diff --git a/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/.idea/misc.xml b/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/.idea/misc.xml
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28a804d8932aba40f168fd757a74cb718a955a1a
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+++ b/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/.idea/misc.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/.idea/workspace.xml b/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/.idea/workspace.xml
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66008d52caeec8ae8792b06707e3e9ac9a3e0eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PaddleNLP/neural_machine_translation/transformer/.idea/workspace.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ true
+ 1555927160828
+ 1555927160828
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diff --git a/dygraph/transformer/README.md b/dygraph/transformer/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42a0b86f009edd0903279d28c8e05a8cb084b8ec
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+++ b/dygraph/transformer/README.md
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+## 简介
+### 任务说明
+机器翻译(machine translation, MT)是利用计算机将一种自然语言(源语言)转换为另一种自然语言(目标语言)的过程,输入为源语言句子,输出为相应的目标语言的句子。本示例是机器翻译主流模型 Transformer 的实现和相关介绍。
+### 数据集说明
+我们使用公开的 [WMT'16 EN-DE 数据集](http://www.statmt.org/wmt16/translation-task.html)训练
+### 安装说明
+1. paddle安装
+ 本项目依赖于 Paddlepaddle Fluid 1.3,请参考安装指南进行安装。
+2. 安装代码
+3. 环境依赖
+### 执行训练:
+### 执行效果
+ W0422 13:25:53.853921 116144 device_context.cc:261] Please NOTE: device: 0, CUDA Capability: 35, Driver API Version: 9.0, Runtime API Version: 8.0
+ W0422 13:25:53.861614 116144 device_context.cc:269] device: 0, cuDNN Version: 7.0.
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 10, dy_graph avg loss: [9.033163]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 20, dy_graph avg loss: [8.869838]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 30, dy_graph avg loss: [8.635877]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 40, dy_graph avg loss: [8.460026]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 50, dy_graph avg loss: [8.293438]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 60, dy_graph avg loss: [8.138791]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 70, dy_graph avg loss: [7.9594088]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 80, dy_graph avg loss: [7.7303553]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 90, dy_graph avg loss: [7.6716228]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 100, dy_graph avg loss: [7.611051]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 110, dy_graph avg loss: [7.4179897]
+ pass num : 0, batch_id: 120, dy_graph avg loss: [7.318419]
+## 进阶使用
+### 模型原理介绍
+Transformer 是论文 [Attention Is All You Need](https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.03762) 中提出的用以完成机器翻译(machine translation, MT)等序列到序列(sequence to sequence, Seq2Seq)学习任务的一种全新网络结构。其同样使用了 Seq2Seq 任务中典型的编码器-解码器(Encoder-Decoder)的框架结构,但相较于此前广泛使用的循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network, RNN),其完全使用注意力(Attention)机制来实现序列到序列的建模,整体网络结构如图1所示。
+图 1. Transformer 网络结构图
+Encoder 由若干相同的 layer 堆叠组成,每个 layer 主要由多头注意力(Multi-Head Attention)和全连接的前馈(Feed-Forward)网络这两个 sub-layer 构成。
+- Multi-Head Attention 在这里用于实现 Self-Attention,相比于简单的 Attention 机制,其将输入进行多路线性变换后分别计算 Attention 的结果,并将所有结果拼接后再次进行线性变换作为输出。参见图2,其中 Attention 使用的是点积(Dot-Product),并在点积后进行了 scale 的处理以避免因点积结果过大进入 softmax 的饱和区域。
+- Feed-Forward 网络会对序列中的每个位置进行相同的计算(Position-wise),其采用的是两次线性变换中间加以 ReLU 激活的结构。
+此外,每个 sub-layer 后还施以 [Residual Connection](http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_cvpr_2016/papers/He_Deep_Residual_Learning_CVPR_2016_paper.pdf) 和 [Layer Normalization](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1607.06450.pdf) 来促进梯度传播和模型收敛。
+图 2. Multi-Head Attention
+Decoder 具有和 Encoder 类似的结构,只是相比于组成 Encoder 的 layer ,在组成 Decoder 的 layer 中还多了一个 Multi-Head Attention 的 sub-layer 来实现对 Encoder 输出的 Attention,这个 Encoder-Decoder Attention 在其他 Seq2Seq 模型中也是存在的。
diff --git a/dygraph/transformer/train.py b/dygraph/transformer/train.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63ff4addccfc7549a96002ea3a30192ef7f27a3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dygraph/transformer/train.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1142 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+import contextlib
+import paddle.fluid as fluid
+from paddle.fluid.dygraph import Embedding, LayerNorm, FC, to_variable, Layer, guard
+import numpy as np
+import paddle
+import paddle.dataset.wmt16 as wmt16
+def new_program_scope(main=None, startup=None, scope=None):
+ """
+ base program
+ :param main:
+ :param startup:
+ :param scope:
+ :return:
+ """
+ prog = main if main else fluid.Program()
+ startup_prog = startup if startup else fluid.Program()
+ scope = scope if scope else fluid.core.Scope()
+ with fluid.scope_guard(scope):
+ with fluid.program_guard(prog, startup_prog):
+ with fluid.unique_name.guard():
+ yield
+# Copy from models
+class TrainTaskConfig(object):
+ """
+ TrainTaskConfig
+ """
+ # support both CPU and GPU now.
