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# 语言模型
## 简介
语言模型即 Language Model,简称LM,它是一个概率分布模型,简单来说,就是用来计算一个句子的概率的模型。给定句子(词语序列):
<div align=center><img src='images/s.png'/></div>
<div align=center><img src='images/ps.png'/> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(式1)</div>
## 应用场景
* **自动写作**:语言模型可以根据上文生成下一个词,递归下去可以生成整个句子、段落、篇章。
* **QA**:语言模型可以根据Question生成Answer。
* **机器翻译**:当前主流的机器翻译模型大多基于Encoder-Decoder模式,其中Decoder就是一个语言模型,用来生成目标语言。
* **拼写检查**:语言模型可以计算出词语序列的概率,一般在拼写错误处序列的概率会骤减,可以用来识别拼写错误并提供改正候选集。
* **词性标注、句法分析、语音识别......**
## 关于本例
Language Model 常见的实现方式有 N-Gram、RNN、seq2seq。本例中实现了基于N-Gram、RNN的语言模型。**本例的文件结构如下**
* data_util.py:实现了对语料的读取以及词典的建立、保存和加载。
* lm_rnn.py:实现了基于rnn的语言模型的定义、训练以及做预测。
* lm_ngram.py:实现了基于n-gram的语言模型的定义、训练以及做预测。
## RNN 语言模型
### 简介
RNN是一个序列模型,基本思路是:在时刻t,将前一时刻t-1的隐藏层输出h<small>t-1</small>和t时刻的词向量x<small>t</small>一起输入到隐藏层从而得到时刻t的特征表示h<small>t</small>,然后用这个特征表示得到t时刻的预测输出ŷ ,如此在时间维上递归下去,如下图所示:
<div align=center><img src='images/rnn_str.png' width='500px'/></div>
<div align=center><img src='images/lstm.png' width='500px'/></div>
### 模型结构
lm_rnn.py 中的 lm() 函数定义了模型的结构。解析如下:
* 1,首先,在\_\_main\_\_中定义了模型的参数变量。
# -- config : model --
rnn_type = 'gru' # or 'lstm'
emb_dim = 200
hidden_size = 200
num_passs = 2
num_layer = 2
其中 rnn\_type 用于配置rnn cell类型,可以取‘lstm’或‘gru’;hidden\_size配置unit个数;num\_layer配置RNN的层数;num\_passs配置训练的轮数;emb_dim配置embedding的dimension。
* 2,将输入的词(或字)序列映射成向量,即embedding。
data = paddle.layer.data(name="word", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(vocab_size))
target = paddle.layer.data("label", paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(vocab_size))
emb = paddle.layer.embedding(input=data, size=emb_dim)
* 3,根据配置实现RNN层,将上一步得到的embedding向量序列作为输入。
if rnn_type == 'lstm':
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_lstm(
input=emb, size=hidden_size)
for _ in range(num_layer - 1):
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_lstm(
input=rnn_cell, size=hidden_size)
elif rnn_type == 'gru':
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_gru(
input=emb, size=hidden_size)
for _ in range(num_layer - 1):
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_gru(
input=rnn_cell, size=hidden_size)
* 4,实现输出层(使用softmax归一化计算单词的概率,将output结果返回)、定义模型的cost(多类交叉熵损失函数)。
# fc and output layer
output = paddle.layer.fc(input=[rnn_cell], size=vocab_size, act=paddle.activation.Softmax())
# loss
cost = paddle.layer.classification_cost(input=output, label=target)
### 训练模型
lm\_rnn.py 中的 train() 方法实现了模型的训练,流程如下:
* 1,准备输入数据:本例中使用的是标准PTB数据,调用data\_util.py中的build\_vocab()方法建立词典,并使用save\_vocab()方法将词典持久化,以备复用(当语料量大时生成词典比较耗时,所以这里把第一次生成的词典保存下来复用)。然后使用data\_util.py中的train\_data()、test\_data()方法建立train\_reader和test\_reader用来实现对train数据和test数据的读取。
* 2,初始化模型:包括模型的结构、参数、优化器(demo中使用的是Adam)以及训练器trainer。如下:
# network config
cost, _ = lm(len(word_id_dict), emb_dim, rnn_type, hidden_size, num_layer)
# create parameters
parameters = paddle.parameters.create(cost)
# create optimizer
adam_optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam(
# create trainer
trainer = paddle.trainer.SGD(
cost=cost, parameters=parameters, update_equation=adam_optimizer)
* 3,定义回调函数event_handler来跟踪训练过程中loss的变化,并在每轮时结束保存模型的参数:
# define event_handler callback
def event_handler(event):
if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndIteration):
if event.batch_id % 100 == 0:
print("\nPass %d, Batch %d, Cost %f, %s" % (
event.pass_id, event.batch_id, event.cost,
# save model each pass
if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndPass):
result = trainer.test(reader=ptb_reader)
print("\nTest with Pass %d, %s" % (event.pass_id, result.metrics))
with gzip.open(model_file_name_prefix + str(event.pass_id) + '.tar.gz', 'w') as f:
* 4,开始train模型:
reader=ptb_reader, event_handler=event_handler, num_passes=num_passs)
### 生成文本
* 1,首先加载并缓存词典和模型,其中加载train好的模型参数方法如下:
parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(gzip.open(model_file_name))
* 2,生成文本,本例中生成文本的方式是启发式图搜索算法beam search,即lm\_rnn.py中的 \_generate\_with\_beamSearch() 方法。
### <font color='red'>使用此demo</font>
#### 语料适配
* 清洗语料:去除空格、tab、乱码,根据需要去除数字、标点符号、特殊符号等。
* 编码格式:utf-8,本例中已经对中文做了适配。
