提交 c7f57e50 编写于 作者: X Xinghai Sun 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #140 from xinghai-sun/noise

Add NoisePerturbAugmentor and CHiME3 noise data preparation.
文件模式从 100755 更改为 100644
"type": "shift",
"params": {"min_shift_ms": -5,
"max_shift_ms": 5},
"prob": 1.0
"type": "noise",
"params": {"min_snr_dB": 40,
"max_snr_dB": 50,
"noise_manifest_path": "datasets/manifest.noise"},
"prob": 0.6
"type": "impulse",
"params": {"impulse_manifest_path": "datasets/manifest.impulse"},
"prob": 0.5
"type": "speed",
"params": {"min_speed_rate": 0.95,
"max_speed_rate": 1.05},
"prob": 0.5
"type": "shift",
"params": {"min_shift_ms": -5,
"max_shift_ms": 5},
"prob": 1.0
"type": "volume",
"params": {"min_gain_dBFS": -10,
"max_gain_dBFS": 10},
"prob": 0.0
"type": "bayesian_normal",
"params": {"target_db": -20,
"prior_db": -20,
"prior_samples": 100},
"prob": 0.0
......@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
:raise ValueError: If the sample rates of the two segments are not
equal, or if the lengths of segments don't match.
if type(self) != type(other):
if isinstance(other, type(self)):
raise TypeError("Cannot add segments of different types: %s "
"and %s." % (type(self), type(other)))
if self._sample_rate != other._sample_rate:
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
Note that this is an in-place transformation.
:param gain: Gain in decibels to apply to samples.
:type gain: float
:type gain: float|1darray
self._samples *= 10.**(gain / 20.)
......@@ -457,9 +457,9 @@ class AudioSegment(object):
audio segments when resample is not allowed.
if allow_resample and self.sample_rate != impulse_segment.sample_rate:
impulse_segment = impulse_segment.resample(self.sample_rate)
if self.sample_rate != impulse_segment.sample_rate:
raise ValueError("Impulse segment's sample rate (%d Hz) is not"
raise ValueError("Impulse segment's sample rate (%d Hz) is not "
"equal to base signal sample rate (%d Hz)." %
(impulse_segment.sample_rate, self.sample_rate))
samples = signal.fftconvolve(self.samples, impulse_segment.samples,
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import random
from data_utils.augmentor.volume_perturb import VolumePerturbAugmentor
from data_utils.augmentor.shift_perturb import ShiftPerturbAugmentor
from data_utils.augmentor.speed_perturb import SpeedPerturbAugmentor
from data_utils.augmentor.noise_perturb import NoisePerturbAugmentor
from data_utils.augmentor.impulse_response import ImpulseResponseAugmentor
from data_utils.augmentor.resample import ResampleAugmentor
from data_utils.augmentor.online_bayesian_normalization import \
......@@ -24,20 +26,45 @@ class AugmentationPipeline(object):
.. code-block::
'[{"type": "volume",
"params": {"min_gain_dBFS": -15,
"max_gain_dBFS": 15},
"prob": 0.5},
{"type": "speed",
"params": {"min_speed_rate": 0.8,
"max_speed_rate": 1.2},
"prob": 0.5}
[ {
"type": "noise",
"params": {"min_snr_dB": 10,
"max_snr_dB": 20,
"noise_manifest_path": "datasets/manifest.noise"},
"prob": 0.0
"type": "speed",
"params": {"min_speed_rate": 0.9,
"max_speed_rate": 1.1},
"prob": 1.0
"type": "shift",
"params": {"min_shift_ms": -5,
"max_shift_ms": 5},
"prob": 1.0
"type": "volume",
"params": {"min_gain_dBFS": -10,
"max_gain_dBFS": 10},
"prob": 0.0
"type": "bayesian_normal",
"params": {"target_db": -20,
"prior_db": -20,
"prior_samples": 100},
"prob": 0.0
This augmentation configuration inserts two augmentation models
into the pipeline, with one is VolumePerturbAugmentor and the other
SpeedPerturbAugmentor. "prob" indicates the probability of the current
augmentor to take effect.
augmentor to take effect. If "prob" is zero, the augmentor does not take
:param augmentation_config: Augmentation configuration in json string.