+ use_gpu = True
+ # the epoch number to train.
+ pass_num = 30
+ # the number of sequences contained in a mini-batch.
+ # deprecated, set batch_size in args.
+ batch_size = 32
+ # the hyper parameters for Adam optimizer.
+ # This static learning_rate will be multiplied to the LearningRateScheduler
+ # derived learning rate the to get the final learning rate.
+ learning_rate = 2.0
+ beta1 = 0.9
+ beta2 = 0.997
+ eps = 1e-9
+ # the parameters for learning rate scheduling.
+ warmup_steps = 8000
+ # the weight used to mix up the ground-truth distribution and the fixed
+ # uniform distribution in label smoothing when training.
+ # Set this as zero if label smoothing is not wanted.
+ label_smooth_eps = 0.1
+class ModelHyperParams(object):
+ """
+ ModelHyperParams
+ """
+ # These following five vocabularies related configurations will be set
+ # automatically according to the passed vocabulary path and special tokens.
+ # size of source word dictionary.
+ src_vocab_size = 10000
+ # size of target word dictionay
+ trg_vocab_size = 10000
+ # # index for token
+ # bos_idx = 0
+ # # index for token
+ # eos_idx = 1
+ # # index for token
+ # unk_idx = 2
+ src_pad_idx = 0
+ # index for token in target language.
+ trg_pad_idx = 1
+ # max length of sequences deciding the size of position encoding table.
+ max_length = 50
+ # the dimension for word embeddings, which is also the last dimension of
+ # the input and output of multi-head attention, position-wise feed-forward
+ # networks, encoder and decoder.
+ d_model = 512
+ # size of the hidden layer in position-wise feed-forward networks.
+ d_inner_hid = 2048
+ # the dimension that keys are projected to for dot-product attention.
+ d_key = 64
+ # the dimension that values are projected to for dot-product attention.
+ d_value = 64
+ # number of head used in multi-head attention.
+ n_head = 8
+ # number of sub-layers to be stacked in the encoder and decoder.
+ n_layer = 6
+ # dropout rates of different modules.
+ prepostprocess_dropout = 0.1
+ attention_dropout = 0.1
+ relu_dropout = 0.1
+ # to process before each sub-layer
+ preprocess_cmd = "n" # layer normalization
+ # to process after each sub-layer
+ postprocess_cmd = "da" # dropout + residual connection
+ # random seed used in dropout for CE.
+ dropout_seed = None
+ # the flag indicating whether to share embedding and softmax weights.
+ # vocabularies in source and target should be same for weight sharing.
+ weight_sharing = False
+# The placeholder for batch_size in compile time. Must be -1 currently to be
+# consistent with some ops' infer-shape output in compile time, such as the
+# sequence_expand op used in beamsearch decoder.
+batch_size = -1
+# The placeholder for squence length in compile time.
+seq_len = ModelHyperParams.max_length
+# Here list the data shapes and data types of all inputs.
+# The shapes here act as placeholder and are set to pass the infer-shape in
+# compile time.
+input_descs = {
+ # The actual data shape of src_word is:
+ # [batch_size, max_src_len_in_batch, 1]
+ "src_word": [(batch_size, seq_len, 1), "int64", 2],
+ # The actual data shape of src_pos is:
+ # [batch_size, max_src_len_in_batch, 1]
+ "src_pos": [(batch_size, seq_len, 1), "int64"],
+ # This input is used to remove attention weights on paddings in the
+ # encoder.
