import math import os import time import numpy as np from paddle import fluid from paddle.fluid import layers from pytracking.features import augmentation from pytracking.libs import dcf, operation, fourier from pytracking.libs.optimization import ConjugateGradient, GaussNewtonCG, GradientDescentL2 from pytracking.libs.paddle_utils import mod, n2p, \ leaky_relu, dropout2d from pytracking.libs.tensorlist import TensorList from pytracking.tracker.atom.optim import FactorizedConvProblem, ConvProblem from pytracking.tracker.base.basetracker import BaseTracker class ATOM(BaseTracker): def initialize_features(self): if not getattr(self, 'features_initialized', False): self.params.features.initialize() self.features_initialized = True def initialize(self, image, state, *args, **kwargs): # Initialize some stuff self.frame_num = 1 # TODO: for now, we don't support explictly setting up device # if not hasattr(self.params, 'device'): # self.params.device = 'cuda' if self.params.use_gpu else 'cpu' # Initialize features self.initialize_features() # Check if image is color self.params.features.set_is_color(image.shape[2] == 3) # Get feature specific params self.fparams = self.params.features.get_fparams('feature_params') self.time = 0 tic = time.time() # Get position and size self.pos = np.array( [state[1] + (state[3] - 1) / 2, state[0] + (state[2] - 1) / 2], 'float32') self.target_sz = np.array([state[3], state[2]], 'float32') # Set search area self.target_scale = 1.0 search_area = * self.params.search_area_scale) if search_area > self.params.max_image_sample_size: self.target_scale = math.sqrt(search_area / self.params.max_image_sample_size) elif search_area < self.params.min_image_sample_size: self.target_scale = math.sqrt(search_area / self.params.min_image_sample_size) # Check if IoUNet is used self.use_iou_net = getattr(self.params, 'use_iou_net', True) # Target size in base scale self.base_target_sz = self.target_sz / self.target_scale # Use odd square search area and set sizes feat_max_stride = max(self.params.features.stride()) if getattr(self.params, 'search_area_shape', 'square') == 'square': self.img_sample_sz = np.ones((2, ), 'float32') * np.round( np.sqrt( * self.params.search_area_scale))) elif self.params.search_area_shape == 'initrect': self.img_sample_sz = np.round(self.base_target_sz * self.params.search_area_scale) else: raise ValueError('Unknown search area shape') if self.params.feature_size_odd: self.img_sample_sz += feat_max_stride - mod(self.img_sample_sz, (2 * feat_max_stride)) else: self.img_sample_sz += feat_max_stride - mod( (self.img_sample_sz + feat_max_stride), (2 * feat_max_stride)) # Set sizes self.img_support_sz = self.img_sample_sz self.feature_sz = self.params.features.size(self.img_sample_sz) self.output_sz = self.params.score_upsample_factor * self.img_support_sz # Interpolated size of the output self.kernel_size = self.fparams.attribute('kernel_size') self.iou_img_sample_sz = self.img_sample_sz # Optimization options self.params.precond_learning_rate = self.fparams.attribute( 'learning_rate') if self.params.CG_forgetting_rate is None or max( self.params.precond_learning_rate) >= 1: self.params.direction_forget_factor = 0 else: self.params.direction_forget_factor = ( 1 - max(self.params.precond_learning_rate) )**self.params.CG_forgetting_rate self.output_window = None if getattr(self.params, 'window_output', False): if getattr(self.params, 'use_clipped_window', False): self.output_window = dcf.hann2d_clipped( self.output_sz.astype('long'), self.output_sz.astype('long') * self.params.effective_search_area / self.params.search_area_scale, centered=False) else: self.output_window = dcf.hann2d( self.output_sz.astype('long'), centered=False) # Initialize some learning things self.init_learning() # Convert image im = image.astype('float32') = im # For debugging only # Setup scale bounds self.image_sz = np.array([im.shape[0], im.shape[1]], 'float32') self.min_scale_factor = np.max(10 / self.base_target_sz) self.max_scale_factor = np.min(self.image_sz / self.base_target_sz) # Extract and transform sample x = self.generate_init_samples(im) # Initialize iounet if self.use_iou_net: self.init_iou_net() # Initialize projection matrix self.init_projection_matrix(x) # Transform to get the training sample train_x = self.preprocess_sample(x) # Generate label function init_y = self.init_label_function(train_x) # Init memory self.init_memory(train_x) # Init optimizer and do initial optimization self.init_optimization(train_x, init_y) self.pos_iounet = self.pos.copy() self.time += time.time() - tic def track(self, image): self.frame_num += 1 # Convert image # im = numpy_to_paddle(image) im = image.astype('float32') = im # For debugging only # ------- LOCALIZATION ------- # # Get sample sample_pos = self.pos.round() sample_scales = self.target_scale * self.params.scale_factors test_x = self.extract_processed_sample(im, self.pos, sample_scales, self.img_sample_sz) # Compute scores scores_raw = self.apply_filter(test_x) translation_vec, scale_ind, s, flag = self.localize_target(scores_raw) # Update position and scale if flag != 'not_found': if self.use_iou_net: update_scale_flag = getattr(self.params, 'update_scale_when_uncertain', True) or flag != 'uncertain' if getattr(self.params, 'use_classifier', True): self.update_state(sample_pos + translation_vec) self.refine_target_box(sample_pos, sample_scales[scale_ind], scale_ind, update_scale_flag) elif getattr(self.params, 'use_classifier', True): self.update_state(sample_pos + translation_vec, sample_scales[scale_ind]) # ------- UPDATE ------- # # Check flags and set learning rate if hard negative update_flag = flag not in ['not_found', 'uncertain'] hard_negative = (flag == 'hard_negative') learning_rate = self.params.hard_negative_learning_rate if hard_negative else None if update_flag: # Get train sample train_x = TensorList([x[scale_ind:scale_ind + 1] for x in test_x]) # Create label for sample train_y = self.get_label_function(sample_pos, sample_scales[scale_ind]) # Update memory self.update_memory(train_x, train_y, learning_rate) # Train filter if hard_negative: elif (self.frame_num - 1) % self.params.train_skipping == 0: self.filter = self.filter_optimizer.x # Set the pos of the tracker to iounet pos if self.use_iou_net and flag != 'not_found': self.pos = self.pos_iounet.copy() # Return new state yx = self.pos - (self.target_sz - 1) / 2 new_state = np.array( [yx[1], yx[0], self.target_sz[1], self.target_sz[0]], 'float32') return new_state.tolist() def update_memory(self, sample_x: TensorList, sample_y: TensorList, learning_rate=None): replace_ind = self.update_sample_weights( self.sample_weights, self.previous_replace_ind, self.num_stored_samples, self.num_init_samples, self.fparams, learning_rate) self.previous_replace_ind = replace_ind for train_samp, x, ind in zip(self.training_samples, sample_x, replace_ind): train_samp[ind] = x[0] for y_memory, y, ind in zip(self.y, sample_y, replace_ind): y_memory[ind] = y[0] if self.hinge_mask is not None: for m, y, ind in zip(self.hinge_mask, sample_y, replace_ind): m[ind] = layers.cast(y >= self.params.hinge_threshold, 'float32')[0] self.num_stored_samples += 1 def update_sample_weights(self, sample_weights, previous_replace_ind, num_stored_samples, num_init_samples, fparams, learning_rate=None): # Update weights and get index to replace in memory replace_ind = [] for sw, prev_ind, num_samp, num_init, fpar in zip( sample_weights, previous_replace_ind, num_stored_samples, num_init_samples, fparams): lr = learning_rate if lr is None: lr = fpar.learning_rate init_samp_weight = getattr(fpar, 'init_samples_minimum_weight', None) if init_samp_weight == 0: init_samp_weight = None s_ind = 0 if init_samp_weight is None else num_init if num_samp == 0 or lr == 1: sw[:] = 0 sw[0] = 1 r_ind = 0 else: # Get index to replace r_ind = np.argmin(sw[s_ind:], 0) r_ind = int(r_ind + s_ind) # Update weights if prev_ind is None: sw /= 1 - lr sw[r_ind] = lr else: sw[r_ind] = sw[prev_ind] / (1 - lr) sw /= sw.sum() if