* 内容格式:每个句子占一行;每行中的各词之间使用一个空格分开。
* 按需要配置lm\_rnn.py中\_\_main\_\_函数中对于data的配置:
# -- config : data --
train_file = 'data/ptb.train.txt'
test_file = 'data/ptb.test.txt'
vocab_file = 'data/vocab_cn.txt' # the file to save vocab
vocab_max_size = 3000
min_sentence_length = 3
max_sentence_length = 60
#### 模型适配
然后运行 python lm\_rnn.py即可训练模型、做prediction。
## n-gram 语言模型
n-gram模型也称为n-1阶马尔科夫模型,它有一个有限历史假设:当前词的出现概率仅仅与前面n-1个词相关。因此 (式1) 可以近似为:
<div align=center><img src='images/ps2.png'/></div>
一般采用最大似然估计(Maximum Likelihood Estimation,MLE)的方法对模型的参数进行估计。当n取1、2、3时,n-gram模型分别称为unigram、bigram和trigram语言模型。一般情况下,n越大、训练语料的规模越大,参数估计的结果越可靠,但由于模型较简单、表达能力不强以及数据稀疏等问题。一般情况下用n-gram实现的语言模型不如RNN、seq2seq效果好。
### 模型结构
* 1,demo中n取5,将前四个词分别做embedding,然后连接起来作为特征向量。
* 2,后接DNN的hidden layer。
* 3,将DNN的输出通过softmax layer做分类,得到下个词在词典中的概率分布。
* 4,模型的loss采用交叉熵,用Adam optimizer对loss做优化。
<div align=center><img src='images/ngram.png' width='400px'/></div>
### 模型训练
lm\_ngram.py中的train()方法实现了模型的训练,过程和RNN LM类似,简介如下:
* 1,准备输入数据:使用的是标准PTB数据,调用data\_util.py中的build\_vocab()方法建立词典,并使用save\_vocab()方法将词典持久化,使用data\_util.py中的train\_data()、test\_data()方法建立train\_reader和test\_reader用来实现对train数据和test数据的读取。
* 2,初始化模型:包括模型的结构、参数、优化器(demo中使用的是Adam)以及trainer。
* 3,定义回调函数event_handler来跟踪训练过程中loss的变化,并在每轮时结束保存模型的参数。
* 4,使用trainer开始train模型。
### 生成文本
* 1,首先加载词典和模型:
# prepare model
word_id_dict = reader.load_vocab(vocab_file) # load word dictionary
_, output_layer = lm(len(word_id_dict), emb_dim, hidden_size, num_layer) # network config
model_file_name = model_file_name_prefix + str(num_passs - 1) + '.tar.gz'
parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(gzip.open(model_file_name)) # load parameters
* 2,根据4(n-1)个词的上文预测下一个单词并打印:
# generate
text = 'the end of the' # use 4 words to predict the 5th word
input = [[word_id_dict.get(w, word_id_dict['<UNK>']) for w in text.split()]]
predictions = paddle.infer(
id_word_dict = dict([(v, k) for k, v in word_id_dict.items()]) # dictionary with type {id : word}
predictions[-1][word_id_dict['<UNK>']] = -1 # filter <UNK>
next_word = id_word_dict[np.argmax(predictions[-1])]
# coding=utf-8
# -- config : data --
train_file = 'data/chinese.train.txt'
test_file = 'data/chinese.test.txt'
vocab_file = 'data/vocab_cn.txt' # the file to save vocab
build_vocab_method = 'fixed_size' # 'frequency' or 'fixed_size'
vocab_max_size = 3000 # when build_vocab_method = 'fixed_size'
unk_threshold = 1 # # when build_vocab_method = 'frequency'
min_sentence_length = 3
max_sentence_length = 60
# -- config : train --
use_which_model = 'ngram' # must be: 'rnn' or 'ngram'
use_gpu = False # whether to use gpu
trainer_count = 1 # number of trainer
class Config_rnn(object):
config for RNN language model
rnn_type = 'gru' # or 'lstm'
emb_dim = 200
hidden_size = 200
num_layer = 2
num_passs = 2
batch_size = 32
model_file_name_prefix = 'lm_' + rnn_type + '_params_pass_'
class Config_ngram(object):
config for N-Gram language model
emb_dim = 200
hidden_size = 200
num_layer = 2
N = 5
num_passs = 2
batch_size = 32
model_file_name_prefix = 'lm_ngram_pass_'
# -- config : infer --
input_file = 'data/input.txt' # input file contains sentence prefix each line
output_file = 'data/output.txt' # the file to save results
num_words = 10 # the max number of words need to generate
beam_size = 5 # beam_width, the number of the prediction sentence for each prefix
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dividends 1435
sold 239
attention 1420
aircraft 1496
succeed 2284
coffee 2143
opposition 1305
franchise 2575
dividend 704
both 180
prospects 2171
last 70
appropriations 1367
annual 367
foreign 245
sensitive 2732
connection 2591
became 985
long-term 688
let 1025
whole 1180
baltimore 2749
point 375
reasons 1748
loan 501
community 922
simply 946
church 1960
throughout 1766
expensive 1619
decline 461
described 2182
raise 630
monthly 1504
create 1288
political 390
due 260
strategy 750
convicted 2830
whom 1713
reduction 1501
maintenance 2545
meeting 476
walter 2438
firm 192
partly 1110
fire 1782
gas 538
convert 2794
N 4
fund 293
whatever 2671
lives 2129
brokers 960
bidding 1494
demand 437
prices 113
plants 865
georgia 2076
look 714
solid 2950
judicial 2987
