# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import sys import numpy as np import paddle.fluid.profiler as profiler import paddle.fluid as fluid import paddle.fluid.layers as layers import data_reader from paddle.fluid.dygraph.nn import Conv2D, Pool2D, Linear, BatchNorm, Embedding, GRUUnit from paddle.fluid.dygraph.base import to_variable import argparse import functools from utility import add_arguments, print_arguments, get_attention_feeder_data import time from paddle.fluid import framework parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) add_arg = functools.partial(add_arguments, argparser=parser) # yapf: disable add_arg('batch_size', int, 32, "Minibatch size.") add_arg('total_step', int, 720000, "The number of iterations. Zero or less means whole training set. More than 0 means the training set might be looped until # of iterations is reached.") add_arg('log_period', int, 1000, "Log period.") add_arg('save_model_period', int, 15000, "Save model period. '-1' means never saving the model.") add_arg('eval_period', int, 15000, "Evaluate period. '-1' means never evaluating the model.") add_arg('save_model_dir', str, "./models", "The directory the model to be saved to.") add_arg('train_images', str, None, "The directory of images to be used for training.") add_arg('train_list', str, None, "The list file of images to be used for training.") add_arg('test_images', str, None, "The directory of images to be used for test.") add_arg('test_list', str, None, "The list file of images to be used for training.") add_arg('init_model', str, None, "The init model file of directory.") add_arg('use_gpu', bool, True, "Whether use GPU to train.") add_arg('min_average_window',int, 10000, "Min average window.") add_arg('max_average_window',int, 12500, "Max average window. It is proposed to be set as the number of minibatch in a pass.") add_arg('average_window', float, 0.15, "Average window.") add_arg('parallel', bool, False, "Whether use parallel training.") add_arg('profile', bool, False, "Whether to use profiling.") add_arg('skip_batch_num', int, 0, "The number of first minibatches to skip as warm-up for better performance test.") add_arg('skip_test', bool, False, "Whether to skip test phase.") class Config(object): ''' config for training ''' # encoder rnn hidden_size encoder_size = 200 # decoder size for decoder stage decoder_size = 128 # size for word embedding word_vector_dim = 128 # max length for label padding max_length = 100 gradient_clip = 10 LR = 1.0 beam_size = 2 learning_rate_decay = None # batch size to train batch_size = 32 # class number to classify num_classes = 95 use_gpu = False # special label for start and end SOS = 0 EOS = 1 # data shape for input image DATA_SHAPE = [1, 48, 512] class ConvBNPool(fluid.dygraph.Layer): def __init__(self, group, out_ch, channels, act="relu", is_test=False, pool=True, use_cudnn=True): super(ConvBNPool, self).__init__() self.group = group self.pool = pool filter_size = 3 conv_std_0 = (2.0 / (filter_size**2 * channels[0]))**0.5 conv_param_0 = fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=fluid.initializer.Normal(0.0, conv_std_0)) conv_std_1 = (2.0 / (filter_size**2 * channels[1]))**0.5 conv_param_1 = fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=fluid.initializer.Normal(0.0, conv_std_1)) self.conv_0_layer = Conv2D( channels[0], out_ch[0], 3, padding=1, param_attr=conv_param_0, bias_attr=False, act=None, use_cudnn=use_cudnn) self.bn_0_layer = BatchNorm( out_ch[0], act=act, is_test=is_test) self.conv_1_layer = Conv2D( out_ch[0], num_filters=out_ch[1], filter_size=3, padding=1, param_attr=conv_param_1, bias_attr=False, act=None, use_cudnn=use_cudnn) self.bn_1_layer = BatchNorm( out_ch[1], act=act, is_test=is_test) if self.pool: self.pool_layer = Pool2D( pool_size=2, pool_type='max', pool_stride=2, use_cudnn=use_cudnn, ceil_mode=True) def forward(self, inputs): conv_0 = self.conv_0_layer(inputs) bn_0 = self.bn_0_layer(conv_0) conv_1 = self.conv_1_layer(bn_0) bn_1 = self.bn_1_layer(conv_1) if self.pool: bn_pool = self.pool_layer(bn_1) return bn_pool return bn_1 class OCRConv(fluid.dygraph.Layer): def __init__(self, is_test=False, use_cudnn=True): super(OCRConv, self).