diff --git a/fluid/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/fluid_transformer.md b/fluid/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/fluid_transformer.md
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+## Transformer 概述
+### 背景简介
+Transformer 是论文 [Attention Is All You Need](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762) 中提出的用以完成机器翻译(machine translation, MT)等序列到序列(sequence to sequence, Seq2Seq)学习任务的一种全新网络结构,其完全使用注意力(Attention)机制来实现序列到序列的建模。
+相较于此前 Seq2Seq 模型中广泛使用的循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network, RNN),使用(Self)Attention 进行输入序列到输出序列的变换主要具有以下优势:
+- 计算复杂度低
+ - 特征维度为 d 、长度为 n 的序列,在 RNN 中计算复杂度为 `O(n * d * d)` (n 个时间步,每个时间步计算 d 维的矩阵向量乘法),在 Self-Attention 中计算复杂度为 `O(n * n * d)` (n 个时间步两两计算 d 维的向量点积或其他相关度函数),n 通常要小于 d 。
+- 计算并行度高
+ - RNN 中当前时间步的计算要依赖前一个时间步的计算结果;Self-Attention 中各时间步的计算只依赖输入不依赖之前时间步输出,各时间步可以完全并行。
+- 容易学习长程依赖(long-range dependencies)
+ - RNN 中相距为 n 的两个位置间的关联需要 n 步才能建立;Self-Attention 中任何两个位置都直接相连;路径越短信号传播越容易。
+Transformer 模型在训练时间大幅减少的同时取得了 WMT'14 英德翻译任务 BLEU 值的新高。此外,Transformer 或其部件在其他模型和任务中也取得了良好的效果。
+### Transformer 模型概览
+Transformer 使用了 Seq2Seq 模型中典型的编码器-解码器(Encoder-Decoder)的框架结构,整体网络结构如图1所示。
+图 1. Transformer 网络结构图
+Encoder 由若干相同的 layer 堆叠组成,每个 layer 主要由 Multi-Head Attention 和 Position-wise Feed-Forward Network 这两个 sub-layer 构成。
+- Multi-Head Attention 在这里用于实现 Self-Attention,相比于简单的 Attention 机制,其将输入进行多路线性变换后分别计算 Attention 的结果,并将所有结果拼接后再次进行线性变换作为输出。其中 Attention 使用的是 Dot-Product,并在点积后进行了 scale 的处理以避免因点积结果过大进入 softmax 的饱和区域。
+- Position-wise Feed-Forward Network采用的是两次线性变换中间加以 ReLU 激活的结构。
+此外,每个 sub-layer 后还施以 Residual Connection 和 Layer Normalization 来促进梯度传播和模型收敛。
+Decoder 具有和 Encoder 类似的结构,只是相比于组成 Encoder 的 layer ,在组成 Decoder 的 layer 中还多了一个 Multi-Head Attention 的 sub-layer 来实现对 Encoder 输出的 Attention,这个 Encoder-Decoder Attention 在其他 Seq2Seq 模型中也是存在的。
+## Fluid Transformer 实现
+代码: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/tree/develop/fluid/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer
+├── config.py # 训练、预测以及模型参数配置
+├── infer.py # 预测脚本
+├── model.py # 模型定义
+├── optim.py # learning rate scheduling 计算程序
+├── reader.py # 数据读取接口
+├── train.py # 训练脚本
+└── gen_data.sh # BPE 数据生成脚本
+### Fluid Transformer 训练网络
+模型定义代码 `model.py`
+├── transformer
+ ├── make_all_inputs
+ ├── wrap_encoder
+ ├── prepare_encoder
+ └── word_embedding + position_encoding
+ └── encoder
+ ├── stack of encoder_layer
+ ├── multi_head_attention
+ └── positionwise_feed_forward
+ └── pre_process_layer
+ ├── wrap_decoder
+ ├── prepare_decoder
+ └── word_embedding + position_encoding
+ └── decoder
+ ├── stack of decoder_layer
+ ├── multi_head_attention
+ ├── multi_head_attention
+ └── positionwise_feed_forward
+ └── pre_process_layer
+ └── loss
+- `make_all_inputs` 数据输入的定义
+ APIs:fluid.layers.data
+ 相关 Q&A:如何处理变长数据
+ ```python
+ def make_all_inputs(input_fields):
+ """
+ Define the input data layers for the transformer model.