bill 261
budget 570
governor 2672
technical 1586
while 121
mainframe 2927
ought 2546
fleet 2928
mitchell 2346
guide 2792
engineers 2762
real 309
pound 1066
costly 2183
voters 1683
cents 108
motors 1328
stations 1740
disappointing 2462
itself 683
ready 1788
fannie 1967
coca-cola 2910
chase 2088
underwriters 1718
suggests 2045
rules 906
virtually 1753
widely 1283
grand 1426
survey 1108
dozen 1671
higher 207
development 444
used 263
lawyers 691
d.c. 2988
affairs 1699
comprehensive 2655
yesterday 123
moment 1859
levels 788
moving 1408
purpose 2617
tobacco 2477
recent 182
lower 231
task 2015
older 1908
studies 1956
poland 1221
spent 1149
person 1442
machinery 2511
ltd. 555
swiss 1416
organization 1178
spend 1270
coup 2226
one-year 2560
junk-bond 1767
networks 2464
u.k. 1168
competitive 1650
quarters 2311
questions 1093
world 219
alternative 1978
wage 1158
cut 378
helping 2116
$ 13
also 60
advisers 2044
workers 432
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parents 1877
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customers 526
australia 1249
march 618
emergency 1171
demands 2648
big 130
bid 258
matters 2104
game 1088
aerospace 1931
bit 1893
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moody 995
breeden 2364
success 1395
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signal 2383
toyota 2929
separately 1261
communications 779
arthur 2891
individuals 1324
yields 923
popular 1429
healthy 1805
privately 2297
often 518
senate 463
spring 1205
b. 1814
some 58
back 193
trends 2673
economic 234
pricing 1861
apply 2465
nicaragua 2503
facing 2397
scale 2750
decision 531
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audience 2144
per 1038
eliminate 2561
be 26
run 612
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continuing 1021
fed 566
refused 2077
step 1210
santa 1250
served 2066
at&t 1789
by 18
pipeline 2365
goods 804
anything 997
truck 1792
mrs. 662
range 882
ounce 1921
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block 1035
pollution 2951
repair 2839
steinhardt 2692
into 92
within 530
retailer 2751
nothing 1033
primarily 1548
sports 1259
pentagon 1472
bankruptcy 1029
statistics 1939
spending 509
question 801
long 352
ordered 1823
amr 2989
suit 633
himself 1056
elsewhere 1731
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vehicle 2061
specialty 2269
hoped 2872
atlantic 2254
pacific 689
filed 528
hopes 1101
subsidiary 663
line 464
considerable 2714
raising 1421
posted 634
up 53
us 505
maturity 1529
're 278
exploration 2105
viacom 2562
similar 710
called 342
bell 1310
associated 1669
metal 2485
influence 1905
metals 1790
engineering 1293
associates 1121
rally 975
amounts 1356
peace 2892
fears 1711
teams 2921
yeargin 2494
afford 2902
politicians 2131
reputation 2693
income 185
department 235
manhattan 1430
users 2367
gross 2011
problems 356
prepared 1575
william 782
allowing 2579
formal 2592
sides 1783
structure 1761
ago 196
urged 2223
land 1217
vice 233
age 1067
required 972
bankers 1022
responded 2873
far 291
fresh 2593
requires 2384
leveraged 1146
once 500
code 2372
issued 902
results 343
existing 1251
oct. 314
ge 1889
broader 2778
go 387
gm 844
contributions 2463
centers 1585
issues 251
seemed 1815
concerned 1493
young 841
send 2779
suits 2399
citing 1961
stable 2745
quarterly 1090
include 537
friendly 2385
resources 1059
garden 2255
automotive 1620
continues 1050
wave 2857
putting 1663
cellular 2448
telling 2931
continued 609
entire 1436
eased 2894
sen. 969
real-estate 1446
positions 1380
notes 377
michael 798
fewer 1732
try 876
race 2475
noted 667
guber 1183
concluded 2244
smaller 1048
cds 1774
crop 2296
jump 2132
video 2533
expense 2458
makers 768
index 217
edison 2814
business 86
chicago 485
giving 1454
expressed 2173
practices 1798
access 1455
paying 1125
waiting 1630
indian 2840
volatile 2030
five-year 2651
capital 181
firms 366
exercise 1743
body 2875
led 661
lee 1816
exchange 112
pushing 2514
commercial 478
jointly 2040
following 572
northeast 2553
them 128
others 495
great 592
credits 3001
receive 934
involved 831
larger 1307
leaving 1835
engine 2758
merger 1037
products 190
opinion 1817
residents 1754
gene 1614
makes 559
