# Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import division import os from nvidia.dali.pipeline import Pipeline import nvidia.dali.ops as ops import nvidia.dali.types as types from nvidia.dali.plugin.paddle import DALIGenericIterator import paddle from paddle import fluid class HybridTrainPipe(Pipeline): def __init__(self, file_root, file_list, batch_size, resize_shorter, crop, min_area, lower, upper, interp, mean, std, device_id, shard_id=0, num_shards=1, random_shuffle=True, num_threads=4, seed=42, pad_output=False, output_dtype=types.FLOAT): super(HybridTrainPipe, self).__init__( batch_size, num_threads, device_id, seed=seed) self.input = ops.FileReader( file_root=file_root, file_list=file_list, shard_id=shard_id, num_shards=num_shards, random_shuffle=random_shuffle) # set internal nvJPEG buffers size to handle full-sized ImageNet images # without additional reallocations device_memory_padding = 211025920 host_memory_padding = 140544512 self.decode = ops.ImageDecoderRandomCrop( device='mixed', output_type=types.RGB, device_memory_padding=device_memory_padding, host_memory_padding=host_memory_padding, random_aspect_ratio=[lower, upper], random_area=[min_area, 1.0], num_attempts=100) self.res = ops.Resize( device='gpu', resize_x=crop, resize_y=crop, interp_type=interp) self.cmnp = ops.CropMirrorNormalize( device="gpu", output_dtype=output_dtype, output_layout=types.NCHW, crop=(crop, crop), image_type=types.RGB, mean=mean, std=std, pad_output=pad_output) self.coin = ops.CoinFlip(probability=0.5) self.to_int64 = ops.Cast(dtype=types.INT64, device="gpu") def define_graph(self): rng = self.coin() jpegs, labels = self.input(name="Reader") images = self.decode(jpegs) images = self.res(images) output = self.cmnp(images.gpu(), mirror=rng) return [output, self.to_int64(labels.gpu())] def __len__(self): return self.epoch_size("Reader") class HybridValPipe(Pipeline): def __init__(self, file_root, file_list, batch_size, resize_shorter, crop, interp, mean, std, device_id, shard_id=0, num_shards=1, random_shuffle=False, num_threads=4, seed=42, pad_output=False, output_dtype=types.FLOAT): super(HybridValPipe, self).__init__( batch_size, num_threads, device_id, seed=seed) self.input = ops.FileReader( file_root=file_root, file_list=file_list, shard_id=shard_id, num_shards=num_shards, random_shuffle=random_shuffle) self.decode = ops.ImageDecoder(device="mixed", output_type=types.RGB) self.res = ops.Resize( device="gpu", resize_shorter=resize_shorter, interp_type=interp) self.cmnp = ops.CropMirrorNormalize( device="gpu", output_dtype=output_dtype, output_layout=types.NCHW, crop=(crop, crop), image_type=types.RGB, mean=mean, std=std, pad_output=pad_output) self.to_int64 = ops.Cast(dtype=types.INT64, device="gpu") def define_graph(self): jpegs, labels = self.input(name="Reader") images = self.decode(jpegs) images = self.res(images) output = self.cmnp(images) return [output, self.to_int64(labels.gpu())] def __len__(self): return self.epoch_size("Reader") def build(settings, mode='train'): env = os.environ assert settings.use_gpu, "gpu training is required for DALI" assert not settings.use_mixup, "mixup is not supported by DALI reader" assert not settings.use_aa, "auto augment is not supported by DALI reader" assert float(env.get('FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use', 0.92)) < 0.9, \ "Please leave enough GPU memory for DALI workspace, e.g., by setting" \ " `export FLAGS_fraction_of_gpu_memory_to_use=0.8`" file_root = settings.data_dir bs = settings.batch_size assert bs % paddle.fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count() == 0, \ "batch size must be multiple of number of devices" batch_size = bs // paddle.fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count() mean = [v * 255 for v in settings.image_mean] std = [v * 255 for v in settings.image_std] crop = settings.image_shape[1] resize_shorter = settings.resize_short_size min_area = settings.lower_scale lower = settings.lower_ratio upper = settings.upper_ratio output_dtype = types.FLOAT16 if settings.use_pure_fp16 else types.FLOAT interp = settings.interpolation or 1 # default to linear interp_map = { 0: types.INTERP_NN, # cv2.INTER_NEAREST 1: types.INTERP_LINEAR, # cv2.INTER_LINEAR 2: types.INTERP_CUBIC, # cv2.INTER_CUBIC 4: types.INTERP_LANCZOS3, # XXX use LANCZOS3 for cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4 } assert interp in interp_map, "interpolation method not supported by DALI" interp = interp_map[interp] pad_output = False if settings.image_shape[0] == 4: pad_output = True if mode != 'train': p = fluid.framework.cuda_places()[0] place = fluid.core.Place() place.set_place(p) device_id = place.gpu_device_id() file_list = os.path.join(file_root, 'val_list.txt') if not os.path.exists(file_list): file_list = None file_root = os.path.join(file_root, 'val') pipe = HybridValPipe( file_root, file_list, batch_size, resize_shorter, crop, interp, mean, std, device_id=device_id, pad_output=pad_output, output_dtype=output_dtype) pipe.build() return DALIGenericIterator( pipe, ['feed_image', 'feed_label'], size=len(pipe), dynamic_shape=True, fill_last_batch=True, last_batch_padded=True) file_list = os.path.join(file_root, 'train_list.txt') if not os.path.exists(file_list): file_list = None file_root = os.path.join(file_root, 'train') if 'PADDLE_TRAINER_ID' in env and 'PADDLE_TRAINERS_NUM' in env: shard_id = int(env['PADDLE_TRAINER_ID']) num_shards = int(env['PADDLE_TRAINERS_NUM']) device_id = int(env['FLAGS_selected_gpus']) pipe = HybridTrainPipe( file_root, file_list, batch_size, resize_shorter, crop, min_area, lower, upper, interp, mean, std, device_id, shard_id, num_shards, seed=42 + shard_id, pad_output=pad_output, output_dtype=output_dtype) pipe.build() pipelines = [pipe] sample_per_shard = len(pipe) // num_shards else: pipelines = [] places = fluid.framework.cuda_places() num_shards = len(places) for idx, p in enumerate(places): place = fluid.core.Place() place.set_place(p) device_id = place.gpu_device_id() pipe = HybridTrainPipe( file_root, file_list, batch_size, resize_shorter, crop, min_area, lower, upper, interp, mean, std, device_id, idx, num_shards, seed=42 + idx, pad_output=pad_output, output_dtype=output_dtype) pipe.build() pipelines.append(pipe) sample_per_shard = len(pipelines[0]) return DALIGenericIterator( pipelines, ['feed_image', 'feed_label'], size=sample_per_shard) def train(settings): return build(settings, 'train') def val(settings): return build(settings, 'val')