+ """
+ inputs = []
+ for input_field in input_fields:
+ input_var = layers.data(
+ name=input_field,
+ shape=input_descs[input_field][0],
+ dtype=input_descs[input_field][1],
+ lod_level=input_descs[input_field][2]
+ if len(input_descs[input_field]) == 3 else 0,
+ append_batch_size=False)
+ inputs.append(input_var)
+ return inputs
+ ```
+ ```python
+ # The shapes and sizes are placeholders in compile-time(when building network).
+ batch_size = -1
+ seq_len = ModelHyperParams.max_length
+ input_descs = {
+ "src_word": [(batch_size, seq_len, 1), "int64"],
+ "src_pos": [(batch_size, seq_len, 1), "int64"],
+ "src_slf_attn_bias": [(batch_size, ModelHyperParams.n_head, seq_len,
+ seq_len), "float32"],
+ "trg_word": [(batch_size, seq_len, 1), "int64", 2],
+ "trg_pos": [(batch_size, seq_len, 1), "int64"],
+ "trg_slf_attn_bias": [(batch_size, ModelHyperParams.n_head, seq_len,
+ seq_len), "float32"],
+ "trg_src_attn_bias": [(batch_size, ModelHyperParams.n_head, seq_len,
+ seq_len), "float32"],
+ "lbl_word": [(batch_size * seq_len, 1), "int64"],
+ "lbl_weight": [(batch_size * seq_len, 1), "float32"],
+ "init_score": [(batch_size, 1), "float32", 2]
+ }
+ ```
+- `warp_encoder`/`warp_decoder` encoder/decoder 的 wraper
+ - prepare_encoder/prepare_decoder 产生 encoder/decoder 的输入
+ APIs:fluid.layers.embedding、fluid.layers.scale、fluid.layers.elementwise_add、fluid.layers.dropout
+ 相关 Q&A:如何进行权值共享、如何导入外部计算的参数值
+ ```python
+ def prepare_encoder_decoder():
+ """Add word embeddings and position encodings"""
+ src_word_emb = layers.embedding(
+ src_word,
+ size=[src_vocab_size, src_emb_dim],
+ padding_idx=ModelHyperParams.bos_idx,
+ param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(
+ name=word_emb_param_name,
+ initializer=fluid.initializer.Normal(0., src_emb_dim**-0.5)))
+ src_word_emb = layers.scale(x=src_word_emb, scale=src_emb_dim**0.5)
+ src_pos_enc = layers.embedding(
+ src_pos,
+ size=[src_max_len, src_emb_dim],
+ param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(
+ name=pos_enc_param_name, trainable=False))
+ src_pos_enc.stop_gradient = True
+ enc_input = src_word_emb + src_pos_enc
+ return layers.dropout(
+ enc_input,
+ dropout_prob=dropout_rate,
+ seed=ModelHyperParams.dropout_seed,
+ is_test=False) if dropout_rate else enc_input
+ ```
+ - encoder/decoder
+ - encoder/decoder layer
+ - multi_head_attention
+ 图 2. Multi-Head Attention
+ APIs:fluid.layers.fc、fluid.layers.reshape、fluid.layers.transpose、fluid.layers.matmul、fluid.layers.elementwise_add、fluid.layers.softmax、fluid.layers.dropout
+ ```python
+ def __compute_qkv(queries, keys, values, n_head, d_key, d_value):
+ """
+ Add linear projection to queries, keys, and values.
+ """
+ q = layers.fc(input=queries,
+ size=d_key * n_head,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ num_flatten_dims=2)
+ k = layers.fc(input=keys,
+ size=d_key * n_head,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ num_flatten_dims=2)
+ v = layers.fc(input=values,
+ size=d_value * n_head,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ num_flatten_dims=2)
+ return q, k, v
+ def __split_heads(x, n_head):
+ """
+ Input a tensor with shape [bs, max_sequence_length, n_head * hidden_dim],
+ then output a tensor with shape [bs, n_head, max_sequence_length, hidden_dim].