maker 340
fourth-quarter 2016
named 523
writer 2971
apple 1538
heart 1655
win 1255
manage 2933
private 551
fraud 1552
names 1863
motor 996
scandal 1948
standing 2715
use 270
from 21
p&g 2217
consumption 2618
& 83
remains 780
illegal 2121
cray 1553
next 131
few 262
doubt 1878
year-ago 1519
themselves 873
consecutive 2243
reflects 1712
usx 1502
sort 1566
parliament 2580
started 889
becomes 2934
factor 2245
benchmark 1824
occurred 2841
carrying 2590
sharply 1051
allianz 2867
mitsubishi 1615
appointed 2495
women 941
customer 1353
account 636
us$ 1539
effectively 2876
this 40
challenge 1879
clients 764
recession 965
thin 2429
island 2868
meet 896
closing 1039
n.y. 2208
control 351
beijing 2062
slid 2780
weaker 2716
engelken 2703
process 796
a.m. 2859
daiwa 2733
tax 218
purposes 2842
high 241
professor 2022
reserves 825
something 785
sought 1432
stories 2466
voice 1981
rape 2972
sir 1836
educational 2534
united 562
usair 2029
democracy 2404
recalls 2572
six 364
hampshire 2279
arrangement 2795
traders 281
forest 2877
instead 597
stock 61
buildings 1642
farm 2097
watch 2237
tied 2256
ties 2215
boeing 1962
light 1063
lines 805
commodities 2373
chief 153
road 2102
allow 894
executives 493
martin 2417
houston 1933
holds 1199
hanover 2547
producer 1587
institutional 1258
move 330
produced 1109
alliance 2056
including 211
looks 2155
quake 1064
year-earlier 797
industries 553
delay 1932
la 2041
labor 700
whites 2952
willing 1289
orange 2515
covered 2156
criminal 1479
spot 2209
pending 1503
crash 1041
greater 1225
auto 616
practice 1360
earn 2937
cutting 1949
h. 2184
hands 1316
front 1911
bar 2740
republican 1409
investor 506
day 273
capital-gains 1386
successor 2704
february 1799
l. 1577
warned 2280
university 594
covering 2724
identified 2504
morris 1979
rising 1126
bills 614
warner 576
doing 842
strip 2944
related 866
society 1423
books 1800
measure 853
our 230
margins 1242
agriculture 2717
special 655
out 85
merc 2849
' 135
entertainment 1016
defend 2815
critics 1825
electronics 1301
cause 1213
integrated 2286
red 1013
thrifts 1837
disclose 2021
shut 2912
frank 1643
ban 2065
regulators 1084
york 93
regulatory 1374
indicates 2596
philip 1696
navy 2034
hostile 1791
could 80
florida 1864
mac 2496
keep 586
ltd 1480
davis 2781
retain 2452
retail 909
south 436
respond 2833
plastics 2953
succeeds 2031
powerful 1616
owned 1015
strategic 1768
owner 1507
reached 698
awarded 2409
quality 1192
nyse 2335
legislative 2657
management 266
stands 2702
los 639
system 274
relations 1560
recapitalization 2880
priority 2581
their 52
attack 2348
intelligence 1649
final 1111
interests 775
enforcement 2535
shell 2973
completed 790
acquire 869
environmental 1091
chemicals 1591
reflecting 1308
branches 2415
july 567
institution 2706
steel 600
colleagues 2174
hearings 2287
commodity 1406
patients 1952
individual 736
providing 2064
creditors 1004
projections 2996
unchanged 1073
partnership 1218
lin 1613
unlikely 2356
have 35
need 479
apparently 1081
clearly 1508
rjr 2220
documents 1675
dallas 1830
agency 303
able 584
purchasing 1941
instance 1222
concerns 830
which 42
campeau 1680
coke 2956
unless 1150
who 57
eight 959
preliminary 1980
device 2843
segment 1569
payment 1212
so-called 1354
request 1681
face 664
looked 2828
proceedings 2195
lowered 2176
pictures 2267
normally 2191
fact 668
goals 2764
agreed 346
charles 1379
bring 1144
planning 1351
democrats 1156
portfolio 684
fear 1262
economist 1189
debate 1561
decade 1219
staff 861
litigation 1485
partners 918
based 306
earned 1017
controls 1558
should 205
unable 2260
candidates 1925
employee 1624
communist 1769
local 579
hope 1160
meant 2845
dinkins 1185
handle 2435
means 863
fellow 2505
familiar 1253
overall 1268
bear 1644
reinsurance 2656
joint 799
ones 1460
words 1749
exchanges 1469
buyer 2005
kong 845
chips 1600
areas 880
trucks 1684
course 904
numerous 2574
taxes 954
calling 2405
she 164
ohio 1570
fixed 1424
conduct 2819
view 808
europe 546
temporarily 2122
downward 3000
acquired 747
national 163
accord 1770
operates 1912
edition 2846
computer 226
subcommittee 2430
closer 2516
nationwide 2594
reform 1471
nuclear 1676
tend 2134
favor 1697
state 140
closed 250
