) return repeated_words, repeated_word_intensity def convert_example_to_indices(example, outfile, vocab): print("Processing {}".format(outfile)) question, context, answers, qa_id = example tokenized = tokenize_example(question, context, answers, strip_labels=True) token_question, token_context, ans_sent, ans_start, ans_end = tokenized # Convert to indices question_idxs = [vocab.word_to_idx(normalize(w)) for w in token_question] # + 1 for end of sentence sent_lengths = [len(sent) + 1 for sent in token_context] context_idxs = [] for sent in token_context: for w in sent: context_idxs.append(vocab.word_to_idx(normalize(w))) context_idxs.append(vocab.eos) same_as_question = same_as_question_feature(question_idxs, context_idxs, vocab) repeated_words, repeated_intensity = repeated_word_features(context_idxs, vocab) features = { "question": question_idxs, "context": context_idxs, "ans_sentence": ans_sent, "ans_start": ans_start, "ans_end": ans_end, "sent_lengths": sent_lengths, "same_as_question_word": same_as_question, "repeated_words": repeated_words, "repeated_intensity": repeated_intensity, "qa_id": qa_id } # Hack!: This is not a great way to save indices... with io.open(outfile, "w", encoding="utf8") as handle: handle.write(unicode(json.dumps(features, ensure_ascii=False))) def featurize_example(question, context, vocab): # Convert to indices question_idxs = [ vocab.word_to_idx(normalize(w)) for w in ciseau.tokenize(question, normalize_ascii=False) ] context_sents = ciseau.sent_tokenize( context, keep_whitespace=True, normalize_ascii=False) # + 1 for end of sentence sent_lengths = [len(sent) + 1 for sent in context_sents] context_idxs = [] for sent in context_sents: for w in sent: context_idxs.append(vocab.word_to_idx(normalize(w))) context_idxs.append(vocab.eos) same_as_question = same_as_question_feature(question_idxs, context_idxs, vocab) repeated_words, repeated_intensity = repeated_word_features(context_idxs, vocab) return (question_idxs, context_idxs, same_as_question, repeated_words, repeated_intensity, sent_lengths), context_sents def random_sample(data, k, replace=False): indices = np.arange(len(data)) chosen_indices = np.random.choice(indices, k, replace=replace) return [data[idx] for idx in chosen_indices] @click.command() @click.option("--datadir", type=str, help="Path to raw data") @click.option("--outdir", type=str, help="Path to save the result") @click.option("--glove-path", default="/mnt/data/jmiller/glove.840B.300d.txt") def preprocess(datadir, outdir, glove_path): if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) print("Constructing vocabularies...") vocab = build_vocabulary(datadir, outdir, glove_path) print("Finished...") print("Building word embedding matrix...") vocab.construct_embedding_matrix(glove_path) print("Finished...") # Create training featurizations for split in splits: results_path = os.path.join(outdir, split) os.makedirs(results_path) # process each example examples = list(data_stream(os.path.join(datadir, split + ".json"))) for idx, example in enumerate(examples): outfile = os.path.join(results_path, str(idx) + ".json") convert_example_to_indices(example, outfile, vocab) print("Building evaluation featurization...") eval_feats = [] for question, context, _, qa_id in data_stream( os.path.join(datadir, "dev.json")): features, tokenized_context = featurize_example(question, context, vocab) eval_feats.append((qa_id, tokenized_context, features)) with io.open( os.path.join(outdir, "eval.json"), "w", encoding="utf8") as handle: handle.write(unicode(json.dumps(eval_feats, ensure_ascii=False))) if __name__ == "__main__": preprocess()