+ """
+ hidden_size = x.shape[-1]
+ reshaped = layers.reshape(
+ x=x, shape=[0, 0, n_head, hidden_size // n_head], inplace=True)
+ return layers.transpose(x=reshaped, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
+ def scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, attn_bias, d_key, dropout_rate):
+ """
+ Scaled Dot-Product Attention
+ """
+ scaled_q = layers.scale(x=q, scale=d_key**-0.5)
+ product = layers.matmul(x=scaled_q, y=k, transpose_y=True)
+ if attn_bias:
+ product += attn_bias
+ weights = layers.softmax(product)
+ if dropout_rate:
+ weights = layers.dropout(
+ weights,
+ dropout_prob=dropout_rate,
+ seed=ModelHyperParams.dropout_seed,
+ is_test=False)
+ out = layers.matmul(weights, v)
+ return out
+ def __combine_heads(x):
+ """
+ reverse to __split_heads.
+ """
+ trans_x = layers.transpose(x, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
+ return layers.reshape(
+ x=trans_x,
+ shape=[0, 0, trans_x.shape[2] * trans_x.shape[3]],
+ inplace=True)
+ def multi_head_attention():
+ """Multi-head Attention"""
+ q, k, v = __compute_qkv(queries, keys, values, n_head, d_key, d_value)
+ q = __split_heads(q, n_head)
+ k = __split_heads(k, n_head)
+ v = __split_heads(v, n_head)
+ ctx_multiheads = scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, attn_bias, d_model,
+ dropout_rate)
+ out = __combine_heads(ctx_multiheads)
+ # Project back to the model size.
+ proj_out = layers.fc(input=out,
+ size=d_model,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ num_flatten_dims=2)
+ ```
+ - positionwise_feed_forward
+ APIs:fluid.layers.fc
+ ```python
+ def positionwise_feed_forward(x, d_inner_hid, d_hid, dropout_rate):
+ """
+ Position-wise Feed-Forward Networks.
+ """
+ hidden = layers.fc(input=x,
+ size=d_inner_hid,
+ num_flatten_dims=2,
+ act="relu")
+ if dropout_rate:
+ hidden = layers.dropout(
+ hidden,
+ dropout_prob=dropout_rate,
+ seed=ModelHyperParams.dropout_seed,
+ is_test=False)
+ out = layers.fc(input=hidden, size=d_hid, num_flatten_dims=2)
+ return out
+ ```
+ - pre_post_process_layer 对 sub-layer 的输入/输出进行预/后处理
+ APIs:fluid.layers.layer_norm、fluid.layers.dropout、fluid.layers.elementwise_add
+ ```python
+ def pre_post_process_layer(prev_out, out, process_cmd, dropout_rate=0.):
+ """
+ Add residual connection, layer normalization and droput to the out tensor
+ optionally according to the value of process_cmd.
+ This will be used before or after multi-head attention and position-wise
+ feed-forward networks.
+ """
+ for cmd in process_cmd:
+ if cmd == "a": # add residual connection
+ out = out + prev_out if prev_out else out
+ elif cmd == "n": # add layer normalization
+ out = layers.layer_norm(
+ out,
+ begin_norm_axis=len(out.shape) - 1,
+ param_attr=fluid.initializer.Constant(1.),
+ bias_attr=fluid.initializer.Constant(0.))