:type augmentation_config: str
......@@ -60,7 +87,7 @@ class AugmentationPipeline(object):
:type audio_segment: AudioSegmenet|SpeechSegment
for augmentor, rate in zip(self._augmentors, self._rates):
if self._rng.uniform(0., 1.) <= rate:
if self._rng.uniform(0., 1.) < rate:
def _parse_pipeline_from(self, config_json):
......@@ -89,5 +116,9 @@ class AugmentationPipeline(object):
return ResampleAugmentor(self._rng, **params)
elif augmentor_type == "bayesian_normal":
return OnlineBayesianNormalizationAugmentor(self._rng, **params)
elif augmentor_type == "noise":
return NoisePerturbAugmentor(self._rng, **params)
elif augmentor_type == "impulse":
return ImpulseResponseAugmentor(self._rng, **params)
raise ValueError("Unknown augmentor type [%s]." % augmentor_type)
"""Contains the impulse response augmentation model."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from data_utils.augmentor.base import AugmentorBase
from data_utils import utils
from data_utils.audio import AudioSegment
class ImpulseResponseAugmentor(AugmentorBase):
"""Augmentation model for adding impulse response effect.
:param rng: Random generator object.
:type rng: random.Random
:param impulse_manifest_path: Manifest path for impulse audio data.
:type impulse_manifest_path: basestring
def __init__(self, rng, impulse_manifest_path):
self._rng = rng
self._impulse_manifest = utils.read_manifest(
def transform_audio(self, audio_segment):
"""Add impulse response effect.
Note that this is an in-place transformation.
:param audio_segment: Audio segment to add effects to.
:type audio_segment: AudioSegmenet|SpeechSegment
impulse_json = self._rng.sample(self._impulse_manifest, 1)[0]
impulse_segment = AudioSegment.from_file(impulse_json['audio_filepath'])
audio_segment.convolve(impulse_segment, allow_resample=True)
"""Contains the noise perturb augmentation model."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from data_utils.augmentor.base import AugmentorBase
from data_utils import utils
from data_utils.audio import AudioSegment
class NoisePerturbAugmentor(AugmentorBase):
"""Augmentation model for adding background noise.
:param rng: Random generator object.
:type rng: random.Random
:param min_snr_dB: Minimal signal noise ratio, in decibels.
:type min_snr_dB: float
:param max_snr_dB: Maximal signal noise ratio, in decibels.
:type max_snr_dB: float
:param noise_manifest_path: Manifest path for noise audio data.
:type noise_manifest_path: basestring
def __init__(self, rng, min_snr_dB, max_snr_dB, noise_manifest_path):
self._min_snr_dB = min_snr_dB
self._max_snr_dB = max_snr_dB
self._rng = rng
self._noise_manifest = utils.read_manifest(
def transform_audio(self, audio_segment):
"""Add background noise audio.
Note that this is an in-place transformation.
:param audio_segment: Audio segment to add effects to.
:type audio_segment: AudioSegmenet|SpeechSegment
noise_json = self._rng.sample(self._noise_manifest, 1)[0]
if noise_json['duration'] < audio_segment.duration:
raise RuntimeError("The duration of sampled noise audio is smaller "
"than the audio segment to add effects to.")
diff_duration = noise_json['duration'] - audio_segment.duration
start = self._rng.uniform(0, diff_duration)
end = start + audio_segment.duration
noise_segment = AudioSegment.slice_from_file(
noise_json['audio_filepath'], start=start, end=end)
snr_dB = self._rng.uniform(self._min_snr_dB, self._max_snr_dB)
noise_segment, snr_dB, allow_downsampling=True, rng=self._rng)
文件模式从 100755 更改为 100644
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ class DataGenerator(object):
manifest, batch_size, clipped=True)
elif shuffle_method == "instance_shuffle":
elif not shuffle_method:
elif shuffle_method == None:
raise ValueError("Unknown shuffle method %s." %
......@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class SpeechSegment(AudioSegment):
speech file.