+ # The actual data shape of src_slf_attn_bias is:
+ # [batch_size, n_head, max_src_len_in_batch, max_src_len_in_batch]
+ "src_slf_attn_bias": [(batch_size, ModelHyperParams.n_head, seq_len,
+ seq_len), "float32"],
+ # The actual data shape of trg_word is:
+ # [batch_size, max_trg_len_in_batch, 1]
+ "trg_word": [(batch_size, seq_len, 1), "int64",
+ 2], # lod_level is only used in fast decoder.
+ # The actual data shape of trg_pos is:
+ # [batch_size, max_trg_len_in_batch, 1]
+ "trg_pos": [(batch_size, seq_len, 1), "int64"],
+ # This input is used to remove attention weights on paddings and
+ # subsequent words in the decoder.
+ # The actual data shape of trg_slf_attn_bias is:
+ # [batch_size, n_head, max_trg_len_in_batch, max_trg_len_in_batch]
+ "trg_slf_attn_bias": [(batch_size, ModelHyperParams.n_head, seq_len,
+ seq_len), "float32"],
+ # This input is used to remove attention weights on paddings of the source
+ # input in the encoder-decoder attention.
+ # The actual data shape of trg_src_attn_bias is:
+ # [batch_size, n_head, max_trg_len_in_batch, max_src_len_in_batch]
+ "trg_src_attn_bias": [(batch_size, ModelHyperParams.n_head, seq_len,
+ seq_len), "float32"],
+ # This input is used in independent decoder program for inference.
+ # The actual data shape of enc_output is:
+ # [batch_size, max_src_len_in_batch, d_model]
+ "enc_output": [(batch_size, seq_len, ModelHyperParams.d_model), "float32"],
+ # The actual data shape of label_word is:
+ # [batch_size * max_trg_len_in_batch, 1]
+ "lbl_word": [(batch_size * seq_len, 1), "int64"],
+ # This input is used to mask out the loss of paddding tokens.
+ # The actual data shape of label_weight is:
+ # [batch_size * max_trg_len_in_batch, 1]
+ "lbl_weight": [(batch_size * seq_len, 1), "float32"],
+ # This input is used in beam-search decoder.
+ "init_score": [(batch_size, 1), "float32", 2],
+ # This input is used in beam-search decoder for the first gather
+ # (cell states updation)
+ "init_idx": [(batch_size, ), "int32"],
+# Names of word embedding table which might be reused for weight sharing.
+word_emb_param_names = (
+ "src_word_emb_table",
+ "trg_word_emb_table", )
+# Names of position encoding table which will be initialized externally.
+pos_enc_param_names = (
+ "src_pos_enc_table",
+ "trg_pos_enc_table", )
+# separated inputs for different usages.
+encoder_data_input_fields = (
+ "src_word",
+ "src_pos",
+ "src_slf_attn_bias", )
+decoder_data_input_fields = (
+ "trg_word",
+ "trg_pos",
+ "trg_slf_attn_bias",
+ "trg_src_attn_bias",
+ "enc_output", )
+label_data_input_fields = (
+ "lbl_word",
+ "lbl_weight", )
+# In fast decoder, trg_pos (only containing the current time step) is generated
+# by ops and trg_slf_attn_bias is not needed.
+fast_decoder_data_input_fields = (
+ "trg_word",
+ "init_score",
+ "init_idx",
+ "trg_src_attn_bias", )
+def merge_cfg_from_list(cfg_list, g_cfgs):
+ """
+ Set the above global configurations using the cfg_list.
+ """
+ assert len(cfg_list) % 2 == 0
+ for key, value in zip(cfg_list[0::2], cfg_list[1::2]):
+ for g_cfg in g_cfgs:
+ if hasattr(g_cfg, key):
+ try:
+ value = eval(value)
+ except Exception: # for file path
+ pass
+ setattr(g_cfg, key, value)
+ break
+def position_encoding_init(n_position, d_pos_vec):
+ """
+ Generate the initial values for the sinusoid position encoding table.