init_samp_weight is not None and sw[:num_init].sum( ) < init_samp_weight: sw /= init_samp_weight + sw[num_init:].sum() sw[:num_init] = init_samp_weight / num_init replace_ind.append(r_ind) return replace_ind def localize_target(self, scores_raw): # Weighted sum (if multiple features) with interpolation in fourier domain weight = self.fparams.attribute('translation_weight', 1.0) scores_raw = weight * scores_raw sf_weighted = fourier.cfft2(scores_raw) / (scores_raw.size(2) * scores_raw.size(3)) for i, (sz, ksz) in enumerate(zip(self.feature_sz, self.kernel_size)): sf_weighted[i] = fourier.shift_fs(sf_weighted[i], math.pi * ( 1 - np.array([ksz[0] % 2, ksz[1] % 2]) / sz)) scores_fs = fourier.sum_fs(sf_weighted) scores = fourier.sample_fs(scores_fs, self.output_sz) if self.output_window is not None and not getattr( self.params, 'perform_hn_without_windowing', False): scores *= self.output_window if getattr(self.params, 'advanced_localization', False): return self.localize_advanced(scores) # Get maximum max_score, max_disp = dcf.max2d(scores) scale_ind = np.argmax(max_score, axis=0)[0] max_disp = max_disp.astype('float32') # Convert to displacements in the base scale output_sz = self.output_sz.copy() disp = mod((max_disp + output_sz / 2), output_sz) - output_sz / 2 # Compute translation vector and scale change factor translation_vec = np.reshape( disp[scale_ind].astype('float32'), [-1]) * ( self.img_support_sz / self.output_sz) * self.target_scale translation_vec *= self.params.scale_factors[scale_ind] # Shift the score output for visualization purposes if self.params.debug >= 2: sz = scores.shape[-2:] scores = np.concatenate( [scores[..., sz[0] // 2:, :], scores[..., :sz[0] // 2, :]], -2) scores = np.concatenate( [scores[..., sz[1] // 2:], scores[..., :sz[1] // 2]], -1) return translation_vec, scale_ind, scores, None def update_state(self, new_pos, new_scale=None): # Update scale if new_scale is not None: self.target_scale = np.clip(new_scale, self.min_scale_factor, self.max_scale_factor) self.target_sz = self.base_target_sz * self.target_scale # Update pos inside_ratio = 0.2 inside_offset = (inside_ratio - 0.5) * self.target_sz self.pos = np.maximum( np.minimum(new_pos, self.image_sz.astype('float32') - inside_offset), inside_offset) def get_label_function(self, sample_pos, sample_scale): # Generate label function train_y = TensorList() target_center_norm = (self.pos - sample_pos) / (self.img_support_sz * sample_scale) for sig, sz, ksz in zip(self.sigma, self.feature_sz, self.kernel_size): center = sz * target_center_norm + 0.5 * np.array( [(ksz[0] + 1) % 2, (ksz[1] + 1) % 2], 'float32') train_y.append(dcf.label_function_spatial(sz, sig, center)) return train_y def extract_sample(self, im: np.ndarray, pos: np.ndarray, scales, sz: np.ndarray, debug_save_name): return self.params.features.extract(im, pos, scales, sz, debug_save_name) def extract_processed_sample(self, im: np.ndarray, pos: np.ndarray, scales, sz: np.ndarray, debug_save_name=None) -> (TensorList, TensorList): x = self.extract_sample(im, pos, scales, sz, debug_save_name) return self.preprocess_sample(self.project_sample(x)) def apply_filter(self, sample_x: TensorList): with fluid.dygraph.guard(): sample_x = sample_x.apply(n2p) filter = self.filter.apply(n2p) return operation.conv2d(sample_x, filter, mode='same').numpy() def init_projection_matrix(self, x): # Set if using projection matrix self.params.use_projection_matrix = getattr( self.params, 'use_projection_matrix', True) if self.params.use_projection_matrix: self.compressed_dim = self.fparams.attribute('compressed_dim', None) proj_init_method = getattr(self.params, 'proj_init_method', 'pca') if proj_init_method == 'pca': raise NotImplementedError elif proj_init_method == 'randn': with fluid.dygraph.guard(): self.projection_matrix = TensorList([ None if cdim is None else layers.gaussian_random( (cdim, ex.shape[1], 1, 1), 0.0, 1 / math.sqrt(ex.shape[1])).numpy() for ex, cdim in zip(x, self.compressed_dim) ]) elif proj_init_method == 