__init__() self.conv_bn_pool_1 = ConvBNPool( 2, [16, 16], [1, 16], is_test=is_test, use_cudnn=use_cudnn) self.conv_bn_pool_2 = ConvBNPool( 2, [32, 32], [16, 32], is_test=is_test, use_cudnn=use_cudnn) self.conv_bn_pool_3 = ConvBNPool( 2, [64, 64], [32, 64], is_test=is_test, use_cudnn=use_cudnn) self.conv_bn_pool_4 = ConvBNPool( 2, [128, 128], [64, 128], is_test=is_test, pool=False, use_cudnn=use_cudnn) def forward(self, inputs): inputs_1 = self.conv_bn_pool_1(inputs) inputs_2 = self.conv_bn_pool_2(inputs_1) inputs_3 = self.conv_bn_pool_3(inputs_2) inputs_4 = self.conv_bn_pool_4(inputs_3) return inputs_4 class DynamicGRU(fluid.dygraph.Layer): def __init__(self, size, param_attr=None, bias_attr=None, is_reverse=False, gate_activation='sigmoid', candidate_activation='tanh', h_0=None, origin_mode=False, init_size = None): super(DynamicGRU, self).__init__() self.gru_unit = GRUUnit( size * 3, param_attr=param_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr, activation=candidate_activation, gate_activation=gate_activation, origin_mode=origin_mode) self.size = size self.h_0 = h_0 self.is_reverse = is_reverse def forward(self, inputs): hidden = self.h_0 res = [] for i in range(inputs.shape[1]): if self.is_reverse: i = inputs.shape[1] - 1 - i input_ = inputs[ :, i:i+1, :] input_ = fluid.layers.reshape(input_, [-1, input_.shape[2]], inplace=False) hidden, reset, gate = self.gru_unit(input_, hidden) hidden_ = fluid.layers.reshape(hidden, [-1, 1, hidden.shape[1]], inplace=False) res.append(hidden_) if self.is_reverse: res = res[::-1] res = fluid.layers.concat(res, axis=1) return res class EncoderNet(fluid.dygraph.Layer): def __init__(self, rnn_hidden_size=Config.encoder_size, is_test=False, use_cudnn=True): super(EncoderNet, self).__init__() self.rnn_hidden_size = rnn_hidden_size para_attr = fluid.ParamAttr(initializer=fluid.initializer.Normal(0.0, 0.02)) bias_attr = fluid.ParamAttr( initializer=fluid.initializer.Normal(0.0, 0.02), learning_rate=2.0) if fluid.framework.in_dygraph_mode(): h_0 = np.zeros( (Config.batch_size, rnn_hidden_size), dtype="float32") h_0 = to_variable(h_0) else: h_0 = fluid.layers.fill_constant( shape=[Config.batch_size, rnn_hidden_size], dtype='float32', value=0) self.ocr_convs = OCRConv( is_test=is_test, use_cudnn=use_cudnn) self.fc_1_layer = Linear( 768, rnn_hidden_size * 3, param_attr=para_attr, bias_attr=False ) print( "weight", self.fc_1_layer.weight.shape ) self.fc_2_layer = Linear( 768, rnn_hidden_size * 3, param_attr=para_attr, bias_attr=False ) self.gru_forward_layer = DynamicGRU( size=rnn_hidden_size, h_0=h_0, param_attr=para_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr, candidate_activation='relu') self.gru_backward_layer = DynamicGRU( size=rnn_hidden_size, h_0=h_0, param_attr=para_attr, bias_attr=bias_attr, candidate_activation='relu', is_reverse=True) self.encoded_proj_fc = Linear( rnn_hidden_size * 2, Config.decoder_size, bias_attr=False ) def forward(self, inputs): conv_features = self.ocr_convs(inputs) transpose_conv_features = fluid.layers.transpose(conv_features, perm=[0,3,1,2]) sliced_feature = fluid.layers.reshape( transpose_conv_features, [-1, transpose_conv_features.shape[1] , transpose_conv_features.shape[2]*transpose_conv_features.shape[3]], inplace=False) fc_1 = self.fc_1_layer(sliced_feature) fc_2 = self.fc_2_layer(sliced_feature) gru_forward = self.gru_forward_layer(fc_1) gru_backward = self.gru_backward_layer(fc_2) encoded_vector = fluid.layers.concat( input=[gru_forward, gru_backward], axis=2) encoded_proj = self.encoded_proj_fc(encoded_vector) return gru_backward, encoded_vector, encoded_proj class SimpleAttention(fluid.dygraph.Layer): def __init__(self, decoder_size): super(SimpleAttention, self).