from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os # GPU memory garbage collection optimization flags os.environ['FLAGS_eager_delete_tensor_gb'] = "0.0" import sys import time import argparse import functools import pprint import cv2 import numpy as np import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid import math from src.utils.config import cfg from src.utils.timer import Timer, calculate_eta from src.models.model_builder import build_model from src.models.model_builder import ModelPhase from src.datasets import build_dataset from src.utils.metrics import ConfusionMatrix def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='SemsegPaddle') parser.add_argument( '--cfg', dest='cfg_file', help='Config file for training (and optionally testing)', default=None, type=str) parser.add_argument( '--use_gpu', dest='use_gpu', help='Use gpu or cpu', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument( '--use_mpio', dest='use_mpio', help='Use multiprocess IO or not', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument( 'opts', help='See utils/ for all options', default=None, nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) parser.add_argument( '--multi_scales', dest='multi_scales', help='Use multi_scales for eval', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument( '--flip', dest='flip', help='flip the image or not', action='store_true', default=False) if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) return parser.parse_args() def evaluate(cfg, ckpt_dir=None, use_gpu=False, use_mpio=False, multi_scales=False, flip=False, **kwargs): np.set_printoptions(precision=5, suppress=True) num_classes = cfg.DATASET.NUM_CLASSES base_size = cfg.TEST.BASE_SIZE crop_size = cfg.TEST.CROP_SIZE startup_prog = fluid.Program() test_prog = fluid.Program() dataset = build_dataset(cfg.DATASET.DATASET_NAME, file_list=cfg.DATASET.VAL_FILE_LIST, mode=ModelPhase.EVAL, data_dir=cfg.DATASET.DATA_DIR) def data_generator(): #TODO: check is batch reader compatitable with Windows if use_mpio: data_gen = dataset.multiprocess_generator( num_processes=cfg.DATALOADER.NUM_WORKERS, max_queue_size=cfg.DATALOADER.BUF_SIZE) else: data_gen = dataset.generator() for b in data_gen: yield b[0], b[1], b[2] py_reader, avg_loss, out, grts, masks = build_model( test_prog, startup_prog, phase=ModelPhase.EVAL) py_reader.decorate_sample_generator( data_generator, drop_last=False, batch_size=cfg.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE, places=fluid.cuda_places()) # Get device environment places = fluid.cuda_places() if use_gpu else fluid.cpu_places() place = places[0] dev_count = len(places) print("#Device count: {}".format(dev_count)) exe = fluid.Executor(place) test_prog = test_prog.clone(for_test=True) ckpt_dir = cfg.TEST.TEST_MODEL if not ckpt_dir else ckpt_dir if ckpt_dir is not None: filename= '{}_{}_{}_epoch_{}.pdparams'.format(str(cfg.MODEL.MODEL_NAME), str(cfg.MODEL.BACKBONE), str(cfg.DATASET.DATASET_NAME), cfg.SOLVER.NUM_EPOCHS) print("loading testing model file: {}/{}".format(ckpt_dir, filename)), ckpt_dir, main_program=test_prog, filename=filename) # Use streaming confusion matrix to calculate mean_iou np.set_printoptions( precision=4, suppress=True, linewidth=160, floatmode="fixed") conf_mat = ConfusionMatrix(cfg.DATASET.NUM_CLASSES, streaming=True) #fetch_list: return of the model fetch_list = [,] num_images = 0 step = 0 all_step = cfg.DATASET.VAL_TOTAL_IMAGES // cfg.EVAL_BATCH_SIZE timer = Timer() timer.start() for data in py_reader(): mask = np.array(data[0]['mask']) label = np.array(data[0]['label']) image_org = np.array(data[0]['image']) image = np.transpose(image_org, (0, 2, 3, 1)) # BCHW->BHWC image = np.squeeze(image) if cfg.TEST.SLIDE_WINDOW: if not multi_scales: scales = [1.0] else: scales = [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.25] if cfg.DATASET.DATASET_NAME == 'cityscapes' else [0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75] #scales = [0.75, 1.0, 1.25] # fast multi-scale testing #strides stride = int(crop_size *1.0 / 3) # 1/3 > 2/3 > 1/2 for input_size: 769 x 769 h, w = image.shape[0:2] scores = np.zeros(shape=[num_classes, h, w], dtype='float32') for scale in scales: long_size = int(math.ceil(base_size * scale)) if h > w: height = long_size width = int(1.0 * w * long_size / h + 0.5) short_size = width else: width = long_size height = int(1.0 * h * long_size / w + 0.5) short_size = height # print('org_img_size: {}x{}, rescale_img_size: {}x{}'.format(h, w, height, width)) cur_img = image_resize(image, height, width) # pading if long_size <= crop_size: pad_img = pad_single_image(cur_img, crop_size) label_feed, mask_feed = get_feed(pad_img) pad_img = mapper_image(pad_img) loss, pred1 = test_prog, feed={'image':pad_img, 'label':label_feed, 'mask':mask_feed}, fetch_list = fetch_list, return_numpy=True) pred1 = np.array(pred1) outputs = pred1[:, :, :height, :width] if flip: pad_img_flip = flip_left_right_image(cur_img) pad_img_flip = pad_single_image(pad_img_flip, crop_size) label_feed, mask_feed = get_feed(pad_img_flip) pad_img_flip = mapper_image(pad_img_flip) loss, pred1 = test_prog, feed={'image':pad_img_flip, 'label':label_feed, 'mask':mask_feed}, fetch_list = fetch_list, return_numpy=True) pred1 = np.flip(pred1, 3) outputs += pred1[:, :, :height, :width] else: if short_size < crop_size: pad_img = pad_single_image(cur_img, crop_size) else: pad_img = cur_img ph, pw = pad_img.shape[0:2] #slid window h_grids = int(math.ceil(1.0 * (ph - crop_size) / stride)) + 1 w_grids = int(math.ceil(1.0 * (pw - crop_size) / stride)) + 1 outputs = np.zeros(shape=[1, num_classes, ph, pw], dtype='float32') count_norm = np.zeros(shape=[1, 1, ph, pw], dtype='int32') for idh in range(h_grids): for idw in range(w_grids): h0 = idh * stride w0 = idw * stride h1 = min(h0 + crop_size, ph) w1 = min(w0 + crop_size, pw) #print('(h0,w0,h1,w1):({},{},{},{})'.format(h0, w0, h1, w1)) crop_img = crop_image(pad_img, h0, w0, h1, w1) pad_crop_img = pad_single_image(crop_img, crop_size) label_feed, mask_feed = get_feed(pad_crop_img) pad_crop_img = mapper_image(pad_crop_img) loss, pred1 = test_prog, feed={'image':pad_crop_img, 'label':label_feed, 'mask':mask_feed}, fetch_list = fetch_list, return_numpy=True) pred1 = np.array(pred1) outputs[:, :, h0:h1, w0:w1] += pred1[:, :, 0:h1-h0, 0:w1-w0] count_norm[:, :, h0:h1, w0:w1] += 1 if flip: pad_img_flip = flip_left_right_image(crop_img) pad_img_flip = pad_single_image(pad_img_flip, crop_size) label_feed, mask_feed = get_feed(pad_img_flip) pad_img_flip = mapper_image(pad_img_flip) loss, pred1 = test_prog, feed={'image':pad_img_flip, 'label':label_feed, 'mask':mask_feed}, fetch_list = fetch_list, return_numpy = True) pred1 = np.flip(pred1, 3) outputs[:, :, h0:h1, w0:w1] += pred1[:, :, 0:h1-h0, 0:w1-w0] count_norm[:, :, h0:h1, w0:w1] += 1 outputs = 1.0 * outputs / count_norm outputs = outputs[:, :, :height, :width] with fluid.dygraph.guard(): outputs = fluid.dygraph.to_variable(outputs) outputs = fluid.layers.resize_bilinear(outputs, out_shape=[h, w]) score = outputs.numpy()[0] scores += score else: # taking the original image as the model input loss, pred = test_prog, feed={'image':image_org, 'label':label, 'mask':mask}, fetch_list = fetch_list, return_numpy = True) scores = pred[0] # computing IoU with all scale result pred = np.argmax(scores, axis=0).astype('int64') pred = pred[np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis] step += 1 num_images += pred.shape[0] conf_mat.calculate(pred, label, mask) _, iou = conf_mat.mean_iou() _, acc = conf_mat.accuracy() print("[EVAL] step={}/{} acc={:.4f} IoU={:.4f}".format(step, all_step, acc, iou)) category_iou, avg_iou = conf_mat.mean_iou() category_acc, avg_acc = conf_mat.accuracy() print("[EVAL] #image={} acc={:.4f} IoU={:.4f}".format(num_images, avg_acc, avg_iou)) print("[EVAL] Category IoU:", category_iou) print("[EVAL] Category Acc:", category_acc) print("[EVAL] Kappa:{:.4f}".format(conf_mat.kappa())) print("flip = ", flip) print("scales = ", scales) return category_iou, avg_iou, category_acc, avg_acc def image_resize(image, height, width): if image.shape[0] == 3: image = np.transpose(image, (1, 2, 0)) image = cv2.resize(image, (width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) return image def pad_single_image(image, crop_size): h, w = image.shape[0:2] pad_h = crop_size - h if h < crop_size else 0 pad_w = crop_size - w if w < crop_size else 0 image = cv2.copyMakeBorder(image, 0, pad_h, 0, pad_w, cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT,value=0) return image def mapper_image(image): # HxWx3 -> 3xHxW -> 1x3xHxW image_array = np.transpose(image, (2, 0, 1)) image_array = image_array.astype('float32') image_array = image_array[np.newaxis, :] return image_array def flip_left_right_image(image): return cv2.flip(image, 1) def get_feed(image): h, w = image.shape[0:2] return np.zeros([1, 1, h, w], dtype='int32'), np.zeros([1, 1, h, w], dtype='int32') def crop_image(image, h0, w0, h1, w1): return image[h0:h1, w0:w1, :] def main(): args = parse_args() if args.cfg_file is not None: cfg.update_from_file(args.cfg_file) if args.opts: cfg.update_from_list(args.opts) cfg.check_and_infer() print(pprint.pformat(cfg)) evaluate(cfg, **args.__dict__) if __name__ == '__main__': main()