'np_randn': rng = np.random.RandomState(0) self.projection_matrix = TensorList([ None if cdim is None else rng.normal( size=(cdim, ex.shape[1], 1, 1), loc=0.0, scale=1 / math.sqrt(ex.shape[1])).astype('float32') for ex, cdim in zip(x, self.compressed_dim) ]) elif proj_init_method == 'ones': self.projection_matrix = TensorList([ None if cdim is None else np.ones((cdim, ex.shape[1], 1, 1), 'float32') / math.sqrt(ex.shape[1]) for ex, cdim in zip(x, self.compressed_dim) ]) else: self.compressed_dim = x.size(1) self.projection_matrix = TensorList([None] * len(x)) def preprocess_sample(self, x: TensorList) -> (TensorList, TensorList): if getattr(self.params, '_feature_window', False): x = x * self.feature_window return x def init_label_function(self, train_x): # Allocate label function self.y = TensorList([ np.zeros( [self.params.sample_memory_size, 1, x.shape[2], x.shape[3]], 'float32') for x in train_x ]) # Output sigma factor output_sigma_factor = self.fparams.attribute('output_sigma_factor') self.sigma = output_sigma_factor * np.ones((2, ), 'float32') * ( self.feature_sz / self.img_support_sz * self.base_target_sz).apply( # Center pos in normalized coords target_center_norm = (self.pos - np.round(self.pos)) / ( self.target_scale * self.img_support_sz) # Generate label functions for y, sig, sz, ksz, x in zip(self.y, self.sigma, self.feature_sz, self.kernel_size, train_x): center_pos = sz * target_center_norm + 0.5 * np.array( [(ksz[0] + 1) % 2, (ksz[1] + 1) % 2], 'float32') for i, T in enumerate(self.transforms[:x.shape[0]]): sample_center = center_pos + np.array( T.shift, 'float32') / self.img_support_sz * sz y[i] = dcf.label_function_spatial(sz, sig, sample_center) # Return only the ones to use for initial training return TensorList([y[:x.shape[0]] for y, x in zip(self.y, train_x)]) def init_memory(self, train_x): # Initialize first-frame training samples self.num_init_samples = train_x.size(0) self.init_sample_weights = TensorList( [np.ones(x.shape[0], 'float32') / x.shape[0] for x in train_x]) self.init_training_samples = train_x # Sample counters and weights self.num_stored_samples = self.num_init_samples.copy() self.previous_replace_ind = [None] * len(self.num_stored_samples) self.sample_weights = TensorList([ np.zeros(self.params.sample_memory_size, 'float32') for x in train_x ]) for sw, init_sw, num in zip(self.sample_weights, self.init_sample_weights, self.num_init_samples): sw[:num] = init_sw # Initialize memory self.training_samples = TensorList( [[np.zeros([cdim, x.shape[2], x.shape[3]], 'float32')] * self.params.sample_memory_size for x, cdim in zip(train_x, self.compressed_dim)]) def init_learning(self): # Get window function self.feature_window = TensorList( [dcf.hann2d(sz) for sz in self.feature_sz]) # Filter regularization self.filter_reg = self.fparams.attribute('filter_reg') # Activation function after the projection matrix (phi_1 in the paper) projection_activation = getattr(self.params, 'projection_activation', 'none') if isinstance(projection_activation, tuple): projection_activation, act_param = projection_activation if projection_activation == 'none': self.projection_activation = lambda x: x elif projection_activation == 'relu': self.projection_activation = layers.relu elif projection_activation == 'elu': self.projection_activation = layers.elu elif projection_activation == 'mlu': self.projection_activation = lambda x: layers.elu(leaky_relu(x, 1 / act_param), act_param) else: raise ValueError('Unknown activation') # Activation function after the output scores (phi_2 in the paper) response_activation = getattr(self.params, 'response_activation', 'none') if isinstance(response_activation, tuple): response_activation, act_param = response_activation if response_activation == 'none': self.response_activation = lambda x: x elif response_activation == 'relu': self.response_activation = layers.relu elif response_activation == 'elu': self.response_activation = layers.elu elif response_activation == 'mlu': self.response_activation = lambda