+ elif cmd == "d": # add dropout
+ if dropout_rate:
+ out = layers.dropout(
+ out,
+ dropout_prob=dropout_rate,
+ seed=ModelHyperParams.dropout_seed,
+ is_test=False)
+ return out
+ ```
+- loss 计算
+ APIs:fluid.layers.label_smooth、fluid.layers.one_hot、fluid.layers.softmax_with_cross_entropy、fluid.layers.elementwise_mul、fluid.layers.reduce_sum、fluid.layers.elementwise_div
+ ```python
+ if label_smooth_eps:
+ label = layers.label_smooth(
+ label=layers.one_hot(
+ input=label, depth=trg_vocab_size),
+ epsilon=label_smooth_eps)
+ cost = layers.softmax_with_cross_entropy(
+ logits=predict,
+ label=label,
+ soft_label=True if label_smooth_eps else False)
+ weighted_cost = cost * weights # to mask out the loss from paddings
+ sum_cost = layers.reduce_sum(weighted_cost)
+ token_num = layers.reduce_sum(weights)
+ token_num.stop_gradient = True
+ avg_cost = sum_cost / token_num
+ return sum_cost, avg_cost
+ ```
+### Fluid Transformer 解码
+#### Preliminaries
+- while_op 如何工作
+ - 使用一个 scalar 的 tensor variable 的输入用以判别循环结束;一个 BlockDesc 的 attribute 作为循环体
+ ```python
+ while_op = layers.While(cond)
+ with while_op.block():
+ pass
+ parent_block.append_op(
+ type='while',
+ inputs={
+ 'X': [
+ parent_block._var_recursive(x_name)
+ for x_name in x_name_list
+ ],
+ 'Condition': [self.cond_var]
+ },
+ outputs={'Out': out_vars,
+ 'StepScopes': [step_scope]},
+ attrs={'sub_block': while_block,
+ "is_test": self.is_test})
+ ```
+ - 执行 block 内的 program 直到作为判别条件的 variable 值变为 false。
+ ```c++
+ auto *block = Attr(kStepBlock);
+ auto *program = block->Program();
+ bool is_test = Attr("is_test");
+ auto ctx = executor.Prepare(*program, block->ID());
+ while (cond.data()[0]) {
+ auto ¤t_scope = scope.NewScope();
+ step_scopes->push_back(¤t_scope);
+ executor.RunPreparedContext(ctx.get(), ¤t_scope, false, true, true);
+ if (is_test) {
+ scope.DeleteScope(¤t_scope);
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ 每次运行循环体都在当前 scope 内创建一个新的子 scope,循环体内的使用这个子 scope,保证不同时间步(子 scope)内的 variable 具有相同的 name 但相互隔离正确运行,子 scope 中的 variable 在上层 scope 中不可见,不同时间步的交互需要借助于上一级 scope 内的 variable。
+- LoDTensorArray
+ ```c++
+ using LoDTensorArray = std::vector;
+ ```
+ 通常用于将 while_op 内每一步中的 tensor variable 保存下来以供在外部的 scope 访问,相关 Operator:
+ - fluid.layers.array_read 从 LoDTensorArray 读出一个 LoDTensor
+ - fluid.layers.array_write 往 LoDTensorArray 写入一个 LoDTensor
+#### Transformer 解码
+- APIs:
+ - fluid.layers.beam_search
+ 接受上一时间步 shape 为 `(batch_size * beam_size, 1)` 的 pre_ids、pre_scores 以及当前时间步 shape 为 `(batch_size * beam_size, topK)` 的 ids、scores 作为输入,在 beam 间取 topK,包含了对 end beam 和 end sentence 的处理,将 end beam(eos)下一词预测的概率密度全分配到 eos token 上,对 end sentence(达到 beam width 个 end beam 的 sentence) 进行 prune(batch reduction),输出的 selected_id 的 lod 中保存了 pre_ids 中每一个在 select 后对应 selected_id 中的哪些。更详细的说明可以参考[这里](https://github.com/guoshengCS/models/blob/beam_search_op_review/fluid/neural_machine_translation/transformer/beam_search_op.md)。
+ - fluid.layers.beam_search_decode
+ 接受分别保存了每一步 beam_search 返回的 selcted_ids 和 selcted_scores 的两个 LoDTensorArray 作为输入,根据其中 lod 回溯路径进行解码,使用 LoDTensor 保存结果。更详细的说明可以参考[这里](https://github.com/guoshengCS/models/blob/beam_search_op_review/fluid/neural_machine_translation/transformer/beam_search_op.md)。
+ - fluid.layers.sequence_expand 使用 lod 对输入的 Tensor 进行 expand;由于 beam_search_op 输出的 selected_id 的 lod 中保存了 pre_ids 中每一个在 select 后对应 selected_id 中的哪些(expand 了多少次),因而可以将 sequence_expand 作为 gather 使用,从上一时间步状态更新当前时间步的状态。
+- BeamSearchDecoder 构建:
+ ```python
+ def fast_decode():
+ ###########################################################
+ # all inputs required by beam search decoder
+ ###########################################################
+ enc_output = wrap_encoder()
+ start_tokens, init_scores, trg_src_attn_bias = make_all_inputs(
+ fast_decoder_data_input_fields)