:rtype: SpeechSegment
audio = Audiosegment.slice_from_file(filepath, start, end)
audio = AudioSegment.slice_from_file(filepath, start, end)
return cls(audio.samples, audio.sample_rate, transcript)
"""Prepare CHiME3 background data.
Download, unpack and create manifest files.
Manifest file is a json-format file with each line containing the
meta data (i.e. audio filepath, transcript and audio duration)
of each audio file in the data set.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
import distutils.util
import os
import wget
import zipfile
import argparse
import soundfile
import json
from paddle.v2.dataset.common import md5file
DATA_HOME = os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/paddle/dataset/speech')
URL = "https://d4s.myairbridge.com/packagev2/AG0Y3DNBE5IWRRTV/?dlid=W19XG7T0NNHB027139H0EQ"
MD5 = "c3ff512618d7a67d4f85566ea1bc39ec"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
default=DATA_HOME + "/chime3_background",
help="Directory to save the dataset. (default: %(default)s)")
help="Filepath for output manifests. (default: %(default)s)")
args = parser.parse_args()
def download(url, md5sum, target_dir, filename=None):
"""Download file from url to target_dir, and check md5sum."""
if filename == None:
filename = url.split("/")[-1]
if not os.path.exists(target_dir): os.makedirs(target_dir)
filepath = os.path.join(target_dir, filename)
if not (os.path.exists(filepath) and md5file(filepath) == md5sum):
print("Downloading %s ..." % url)
wget.download(url, target_dir)
print("\nMD5 Chesksum %s ..." % filepath)
if not md5file(filepath) == md5sum:
raise RuntimeError("MD5 checksum failed.")
print("File exists, skip downloading. (%s)" % filepath)
return filepath
def unpack(filepath, target_dir):
"""Unpack the file to the target_dir."""
print("Unpacking %s ..." % filepath)
if filepath.endswith('.zip'):
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(filepath, 'r')
elif filepath.endswith('.tar') or filepath.endswith('.tar.gz'):
tar = zipfile.open(filepath)
raise ValueError("File format is not supported for unpacking.")
def create_manifest(data_dir, manifest_path):
"""Create a manifest json file summarizing the data set, with each line
containing the meta data (i.e. audio filepath, transcription text, audio
duration) of each audio file within the data set.
print("Creating manifest %s ..." % manifest_path)
json_lines = []
for subfolder, _, filelist in sorted(os.walk(data_dir)):
for filename in filelist:
if filename.endswith('.wav'):
filepath = os.path.join(data_dir, subfolder, filename)
audio_data, samplerate = soundfile.read(filepath)
duration = float(len(audio_data)) / samplerate
'audio_filepath': filepath,
'duration': duration,
'text': ''
with open(manifest_path, 'w') as out_file:
for line in json_lines:
out_file.write(line + '\n')
def prepare_chime3(url, md5sum, target_dir, manifest_path):
"""Download, unpack and create summmary manifest file."""
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(target_dir, "CHiME3")):
# download
filepath = download(url, md5sum, target_dir,
# unpack
unpack(filepath, target_dir)
os.path.join(target_dir, 'CHiME3_background_bus.zip'), target_dir)
os.path.join(target_dir, 'CHiME3_background_caf.zip'), target_dir)
os.path.join(target_dir, 'CHiME3_background_ped.zip'), target_dir)
os.path.join(target_dir, 'CHiME3_background_str.zip'), target_dir)
print("Skip downloading and unpacking. Data already exists in %s." %
# create manifest json file
create_manifest(target_dir, manifest_path)
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
cd noise
python chime3_background.py
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Prepare CHiME3 background noise failed. Terminated."
exit 1
cd -
cat noise/manifest.* > manifest.noise
echo "All done."
......@@ -123,9 +123,7 @@ parser.add_argument(
help="Directory for saving models. (default: %(default)s)")
default='[{"type": "shift", '
'"params": {"min_shift_ms": -5, "max_shift_ms": 5},'
'"prob": 1.0}]',
default=open('conf/augmentation.config', 'r').read(),
help="Augmentation configuration in json-format. "
"(default: %(default)s)")
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