""" This code is based on https://github.com/garrickbrazil/M3D-RPN/blob/master/lib/core.py This file is meant to contain all functions of the detective framework which are "specific" to the framework but generic among experiments. For example, all the experiments need to initialize configs, training models, log stats, display stats, and etc. However, these functions are generally fixed to this framework and cannot be easily transferred in other projects. """ # ----------------------------------------- # python modules # ----------------------------------------- from easydict import EasyDict as edict from shapely.geometry import Polygon #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from copy import copy import importlib import random #import visdom #import torch import paddle.fluid as fluid import paddle import shutil import sys import os import cv2 import math import numpy as np import struct from paddle.fluid.dygraph.base import to_variable from paddle.fluid.proto.framework_pb2 import VarType from paddle.fluid.layers.learning_rate_scheduler import _decay_step_counter # stop python from writing so much bytecode sys.dont_write_bytecode = True # ----------------------------------------- # custom modules # ----------------------------------------- from lib.util import * def init_config(conf_name): """ Loads configuration file, by checking for the conf_name.py configuration file as ./config/.py which must have function "Config". This function must return a configuration dictionary with any necessary variables for the experiment. """ conf = importlib.import_module('config.' + conf_name).Config() return conf import paddle.fluid as fluid class MyPolynomialDecay(fluid.dygraph.PolynomialDecay): def step(self): tmp_step_num = self.step_num tmp_decay_steps = self.decay_steps tmp_step_num = self.create_lr_var(tmp_step_num if tmp_step_num < self. decay_steps else self.decay_steps) scale = float(tmp_decay_steps) / ( 1 - float(self.end_learning_rate / self.learning_rate)** (1 / self.power)) decay_lr = self.learning_rate * ((1 - float(tmp_step_num) / scale) **self.power) return decay_lr def adjust_lr(conf): #if 'batch_skip' in conf and ((iter + 1) % conf.batch_skip) > 0: return if conf.solver_type.lower() == 'sgd': lr = conf.lr lr_steps = conf.lr_steps max_iter = conf.max_iter lr_policy = conf.lr_policy lr_target = conf.lr_target # perform the exact number of steps needed to get to lr_target # if lr_policy.lower() == 'step': # scale = (lr_target / lr) ** (1 / total_steps) # lr *= scale ** step_count # compute the scale needed to go from lr --> lr_target # using a polynomial function instead. if lr_policy.lower() == 'poly': lr = MyPolynomialDecay(lr, max_iter, lr_target, power=0.9) else: raise ValueError('{} lr_policy not understood'.format(lr_policy)) return lr def init_training_model(conf, backbone, cache_folder): """ This function is meant to load the training model and optimizer, which expects ./model/.py to be the pytorch model file. The function copies the model file into the cache BEFORE loading, for easy reproducibility. """ src_path = os.path.join('.', 'models', conf.model + '.py') dst_path = os.path.join(cache_folder, conf.model + '.py') # (re-) copy the model file if os.path.exists(dst_path): os.remove(dst_path) shutil.copyfile(src_path, dst_path) # load and build network = absolute_import(dst_path) network = network.build(conf, backbone, 'train') # multi-gpu #network = torch.nn.DataParallel(network) # load SGD if conf.solver_type.lower() == 'sgd': mo = conf.momentum wd = conf.weight_decay lr = adjust_lr(conf) optimizer = fluid.optimizer.MomentumOptimizer( learning_rate=lr, momentum=mo, regularization=fluid.regularizer.L2Decay(wd), parameter_list=network.parameters()) # load adam elif conf.solver_type.lower() == 'adam': lr = conf.lr wd = conf.weight_decay optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adam( learning_rate=lr, regularization=fluid.regularizer.L2Decay(wd), parameter_list=network.parameters()) # load adamax elif conf.solver_type.lower() == 'adamax': lr = conf.lr wd = conf.weight_decay optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adamax( learning_rate=lr, regularization=fluid.regularizer.L2Decay(wd), parameter_list=network.parameters()) return network, optimizer #, lr def intersect(box_a, box_b, mode='combinations', data_type=None): """ Computes the amount of intersect between two different sets of boxes. Args: box_a (nparray): Mx4 boxes, defined by [x1, y1, x2, y2] box_a (nparray): Nx4 boxes, defined by [x1, y1, x2, y2] mode (str): either 'combinations' or 'list', where combinations will check all combinations of box_a and box_b hence MxN array, and list expects the same size list M == N, hence returns Mx1 array. data_type (type): either torch.Tensor or np.ndarray, we