+ ###########################################################
+ def beam_search():
+ ###########################################################
+ # definition of while_op
+ ###########################################################
+ max_len = layers.fill_constant(
+ shape=[1], dtype=start_tokens.dtype, value=max_out_len)
+ step_idx = layers.fill_constant(
+ shape=[1], dtype=start_tokens.dtype, value=0)
+ cond = layers.less_than(x=step_idx, y=max_len)
+ while_op = layers.While(cond)
+ ###########################################################
+ ###########################################################
+ # definition of beam search states and cell states
+ ###########################################################
+ ids = layers.array_write(
+ layers.reshape(start_tokens, (-1, 1)), step_idx)
+ scores = layers.array_write(init_scores, step_idx)
+ caches = [{
+ "k": layers.fill_constant_batch_size_like(
+ input=start_tokens,
+ shape=[-1, 0, d_model],
+ dtype=enc_output.dtype,
+ value=0),
+ "v": layers.fill_constant_batch_size_like(
+ input=start_tokens,
+ shape=[-1, 0, d_model],
+ dtype=enc_output.dtype,
+ value=0)
+ } for i in range(n_layer)]
+ ###########################################################
+ with while_op.block():
+ ###########################################################
+ # update inputs and states required for the current step
+ ###########################################################
+ pre_ids = layers.array_read(array=ids, i=step_idx)
+ pre_ids = layers.reshape(pre_ids, (-1, 1, 1))
+ pre_scores = layers.array_read(array=scores, i=step_idx)
+ pre_src_attn_bias = layers.sequence_expand(
+ x=trg_src_attn_bias, y=pre_scores)
+ pre_enc_output = layers.sequence_expand(x=enc_output, y=pre_scores)
+ pre_caches = [{
+ "k": layers.sequence_expand(
+ x=cache["k"], y=pre_scores),
+ "v": layers.sequence_expand(
+ x=cache["v"], y=pre_scores),
+ } for cache in caches]
+ pre_pos = layers.elementwise_mul(
+ x=layers.fill_constant_batch_size_like(
+ input=pre_enc_output,
+ value=1,
+ shape=[-1, 1, 1],
+ dtype=pre_ids.dtype),
+ y=step_idx,
+ axis=0)
+ ###########################################################
+ ###########################################################
+ # cell calculations
+ ###########################################################
+ logits = wrap_decoder(
+ dec_inputs=(pre_ids, pre_pos, None, pre_src_attn_bias),
+ enc_output=pre_enc_output,
+ caches=pre_caches)
+ ###########################################################
+ ###########################################################
+ # compute accumulated scores and search
+ ###########################################################
+ topk_scores, topk_indices = layers.topk(
+ input=layers.softmax(logits), k=beam_size)
+ accu_scores = layers.elementwise_add(
+ x=layers.log(topk_scores),
+ y=layers.reshape(
+ pre_scores, shape=[-1]),
+ axis=0)
+ topk_indices = layers.lod_reset(topk_indices, pre_ids)
+ selected_ids, selected_scores = layers.beam_search(
+ pre_ids=pre_ids,
+ pre_scores=pre_scores,
+ ids=topk_indices,
+ scores=accu_scores,
+ beam_size=beam_size,
+ end_id=eos_idx)
+ ###########################################################
+ ###########################################################
+ # save states
+ ###########################################################
+ layers.increment(x=step_idx, value=1.0, in_place=True)
+ layers.array_write(selected_ids, i=step_idx, array=ids)
+ layers.array_write(selected_scores, i=step_idx, array=scores)
+ layers.assign(pre_src_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias)
+ layers.assign(pre_enc_output, enc_output)
+ for i in range(n_layer):
+ layers.assign(pre_caches[i]["k"], caches[i]["k"])
+ layers.assign(pre_caches[i]["v"], caches[i]["v"])
+ ###########################################################
