import jpeg4py import cv2 as cv import lmdb import numpy as np def default_image_loader(path): """The default image loader, reads the image from the given path. It first tries to use the jpeg4py_loader, but reverts to the opencv_loader if the former is not available.""" if default_image_loader.use_jpeg4py is None: # Try using jpeg4py im = jpeg4py_loader(path) if im is None: default_image_loader.use_jpeg4py = False print('Jpeg4py is not available. Using OpenCV instead.') else: default_image_loader.use_jpeg4py = True return im if default_image_loader.use_jpeg4py: return jpeg4py_loader(path) return opencv_loader(path) default_image_loader.use_jpeg4py = None def jpeg4py_loader(path): """ Image reading using jpeg4py (""" try: return jpeg4py.JPEG(path).decode() except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Jpeg4py could not read image "{}". Using OpenCV instead.'.format(path)) print(e) return opencv_loader(path) def opencv_loader(path): """ Read image using opencv's imread function and returns it in rgb format""" try: im = cv.imread(path, cv.IMREAD_COLOR) # convert to rgb and return return cv.cvtColor(im, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: OpenCV could not read image "{}"'.format(path)) print(e) return None def lmdb_loader(path, lmdb_path=None): try: if lmdb_loader.txn is None: db =, readonly=True, map_size=int(300e9)) lmdb_loader.txn = db.begin(write=False) img_buffer = lmdb_loader.txn.get(path.encode()) img_buffer = np.frombuffer(img_buffer, np.uint8) return cv.imdecode(img_buffer, cv.IMREAD_COLOR) except Exception as e: print('ERROR: Lmdb could not read image "{}"'.format(path)) print(e) return None lmdb_loader.txn = None