crude 1900
progress 2453
neither 1397
bought 686
comparable 2006
brewing 2425
ability 1157
opening 1461
deliver 2234
agencies 1169
job 793
takeover 423
key 864
approval 727
precious 2858
lawsuit 2536
distribution 1793
declining 1631
david 693
restrictions 1530
limits 2307
career 2349
goal 1966
taking 836
equal 1950
drug 510
pulp 2563
april 856
figures 653
jersey 1762
otherwise 2406
comment 472
adjusted 1706
english 2765
co 571
lang 2333
agents 2172
wall 331
ca 563
cd 2055
packaging 2976
qintex 1243
table 2573
oakland 1937
industrials 2607
addition 489
genetic 2336
permanent 2893
agreements 2078
proposal 491
waste 2847
faced 2412
controlled 1763
c. 1707
league 2308
am 1635
sufficient 2977
otc 1413
essentially 2620
c$ 1511
bulk 2752
finished 1831
graphics 2257
improved 1309
atlanta 2431
general 189
present 1838
homes 1515
troubled 1543
abandoned 2896
unlike 1728
sotheby 2848
restaurant 2278
harder 2550
as 20
value 310
will 34
owns 833
wild 2978
uncertainty 1686
almost 512
blood 2502
thus 1114
site 2491
helped 745
claimed 2606
partner 1062
shearson 938
halt 2665
tumbled 2407
perhaps 986
began 544
administration 345
cross 2079
member 1094
retailing 2419
parts 935
largest 414
units 603
party 728
gets 1523
difficult 1024
material 1695
columbia 809
nekoosa 1916
upon 2025
effect 692
forecasts 2299
student 2246
rumors 1914
kkr 2614
single 1136
transaction 564
off 170
center 721
i 69
approve 2426
well 201
fighting 2641
thought 947
banker 2377
sets 2235
position 533
soviet 384
inc. 81
latest 466
stores 643
less 246
increasingly 1554
executive 155
domestic 708
obtain 2157
sources 1534
underlying 2107
rooms 2374
seats 1832
paul 1549
rapid 2642
ads 1417
supply 933
smith 1129
deposits 1734
realize 2298
simple 2231
add 1226
other 62
subordinated 1544
match 2408
boom 2582
tests 1645
increased 369
provisions 1292
government 99
chancellor 2300
increases 696
five 259
know 481
press 916
immediately 1451
loss 254
lincoln 1735
necessary 1381
like 167
lost 635
miami 2829
taxpayers 2201
lawson 1390
payments 729
james 560
become 428
works 1320
soft 2674
amendment 1846
exceed 2643
because 78
arbitrage 981
authority 1286
growth 242
export 1462
cleveland 2796
home 322
peter 1163
employment 1872
line-item 2350
lead 786
broad 1593
avoid 1265
hurricane 1151
slide 2270
does 177
york-based 2645
chains 2621
leader 862
schedule 2719
journal 919
monetary 1452
expansion 1594
beach 2394
pressure 843
expire 2817
although 368
offset 1193
includes 800
loans 362
vs. 2660
panel 1559
gained 725
about 44
actual 1174
carried 2420
debentures 1295
freedom 2676
shipping 2158
surge 2080
angeles 749
holdings 885
carries 2468
carrier 1368
introduced 1191
software 993
own 195
letters 2175
previously 719
warrants 2046
washington 514
commitment 2337
billions 2622
getting 637
malcolm 2922
included 651
guard 2881
promise 2047
managing 1274
banco 2338
utility 1913
accused 1794
additional 581
krenz 1729
transfer 2506
housing 999
secret 2949
peters 1206
continental 1776
biggest 742
pretax 1176
fiscal 416
buy 184
north 739
stadium 2899
triggered 2368
insurer 2564
funds 194
brand 1089
akzo 2957
but 30
delivery 1000
insured 2108
construction 608
gain 430
courts 1942
highest 1595
ltv 2705
he 29
made 160
places 2735
whether 370
cells 2388
official 455
signed 1194
record 440
below 631
limit 1057
ruling 1233
problem 433
piece 2185
minutes 1497
supreme 1152
deaths 2818
wcrs 2980
slowing 1607
flight 2020
education 1382
proceeds 1337
worse 2197
inc 443
aetna 2720
mutual 1369
compared 371
'll 928
variety 2784
corporation 2271
illinois 2646
book 1291
compares 2914
details 1512
branch 2202
compete 2850
gonzalez 2797
junk 473
francisco 420
star 1826
monday 383
class 1361
june 625
ultimately 2153
contends 2328
stay 1333
chance 1375
bellsouth 2697
priced 425
friends 2421
exposure 2301
resolution 2067
baker 1290
factors 1438
rule 1161
ortega 2677
portion 1685
write 2342
status 2334
pension 1181
understand 2232
frankfurt 1915
# coding=utf-8
import paddle.v2 as paddle
import gzip
import numpy as np
from utils import *
import network_conf
from config import *
def generate_using_rnn(word_id_dict, num_words, beam_size):
Demo: use RNN model to do prediction.
