#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from utils import UNK, ModelType, TaskType, load_dic, sent2ids, logger, ModelType

class Dataset(object):
    def __init__(self, train_path, test_path, source_dic_path, target_dic_path,
        self.train_path = train_path
        self.test_path = test_path
        self.source_dic_path = source_dic_path
        self.target_dic_path = target_dic_path
        self.model_type = ModelType(model_type)

        self.source_dic = load_dic(self.source_dic_path)
        self.target_dic = load_dic(self.target_dic_path)

        _record_reader = {
            ModelType.CLASSIFICATION_MODE: self._read_classification_record,
            ModelType.REGRESSION_MODE: self._read_regression_record,
            ModelType.RANK_MODE: self._read_rank_record,

        assert isinstance(model_type, ModelType)
        self.record_reader = _record_reader[model_type.mode]
        self.is_infer = False

    def train(self):
        Load trainset.
        logger.info("[reader] load trainset from %s" % self.train_path)
        with open(self.train_path) as f:
            for line_id, line in enumerate(f):
                yield self.record_reader(line)

    def test(self):
        Load testset.
        # logger.info("[reader] load testset from %s" % self.test_path)
        with open(self.test_path) as f:
            for line_id, line in enumerate(f):
                yield self.record_reader(line)

    def infer(self):
        self.is_infer = True
        with open(self.train_path) as f:
            for line in f:
                yield self.record_reader(line)

    def _read_classification_record(self, line):
        data format:
            <source words> [TAB] <target words> [TAB] <label>

        @line: str
            a string line which represent a record.
        fs = line.strip().split('\t')
        assert len(fs) == 3, "wrong format for classification\n" + \
            "the format shoud be " +\
            "<source words> [TAB] <target words> [TAB] <label>'"
        source = sent2ids(fs[0], self.source_dic)
        target = sent2ids(fs[1], self.target_dic)
        if not self.is_infer:
            label = int(fs[2])
            return (source, target, label, )
        return source, target

    def _read_regression_record(self, line):
        data format:
            <source words> [TAB] <target words> [TAB] <label>

        @line: str
            a string line which represent a record.
        fs = line.strip().split('\t')
        assert len(fs) == 3, "wrong format for regression\n" + \
            "the format shoud be " +\
            "<source words> [TAB] <target words> [TAB] <label>'"
        source = sent2ids(fs[0], self.source_dic)
        target = sent2ids(fs[1], self.target_dic)
        if not self.is_infer:
            label = float(fs[2])
            return (source, target, [label], )
        return source, target

    def _read_rank_record(self, line):
        data format:
            <source words> [TAB] <left_target words> [TAB] <right_target words> [TAB] <label>
        fs = line.strip().split('\t')
        assert len(fs) == 4, "wrong format for rank\n" + \
            "the format should be " +\
            "<source words> [TAB] <left_target words> [TAB] <right_target words> [TAB] <label>"

        source = sent2ids(fs[0], self.source_dic)
        left_target = sent2ids(fs[1], self.target_dic)
        right_target = sent2ids(fs[2], self.target_dic)
        if not self.is_infer:
            label = int(fs[3])
            return (source, left_target, right_target, label)
        return source, left_target, right_target

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = './data/classification/train.txt'
    test_path = './data/classification/test.txt'
    source_dic = './data/vocab.txt'
    dataset = Dataset(path, test_path, source_dic, source_dic,

    for rcd in dataset.train():
        print rcd