x: layers.elu(leaky_relu(x, 1 / act_param), act_param) else: raise ValueError('Unknown activation') def generate_init_samples(self, im: np.ndarray) -> TensorList: """Generate augmented initial samples.""" # Compute augmentation size aug_expansion_factor = getattr(self.params, 'augmentation_expansion_factor', None) aug_expansion_sz = self.img_sample_sz.copy() aug_output_sz = None if aug_expansion_factor is not None and aug_expansion_factor != 1: aug_expansion_sz = (self.img_sample_sz * aug_expansion_factor).astype('long') aug_expansion_sz += ( aug_expansion_sz - self.img_sample_sz.astype('long')) % 2 aug_expansion_sz = aug_expansion_sz.astype('float32') aug_output_sz = self.img_sample_sz.astype('long').tolist() # Random shift operator get_rand_shift = lambda: None random_shift_factor = getattr(self.params, 'random_shift_factor', 0) if random_shift_factor > 0: get_rand_shift = lambda: ((np.random.uniform(size=[2]) - 0.5) * self.img_sample_sz * random_shift_factor).astype('long').tolist() # Create transofmations self.transforms = [augmentation.Identity(aug_output_sz)] if 'shift' in self.params.augmentation: self.transforms.extend([ augmentation.Translation(shift, aug_output_sz) for shift in self.params.augmentation['shift'] ]) if 'relativeshift' in self.params.augmentation: get_absolute = lambda shift: (np.array(shift, 'float32') * self.img_sample_sz / 2).astype('long').tolist() self.transforms.extend([ augmentation.Translation(get_absolute(shift), aug_output_sz) for shift in self.params.augmentation['relativeshift'] ]) if 'fliplr' in self.params.augmentation and self.params.augmentation[ 'fliplr']: self.transforms.append( augmentation.FlipHorizontal(aug_output_sz, get_rand_shift())) if 'blur' in self.params.augmentation: self.transforms.extend([ augmentation.Blur(sigma, aug_output_sz, get_rand_shift()) for sigma in self.params.augmentation['blur'] ]) if 'scale' in self.params.augmentation: self.transforms.extend([ augmentation.Scale(scale_factor, aug_output_sz, get_rand_shift()) for scale_factor in self.params.augmentation['scale'] ]) if 'rotate' in self.params.augmentation: self.transforms.extend([ augmentation.Rotate(angle, aug_output_sz, get_rand_shift()) for angle in self.params.augmentation['rotate'] ]) # Generate initial samples init_samples = self.params.features.extract_transformed( im, self.pos, self.target_scale, aug_expansion_sz, self.transforms) # Remove augmented samples for those that shall not have for i, use_aug in enumerate(self.fparams.attribute('use_augmentation')): if not use_aug: init_samples[i] = init_samples[i][0:1] # Add dropout samples if 'dropout' in self.params.augmentation: num, prob = self.params.augmentation['dropout'] self.transforms.extend(self.transforms[:1] * num) with fluid.dygraph.guard(): for i, use_aug in enumerate( self.fparams.attribute('use_augmentation')): if use_aug: init_samples[i] = np.concatenate([ init_samples[i], dropout2d( layers.expand( n2p(init_samples[i][0:1]), (num, 1, 1, 1)), prob, is_train=True).numpy() ]) return init_samples def init_optimization(self, train_x, init_y): # Initialize filter filter_init_method = getattr(self.params, 'filter_init_method', 'zeros') self.filter = TensorList([ np.zeros([1, cdim, sz[0], sz[1]], 'float32') for x, cdim, sz in zip(train_x, self.compressed_dim, self.kernel_size) ]) if filter_init_method == 'zeros': pass elif filter_init_method == 'ones': for idx, f in enumerate(self.filter): self.filter[idx] = np.ones(f.shape, 'float32') / elif filter_init_method == 'np_randn': rng = np.random.RandomState(0) for idx, f in enumerate(self.filter): self.filter[idx] = rng.normal( size=f.shape, loc=0, scale=1 /'float32') elif filter_init_method == 'randn': for idx, f in enumerate(self.filter): with fluid.dygraph.guard(): self.filter[idx] = layers.gaussian_random( f.shape, std=1 / else: raise ValueError('Unknown "filter_init_method"') # Get parameters self.params.update_projection_matrix = getattr( self.params, 'update_projection_matrix', True) and self.params.use_projection_matrix