+ """
+ channels = d_pos_vec
+ position = np.arange(n_position)
+ num_timescales = channels // 2
+ log_timescale_increment = (np.log(float(1e4) / float(1)) /
+ (num_timescales - 1))
+ inv_timescales = np.exp(np.arange(
+ num_timescales)) * -log_timescale_increment
+ scaled_time = np.expand_dims(position, 1) * np.expand_dims(inv_timescales,
+ 0)
+ signal = np.concatenate([np.sin(scaled_time), np.cos(scaled_time)], axis=1)
+ signal = np.pad(signal, [[0, 0], [0, np.mod(channels, 2)]], 'constant')
+ position_enc = signal
+ return position_enc.astype("float32")
+def create_data(np_values, is_static=False):
+ """
+ create_data
+ :param np_values:
+ :param is_static:
+ :return:
+ """
+ # pdb.set_trace()
+ [
+ src_word_np, src_pos_np, trg_word_np, trg_pos_np, src_slf_attn_bias_np,
+ trg_slf_attn_bias_np, trg_src_attn_bias_np, lbl_word_np, lbl_weight_np
+ ] = np_values
+ if is_static:
+ return [
+ src_word_np, src_pos_np, src_slf_attn_bias_np, trg_word_np,
+ trg_pos_np, trg_slf_attn_bias_np, trg_src_attn_bias_np, lbl_word_np,
+ lbl_weight_np
+ ]
+ else:
+ enc_inputs = [
+ to_variable(
+ src_word_np, name='src_word'), to_variable(
+ src_pos_np, name='src_pos'), to_variable(
+ src_slf_attn_bias_np, name='src_slf_attn_bias')
+ ]
+ dec_inputs = [
+ to_variable(
+ trg_word_np, name='trg_word'), to_variable(
+ trg_pos_np, name='trg_pos'), to_variable(
+ trg_slf_attn_bias_np, name='trg_slf_attn_bias'),
+ to_variable(
+ trg_src_attn_bias_np, name='trg_src_attn_bias')
+ ]
+ label = to_variable(lbl_word_np, name='lbl_word')
+ weight = to_variable(lbl_weight_np, name='lbl_weight')
+ return enc_inputs, dec_inputs, label, weight
+def create_feed_dict_list(data, init=False):
+ """
+ create_feed_dict_list
+ :param data:
+ :param init:
+ :return:
+ """
+ if init:
+ data_input_names = encoder_data_input_fields + \
+ decoder_data_input_fields[:-1] + label_data_input_fields + pos_enc_param_names
+ else:
+ data_input_names = encoder_data_input_fields + \
+ decoder_data_input_fields[:-1] + label_data_input_fields
+ feed_dict_list = dict()
+ for i in range(len(data_input_names)):
+ feed_dict_list[data_input_names[i]] = data[i]
+ return feed_dict_list
+def make_all_inputs(input_fields):
+ """
+ Define the input data layers for the transformer model.
+ """
+ inputs = []
+ for input_field in input_fields:
+ input_var = fluid.layers.data(
+ name=input_field,
+ shape=input_descs[input_field][0],
+ dtype=input_descs[input_field][1],
+ lod_level=input_descs[input_field][2]
+ if len(input_descs[input_field]) == 3 else 0,
+ append_batch_size=False)
+ inputs.append(input_var)
+ return inputs
+def prepare_batch_input(insts, src_pad_idx, trg_pad_idx, n_head):
+ """
+ Pad the instances to the max sequence length in batch, and generate the
+ corresponding position data and attention bias. Then, convert the numpy
+ data to tensors and return a dict mapping names to tensors.
+ """
+ def __pad_batch_data(insts,
+ pad_idx,
+ n_head,
+ is_target=False,
+ is_label=False,
+ return_attn_bias=True,
+ return_max_len=True,
+ return_num_token=False):
+ """
+ Pad the instances to the max sequence length in batch, and generate the
+ corresponding position data and attention bias.
+ """
+ return_list = []
+ max_len = max(len(inst) for inst in insts)
+ # Any token included in dict can be used to pad, since the paddings' loss
+ # will be masked out by weights and make no effect on parameter gradients.
+ inst_data = np.array(
+ [inst + [pad_idx] * (max_len - len(inst)) for inst in insts])
+ return_list += [inst_data.astype("int64").reshape([-1, 1])]
+ if is_label: # label weight
+ inst_weight = np.array([[1.] * len(inst) + [0.] *
+ (max_len - len(inst)) for inst in insts])
+ return_list += [inst_weight.astype("float32").reshape([-1, 1])]
+ else: # position data
+ inst_pos = np.array([
+ list(range(0, len(inst))) + [0] * (max_len - len(inst))
+ for inst in insts
+ ])
+ return_list += [inst_pos.astype("int64").reshape([-1, 1])]
+ if return_attn_bias:
+ if is_target:
+ # This is used to avoid attention on paddings and subsequent
+ # words.