:param word_id_dict: vocab.
:type word_id_dict: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:param num_words: the number of the words to generate.
:type num_words: int
:param beam_size: beam width.
:type beam_size: int
:return: save prediction results to output_file
# prepare and cache model
config = Config_rnn()
_, output_layer = network_conf.rnn_lm(
num_layer=config.num_layer) # network config
model_file_name = config.model_file_name_prefix + str(config.num_passs -
1) + '.tar.gz'
parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(
gzip.open(model_file_name)) # load parameters
inferer = paddle.inference.Inference(
output_layer=output_layer, parameters=parameters)
# tools, different from generate_using_ngram's tools
id_word_dict = dict(
[(v, k) for k, v in word_id_dict.items()]) # {id : word}
def str2ids(str):
return [[[
word_id_dict.get(w, word_id_dict['<UNK>']) for w in str.split()
def ids2str(ids):
return [[[id_word_dict.get(id, ' ') for id in ids]]]
# generate text
with open(input_file) as file:
output_f = open(output_file, 'w')
for line in file:
line = line.decode('utf-8').strip()
# generate
texts = {} # type: {text : probability}
texts[line] = 1
for _ in range(num_words):
texts_new = {}
for (text, prob) in texts.items():
if '<EOS>' in text: # stop prediction when <EOS> appear
texts_new[text] = prob
# next word's probability distribution
predictions = inferer.infer(input=str2ids(text))
predictions[-1][word_id_dict['<UNK>']] = -1 # filter <UNK>
# find next beam_size words
for _ in range(beam_size):
cur_maxProb_index = np.argmax(
predictions[-1]) # next word's id
text_new = text + ' ' + id_word_dict[
cur_maxProb_index] # text append next word
texts_new[text_new] = texts[text] * predictions[-1][
predictions[-1][cur_maxProb_index] = -1
if len(texts_new) <= beam_size:
texts = texts_new
else: # cutting
texts = dict(
texts_new.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True)
# save results to output file
output_f.write(line.encode('utf-8') + '\n')
for (sentence, prob) in texts.items():
output_f.write('\t' + sentence.encode('utf-8', 'replace') + '\t'
+ str(prob) + '\n')
print('already saved results to ' + output_file)
def generate_using_ngram(word_id_dict, num_words, beam_size):
Demo: use N-Gram model to do prediction.
:param word_id_dict: vocab.
:type word_id_dict: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:param num_words: the number of the words to generate.
:type num_words: int
:param beam_size: beam width.
:type beam_size: int
:return: save prediction results to output_file
# prepare and cache model
config = Config_ngram()
_, output_layer = network_conf.ngram_lm(
num_layer=config.num_layer) # network config
model_file_name = config.model_file_name_prefix + str(config.num_passs -
1) + '.tar.gz'
parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(
gzip.open(model_file_name)) # load parameters
inferer = paddle.inference.Inference(
output_layer=output_layer, parameters=parameters)
# tools, different from generate_using_rnn's tools
id_word_dict = dict(
[(v, k) for k, v in word_id_dict.items()]) # {id : word}
def str2ids(str):
return [[
word_id_dict.get(w, word_id_dict['<UNK>']) for w in str.split()
def ids2str(ids):
return [[id_word_dict.get(id, ' ') for id in ids]]
# generate text
with open(input_file) as file:
output_f = open(output_file, 'w')
for line in file:
line = line.decode('utf-8').strip()
words = line.split()
if len(words) < config.N:
output_f.write(line.encode('utf-8') + "\n\tnone\n")
# generate
texts = {} # type: {text : probability}
texts[line] = 1
for _ in range(num_words):
texts_new = {}
for (text, prob) in texts.items():
if '<EOS>' in text: # stop prediction when <EOS> appear
texts_new[text] = prob
# next word's probability distribution
predictions = inferer.infer(
input=str2ids(' '.join(text.split()[-config.N:])))
predictions[-1][word_id_dict['<UNK>']] = -1 # filter <UNK>
# find next beam_size words
for _ in range(beam_size):
cur_maxProb_index = np.argmax(
predictions[-1]) # next word's id
text_new = text + ' ' + id_word_dict[
cur_maxProb_index] # text append nextWord
texts_new[text_new] = texts[text] * predictions[-1][
predictions[-1][cur_maxProb_index] = -1
if len(texts_new) <= beam_size:
texts = texts_new
else: # cutting
texts = dict(
texts_new.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True)
# save results to output file
output_f.write(line.encode('utf-8') + '\n')
for (sentence, prob) in texts.items():
output_f.write('\t' + sentence.encode('utf-8', 'replace') + '\t'
+ str(prob) + '\n')
print('already saved results to ' + output_file)
def main():
# init paddle
paddle.init(use_gpu=use_gpu, trainer_count=trainer_count)
# prepare and cache vocab
if os.path.isfile(vocab_file):
word_id_dict = load_vocab(vocab_file) # load word dictionary
if build_vocab_method == 'fixed_size':
word_id_dict = build_vocab_with_fixed_size(
train_file, vocab_max_size) # build vocab
word_id_dict = build_vocab_using_threshhold(
train_file, unk_threshold) # build vocab
save_vocab(word_id_dict, vocab_file) # save vocab
# generate
if use_which_model == 'rnn':
word_id_dict=word_id_dict, num_words=num_words, beam_size=beam_size)
elif use_which_model == 'ngram':
word_id_dict=word_id_dict, num_words=num_words, beam_size=beam_size)
raise Exception('use_which_model must be rnn or ngram!')
if __name__ == "__main__":
# coding=utf-8
import paddle.v2 as paddle
def rnn_lm(vocab_size, emb_dim, rnn_type, hidden_size, num_layer):
RNN language model definition.