optimizer = getattr(self.params, 'optimizer', 'GaussNewtonCG') # Setup factorized joint optimization if self.params.update_projection_matrix: self.joint_problem = FactorizedConvProblem( self.init_training_samples, init_y, self.filter_reg, self.fparams.attribute('projection_reg'), self.params, self.init_sample_weights, self.projection_activation, self.response_activation) # Variable containing both filter and projection matrix joint_var = self.filter.concat(self.projection_matrix) # Initialize optimizer analyze_convergence = getattr(self.params, 'analyze_convergence', False) if optimizer == 'GaussNewtonCG': self.joint_optimizer = GaussNewtonCG( self.joint_problem, joint_var, plotting=(self.params.debug >= 3), analyze=True, fig_num=(12, 13, 14)) elif optimizer == 'GradientDescentL2': self.joint_optimizer = GradientDescentL2( self.joint_problem, joint_var, self.params.optimizer_step_length, self.params.optimizer_momentum, plotting=(self.params.debug >= 3), debug=analyze_convergence, fig_num=(12, 13)) # Do joint optimization if isinstance(self.params.init_CG_iter, (list, tuple)): else: // self.params.init_GN_iter, self.params.init_GN_iter) # Get back filter and optimizer len_x = len(self.joint_optimizer.x) self.filter = self.joint_optimizer.x[:len_x // 2] # w2 in paper self.projection_matrix = self.joint_optimizer.x[len_x // 2:] # w1 in paper if analyze_convergence: opt_name = 'CG' if getattr(self.params, 'CG_optimizer', True) else 'GD' for val_name, values in zip(['loss', 'gradient'], [ self.joint_optimizer.losses, self.joint_optimizer.gradient_mags ]): val_str = ' '.join( ['{:.8e}'.format(v.item()) for v in values]) file_name = '{}_{}.txt'.format(opt_name, val_name) with open(file_name, 'a') as f: f.write(val_str + '\n') raise RuntimeError('Exiting') # Re-project samples with the new projection matrix compressed_samples = self.project_sample(self.init_training_samples, self.projection_matrix) for train_samp, init_samp in zip(self.training_samples, compressed_samples): for idx in range(init_samp.shape[0]): train_samp[idx] = init_samp[idx] self.hinge_mask = None # Initialize optimizer self.conv_problem = ConvProblem(self.training_samples, self.y, self.filter_reg, self.sample_weights, self.response_activation) if optimizer == 'GaussNewtonCG': self.filter_optimizer = ConjugateGradient( self.conv_problem, self.filter, fletcher_reeves=self.params.fletcher_reeves, direction_forget_factor=self.params.direction_forget_factor, debug=(self.params.debug >= 3), fig_num=(12, 13)) elif optimizer == 'GradientDescentL2': self.filter_optimizer = GradientDescentL2( self.conv_problem, self.filter, self.params.optimizer_step_length, self.params.optimizer_momentum, debug=(self.params.debug >= 3), fig_num=12) # Transfer losses from previous optimization if self.params.update_projection_matrix: self.filter_optimizer.residuals = self.joint_optimizer.residuals self.filter_optimizer.losses = self.joint_optimizer.losses if not self.params.update_projection_matrix: # Post optimization self.filter = self.filter_optimizer.x # Free memory del self.init_training_samples if self.params.use_projection_matrix: del self.joint_problem, self.joint_optimizer def project_sample(self, x: TensorList, proj_matrix=None): # Apply projection matrix if proj_matrix is None: proj_matrix = self.projection_matrix with fluid.dygraph.guard(): return operation.conv2d(x.apply(n2p), proj_matrix.apply(n2p)).apply( self.projection_activation).numpy() def get_iounet_box(self, pos, sz, sample_pos, sample_scale): """All inputs in original image coordinates""" box_center = (pos - sample_pos) / sample_scale + (self.iou_img_sample_sz - 1) / 2 box_sz = sz / sample_scale target_ul = box_center - (box_sz - 1) / 2 return np.concatenate([np.flip(target_ul, 0), np.flip(box_sz, 0)]) def get_iou_features(self): return self.params.features.get_unique_attribute('iounet_features') def get_iou_backbone_features(self): return self.params.features.get_unique_attribute( 'iounet_backbone_features') def init_iou_net(self): # Setup