from __future__ import absolute_import from __future__ import division from __future__ import print_function import os import numpy as np import time import sys import functools import math import paddle import paddle.fluid as fluid import as flowers import models import reader import argparse import functools import subprocess import utils from utils.learning_rate import cosine_decay from utility import add_arguments, print_arguments import models import models_name parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) add_arg = functools.partial(add_arguments, argparser=parser) # yapf: disable add_arg('batch_size', int, 256, "Minibatch size.") add_arg('use_gpu', bool, True, "Whether to use GPU or not.") add_arg('total_images', int, 1281167, "Training image number.") add_arg('num_epochs', int, 120, "number of epochs.") add_arg('class_dim', int, 1000, "Class number.") add_arg('image_shape', str, "3,224,224", "input image size") add_arg('model_save_dir', str, "output", "model save directory") add_arg('with_mem_opt', bool, True, "Whether to use memory optimization or not.") add_arg('pretrained_model', str, None, "Whether to use pretrained model.") add_arg('checkpoint', str, None, "Whether to resume checkpoint.") add_arg('lr', float, 0.1, "set learning rate.") add_arg('lr_strategy', str, "piecewise_decay", "Set the learning rate decay strategy.") add_arg('model', str, "SE_ResNeXt50_32x4d", "Set the network to use.") add_arg('enable_ce', bool, False, "If set True, enable continuous evaluation job.") add_arg('data_dir', str, "./data/ILSVRC2012", "The ImageNet dataset root dir.") add_arg('model_category', str, "models", "Whether to use models_name or not, valid value:'models','models_name'" ) # yapf: enabl def set_models(model): global models if model == "models": models = models else: models = models_name def optimizer_setting(params): ls = params["learning_strategy"] if ls["name"] == "piecewise_decay": if "total_images" not in params: total_images = 1281167 else: total_images = params["total_images"] batch_size = ls["batch_size"] step = int(total_images / batch_size + 1) bd = [step * e for e in ls["epochs"]] base_lr = params["lr"] lr = [] lr = [base_lr * (0.1**i) for i in range(len(bd) + 1)] optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Momentum( learning_rate=fluid.layers.piecewise_decay( boundaries=bd, values=lr), momentum=0.9, regularization=fluid.regularizer.L2Decay(1e-4)) elif ls["name"] == "cosine_decay": if "total_images" not in params: total_images = 1281167 else: total_images = params["total_images"] batch_size = ls["batch_size"] step = int(total_images / batch_size + 1) lr = params["lr"] num_epochs = params["num_epochs"] optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Momentum( learning_rate=cosine_decay( learning_rate=lr, step_each_epoch=step, epochs=num_epochs), momentum=0.9, regularization=fluid.regularizer.L2Decay(4e-5)) elif ls["name"] == "exponential_decay": if "total_images" not in params: total_images = 1281167 else: total_images = params["total_images"] batch_size = ls["batch_size"] step = int(total_images / batch_size +1) lr = params["lr"] num_epochs = params["num_epochs"] learning_decay_rate_factor=ls["learning_decay_rate_factor"] num_epochs_per_decay = ls["num_epochs_per_decay"] NUM_GPUS = 1 optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Momentum( learning_rate=fluid.layers.exponential_decay( learning_rate = lr * NUM_GPUS, decay_steps = step * num_epochs_per_decay / NUM_GPUS, decay_rate = learning_decay_rate_factor), momentum=0.9, regularization = fluid.regularizer.L2Decay(4e-5)) else: lr = params["lr"] optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Momentum( learning_rate=lr, momentum=0.9, regularization=fluid.regularizer.L2Decay(1e-4)) return optimizer def net_config(image, label, model, args): model_list = [m for m in dir(models) if "__" not in m] assert args.model in model_list,"{} is not lists: {}".format( args.model, model_list) class_dim = args.class_dim model_name = args.model if args.enable_ce: assert model_name == "SE_ResNeXt50_32x4d" model.params["dropout_seed"] = 100 class_dim = 102 if model_name == "GoogleNet": out0, out1, out2 =, class_dim=class_dim) cost0 = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=out0, label=label) cost1 = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=out1, label=label) cost2 = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=out2, label=label) avg_cost0 = fluid.layers.mean(x=cost0) avg_cost1 = fluid.layers.mean(x=cost1) avg_cost2 = fluid.layers.mean(x=cost2) avg_cost = avg_cost0 + 0.3 * avg_cost1 + 0.3 * avg_cost2 acc_top1 = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=out0, label=label, k=1) acc_top5 = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=out0, label=label, k=5) else: out =, class_dim=class_dim) cost = fluid.layers.cross_entropy(input=out, label=label) avg_cost = fluid.layers.mean(x=cost) acc_top1 = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=out, label=label, k=1) acc_top5 = fluid.layers.accuracy(input=out, label=label, k=5) return avg_cost, acc_top1, acc_top5 def build_program(is_train, main_prog, startup_prog, args): image_shape = [int(m) for m in args.image_shape.split(",")] model_name = args.model model_list = [m for m in dir(models) if "__" not in m] assert model_name in model_list, "{} is not in lists: {}".format(args.model, model_list) model = models.__dict__[model_name]() with fluid.program_guard(main_prog, startup_prog): py_reader = fluid.layers.py_reader( capacity=16, shapes=[[-1] + image_shape, [-1, 1]], lod_levels=[0, 0], dtypes=["float32", "int64"], use_double_buffer=True) with fluid.unique_name.guard(): image, label = fluid.layers.read_file(py_reader) avg_cost, acc_top1, acc_top5 = net_config(image, label, model, args) avg_cost.persistable = True acc_top1.persistable = True acc_top5.persistable = True if is_train: params = model.params params["total_images"] = args.total_images params["lr"] = params["num_epochs"] = args.num_epochs params["learning_strategy"]["batch_size"] = args.batch_size params["learning_strategy"]["name"] = args.lr_strategy optimizer = optimizer_setting(params) optimizer.minimize(avg_cost) return py_reader, avg_cost, acc_top1, acc_top5 def train(args): # parameters from arguments model_name = args.model checkpoint = args.checkpoint pretrained_model = args.pretrained_model with_memory_optimization = args.with_mem_opt model_save_dir = args.model_save_dir startup_prog = fluid.Program() train_prog = fluid.Program() test_prog = fluid.Program() if args.enable_ce: startup_prog.random_seed = 1000 train_prog.random_seed = 1000 train_py_reader, train_cost, train_acc1, train_acc5 = build_program( is_train=True, main_prog=train_prog, startup_prog=startup_prog, args=args) test_py_reader, test_cost, test_acc1, test_acc5 = build_program( is_train=False, main_prog=test_prog, startup_prog=startup_prog, args=args) test_prog = test_prog.clone(for_test=True) if with_memory_optimization: fluid.memory_optimize(train_prog) fluid.memory_optimize(test_prog) place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) if args.use_gpu else fluid.CPUPlace() exe = fluid.Executor(place) if checkpoint is not None:, checkpoint, main_program=train_prog) if pretrained_model: def if_exist(var): return os.path.exists(os.path.join(pretrained_model, exe, pretrained_model, main_program=train_prog, predicate=if_exist) visible_device = os.getenv('CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES') if visible_device: device_num = len(visible_device.split(',')) else: device_num = subprocess.check_output(['nvidia-smi', '-L']).decode().count('\n') train_batch_size = args.batch_size / device_num test_batch_size = 16 if not args.enable_ce: train_reader = paddle.batch( reader.train(), batch_size=train_batch_size, drop_last=True) test_reader = paddle.batch(reader.val(), batch_size=test_batch_size) else: # use