#coding=utf-8 """ evaluate wordseg for LAC and other open-source wordseg tools """ from __future__ import print_function from __future__ import division import sys import os def to_unicode(string): """ string compatibility for python2 & python3 """ if sys.version_info.major == 2 and isinstance(string, str): return string.decode("utf-8") else: return string def to_set(words): """ cut list to set of (string, off) """ off = 0 s= set() for w in words: if w: s.add((off, w)) off += len(w) return s def cal_fscore(standard, result, split_delim=" "): """ caculate fscore for wordseg Param: standard, list of str, ground-truth labels , e.g. ["a b c", "d ef g"] Param: result, list of str, predicted result, e.g. ["ab c", "d e fg"] """ assert len(standard) == len(result) std, rst, cor = 0, 0, 0 for s, r in zip(standard, result): s = to_set(s.rstrip().split(split_delim)) r = to_set(r.rstrip().split(split_delim)) std += len(s) rst += len(r) cor += len(s & r) p = 1.0 * cor / rst r = 1.0 * cor / std f = 2 * p * r / (p + r) print("std, rst, cor = %d, %d, %d" % (std, rst, cor)) print("precision = %.5f, recall = %.5f, f1 = %.5f" % (p, r, f)) #print("| | %.5f | %.5f | %.5f |" % (p, r, f)) print("") return p, r, f def load_testdata(datapath="./data/test_data/test_part"): """none""" sentences = [] sent_seg_list = [] for line in open(datapath): sent, label = line.strip().split("\t") sentences.append(sent) sent = to_unicode(sent) label = label.split(" ") assert len(sent) == len(label) # parse segment words = [] current_word = "" for w, l in zip(sent, label): if l.endswith("-B"): if current_word != "": words.append(current_word) current_word = w elif l.endswith("-I"): current_word += w elif l.endswith("-O"): if current_word != "": words.append(current_word) words.append(w) current_word = "" else: raise ValueError("wrong label: " + l) if current_word != "": words.append(current_word) sent_seg = " ".join(words) sent_seg_list.append(sent_seg) print("got %d lines" % (len(sent_seg_list))) return sent_seg_list, sentences def get_lac_result(): """ get LAC predicted result by: `sh run.sh | tail -n 100 > result.txt` """ sent_seg_list = [] for line in open("./result.txt"): line = line.strip().split(" ") words = [pair.split("/")[0] for pair in line] labels = [pair.split("/")[1] for pair in line] sent_seg = " ".join(words) sent_seg = to_unicode(sent_seg) sent_seg_list.append(sent_seg) return sent_seg_list def get_jieba_result(sentences): """ Ref to: https://github.com/fxsjy/jieba Install by `pip install jieba` """ import jieba preds = [] for sentence in sentences: sent_seg = " ".join(jieba.lcut(sentence)) sent_seg = to_unicode(sent_seg) preds.append(sent_seg) return preds def get_thulac_result(sentences): """ Ref to: http://thulac.thunlp.org/ Install by: `pip install thulac` """ import thulac preds = [] lac = thulac.thulac(seg_only=True) for sentence in sentences: sent_seg = lac.cut(sentence, text=True) sent_seg = to_unicode(sent_seg) preds.append(sent_seg) return preds def get_pkuseg_result(sentences): """ Ref to: https://github.com/lancopku/pkuseg-python Install by: `pip3 install pkuseg` You should noticed that pkuseg-python only support python3 """ import pkuseg seg = pkuseg.pkuseg() preds = [] for sentence in sentences: sent_seg = " ".join(seg.cut(sentence)) sent_seg = to_unicode(sent_seg) preds.append(sent_seg) return preds def get_hanlp_result(sentences): """ Ref to: https://github.com/hankcs/pyhanlp Install by: pip install pyhanlp (Before using pyhanlp, you need to download the model manully.) """ from pyhanlp import HanLP preds = [] for sentence in sentences: arraylist = HanLP.segment(sentence) sent_seg = " ".join([term.toString().split("/")[0] for term in arraylist]) sent_seg = to_unicode(sent_seg) preds.append(sent_seg) return preds def get_nlpir_result(sentences): """ Ref to: https://github.com/tsroten/pynlpir Install by `pip install pynlpir` Run `pynlpir update` to update License """ import pynlpir pynlpir.open() preds = [] for sentence in sentences: sent_seg = " ".join(pynlpir.segment(sentence, pos_tagging=False)) sent_seg = to_unicode(sent_seg) preds.append(sent_seg) return preds def get_ltp_result(sentences): """ Ref to: https://github.com/HIT-SCIR/pyltp 1. Install by `pip install pyltp` 2. Download models from http://ltp.ai/download.html """ from pyltp import Segmentor segmentor = Segmentor() model_path = "./ltp_data_v3.4.0/cws.model" if not os.path.exists(model_path): raise IOError("LTP Model do not exist! Download it first!") segmentor.load(model_path) preds = [] for sentence in sentences: sent_seg = " ".join(segmentor.segment(sentence)) sent_seg = to_unicode(sent_seg) preds.append(sent_seg) segmentor.release() return preds def print_array(array): """print some case""" for i in [1, 10, 20, 30, 40]: print("case " + str(i) + ": \t" + array[i]) def evaluate_all(): """none""" standard, sentences = load_testdata() print_array(standard) # evaluate lac preds = get_lac_result() print("lac result:") print_array(preds) cal_fscore(standard=standard, result=preds) # evaluate jieba preds = get_jieba_result(sentences) print("jieba result") print_array(preds) cal_fscore(standard=standard, result=preds) # evaluate thulac preds = get_thulac_result(sentences) print("thulac result") print_array(preds) cal_fscore(standard=standard, result=preds) # evaluate pkuseg, but pyuseg only support python3 if sys.version_info.major == 3: preds = get_pkuseg_result(sentences) print("pkuseg result") print_array(preds) cal_fscore(standard=standard, result=preds) # evaluate HanLP preds = get_hanlp_result(sentences) print("HanLP result") print_array(preds) cal_fscore(standard=standard, result=preds) # evaluate NLPIR preds = get_nlpir_result(sentences) print("NLPIR result") print_array(preds) cal_fscore(standard=standard, result=preds) # evaluate LTP preds = get_ltp_result(sentences) print("LTP result") print_array(preds) cal_fscore(standard=standard, result=preds) if __name__ == "__main__": import ipdb #ipdb.set_trace() evaluate_all()