+ slf_attn_bias_data = np.ones(
+ (inst_data.shape[0], max_len, max_len))
+ slf_attn_bias_data = np.triu(
+ slf_attn_bias_data, 1).reshape([-1, 1, max_len, max_len])
+ slf_attn_bias_data = np.tile(slf_attn_bias_data,
+ [1, n_head, 1, 1]) * [-1e9]
+ else:
+ # This is used to avoid attention on paddings.
+ slf_attn_bias_data = np.array([[0] * len(inst) + [-1e9] *
+ (max_len - len(inst))
+ for inst in insts])
+ slf_attn_bias_data = np.tile(
+ slf_attn_bias_data.reshape([-1, 1, 1, max_len]),
+ [1, n_head, max_len, 1])
+ return_list += [slf_attn_bias_data.astype("float32")]
+ if return_max_len:
+ return_list += [max_len]
+ if return_num_token:
+ num_token = 0
+ for inst in insts:
+ num_token += len(inst)
+ return_list += [num_token]
+ return return_list if len(return_list) > 1 else return_list[0]
+ src_word, src_pos, src_slf_attn_bias, src_max_len = __pad_batch_data(
+ [inst[0] for inst in insts], src_pad_idx, n_head, is_target=False)
+ src_word = src_word.reshape(-1, src_max_len, 1)
+ src_pos = src_pos.reshape(-1, src_max_len, 1)
+ trg_word, trg_pos, trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_max_len = __pad_batch_data(
+ [inst[1] for inst in insts], trg_pad_idx, n_head, is_target=True)
+ trg_word = trg_word.reshape(-1, trg_max_len, 1)
+ trg_pos = trg_pos.reshape(-1, trg_max_len, 1)
+ trg_src_attn_bias = np.tile(src_slf_attn_bias[:, :, ::src_max_len, :],
+ [1, 1, trg_max_len, 1]).astype("float32")
+ lbl_word, lbl_weight, num_token = __pad_batch_data(
+ [inst[2] for inst in insts],
+ trg_pad_idx,
+ n_head,
+ is_target=False,
+ is_label=True,
+ return_attn_bias=False,
+ return_max_len=False,
+ return_num_token=True)
+ return [
+ src_word, src_pos, trg_word, trg_pos, src_slf_attn_bias,
+ trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias, lbl_word, lbl_weight
+ ]
+pos_inp1 = position_encoding_init(ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1,
+ ModelHyperParams.d_model)
+pos_inp2 = position_encoding_init(ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1,
+ ModelHyperParams.d_model)
+class PrePostProcessLayer(Layer):
+ """
+ PrePostProcessLayer
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name_scope, process_cmd, shape_len=None):
+ super(PrePostProcessLayer, self).__init__(name_scope)
+ for cmd in process_cmd:
+ if cmd == "n":
+ self._layer_norm = LayerNorm(
+ name_scope=self.full_name(),
+ begin_norm_axis=shape_len - 1,
+ param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(
+ initializer=fluid.initializer.Constant(1.)),
+ bias_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(
+ initializer=fluid.initializer.Constant(0.)))