automatically determine otherwise """ # determine type if data_type is None: data_type = type(box_a) # this mode computes the intersect in the sense of combinations. # i.e., box_a = M x 4, box_b = N x 4 then the output is M x N if mode == 'combinations': # np.ndarray if data_type == np.ndarray: max_xy = np.minimum( box_a[:, 2:4], np.expand_dims( box_b[:, 2:4], axis=1)) min_xy = np.maximum( box_a[:, 0:2], np.expand_dims( box_b[:, 0:2], axis=1)) inter = np.clip((max_xy - min_xy), a_min=0, a_max=None) # unknown type else: raise ValueError('type {} is not implemented'.format(data_type)) return inter[:, :, 0] * inter[:, :, 1] # this mode computes the intersect in the sense of list_a vs. list_b. # i.e., box_a = M x 4, box_b = M x 4 then the output is Mx1 elif mode == 'list': # torch.Tesnor if data_type == fluid.core_avx.VarBase: max_xy = fluid.layers.elementwise_min(box_a[:, 2:], box_b[:, 2:]) min_xy = fluid.layers.elementwise_max(box_a[:, :2], box_b[:, :2]) inter = fluid.layers.clamp((max_xy - min_xy), 0) # np.ndarray elif data_type == np.ndarray: max_xy = np.minimum(box_a[:, 2:], box_b[:, 2:]) min_xy = np.maximum(box_a[:, :2], box_b[:, :2]) inter = np.clip((max_xy - min_xy), a_min=0, a_max=None) # unknown type else: raise ValueError('unknown data type {}'.format(data_type)) return inter[:, 0] * inter[:, 1] else: raise ValueError('unknown mode {}'.format(mode)) def iou(box_a, box_b, mode='combinations', data_type=None): """ Computes the amount of Intersection over Union (IoU) between two different sets of boxes. Args: box_a (nparray): Mx4 boxes, defined by [x1, y1, x2, y2] box_a (nparray): Nx4 boxes, defined by [x1, y1, x2, y2] mode (str): either 'combinations' or 'list', where combinations will check all combinations of box_a and box_b hence MxN array, and list expects the same size list M == N, hence returns Mx1 array. data_type (type): either torch.Tensor or np.ndarray, we automatically determine otherwise """ # determine type if data_type is None: data_type = type(box_a) # this mode computes the IoU in the sense of combinations. # i.e., box_a = M x 4, box_b = N x 4 then the output is M x N if mode == 'combinations': inter = intersect(box_a, box_b, data_type=data_type) area_a = ((box_a[:, 2] - box_a[:, 0]) * (box_a[:, 3] - box_a[:, 1])) area_b = ((box_b[:, 2] - box_b[:, 0]) * (box_b[:, 3] - box_b[:, 1])) union = np.expand_dims(area_a, 0) + np.expand_dims(area_b, 1) - inter # np.ndarray if data_type == np.ndarray: return (inter / union).T # unknown type else: raise ValueError('unknown data type {}'.format(data_type)) # this mode compares every box in box_a with target in box_b # i.e., box_a = M x 4 and box_b = M x 4 then output is M x 1 elif mode == 'list': inter = intersect(box_a, box_b, mode=mode) area_a = (box_a[:, 2] - box_a[:, 0]) * (box_a[:, 3] - box_a[:, 1]) area_b = (box_b[:, 2] - box_b[:, 0]) * (box_b[:, 3] - box_b[:, 1]) union = area_a + area_b - inter return inter / union else: raise ValueError('unknown mode {}'.format(mode)) def iou_ign(box_a, box_b, mode='combinations', data_type=None): """ Computes the amount of overap of box_b has within box_a, which is handy for dealing with ignore regions. Hence, assume that box_b are ignore regions and box_a are anchor boxes, then we may want to know how much overlap the anchors have inside of the ignore regions (hence ignore area_b!) Args: box_a (nparray): Mx4 boxes, defined by [x1, y1, x2, y2] box_a (nparray): Nx4 boxes, defined by [x1, y1, x2, y2] mode (str): either 'combinations' or 'list', where combinations will check all combinations of box_a and box_b hence MxN array, and list expects the same size list M == N, hence returns Mx1 array. data_type (type): either torch.Tensor or np.ndarray, we automatically determine otherwise """ if data_type is None: data_type = type(box_a) # this mode computes the IoU in the sense of combinations. # i.e., box_a = M x 4, box_b = N x 4 then the output is M x N if mode == 'combinations': inter = intersect(box_a, box_b, data_type=data_type) area_a = ((box_a[:, 2] - box_a[:, 0]) * (box_a[:, 3] - box_a[:, 1])) area_b = ((box_b[:, 2] - box_b[:, 0]) * (box_b[:, 3] - box_b[:, 1])) union = np.expand_dims(area_a, 0) + np.expand_dims(area_b, 1) * 0 - inter * 0 # torch and numpy have different calls for transpose if data_type == np.ndarray: return (inter / union).T # unknown type else: raise ValueError('unknown data type {}'.format(data_type)) else: raise ValueError('unknown mode {}'.format(mode)) def to_int(string, dest="I"): return struct.unpack(dest, string)[0] def parse_shape_from_file(filename): with open(filename, "rb") as file: version = file.read(4) lod_level = to_int(file.read(8), dest="Q") for i in range(lod_level): _size = to_int(file.read(8), dest="Q") _ = file.read(_size) version = file.read(4) tensor_desc_size = to_int(file.read(4)) tensor_desc = VarType.TensorDesc() tensor_desc.ParseFromString(file.read(tensor_desc_size)) return tuple(tensor_desc.dims) def load_vars(train_prog, path): """ loads a paddle models vars from a given path. """ load_vars = [] load_fail_vars = [] def var_shape_matched(var, shape): var_exist = os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, var.name)) if var_exist: var_shape = parse_shape_from_file(os.path.join(path, var.name)) return var_shape == shape return False for x in train_prog.list_vars(): if isinstance(x, fluid.framework.Parameter): shape = tuple(fluid.global_scope().find_var(x.name).get_tensor() .shape()) if var_shape_matched(x, shape): load_vars.append(x) else: load_fail_vars.append(x) return load_vars, load_fail_vars def log_stats(tracker, iteration, start_time, start_iter, max_iter, skip=1): """ This function writes the given stats to the log / prints to the screen. Also, computes the estimated time arrival (eta) for completion and (dt) delta time per iteration. Args: tracker (array): dictionary array tracker objects. See below. iteration (int): the current iteration start_time (float): starting time of whole experiment start_iter (int): starting iteration of whole experiment max_iter (int): maximum iteration to go to A tracker object is a dictionary with the following: "name": the name of the statistic being tracked, e.g., 'fg_acc', 'abs_z' "group": an arbitrary group key, e.g., 'loss', 'acc', 'misc' "format": the python string format to use (see official str format function in python), e.g., '{:.2f}' for a float with 2 decimal places. """ display_str = 'iter: {}'.format((int((iteration) / skip))) # compute eta time_str, dt = compute_eta(start_time, iteration - start_iter, max_iter - start_iter) # cycle through all tracks last_group = '' for key in sorted(tracker.keys()): if type(tracker[key]) == list: # compute mean meanval = np.mean(tracker[key]) # get properties format = tracker[key + '_obj'].format group = tracker[key + '_obj'].group name = tracker[key + '_obj'].name # logic to have the string formatted nicely # basically roughly this format: # iter: {}, group_1 (name: val, name: val), group_2 (name: val), dt: val, eta: val if last_group != group and last_group == '': display_str += (', {} ({}: ' + format).format(group, name, meanval) elif last_group != group: display_str += ('), {} ({}: ' + format).format(group, name, meanval) else: display_str += (', {}: ' + format).format(name, meanval) last_group = group # append dt and eta display_str += '), dt: {:0.2f}, eta: {}'.format(dt, time_str) # log logging.info(display_str) def display_stats(vis, tracker, iteration, start_time, start_iter, max_iter, conf_name, conf_pretty, skip=1): """ This function plots the statistics using visdom package, similar to the log_stats function. Also, computes the estimated time arrival (eta) for completion and (dt) delta time per iteration. Args: vis (visdom): the main visdom session object tracker (array): dictionary array tracker objects. See below. iteration (int): the current iteration start_time (float): starting time of whole experiment start_iter (int): starting iteration of whole experiment max_iter (int): maximum iteration to go to conf_name (str): experiment name used for visdom display conf_pretty (str): pretty string with ALL configuration params to display A tracker object is a dictionary with the following: "name": the name of the statistic being tracked, e.g., 'fg_acc', 'abs_z' "group": an arbitrary group key, e.g., 'loss', 'acc', 'misc' "format": the python string format to use (see official str format function in python), e.g., '{:.2f}' for a float with 2 decimal places. """ # compute eta time_str, dt = compute_eta(start_time, iteration - start_iter, max_iter - start_iter) # general info info = 'Experiment: {}, Eta: {}, Time/it: {:0.2f}s\n'.format( conf_name, time_str, dt) info += conf_pretty # replace all newlines and spaces with line break
and non-breaking spaces   info = info.replace('\n', '
') info = info.replace(' ', ' ') # pre-formatted html tag info = '
' + info + '
    weights =  ./output//weights
    results =  ./output//results
    logs    =  ./output//log

        conf_name (str): configuration experiment name (used for storage into ./output/)

    # make paths
    paths = edict()
    paths.base = os.getcwd()
    paths.data = os.path.join(paths.base, 'dataset')
    paths.output = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'output', conf_name)
    paths.weights = os.path.join(paths.output, 'weights')
    paths.logs = os.path.join(paths.output, 'log')

    if use_tmp_folder:
        paths.results = os.path.join(paths.base, '.tmp_results', conf_name,
        paths.results = os.path.join(paths.output, 'results')

    # make directories

    return paths