import paddle.v2 as paddle __all__ = ['resnet_imagenet', 'resnet_cifar10'] def conv_bn_layer(input, ch_out, filter_size, stride, padding, active_type=paddle.activation.Relu(), ch_in=None): tmp = paddle.layer.img_conv( input=input, filter_size=filter_size, num_channels=ch_in, num_filters=ch_out, stride=stride, padding=padding, act=paddle.activation.Linear(), bias_attr=False) return paddle.layer.batch_norm(input=tmp, act=active_type) def shortcut(input, ch_in, ch_out, stride): if ch_in != ch_out: return conv_bn_layer(input, ch_out, 1, stride, 0, paddle.activation.Linear()) else: return input def basicblock(input, ch_in, ch_out, stride): short = shortcut(input, ch_in, ch_out, stride) conv1 = conv_bn_layer(input, ch_out, 3, stride, 1) conv2 = conv_bn_layer(conv1, ch_out, 3, 1, 1, paddle.activation.Linear()) return paddle.layer.addto( input=[short, conv2], act=paddle.activation.Relu()) def bottleneck(input, ch_in, ch_out, stride): short = shortcut(input, ch_in, ch_out * 4, stride) conv1 = conv_bn_layer(input, ch_out, 1, stride, 0) conv2 = conv_bn_layer(conv1, ch_out, 3, 1, 1) conv3 = conv_bn_layer(conv2, ch_out * 4, 1, 1, 0, paddle.activation.Linear()) return paddle.layer.addto( input=[short, conv3], act=paddle.activation.Relu()) def layer_warp(block_func, input, ch_in, ch_out, count, stride): conv = block_func(input, ch_in, ch_out, stride) for i in range(1, count): conv = block_func(conv, ch_in, ch_out, 1) return conv def resnet_imagenet(input, depth=50, class_dim=100): cfg = { 18: ([2, 2, 2, 1], basicblock), 34: ([3, 4, 6, 3], basicblock), 50: ([3, 4, 6, 3], bottleneck), 101: ([3, 4, 23, 3], bottleneck), 152: ([3, 8, 36, 3], bottleneck) } stages, block_func = cfg[depth] conv1 = conv_bn_layer( input, ch_in=3, ch_out=64, filter_size=7, stride=2, padding=3) pool1 = paddle.layer.img_pool(input=conv1, pool_size=3, stride=2) res1 = layer_warp(block_func, pool1, 64, 64, stages[0], 1) res2 = layer_warp(block_func, res1, 64, 128, stages[1], 2) res3 = layer_warp(block_func, res2, 128, 256, stages[2], 2) res4 = layer_warp(block_func, res3, 256, 512, stages[3], 2) pool2 = paddle.layer.img_pool( input=res4, pool_size=7, stride=1, pool_type=paddle.pooling.Avg()) out = paddle.layer.fc( input=pool2, size=class_dim, act=paddle.activation.Softmax()) return out def resnet_cifar10(input, depth=32, class_dim=10): # depth should be one of 20, 32, 44, 56, 110, 1202 assert (depth - 2) % 6 == 0 n = (depth - 2) / 6 nStages = {16, 64, 128} conv1 = conv_bn_layer( input, ch_in=3, ch_out=16, filter_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) res1 = layer_warp(basicblock, conv1, 16, n, 1) res2 = layer_warp(basicblock, res1, 32, n, 2) res3 = layer_warp(basicblock, res2, 64, n, 2) pool = paddle.layer.img_pool( input=res3, pool_size=8, stride=1, pool_type=paddle.pooling.Avg()) out = paddle.layer.fc( input=pool, size=class_dim, act=paddle.activation.Softmax()) return out