IoU net self.iou_predictor = self.params.features.get_unique_attribute( 'iou_predictor') # Get target boxes for the different augmentations self.iou_target_box = self.get_iounet_box(self.pos, self.target_sz, self.pos.round(), self.target_scale) target_boxes = TensorList() if self.params.iounet_augmentation: for T in self.transforms: if not isinstance( T, (augmentation.Identity, augmentation.Translation, augmentation.FlipHorizontal, augmentation.FlipVertical, augmentation.Blur)): break target_boxes.append(self.iou_target_box + np.array( [T.shift[1], T.shift[0], 0, 0])) else: target_boxes.append(self.iou_target_box.copy()) target_boxes = np.concatenate(target_boxes.view(1, 4), 0) # Get iou features iou_backbone_features = self.get_iou_backbone_features() # Remove other augmentations such as rotation iou_backbone_features = TensorList( [x[:target_boxes.shape[0], ...] for x in iou_backbone_features]) # Extract target feat with fluid.dygraph.guard(): iou_backbone_features = iou_backbone_features.apply(n2p) target_boxes = n2p(target_boxes) target_feat = self.iou_predictor.get_filter(iou_backbone_features, target_boxes) self.target_feat = TensorList( [layers.reduce_mean(x, 0).numpy() for x in target_feat]) if getattr(self.params, 'iounet_not_use_reference', False): self.target_feat = TensorList([ np.full_like(tf, tf.norm() / tf.numel()) for tf in self.target_feat ]) def optimize_boxes(self, iou_features, init_boxes): with fluid.dygraph.guard(): # Optimize iounet boxes init_boxes = np.reshape(init_boxes, (1, -1, 4)) step_length = self.params.box_refinement_step_length target_feat = self.target_feat.apply(n2p) iou_features = iou_features.apply(n2p) output_boxes = n2p(init_boxes) for f in iou_features: f.stop_gradient = False for i_ in range(self.params.box_refinement_iter): # forward pass bb_init = output_boxes bb_init.stop_gradient = False outputs = self.iou_predictor.predict_iou(target_feat, iou_features, bb_init) if isinstance(outputs, (list, tuple)): outputs = outputs[0] outputs.backward() # Update proposal bb_init_np = bb_init.numpy() bb_init_gd = bb_init.gradient() output_boxes = bb_init_np + step_length * bb_init_gd * np.tile( bb_init_np[:, :, 2:], (1, 1, 2)) output_boxes = n2p(output_boxes) step_length *= self.params.box_refinement_step_decay return layers.reshape(output_boxes, ( -1, 4)).numpy(), layers.reshape(outputs, (-1, )).numpy() def refine_target_box(self, sample_pos, sample_scale, scale_ind, update_scale=True): # Initial box for refinement init_box = self.get_iounet_box(self.pos, self.target_sz, sample_pos, sample_scale) # Extract features from the relevant scale iou_features = self.get_iou_features() iou_features = TensorList( [x[scale_ind:scale_ind + 1, ...] for x in iou_features]) init_boxes = np.reshape(init_box, (1, 4)).copy() rand_fn = lambda a, b: np.random.rand(a, b).astype('float32') if self.params.num_init_random_boxes > 0: # Get random initial boxes square_box_sz = np.sqrt(init_box[2:].prod()) rand_factor = square_box_sz * np.concatenate([ self.params.box_jitter_pos * np.ones(2), self.params.box_jitter_sz * np.ones(2) ]) minimal_edge_size = init_box[2:].min() / 3 rand_bb = (rand_fn(self.params.num_init_random_boxes, 4) - 0.5 ) * rand_factor new_sz = np.clip(init_box[2:] + rand_bb[:, 2:], minimal_edge_size, 1e10) new_center = (init_box[:2] + init_box[2:] / 2) + rand_bb[:, :2] init_boxes = np.concatenate([new_center - new_sz / 2, new_sz], 1) init_boxes = np.concatenate( [np.reshape(init_box, (1, 4)), init_boxes]) # Refine boxes by maximizing iou output_boxes, output_iou = self.optimize_boxes(iou_features, init_boxes) # Remove weird boxes with extreme aspect ratios output_boxes[:, 2:] = np.clip(output_boxes[:, 2:], 1, 1e10) aspect_ratio = output_boxes[:, 2] / output_boxes[:, 3] keep_ind = (aspect_ratio < self.params.maximal_aspect_ratio) * \ (aspect_ratio > 1 / self.params.maximal_aspect_ratio) output_boxes = output_boxes[keep_ind, :] output_iou = output_iou[keep_ind] # If no box found if output_boxes.shape[0] == 0: return # Take