#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf-8 import paddle.v2 as paddle from paddle.v2.layer import parse_network import basic_modules from config import ModelConfig __all__ = ["GNR"] def build_pretrained_embedding(name, data_type, emb_dim, emb_drop=0.): """create word a embedding layer which loads pre-trained embeddings. Arguments: - name: The name of the data layer which accepts one-hot input. - data_type: PaddlePaddle's data type for data layer. - emb_dim: The path to the data files. """ return paddle.layer.embedding( input=paddle.layer.data(name=name, type=data_type), size=emb_dim, param_attr=paddle.attr.Param(name="GloveVectors", is_static=True), layer_attr=paddle.attr.ExtraLayerAttribute(drop_rate=emb_drop), ) def encode_question(input_embedding, lstm_hidden_dim, depth, passage_indep_embedding_dim, prefix=""): """build question encoding by using bidirectional LSTM. Each question word is encoded by runing a stack of bidirectional LSTM over word embedding in question, producing hidden states. The hidden states are used to compute a passage-independent question embedding. The final question encoding is constructed by concatenating the final hidden states of the forward and backward LSTMs and the passage-independent embedding. Arguments: - input_embedding: The question word embeddings. - lstm_hidden_dim: The dimension of bi-directional LSTM. - depth: The depth of stacked bi-directional LSTM. - passage_indep_embedding_dim: The dimension of passage-independent embedding. - prefix: A string which will be appended to name of each layer created in this function. Each layer in a network should has a unique name. The prefix makes this fucntion can be called multiple times. """ # stacked bi-directional LSTM to process question embeddings. lstm_final, lstm_outs = basic_modules.stacked_bidirectional_lstm( input_embedding, lstm_hidden_dim, depth, 0., prefix) # compute passage-independent embeddings. candidates = paddle.layer.fc( input=lstm_outs, bias_attr=False, size=passage_indep_embedding_dim, act=paddle.activation.Linear()) weights = paddle.layer.fc( input=lstm_outs, size=1, bias_attr=False, act=paddle.activation.SequenceSoftmax()) weighted_candidates = paddle.layer.scaling(input=candidates, weight=weights) passage_indep_embedding = paddle.layer.pooling( input=weighted_candidates, pooling_type=paddle.pooling.Sum()) return paddle.layer.concat( input=[lstm_final, passage_indep_embedding]), lstm_outs def question_aligned_passage_embedding(question_lstm_outs, document_embeddings, passage_aligned_embedding_dim): """create question aligned passage embedding. Arguments: - question_lstm_outs: The dimension of output of LSTM that process question word embedding. - document_embeddings: The document embeddings. - passage_aligned_embedding_dim: The dimension of passage aligned embedding. """ def outer_sentence_step(document_embeddings, question_lstm_outs, passage_aligned_embedding_dim): """step function for PaddlePaddle's recurrent_group. In this function, the original input document_embeddings are scattered from nested sequence into sequence by recurrent_group in PaddlePaddle. The step function iterates over each sentence in the document. Arguments: - document_embeddings: The word embeddings of the document. - question_lstm_outs: The dimension of output of LSTM that process question word embedding. - passage_aligned_embedding_dim: The dimension of passage aligned embedding. """ def inner_word_step(word_embedding, question_lstm_outs, question_outs_proj, passage_aligned_embedding_dim): """ In this recurrent_group, sentence embedding has been scattered into word embeddings. The step function iterates over each word in one sentence in the document. Arguments: - word_embedding: The word embeddings of documents. - question_lstm_outs: The dimension of output of LSTM that process question word embedding. - question_outs_proj: The projection of question_lstm_outs into a new hidden space. - passage_aligned_embedding_dim: The dimension of passage aligned embedding. """ doc_word_expand = paddle.layer.expand( input=word_embedding, expand_as=question_lstm_outs, expand_level=paddle.layer.ExpandLevel.FROM_NO_SEQUENCE) weights = paddle.layer.fc( input=[question_lstm_outs, doc_word_expand], size=1, bias_attr=False, act=paddle.activation.SequenceSoftmax()) weighted_candidates = paddle.layer.scaling( input=question_outs_proj, weight=weights) return paddle.layer.pooling( input=weighted_candidates, pooling_type=paddle.pooling.Sum()) question_outs_proj = paddle.layer.fc( input=question_lstm_outs, bias_attr=False, size=passage_aligned_embedding_dim) return paddle.layer.recurrent_group( input=[ paddle.layer.SubsequenceInput(document_embeddings), paddle.layer.StaticInput(question_lstm_outs), paddle.layer.StaticInput(question_outs_proj), passage_aligned_embedding_dim, ], step=inner_word_step, name="iter_over_word") return paddle.layer.recurrent_group( input=[ paddle.layer.SubsequenceInput(document_embeddings), paddle.layer.StaticInput(question_lstm_outs), passage_aligned_embedding_dim ], step=outer_sentence_step, name="iter_over_sen") def encode_documents(input_embedding, same_as_question, question_vector, question_lstm_outs, passage_indep_embedding_dim, prefix): """Build the final question-aware document embeddings. Each word in the document is represented as concatenation of its word vector, the question vector, boolean features indicating if a word appers in the question or is repeated, and a question aligned embedding. Arguments: - input_embedding: The word embeddings of the document. - same_as_question: The boolean features indicating if a word appears in the question or is