__init__() self.fc_1 = Linear( decoder_size, decoder_size, act=None, bias_attr=False) self.fc_2 = Linear( decoder_size, 1, act=None, bias_attr=False) def forward(self, encoder_vec, encoder_proj, decoder_state): decoder_state_fc = self.fc_1(decoder_state) decoder_state_proj_reshape = fluid.layers.reshape( decoder_state_fc, [-1, 1, decoder_state_fc.shape[1]], inplace=False) decoder_state_expand = fluid.layers.expand( decoder_state_proj_reshape, [1, encoder_proj.shape[1], 1]) concated = fluid.layers.elementwise_add(encoder_proj, decoder_state_expand) concated = fluid.layers.tanh(x=concated) attention_weight = self.fc_2(concated) weights_reshape = fluid.layers.reshape( x=attention_weight, shape=[ concated.shape[0], -1], inplace=False) weights_reshape = fluid.layers.softmax( weights_reshape ) scaled = fluid.layers.elementwise_mul( x=encoder_vec, y=weights_reshape, axis=0) context = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(scaled, dim=1) return context class GRUDecoderWithAttention(fluid.dygraph.Layer): def __init__(self, decoder_size, num_classes): super(GRUDecoderWithAttention, self).__init__() self.simple_attention = SimpleAttention(decoder_size) self.fc_1_layer = Linear( input_dim = Config.encoder_size * 2, output_dim=decoder_size * 3, bias_attr=False) self.fc_2_layer = Linear( input_dim = decoder_size, output_dim=decoder_size * 3, bias_attr=False) self.gru_unit = GRUUnit( size=decoder_size * 3, param_attr=None, bias_attr=None) self.out_layer = Linear( input_dim = decoder_size, output_dim =num_classes + 2, bias_attr=None, act='softmax') self.decoder_size = decoder_size def forward(self, target_embedding, encoder_vec, encoder_proj, decoder_boot): res = [] hidden_mem = decoder_boot for i in range(target_embedding.shape[1]): current_word = fluid.layers.slice( target_embedding, axes=[1], starts=[i], ends=[i + 1]) current_word = fluid.layers.reshape( current_word, [-1, current_word.shape[2]], inplace=False) context = self.simple_attention(encoder_vec, encoder_proj, hidden_mem) fc_1 = self.fc_1_layer(context) fc_2 = self.fc_2_layer(current_word) decoder_inputs = fluid.layers.elementwise_add(x=fc_1, y=fc_2) h, _, _ = self.gru_unit(decoder_inputs, hidden_mem) hidden_mem = h out = self.out_layer(h) res.append(out) res1 = fluid.layers.concat(res, axis=1) batch_size = target_embedding.shape[0] seq_len = target_embedding.shape[1] res1 = layers.reshape( res1, shape=[batch_size, seq_len, -1]) return res1 class OCRAttention(fluid.dygraph.Layer): def __init__(self): super(OCRAttention, self).__init__() self.encoder_net = EncoderNet() self.fc = Linear( input_dim = Config.encoder_size, output_dim =Config.decoder_size, bias_attr=False, act='relu') self.embedding = Embedding( [Config.num_classes + 2, Config.word_vector_dim], dtype='float32') self.gru_decoder_with_attention = GRUDecoderWithAttention( Config.decoder_size, Config.num_classes) def forward(self, inputs, label_in): gru_backward, encoded_vector, encoded_proj = self.encoder_net(inputs) backward_first = fluid.layers.slice( gru_backward, axes=[1], starts=[0], ends=[1]) backward_first = fluid.layers.reshape( backward_first, [-1, backward_first.shape[2]], inplace=False) decoder_boot = self.fc(backward_first) label_in = fluid.layers.reshape(label_in, [-1], inplace=False) trg_embedding = self.embedding(label_in) trg_embedding = fluid.layers.reshape( trg_embedding, [Config.batch_size, -1, trg_embedding.shape[1]], inplace=False) prediction = self.gru_decoder_with_attention( trg_embedding, encoded_vector, encoded_proj, decoder_boot) return prediction def train(args): with fluid.dygraph.guard(): backward_strategy = fluid.dygraph.BackwardStrategy() backward_strategy.sort_sum_gradient = True ocr_attention = OCRAttention() if Config.learning_rate_decay == "piecewise_decay": learning_rate = fluid.layers.piecewise_decay( [50000], [Config.LR, Config.LR * 0.01]) else: learning_rate = Config.LR optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=0.001, parameter_list=ocr_attention.parameters()) dy_param_init_value = {} grad_clip = fluid.dygraph_grad_clip.GradClipByGlobalNorm(5.0 ) train_reader = data_reader.data_reader( Config.batch_size, cycle=args.total_step > 0, shuffle=True, data_type='train') infer_image= './data/data/test_images/' infer_files = './data/data/test.list' test_reader = data_reader.data_reader( Config.batch_size, cycle=False, data_type="test") def eval(): ocr_attention.eval() total_loss = 0.0 total_step = 0.0 equal_size = 0 for data in test_reader(): data_dict = get_attention_feeder_data(data) label_in = to_variable(data_dict["label_in"]) label_out = to_variable(data_dict["label_out"]) label_out.stop_gradient = True img = to_variable(data_dict["pixel"]) prediction = ocr_attention(img, label_in) prediction = fluid.layers.reshape( prediction, [label_out.shape[0] * label_out.shape[1], -1], inplace=False) score, topk = layers.topk( prediction, 1) seq = topk.numpy() seq = seq.reshape( ( args.batch_size, -1)) mask = data_dict['mask'].reshape( (args.batch_size, -1)) seq_len = np.sum( mask, -1) trans_ref = data_dict["label_out"].reshape( (args.batch_size, -1)) for i in range( args.batch_size ): length = int(seq_len[i] -1 ) trans = seq[i][:length - 1] ref = trans_ref[i][ : length - 1] if np.array_equal( trans, ref ): equal_size += 1 total_step += args.batch_size print( "eval cost", equal_size / total_step ) total_step = 0 epoch_num = 20 for epoch in range(epoch_num): batch_id = 0 total_loss = 0.0 for data in train_reader(): total_step += 1 data_dict = get_attention_feeder_data(data) label_in = to_variable(data_dict["label_in"]) label_out = to_variable(data_dict["label_out"]) label_out.stop_gradient = True img = to_variable(data_dict["pixel"]) prediction = ocr_attention(img, label_in) prediction = fluid.layers.reshape( prediction, [label_out.shape[0] * label_out.shape[1], -1], inplace=False) label_out = fluid.layers.reshape(label_out, [-1, 1], inplace=False) loss = fluid.layers.cross_entropy( input=prediction, label=label_out) mask = to_variable(data_dict["mask"]) loss = layers.elementwise_mul( loss, mask, axis=0) avg_loss = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(loss) total_loss += avg_loss.numpy() avg_loss.backward() optimizer.minimize(avg_loss, grad_clip=grad_clip) ocr_attention.clear_gradients() if batch_id > 0 and batch_id % 1000 == 0: print("epoch: {}, batch_id: {}, loss {}".format(epoch, batch_id, total_loss / args.batch_size / 1000)) total_loss = 0.0 if total_step > 0 and total_step % 2000 == 0: ocr_attention.eval() eval() ocr_attention.train() batch_id +=1 if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() print_arguments(args) if args.profile: if args.use_gpu: with profiler.cuda_profiler("cuda_profiler.txt", 'csv') as nvprof: train(args) else: with profiler.profiler("CPU", sorted_key='total') as cpuprof: train(args) else: train(args)