+ ###########################################################
+ # update condition variable
+ ###########################################################
+ length_cond = layers.less_than(x=step_idx, y=max_len)
+ finish_cond = layers.logical_not(layers.is_empty(x=selected_ids))
+ layers.logical_and(x=length_cond, y=finish_cond, out=cond)
+ ###########################################################
+ ###########################################################
+ # decode according to selected ids and scores
+ ###########################################################
+ finished_ids, finished_scores = layers.beam_search_decode(
+ ids, scores, beam_size=beam_size, end_id=eos_idx)
+ ###########################################################
+ return finished_ids, finished_scores
+ finished_ids, finished_scores = beam_search()
+ return finished_ids, finished_scores
+ ```
+- 在 cell 内使用 cache
+ - self-attention 进行 cache
+ ```python
+ def multi_head_attention():
+ """Add word embeddings and position encodings"""
+ q, k, v = __compute_qkv(queries, keys, values, n_head, d_key, d_value)
+ ###########################################################
+ # use cache and concat time steps
+ ###########################################################
+ if cache is not None:
+ k = cache["k"] = layers.concat(
+ [layers.reshape(
+ cache["k"], shape=[0, 0, d_key * n_head]), k],
+ axis=1)
+ v = cache["v"] = layers.concat(
+ [layers.reshape(
+ cache["v"], shape=[0, 0, d_value * n_head]), v],
+ axis=1)
+ ###########################################################
+ q = __split_heads(q, n_head)
+ k = __split_heads(k, n_head)
+ v = __split_heads(v, n_head)
+ ctx_multiheads = scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, attn_bias, d_model,
+ dropout_rate)
+ out = __combine_heads(ctx_multiheads)
+ # Project back to the model size.
+ proj_out = layers.fc(input=out,
+ size=d_model,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ num_flatten_dims=2)
+ ```
+ - 同时支持 encoder-decoder attention 进行 cache
+ https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/models/pull/1476
+ encoder output 在每一个时间步都相同,对以 encoder output 作为输入的运算结果做 cache 需要将这些运算定义在上层 block 而非在 while block 内每一个时间步都执行,需要能够在指定的 block 中添加 OP 而现有的 API 只能在当前的 block 内添加,因而需要在上层 block 和 while block 之间进行切换。
+ ```python
+ def wrap_layer_with_block(layer, block_idx):
+ """
+ Make layer define support indicating block, by which we can add layers
+ to other blocks within current block. This will make it easy to define
+ cache among while loop.
+ """
+ class BlockGuard(object):
+ """
+ BlockGuard class.
+ BlockGuard class is used to switch to the given block in a program by
+ using the Python `with` keyword.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, block_idx=None, main_program=None):
+ self.main_program = fluid.default_main_program(
+ ) if main_program is None else main_program
+ self.old_block_idx = self.main_program.current_block().idx
+ self.new_block_idx = block_idx
+ def __enter__(self):
+ self.main_program.current_block_idx = self.new_block_idx
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
+ self.main_program.current_block_idx = self.old_block_idx
+ if exc_type is not None:
+ return False # re-raise exception
+ return True
+ def layer_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ with BlockGuard(block_idx):
+ return layer(*args, **kwargs)
+ return layer_wrapper
+ ```
+ ```python
+ def __split_heads_qkv(queries, keys, values, n_head, d_key, d_value):
+ reshaped_q = layers.reshape(
+ x=queries, shape=[0, 0, n_head, d_key], inplace=True)
+ q = layers.transpose(x=reshaped_q, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
+ # For encoder-decoder attention in inference, insert the ops and vars
+ # into global block to use as cache among beam search.
