--- Model_Info: name: "PP-ASR" description: "飞桨开源语音识别系统,支持端到端识别与流式识别" description_en: "Open source speech recognition system based on PaddlePaddle, supporting end-to-end recognition and streaming recognition" update_time: icon: "https://paddlespeech.bj.bcebos.com/demos/speech_web/e1cbf586e8da856faf4b4b4a6d236894.jpg" from_repo: "PaddleSpeech" Task: - tag: "智能语音" tag_en: "Speech&Audio" sub_tag: "语音识别" sub_tag_en: "Speech Recognition" Example: - tag: 互联网 tag_en: Internet sub_tag: 信息抽取 sub_tag_en: Information Extraction title: 智能语音指令解析系统全流程搭建,实现语音工单信息抽取 title_en: Build a speech parsing system to extract specific infomation url: "https://aistudio.baidu.com/aistudio/projectdetail/4398167?shared=1" url_en: Datasets: "Aishell1, GigaSpeech, LibriSpeech, WenetSpeech" Publisher: "Baidu" License: "Apache 2.0" Paper: - title: "PaddleSpeech: An Easy-to-Use All-in-One Speech Toolkit" url: "https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.12007" IfTraining: 1 IfOnlineDemo: 1