average of top k boxes k = getattr(self.params, 'iounet_k', 5) topk = min(k, output_boxes.shape[0]) inds = np.argsort(-output_iou)[:topk] predicted_box = np.mean(output_boxes[inds, :], axis=0) predicted_iou = np.mean( np.reshape(output_iou, (-1, 1))[inds, :], axis=0) # Update position new_pos = predicted_box[:2] + predicted_box[2:] / 2 - ( self.iou_img_sample_sz - 1) / 2 new_pos = np.flip(new_pos, 0) * sample_scale + sample_pos new_target_sz = np.flip(predicted_box[2:], 0) * sample_scale new_scale = np.sqrt( / self.pos_iounet = new_pos.copy() if getattr(self.params, 'use_iounet_pos_for_learning', True): self.pos = new_pos.copy() self.target_sz = new_target_sz if update_scale: self.target_scale = new_scale def localize_advanced(self, scores): """Does the advanced localization with hard negative detection and target not found.""" sz = scores.shape[-2:] if self.output_window is not None and getattr( self.params, 'perform_hn_without_windowing', False): scores_orig = scores.copy() scores_orig = np.concatenate([ scores_orig[..., (sz[0] + 1) // 2:, :], scores_orig[..., :(sz[0] + 1) // 2, :] ], -2) scores_orig = np.concatenate([ scores_orig[..., :, (sz[1] + 1) // 2:], scores_orig[..., :, :(sz[1] + 1) // 2] ], -1) scores *= self.output_window # Shift scores back scores = np.concatenate([ scores[..., (sz[0] + 1) // 2:, :], scores[..., :(sz[0] + 1) // 2, :] ], -2) scores = np.concatenate([ scores[..., :, (sz[1] + 1) // 2:], scores[..., :, :(sz[1] + 1) // 2] ], -1) # Find maximum max_score1, max_disp1 = dcf.max2d(scores) scale_ind = np.argmax(max_score1, axis=0)[0] max_score1 = max_score1[scale_ind] max_disp1 = np.reshape(max_disp1[scale_ind].astype('float32'), (-1)) target_disp1 = max_disp1 - self.output_sz // 2 translation_vec1 = target_disp1 * (self.img_support_sz / self.output_sz) * self.target_scale if max_score1 < self.params.target_not_found_threshold: return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'not_found' if self.output_window is not None and getattr( self.params, 'perform_hn_without_windowing', False): scores = scores_orig # Mask out target neighborhood target_neigh_sz = self.params.target_neighborhood_scale * self.target_sz / self.target_scale tneigh_top = int(max(round(max_disp1[0] - target_neigh_sz[0] / 2), 0)) tneigh_bottom = int( min(round(max_disp1[0] + target_neigh_sz[0] / 2 + 1), sz[0])) tneigh_left = int(max(round(max_disp1[1] - target_neigh_sz[1] / 2), 0)) tneigh_right = int( min(round(max_disp1[1] + target_neigh_sz[1] / 2 + 1), sz[1])) scores_masked = scores[scale_ind:scale_ind + 1, ...].copy() scores_masked[..., tneigh_top:tneigh_bottom, tneigh_left: tneigh_right] = 0 # Find new maximum max_score2, max_disp2 = dcf.max2d(scores_masked) max_disp2 = np.reshape(max_disp2.astype('float32'), (-1)) target_disp2 = max_disp2 - self.output_sz // 2 translation_vec2 = target_disp2 * (self.img_support_sz / self.output_sz) * self.target_scale # Handle the different cases if max_score2 > self.params.distractor_threshold * max_score1: disp_norm1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(target_disp1**2)) disp_norm2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(target_disp2**2)) disp_threshold = self.params.dispalcement_scale * math.sqrt( sz[0] * sz[1]) / 2 if disp_norm2 > disp_threshold and disp_norm1 < disp_threshold: return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'hard_negative' if disp_norm2 < disp_threshold and disp_norm1 > disp_threshold: return translation_vec2, scale_ind, scores, 'hard_negative' if disp_norm2 > disp_threshold and disp_norm1 > disp_threshold: return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'uncertain' # If also the distractor is close, return with highest score return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'uncertain' if max_score2 > self.params.hard_negative_threshold * max_score1 and max_score2 > self.params.target_not_found_threshold: return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, 'hard_negative' return translation_vec1, scale_ind, scores, None