+ reshape_layer = wrap_layer_with_block(
+ layers.reshape,
+ fluid.default_main_program().current_block()
+ .parent_idx) if cache is not None and static_kv else layers.reshape
+ transpose_layer = wrap_layer_with_block(
+ layers.transpose,
+ fluid.default_main_program().current_block().
+ parent_idx) if cache is not None and static_kv else layers.transpose
+ reshaped_k = reshape_layer(
+ x=keys, shape=[0, 0, n_head, d_key], inplace=True)
+ k = transpose_layer(x=reshaped_k, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
+ reshaped_v = reshape_layer(
+ x=values, shape=[0, 0, n_head, d_value], inplace=True)
+ v = transpose_layer(x=reshaped_v, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
+ if cache is not None: # only for faster inference
+ if static_kv: # For encoder-decoder attention in inference
+ cache_k, cache_v = cache["static_k"], cache["static_v"]
+ # To init the static_k and static_v in cache.
+ # Maybe we can use condition_op(if_else) to do these at the first
+ # step in while loop to replace these, however it might be less
+ # efficient.
+ static_cache_init = wrap_layer_with_block(
+ layers.assign,
+ fluid.default_main_program().current_block().parent_idx)
+ static_cache_init(k, cache_k)
+ static_cache_init(v, cache_v)
+ else: # For decoder self-attention in inference
+ cache_k, cache_v = cache["k"], cache["v"]
+ # gather cell states corresponding to selected parent
+ select_k = layers.gather(cache_k, index=gather_idx)
+ select_v = layers.gather(cache_v, index=gather_idx)
+ if not static_kv:
+ # For self attention in inference, use cache and concat time steps.
+ select_k = layers.concat([select_k, k], axis=2)
+ select_v = layers.concat([select_v, v], axis=2)
+ # update cell states(caches) cached in global block
+ layers.assign(select_k, cache_k)
+ layers.assign(select_v, cache_v)
+ return q, select_k, select_v
+ return q, k, v
+ ```
+- 从输出的 LoDTensor 解析获取翻译结果
+ ```python
+ seq_ids, seq_scores = exe.run(infer_program,
+ feed=data_input,
+ fetch_list=[out_ids, out_scores],
+ return_numpy=False)
+ ########################################################################
+ # How to parse the results:
+ # Suppose the lod of seq_ids is:
+ # [[0, 3, 6], [0, 12, 24, 40, 54, 67, 82]]
+ # then from lod[0]:
+ # there are 2 source sentences, beam width is 3.
+ # from lod[1]:
+ # the first source sentence has 3 hyps; the lengths are 12, 12, 16
+ # the second source sentence has 3 hyps; the lengths are 14, 13, 15
+ ########################################################################
+ hyps = [[] for i in range(len(data))]
+ scores = [[] for i in range(len(data))]
+ for i in range(len(seq_ids.lod()[0]) - 1): # for each source sentence
+ start = seq_ids.lod()[0][i]
+ end = seq_ids.lod()[0][i + 1]
+ for j in range(end - start): # for each candidate
+ sub_start = seq_ids.lod()[1][start + j]
+ sub_end = seq_ids.lod()[1][start + j + 1]
+ hyps[i].append(" ".join([
+ trg_idx2word[idx]
+ for idx in post_process_seq(
+ np.array(seq_ids)[sub_start:sub_end])
+ ]))
+ scores[i].append(np.array(seq_scores)[sub_end - 1])
+ ```
+## Fluid Transformer 中的 Q&A
+### 如何处理变长数据
+Transformer 等 NLP 模型的数据输入中多存在 batch size 和 sequence length 两个大小可变的维度,这种变长数据如何定义和处理