:param vocab_size: size of vocab.
:param emb_dim: embedding vector's dimension.
:param rnn_type: the type of RNN cell.
:param hidden_size: number of unit.
:param num_layer: layer number.
:return: cost and output layer of model.
assert emb_dim > 0 and hidden_size > 0 and vocab_size > 0 and num_layer > 0
# input layers
input = paddle.layer.data(
name="input", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(vocab_size))
target = paddle.layer.data(
name="target", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value_sequence(vocab_size))
# embedding layer
input_emb = paddle.layer.embedding(input=input, size=emb_dim)
# rnn layer
if rnn_type == 'lstm':
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_lstm(
input=input_emb, size=hidden_size)
for _ in range(num_layer - 1):
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_lstm(
input=rnn_cell, size=hidden_size)
elif rnn_type == 'gru':
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_gru(input=input_emb, size=hidden_size)
for _ in range(num_layer - 1):
rnn_cell = paddle.networks.simple_gru(
input=rnn_cell, size=hidden_size)
raise Exception('rnn_type error!')
# fc(full connected) and output layer
output = paddle.layer.fc(
input=[rnn_cell], size=vocab_size, act=paddle.activation.Softmax())
# loss
cost = paddle.layer.classification_cost(input=output, label=target)
return cost, output
def ngram_lm(vocab_size, emb_dim, hidden_size, num_layer):
N-Gram language model definition.
:param vocab_size: size of vocab.
:param emb_dim: embedding vector's dimension.
:param hidden_size: size of unit.
:param num_layer: layer number.
:return: cost and output layer of model.
assert emb_dim > 0 and hidden_size > 0 and vocab_size > 0 and num_layer > 0
def wordemb(inlayer):
wordemb = paddle.layer.table_projection(
name="_proj", initial_std=0.001, learning_rate=1, l2_rate=0))
return wordemb
# input layers
first_word = paddle.layer.data(
name="first_word", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value(vocab_size))
second_word = paddle.layer.data(
name="second_word", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value(vocab_size))
third_word = paddle.layer.data(
name="third_word", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value(vocab_size))
fourth_word = paddle.layer.data(
name="fourth_word", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value(vocab_size))
next_word = paddle.layer.data(
name="next_word", type=paddle.data_type.integer_value(vocab_size))
# embedding layer
first_emb = wordemb(first_word)
second_emb = wordemb(second_word)
third_emb = wordemb(third_word)
fourth_emb = wordemb(fourth_word)
context_emb = paddle.layer.concat(
input=[first_emb, second_emb, third_emb, fourth_emb])
# hidden layer
hidden = paddle.layer.fc(
input=context_emb, size=hidden_size, act=paddle.activation.Relu())
for _ in range(num_layer - 1):
hidden = paddle.layer.fc(
input=hidden, size=hidden_size, act=paddle.activation.Relu())
# fc(full connected) and output layer
predict_word = paddle.layer.fc(
input=[hidden], size=vocab_size, act=paddle.activation.Softmax())
# loss
cost = paddle.layer.classification_cost(input=predict_word, label=next_word)
return cost, predict_word
# coding=utf-8
import collections
import os
def rnn_reader(file_name, min_sentence_length, max_sentence_length,
create reader for RNN, each line is a sample.
:param file_name: file name.
:param min_sentence_length: sentence's min length.
:param max_sentence_length: sentence's max length.
:param word_id_dict: vocab with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:return: data reader.
def reader():
UNK = word_id_dict['<UNK>']
with open(file_name) as file:
for line in file:
words = line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip().split()
if len(words) < min_sentence_length or len(
words) > max_sentence_length:
ids = [word_id_dict.get(w, UNK) for w in words]
target = ids[1:]
yield ids[:], target[:]
return reader
def ngram_reader(file_name, N, word_id_dict):
create reader for N-Gram.
:param file_name: file name.
:param N: N-Gram's N.
:param word_id_dict: vocab with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:return: data reader.
assert N >= 2
def reader():
ids = []
UNK_ID = word_id_dict['<UNK>']
cache_size = 10000000
with open(file_name) as file:
for line in file:
words = line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip().split()
ids += [word_id_dict.get(w, UNK_ID) for w in words]
ids_len = len(ids)
if ids_len > cache_size: # output
for i in range(ids_len - N - 1):
yield tuple(ids[i:i + N])
ids = []
ids_len = len(ids)
for i in range(ids_len - N - 1):
yield tuple(ids[i:i + N])
return reader
# coding=utf-8
import sys
import paddle.v2 as paddle
import reader
from utils import *
import network_conf
import gzip
from config import *
def train(model_cost, train_reader, test_reader, model_file_name_prefix,
train model.