flowers dataset for CE and set use_xmap False to avoid disorder data # but it is time consuming. For faster speed, need another dataset. import random random.seed(0) np.random.seed(0) train_reader = paddle.batch( flowers.train(use_xmap=False), batch_size=train_batch_size, drop_last=True) test_reader = paddle.batch( flowers.test(use_xmap=False), batch_size=test_batch_size) train_py_reader.decorate_paddle_reader(train_reader) test_py_reader.decorate_paddle_reader(test_reader) train_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor( main_program=train_prog, use_cuda=bool(args.use_gpu), train_fetch_list = [,,] test_fetch_list = [,,] params = models.__dict__[args.model]().params for pass_id in range(params["num_epochs"]): train_py_reader.start() train_info = [[], [], []] test_info = [[], [], []] train_time = [] batch_id = 0 try: while True: t1 = time.time() loss, acc1, acc5 = t2 = time.time() period = t2 - t1 loss = np.mean(np.array(loss)) acc1 = np.mean(np.array(acc1)) acc5 = np.mean(np.array(acc5)) train_info[0].append(loss) train_info[1].append(acc1) train_info[2].append(acc5) train_time.append(period) if batch_id % 10 == 0: print("Pass {0}, trainbatch {1}, loss {2}, \ acc1 {3}, acc5 {4} time {5}" .format(pass_id, batch_id, loss, acc1, acc5, "%2.2f sec" % period)) sys.stdout.flush() batch_id += 1 except fluid.core.EOFException: train_py_reader.reset() train_loss = np.array(train_info[0]).mean() train_acc1 = np.array(train_info[1]).mean() train_acc5 = np.array(train_info[2]).mean() train_speed = np.array(train_time).mean() / train_batch_size test_py_reader.start() test_batch_id = 0 try: while True: t1 = time.time() loss, acc1, acc5 =, fetch_list=test_fetch_list) t2 = time.time() period = t2 - t1 loss = np.mean(loss) acc1 = np.mean(acc1) acc5 = np.mean(acc5) test_info[0].append(loss) test_info[1].append(acc1) test_info[2].append(acc5) if test_batch_id % 10 == 0: print("Pass {0},testbatch {1},loss {2}, \ acc1 {3},acc5 {4},time {5}" .format(pass_id, test_batch_id, loss, acc1, acc5, "%2.2f sec" % period)) sys.stdout.flush() test_batch_id += 1 except fluid.core.EOFException: test_py_reader.reset() test_loss = np.array(test_info[0]).mean() test_acc1 = np.array(test_info[1]).mean() test_acc5 = np.array(test_info[2]).mean() print("End pass {0}, train_loss {1}, train_acc1 {2}, train_acc5 {3}, " "test_loss {4}, test_acc1 {5}, test_acc5 {6}".format( pass_id, train_loss, train_acc1, train_acc5, test_loss, test_acc1, test_acc5)) sys.stdout.flush() model_path = os.path.join(model_save_dir + '/' + model_name, str(pass_id)) if not os.path.isdir(model_path): os.makedirs(model_path), model_path, main_program=train_prog) # This is for continuous evaluation only if args.enable_ce and pass_id == args.num_epochs - 1: if device_num == 1: # Use the mean cost/acc for training print("kpis train_cost %s" % train_loss) print("kpis train_acc_top1 %s" % train_acc1) print("kpis train_acc_top5 %s" % train_acc5) # Use the mean cost/acc for testing print("kpis test_cost %s" % test_loss) print("kpis test_acc_top1 %s" % test_acc1) print("kpis test_acc_top5 %s" % test_acc5) print("kpis train_speed %s" % train_speed) else: # Use the mean cost/acc for training print("kpis train_cost_card%s %s" % (device_num, train_loss)) print("kpis train_acc_top1_card%s %s" % (device_num, train_acc1)) print("kpis train_acc_top5_card%s %s" % (device_num, train_acc5)) # Use the mean cost/acc for testing print("kpis test_cost_card%s %s" % (device_num, test_loss)) print("kpis test_acc_top1_card%s %s" % (device_num, test_acc1)) print("kpis test_acc_top5_card%s %s" % (device_num, test_acc5)) print("kpis train_speed_card%s %s" % (device_num, train_speed)) def main(): args = parser.parse_args() models_now = args.model_category assert models_now in ["models", "models_name"], "{} is not in lists: {}".format( models_now, ["models", "models_name"]) set_models(models_now) print_arguments(args) train(args) if __name__ == '__main__': main()