+- Paddle Fluid 中在网络定义时(compile-time)设置和传递的数据大小都可以看作 placeholder,可以进行任意设置,保证能够通过 compile-time 的检查即可;在执行时 runtime 用到的数据大小会从实际输入数据重新获取。Transformer 定义网络时使用了类似如下的输入数据定义, 实际运行时可以接受任何 batch size 和 sequence length 的输入数据。
+ ```python
+ batch_size = -1
+ max_length = 256
+ src_word = layers.data(
+ name="src_word",
+ shape=[batch_size, max_length, 1],
+ dtype="int64",
+ append_batch_size=False)
+ ```
+- 这种具有多个大小可变的维度的数据需要 reshape 时,由于 reshape_op 中 shape 这个参数会作为写入网络配置被运行时使用,为保证运行时使用的是实际大小,可以使用类似 Transformer 中如下方式进行 reshape,能够保证 batch size 和 sequence length 的正确大小。
+ ```python
+ reshaped_k = layers.reshape(
+ x=keys, shape=[0, 0, n_head, d_key])
+ ```
+### 如何进行权值共享
+Transformer 中源语言和目标语言共享词表和 embedding,权值共享也是一种常见的使用场景,如何实现权值共享
+- 通过设置 ParamAttr 中的 name 来实现权值共享,相同的 name 指定使用相同的权重参数,在 Transformer 中使用类似下面的代码实现 source 和 target 共享 embedding。
+ ```python
+ src_word_emb = layers.embedding(
+ src_word,
+ size=[vocab_size, emb_dim],
+ padding_idx=pad_idx,
+ param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(
+ name=word_emb_param_name,
+ initializer=fluid.initializer.Normal(0., emb_dim**-0.5)))
+ trg_word_emb = layers.embedding(
+ trg_word,
+ size=[vocab_size, emb_dim],
+ padding_idx=pad_idx,
+ param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(
+ name=word_emb_param_name,
+ initializer=fluid.initializer.Normal(0., emb_dim**-0.5)))
+ ```
+- 如果在权值共享的同时对权重参数有一些额外的操作,如 Transformer 中还对输出层 fc 的权重与 embedding 进行了权值共享,这时需要对 embedding 进行额外的转置,可以使用参数名获取参数对应的 variable 带入额外的操作,对应代码实现如下:
+ ```python
+ predict = layers.matmul(
+ x=dec_output,
+ y=fluid.default_main_program().global_block().var(
+ word_emb_param_name),
+ transpose_y=True)
+ ```
+### 如何导入外部计算的参数值
+Transformer 中的 Position Encoding 可以在外部使用 python 代码方便的计算出来,对参数进行特殊的初始化也是一种常见的使用场景,如何实现导入外部计算的参数值的功能
+- 可以将参数看作一般的 variable(只是在多个 iteration 之间不会被清空),和数据输入同等对待,在运行第一个 iteration 时和其他输入数据一起 feed 进去即可。
+注意在使用 ParallelExecutor 多卡运行时由于每张卡对应有自己的 scope(存放各自用到的 variable),输入数据需要为每张卡准备一份;对于单卡运行的程序还有另外一种设置的方法(多卡时由于有多个 scope 和 place,这些没有在 python 端暴露,无法使用),Transformer 单卡 Position Encoding 可以使用如下的代码导入,这也方便实现预测使用比训练更大的长度。
+ ```python
+ for pos_enc_param_name in pos_enc_param_names:
+ pos_enc_param = fluid.global_scope().find_var(
+ pos_enc_param_name).get_tensor()
+ pos_enc_param.set(
+ position_encoding_init(ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1,
+ ModelHyperParams.d_model), place)
+ ```
+- 一些时候不希望对这种从外部设置的参数值进行训练和更新,如 Transformer 中的 Position Encoding,这可以通过设置 ParamAttr 中的 trainable 属性或者 variable 的 stop_gradient 属性来实现
+ ```python
+ src_pos_enc = layers.embedding(
+ src_pos,
+ size=[src_max_len, src_emb_dim],
+ param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(
+ name=pos_enc_param_name, trainable=False))
+ src_pos_enc.stop_gradient = True
+ ```
+- 除参数值以外,其他一些方便在外部计算的值也可以使用类似的方法作为数据输入 feed 进去,如根据特殊的 learning rate scheduling 产生的每一步的学习率。
diff --git a/fluid/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/images/attention_formula.png b/fluid/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/images/attention_formula.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..249857f524b4137bafc2d4d1b779ed62d1437b6d
Binary files /dev/null and b/fluid/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/images/attention_formula.png differ