# Video Classification Based on Temporal Segment Network Video classification has drawn a significant amount of attentions in the past few years. This page introduces how to perform video classification with PaddlePaddle Fluid, on the public UCF-101 dataset, based on the state-of-the-art Temporal Segment Network (TSN) method. ______________________________________________________________________________ ## Table of Contents
  • Installation
  • Data preparation
  • Training
  • Evaluation
  • Inference
  • Performance
  • ### Installation Running sample code in this directory requires PaddelPaddle Fluid v0.13.0 and later. If the PaddlePaddle on your device is lower than this version, please follow the instructions in installation document and make an update. ### Data preparation #### download UCF-101 dataset Users can download the UCF-101 dataset by the provided script in data/download.sh. #### decode video into frame To avoid the process of decoding videos in network training, we offline decode them into frames and save it in the pickle format, easily readable for python. Users can refer to the script data/video_decode.py for video decoding. #### split data into train and test We follow the split 1 of UCF-101 dataset. After data splitting, users can get 9537 videos for training and 3783 videos for validation. The reference script is data/split_data.py. #### save pickle for training As stated above, we save all data as pickle format for training. All information in each video is saved into one pickle, includes video id, frames binary and label. Please refer to the script data/generate_train_data.py. After this operation, one can get two directories containing training and testing data in pickle format, and two files train.list and test.list, with each line seperated by SPACE. ### Training After data preparation, users can start the PaddlePaddle Fluid training by: ``` python train.py \ --batch_size=128 \ --total_videos=9537 \ --class_dim=101 \ --num_epochs=60 \ --image_shape=3,224,224 \ --model_save_dir=output/ \ --with_mem_opt=True \ --lr_init=0.01 \ --num_layers=50 \ --seg_num=7 \ --pretrained_model={path_to_pretrained_model} ``` parameter introduction:
  • batch_size: the size of each mini-batch.
  • total_videos: total number of videos in the training set.
  • class_dim: the class number of the classification task.
  • num_epochs: the number of epochs.
  • image_shape: input size of the network.
  • model_save_dir: the directory to save trained model.
  • with_mem_opt: whether to use memory optimization or not.
  • lr_init: initialized learning rate.
  • num_layers: the number of layers for ResNet.
  • seg_num: the number of segments in TSN.
  • pretrained_model: model path for pretraining.

  • data reader introduction: Data reader is defined in reader.py. Note that we use group operation for all frames in one video. training: The training log is like: ``` [TRAIN] Pass: 0 trainbatch: 0 loss: 4.630959 acc1: 0.0 acc5: 0.0390625 time: 3.09 sec [TRAIN] Pass: 0 trainbatch: 10 loss: 4.559069 acc1: 0.0546875 acc5: 0.1171875 time: 3.91 sec [TRAIN] Pass: 0 trainbatch: 20 loss: 4.040092 acc1: 0.09375 acc5: 0.3515625 time: 3.88 sec [TRAIN] Pass: 0 trainbatch: 30 loss: 3.478214 acc1: 0.3203125 acc5: 0.5546875 time: 3.32 sec [TRAIN] Pass: 0 trainbatch: 40 loss: 3.005404 acc1: 0.3515625 acc5: 0.6796875 time: 3.33 sec [TRAIN] Pass: 0 trainbatch: 50 loss: 2.585245 acc1: 0.4609375 acc5: 0.7265625 time: 3.13 sec [TRAIN] Pass: 0 trainbatch: 60 loss: 2.151489 acc1: 0.4921875 acc5: 0.8203125 time: 3.35 sec [TRAIN] Pass: 0 trainbatch: 70 loss: 1.981680 acc1: 0.578125 acc5: 0.8359375 time: 3.30 sec ``` ### Evaluation Evaluation is to evaluate the performance of a trained model. One can download pretrained models and set its path to path_to_pretrain_model. Then top1/top5 accuracy can be obtained by running the following command: ``` python eval.py \ --batch_size=128 \ --class_dim=101 \ --image_shape=3,224,224 \ --with_mem_opt=True \ --num_layers=50 \ --seg_num=7 \ --test_model={path_to_pretrained_model} ``` According to the congfiguration of evaluation, the output log is like: ``` [TEST] Pass: 0 testbatch: 0 loss: 0.011551 acc1: 1.0 acc5: 1.0 time: 0.48 sec [TEST] Pass: 0 testbatch: 10 loss: 0.710330 acc1: 0.75 acc5: 1.0 time: 0.49 sec [TEST] Pass: 0 testbatch: 20 loss: 0.000547 acc1: 1.0 acc5: 1.0 time: 0.48 sec [TEST] Pass: 0 testbatch: 30 loss: 0.036623 acc1: 1.0 acc5: 1.0 time: 0.48 sec [TEST] Pass: 0 testbatch: 40 loss: 0.138705 acc1: 1.0 acc5: 1.0 time: 0.48 sec [TEST] Pass: 0 testbatch: 50 loss: 0.056909 acc1: 1.0 acc5: 1.0 time: 0.49 sec [TEST] Pass: 0 testbatch: 60 loss: 0.742937 acc1: 0.75 acc5: 1.0 time: 0.49 sec [TEST] Pass: 0 testbatch: 70 loss: 1.720186 acc1: 0.5 acc5: 0.875 time: 0.48 sec [TEST] Pass: 0 testbatch: 80 loss: 0.199669 acc1: 0.875 acc5: 1.0 time: 0.48 sec [TEST] Pass: 0 testbatch: 90 loss: 0.195510 acc1: 1.0 acc5: 1.0 time: 0.48 sec ``` ### Inference Inference is used to get prediction score or video features based on trained models. ``` python infer.py \ --batch_size=128 \ --class_dim=101 \ --image_shape=3,224,224 \ --with_mem_opt=True \ --num_layers=50 \ --seg_num=7 \ --test_model={path_to_pretrained_model} ``` The output contains predication results, including maximum score (before softmax) and corresponding predicted label. ``` Test sample: PlayingGuitar_g01_c03, score: [21.418629], class [62] Test sample: SalsaSpin_g05_c06, score: [13.238657], class [76] Test sample: TrampolineJumping_g04_c01, score: [21.722862], class [93] Test sample: JavelinThrow_g01_c04, score: [16.27892], class [44] Test sample: PlayingTabla_g01_c01, score: [15.366951], class [65] Test sample: ParallelBars_g04_c07, score: [18.42596], class [56] Test sample: PlayingCello_g05_c05, score: [18.795723], class [58] Test sample: LongJump_g03_c04, score: [7.100088], class [50] Test sample: SkyDiving_g06_c03, score: [15.144707], class [82] Test sample: UnevenBars_g07_c04, score: [22.114838], class [95] ``` ### Performance Configuration | Top-1 acc ------------- | ---------------: seg=7, size=224 | 0.859 seg=10, size=224 | 0.863