model: word_emb_dim: val: 128 meaning: "The dimension in which a word is embedded." grnn_hidden_dim: val: 128 meaning: "The number of hidden nodes in the GRNN layer." bigru_num: val: 2 meaning: "The number of bi_gru layers in the network." init_checkpoint: val: "" meaning: "Path to init model" inference_save_dir: val: "" meaning: "Path to save inference model" train: random_seed: val: 0 meaning: "Random seed for training" print_steps: val: 1 meaning: "Print the result per xxx batch of training" save_steps: val: 10 meaning: "Save the model once per xxxx batch of training" validation_steps: val: 10 meaning: "Do the validation once per xxxx batch of training" batch_size: val: 300 meaning: "The number of sequences contained in a mini-batch" epoch: val: 10 meaning: "Corpus iteration num" use_cuda: val: False meaning: "If set, use GPU for training." traindata_shuffle_buffer: val: 20000 meaning: "The buffer size used in shuffle the training data." base_learning_rate: val: 0.001 meaning: "The basic learning rate that affects the entire network." emb_learning_rate: val: 2 meaning: "The real learning rate of the embedding layer will be (emb_learning_rate * base_learning_rate)." crf_learning_rate: val: 0.2 meaning: "The real learning rate of the embedding layer will be (crf_learning_rate * base_learning_rate)." enable_ce: val: false meaning: 'If set, run the task with continuous evaluation logs.' cpu_num: val: 10 meaning: "The number of cpu used to train model, this argument wouldn't be valid if use_cuda=true" use_data_parallel: val: False meaning: "The flag indicating whether to use data parallel mode to train the model." data: word_dict_path: val: "./conf/word.dic" meaning: "The path of the word dictionary." label_dict_path: val: "./conf/tag.dic" meaning: "The path of the label dictionary." word_rep_dict_path: val: "./conf/q2b.dic" meaning: "The path of the word replacement Dictionary." train_data: val: "./data/train.tsv" meaning: "The folder where the training data is located." test_data: val: "./data/test.tsv" meaning: "The folder where the test data is located." infer_data: val: "./data/infer.tsv" meaning: "The folder where the infer data is located." model_save_dir: val: "./models" meaning: "The model will be saved in this path."