# -*- coding: utf-8 -* import re import six import argparse prog = re.compile("[^a-z ]", flags=0) word_count = dict() def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Paddle Fluid word2 vector preprocess") parser.add_argument( '--data_path', type=str, required=True, help="The path of training dataset") parser.add_argument( '--dict_path', type=str, default='./dict', help="The path of generated dict") parser.add_argument( '--freq', type=int, default=5, help="If the word count is less then freq, it will be removed from dict") parser.add_argument( '--is_local', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help='Local train or not, (default: False)') parser.add_argument( '--with_other_dict', action='store_true', required=False, default=False, help='Using third party provided dict , (default: False)') parser.add_argument( '--other_dict_path', type=str, default='', help='The path for third party provided dict (default: ' ')') return parser.parse_args() def text_strip(text): return prog.sub("", text) # users can self-define their own strip rules by modifing this method def strip_lines(line, vocab=word_count): return _replace_oov(vocab, native_to_unicode(line)) # Shameless copy from Tensorflow https://github.com/tensorflow/tensor2tensor/blob/master/tensor2tensor/data_generators/text_encoder.py def _replace_oov(original_vocab, line): """Replace out-of-vocab words with "". This maintains compatibility with published results. Args: original_vocab: a set of strings (The standard vocabulary for the dataset) line: a unicode string - a space-delimited sequence of words. Returns: a unicode string - a space-delimited sequence of words. """ return u" ".join([ word if word in original_vocab else u"" for word in line.split() ]) # Shameless copy from Tensorflow https://github.com/tensorflow/tensor2tensor/blob/master/tensor2tensor/data_generators/text_encoder.py # Unicode utility functions that work with Python 2 and 3 def native_to_unicode(s): if _is_unicode(s): return s try: return _to_unicode(s) except UnicodeDecodeError: res = _to_unicode(s, ignore_errors=True) tf.logging.info("Ignoring Unicode error, outputting: %s" % res) return res def _is_unicode(s): if six.PY2: if isinstance(s, unicode): return True else: if isinstance(s, str): return True return False def _to_unicode(s, ignore_errors=False): if _is_unicode(s): return s error_mode = "ignore" if ignore_errors else "strict" return s.decode("utf-8", errors=error_mode) def build_Huffman(word_count, max_code_length): MAX_CODE_LENGTH = max_code_length sorted_by_freq = sorted(word_count.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]) count = list() vocab_size = len(word_count) parent = [-1] * 2 * vocab_size code = [-1] * MAX_CODE_LENGTH point = [-1] * MAX_CODE_LENGTH binary = [-1] * 2 * vocab_size word_code_len = dict() word_code = dict() word_point = dict() i = 0 for a in range(vocab_size): count.append(word_count[sorted_by_freq[a][0]]) for a in range(vocab_size): word_point[sorted_by_freq[a][0]] = [-1] * MAX_CODE_LENGTH word_code[sorted_by_freq[a][0]] = [-1] * MAX_CODE_LENGTH for k in range(vocab_size): count.append(1e15) pos1 = vocab_size - 1 pos2 = vocab_size min1i = 0 min2i = 0 b = 0 for r in range(vocab_size): if pos1 >= 0: if count[pos1] < count[pos2]: min1i = pos1 pos1 = pos1 - 1 else: min1i = pos2 pos2 = pos2 + 1 else: min1i = pos2 pos2 = pos2 + 1 if pos1 >= 0: if count[pos1] < count[pos2]: min2i = pos1 pos1 = pos1 - 1 else: min2i = pos2 pos2 = pos2 + 1 else: min2i = pos2 pos2 = pos2 + 1 count[vocab_size + r] = count[min1i] + count[min2i] #record the parent of left and right child parent[min1i] = vocab_size + r parent[min2i] = vocab_size + r binary[min1i] = 0 #left branch has code 0 binary[min2i] = 1 #right branch has code 1 for a in range(vocab_size): b = a i = 0 while True: code[i] = binary[b] point[i] = b i = i + 1 b = parent[b] if b == vocab_size * 2 - 2: break word_code_len[sorted_by_freq[a][0]] = i word_point[sorted_by_freq[a][0]][0] = vocab_size - 2 for k in range(i): word_code[sorted_by_freq[a][0]][i - k - 1] = code[k] # only non-leaf nodes will be count in if point[k] - vocab_size >= 0: word_point[sorted_by_freq[a][0]][i - k] = point[k] - vocab_size return word_point, word_code, word_code_len def preprocess(args): """ proprocess the data, generate dictionary and save into dict_path. :param data_path: the input data path. :param dict_path: the generated dict path. the data in dict is "word count" :param freq: :return: """ # word to count if args.with_other_dict: with open(args.other_dict_path, 'r') as f: for line in f: word_count[native_to_unicode(line.strip())] = 1 if args.is_local: for i in range(1, 100): with open(args.data_path + "/news.en-000{:0>2d}-of-00100".format( i)) as f: for line in f: line = strip_lines(line) words = line.split() if args.with_other_dict: for item in words: if item in word_count: word_count[item] = word_count[item] + 1 else: word_count[native_to_unicode('')] += 1 else: for item in words: if item in word_count: word_count[item] = word_count[item] + 1 else: word_count[item] = 1 item_to_remove = [] for item in word_count: if word_count[item] <= args.freq: item_to_remove.append(item) for item in item_to_remove: del word_count[item] path_table, path_code, word_code_len = build_Huffman(word_count, 40) with open(args.dict_path, 'w+') as f: for k, v in word_count.items(): f.write(k.encode("utf-8") + " " + str(v).encode("utf-8") + '\n') with open(args.dict_path + "_ptable", 'w+') as f2: for pk, pv in path_table.items(): f2.write( pk.encode("utf-8") + "\t" + ' '.join((str(x).encode("utf-8") for x in pv)) + '\n') with open(args.dict_path + "_pcode", 'w+') as f3: for pck, pcv in path_code.items(): f3.write( pck.encode("utf-8") + "\t" + ' '.join((str(x).encode("utf-8") for x in pcv)) + '\n') if __name__ == "__main__": preprocess(parse_args())