repeated. - question_lstm_outs: The final question encoding. - passage_indep_embedding_dim: The dimension of passage independent embedding. - prefix: The prefix which will be appended to name of each layer in This function. """ question_expanded = paddle.layer.expand( input=question_vector, expand_as=input_embedding, expand_level=paddle.layer.ExpandLevel.FROM_NO_SEQUENCE) question_aligned_embedding = question_aligned_passage_embedding( question_lstm_outs, input_embedding, passage_indep_embedding_dim) return paddle.layer.concat(input=[ input_embedding, question_expanded, same_as_question, question_aligned_embedding ]) def search_answer(doc_lstm_outs, sentence_idx, start_idx, end_idx, config, is_infer): """Search the answer from the document. The search process for this layer begins with searching a target sequence from a nested sequence by using paddle.lauer.kmax_seq_score and paddle.layer.sub_nested_seq_layer. In the first search step, top beam size sequences with highest scores, indices of these top k sequences in the original nested sequence, and the ground truth (also called gold) altogether (a triple) make up of the first beam. Then, start and end positions are searched. In these searches, top k positions with highest scores are selected, and then sequence, starting from the selected starts till ends of the sequences are taken to search next by using paddle.layer.seq_slice. Finally, the layer paddle.layer.cross_entropy_over_beam takes all the beam expansions which contain several candidate targets found along the three-step search. cross_entropy_over_beam calculates cross entropy over the expanded beams which all the candidates in the beam as the normalized factor. Note that, if gold falls off the beam at search step t, then the cost is calculated over the beam at step t. Arguments: - doc_lstm_outs: The output of LSTM that process each document words. - sentence_idx: Ground-truth indicating sentence index of the answer in the document. - start_idx: Ground-truth indicating start span index of the answer in the sentence. - end_idx: Ground-truth indicating end span index of the answer in the sentence. - is_infer: The boolean parameter indicating inferring or training. """ last_state_of_sentence = paddle.layer.last_seq( input=doc_lstm_outs, agg_level=paddle.layer.AggregateLevel.TO_SEQUENCE) sentence_scores = paddle.layer.fc( input=last_state_of_sentence, size=1, bias_attr=False, act=paddle.activation.Linear()) topk_sentence_ids = paddle.layer.kmax_seq_score( input=sentence_scores, beam_size=config.beam_size) topk_sen = paddle.layer.sub_nested_seq( input=doc_lstm_outs, selected_indices=topk_sentence_ids) # expand beam to search start positions on selected sentences start_pos_scores = paddle.layer.fc( input=topk_sen, size=1, layer_attr=paddle.attr.ExtraLayerAttribute( error_clipping_threshold=5.0), bias_attr=False, act=paddle.activation.Linear()) topk_start_pos_ids = paddle.layer.kmax_seq_score( input=start_pos_scores, beam_size=config.beam_size) topk_start_spans = paddle.layer.seq_slice( input=topk_sen, starts=topk_start_pos_ids, ends=None) # expand beam to search end positions on selected start spans _, end_span_embedding = basic_modules.stacked_bidirectional_lstm( topk_start_spans, config.lstm_hidden_dim, config.lstm_depth, config.lstm_hidden_droprate, "__end_span_embeddings__") end_pos_scores = paddle.layer.fc( input=end_span_embedding, size=1, bias_attr=False, act=paddle.activation.Linear()) topk_end_pos_ids = paddle.layer.kmax_seq_score( input=end_pos_scores, beam_size=config.beam_size) if is_infer: return [ sentence_scores, topk_sentence_ids, start_pos_scores, topk_start_pos_ids, end_pos_scores, topk_end_pos_ids ] else: return paddle.layer.cross_entropy_over_beam(input=[ paddle.layer.BeamInput(sentence_scores, topk_sentence_ids, sentence_idx), paddle.layer.BeamInput(start_pos_scores, topk_start_pos_ids, start_idx), paddle.layer.BeamInput(end_pos_scores, topk_end_pos_ids, end_idx) ]) def GNR(config, is_infer=False): """Build the globally normalized reader model. Arguments: - config: The model configuration. - is_infer: The boolean parameter indicating inferring or training. """ # encode question words question_embeddings = build_pretrained_embedding( "question", paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(config.vocab_size), config.embedding_dim, config.embedding_droprate) question_vector, question_lstm_outs = encode_question( question_embeddings, config.lstm_hidden_dim, config.lstm_depth, config.passage_indep_embedding_dim, "__ques") # encode document words document_embeddings = build_pretrained_embedding( "documents", paddle.data_type.integer_value_sub_sequence(config.vocab_size), config.embedding_dim, config.embedding_droprate) same_as_question = paddle.layer.data( name="same_as_question", type=paddle.data_type.dense_vector_sub_sequence(1)) document_words_ecoding = encode_documents( document_embeddings, same_as_question, question_vector, question_lstm_outs, config.passage_indep_embedding_dim, "__doc") doc_lstm_outs = basic_modules.stacked_bidirectional_lstm_by_nested_seq( document_words_ecoding, config.lstm_depth, config.lstm_hidden_dim, "__doc_lstm") # search the answer. sentence_idx = paddle.layer.data( name="sen_idx", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value(1)) start_idx = paddle.layer.data( name="start_idx", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value(1)) end_idx = paddle.layer.data( name="end_idx", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value(1)) return search_answer(doc_lstm_outs, sentence_idx, start_idx, end_idx, config, is_infer) if __name__ == "__main__": print(parse_network(GNR(ModelConfig)))