:param model_cost: cost layer of the model to train.
:param train_reader: train data reader.
:param test_reader: test data reader.
:param model_file_name_prefix: model's prefix name.
:param num_passes: epoch.
# init paddle
paddle.init(use_gpu=use_gpu, trainer_count=trainer_count)
# create parameters
parameters = paddle.parameters.create(model_cost)
# create optimizer
adam_optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Adam(
average_window=0.5, max_average_window=10000))
# create trainer
trainer = paddle.trainer.SGD(
cost=model_cost, parameters=parameters, update_equation=adam_optimizer)
# define event_handler callback
def event_handler(event):
if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndIteration):
if event.batch_id % 100 == 0:
print("\nPass %d, Batch %d, Cost %f, %s" % (
event.pass_id, event.batch_id, event.cost, event.metrics))
# save model each pass
if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndPass):
result = trainer.test(reader=test_reader)
print("\nTest with Pass %d, %s" % (event.pass_id, result.metrics))
with gzip.open(
model_file_name_prefix + str(event.pass_id) + '.tar.gz',
'w') as f:
# start to train
print('start training...')
reader=train_reader, event_handler=event_handler, num_passes=num_passes)
print("Training finished.")
def main():
# prepare vocab
print('prepare vocab...')
if build_vocab_method == 'fixed_size':
word_id_dict = build_vocab_with_fixed_size(
train_file, vocab_max_size) # build vocab
word_id_dict = build_vocab_using_threshhold(
train_file, unk_threshold) # build vocab
save_vocab(word_id_dict, vocab_file) # save vocab
# init model and data reader
if use_which_model == 'rnn':
# init RNN model
print('prepare rnn model...')
config = Config_rnn()
cost, _ = network_conf.rnn_lm(
len(word_id_dict), config.emb_dim, config.rnn_type,
config.hidden_size, config.num_layer)
# init RNN data reader
train_reader = paddle.batch(
reader.rnn_reader(train_file, min_sentence_length,
max_sentence_length, word_id_dict),
test_reader = paddle.batch(
reader.rnn_reader(test_file, min_sentence_length,
max_sentence_length, word_id_dict),
elif use_which_model == 'ngram':
# init N-Gram model
print('prepare ngram model...')
config = Config_ngram()
assert config.N == 5
cost, _ = network_conf.ngram_lm(
# init N-Gram data reader
train_reader = paddle.batch(
reader.ngram_reader(train_file, config.N, word_id_dict),
test_reader = paddle.batch(
reader.ngram_reader(test_file, config.N, word_id_dict),
raise Exception('use_which_model must be rnn or ngram!')
# train model
if __name__ == "__main__":
# coding=utf-8
import os
import collections
def save_vocab(word_id_dict, vocab_file_name):
save vocab.
:param word_id_dict: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
:param vocab_file_name: vocab file name.
f = open(vocab_file_name, 'w')
for (k, v) in word_id_dict.items():
f.write(k.encode('utf-8') + '\t' + str(v) + '\n')
print('save vocab to ' + vocab_file_name)
def load_vocab(vocab_file_name):
load vocab from file.
:param vocab_file_name: vocab file name.
:return: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
assert os.path.isfile(vocab_file_name)
dict = {}
with open(vocab_file_name) as file:
for line in file:
if len(line) < 2:
kv = line.decode('utf-8').strip().split('\t')
dict[kv[0]] = int(kv[1])
return dict
def build_vocab_using_threshhold(file_name, unk_threshold):
build vacab using_<UNK> threshhold.
:param file_name:
:param unk_threshold: <UNK> threshhold.
:type unk_threshold: int.
:return: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
counter = {}
with open(file_name) as file:
for line in file:
words = line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip().split()
for word in words:
if word in counter:
counter[word] += 1
counter[word] = 1
counter_new = {}
for (word, frequency) in counter.items():
if frequency >= unk_threshold:
counter_new[word] = frequency
counter_new = sorted(counter_new.items(), key=lambda d: -d[1])
words = [word_frequency[0] for word_frequency in counter_new]
word_id_dict = dict(zip(words, range(2, len(words) + 2)))
word_id_dict['<UNK>'] = 0
word_id_dict['<EOS>'] = 1
return word_id_dict
def build_vocab_with_fixed_size(file_name, vocab_max_size):
build vacab with assigned max size.
:param vocab_max_size: vocab's max size.
:return: dictionary with content of '{word, id}', 'word' is string type , 'id' is int type.
words = []
for line in open(file_name):
words += line.decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip().split()
counter = collections.Counter(words)
counter = sorted(counter.items(), key=lambda x: -x[1])
if len(counter) > vocab_max_size:
counter = counter[:vocab_max_size]
words, counts = zip(*counter)
word_id_dict = dict(zip(words, range(2, len(words) + 2)))
word_id_dict['<UNK>'] = 0
word_id_dict['<EOS>'] = 1
return word_id_dict
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