+ def forward(self, prev_out, out, process_cmd, dropout_rate=0.):
+ """
+ forward
+ :param prev_out:
+ :param out:
+ :param process_cmd:
+ :param dropout_rate:
+ :return:
+ """
+ for cmd in process_cmd:
+ if cmd == "a": # add residual connection
+ out = out + prev_out if prev_out else out
+ elif cmd == "n": # add layer normalization
+ out = self._layer_norm(out)
+ elif cmd == "d": # add dropout
+ if dropout_rate:
+ out = fluid.layers.dropout(
+ out,
+ dropout_prob=dropout_rate,
+ seed=ModelHyperParams.dropout_seed,
+ is_test=False)
+ return out
+class PositionwiseFeedForwardLayer(Layer):
+ """
+ PositionwiseFeedForwardLayer
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name_scope, d_inner_hid, d_hid, dropout_rate):
+ super(PositionwiseFeedForwardLayer, self).__init__(name_scope)
+ self._i2h = FC(name_scope=self.full_name(),
+ size=d_inner_hid,
+ num_flatten_dims=2,
+ act="relu")
+ self._h2o = FC(name_scope=self.full_name(),
+ size=d_hid,
+ num_flatten_dims=2)
+ self._dropout_rate = dropout_rate
+ def forward(self, x):
+ """
+ forward
+ :param x:
+ :return:
+ """
+ hidden = self._i2h(x)
+ if self._dropout_rate:
+ hidden = fluid.layers.dropout(
+ hidden,
+ dropout_prob=self._dropout_rate,
+ seed=ModelHyperParams.dropout_seed,
+ is_test=False)
+ out = self._h2o(hidden)
+ return out
+class MultiHeadAttentionLayer(Layer):
+ """
+ MultiHeadAttentionLayer
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ name_scope,
+ d_key,
+ d_value,
+ d_model,
+ n_head=1,
+ dropout_rate=0.,
+ cache=None,
+ gather_idx=None,
+ static_kv=False):
+ super(MultiHeadAttentionLayer, self).__init__(name_scope)
+ self._n_head = n_head
+ self._d_key = d_key
+ self._d_value = d_value
+ self._d_model = d_model
+ self._dropout_rate = dropout_rate
+ self._q_fc = FC(name_scope=self.full_name(),
+ size=d_key * n_head,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ num_flatten_dims=2)
+ self._k_fc = FC(name_scope=self.full_name(),
+ size=d_key * n_head,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ num_flatten_dims=2)
+ self._v_fc = FC(name_scope=self.full_name(),
+ size=d_value * n_head,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ num_flatten_dims=2)
+ self._proj_fc = FC(name_scope=self.full_name(),
+ size=self._d_model,
+ bias_attr=False,
+ num_flatten_dims=2)
+ def forward(self, queries, keys, values, attn_bias):
+ """
+ forward
+ :param queries:
+ :param keys:
+ :param values:
+ :param attn_bias:
+ :return:
+ """
+ # compute q ,k ,v
+ keys = queries if keys is None else keys
+ values = keys if values is None else values
+ q = self._q_fc(queries)
+ k = self._k_fc(keys)
+ v = self._v_fc(values)
+ # split head
+ reshaped_q = fluid.layers.reshape(
+ x=q, shape=[0, 0, self._n_head, self._d_key], inplace=False)
+ transpose_q = fluid.layers.transpose(x=reshaped_q, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
+ reshaped_k = fluid.layers.reshape(
+ x=k, shape=[0, 0, self._n_head, self._d_key], inplace=False)
+ transpose_k = fluid.layers.transpose(x=reshaped_k, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
+ reshaped_v = fluid.layers.reshape(
+ x=v, shape=[0, 0, self._n_head, self._d_value], inplace=False)
+ transpose_v = fluid.layers.transpose(x=reshaped_v, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
+ # scale dot product attention
+ product = fluid.layers.matmul(
+ x=transpose_q,
+ y=transpose_k,
+ transpose_y=True,
+ alpha=self._d_model**-0.5)
+ if attn_bias:
+ product += attn_bias
+ weights = fluid.layers.softmax(product)
+ if self._dropout_rate:
+ weights_droped = fluid.layers.dropout(
+ weights,
+ dropout_prob=self._dropout_rate,
+ seed=ModelHyperParams.dropout_seed,
+ is_test=False)
+ out = fluid.layers.matmul(weights_droped, transpose_v)
+ else:
+ out = fluid.layers.matmul(weights, transpose_v)
+ # combine heads
+ if len(out.shape) != 4:
+ raise ValueError("Input(x) should be a 4-D Tensor.")
+ trans_x = fluid.layers.transpose(out, perm=[0, 2, 1, 3])
+ final_out = fluid.layers.reshape(
+ x=trans_x,
+ shape=[0, 0, trans_x.shape[2] * trans_x.shape[3]],
+ inplace=False)
+ # fc to output
+ proj_out = self._proj_fc(final_out)
+ return proj_out
+class EncoderSubLayer(Layer):
+ """
+ EncoderSubLayer
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ name_scope,
+ n_head,
+ d_key,
+ d_value,
+ d_model,
+ d_inner_hid,
+ prepostprocess_dropout,
+ attention_dropout,
+ relu_dropout,
+ preprocess_cmd="n",
+ postprocess_cmd="da"):
+ super(EncoderSubLayer, self).__init__(name_scope)
+ self._preprocess_cmd = preprocess_cmd
+ self._postprocess_cmd = postprocess_cmd
+ self._prepostprocess_dropout = prepostprocess_dropout
+ self._preprocess_layer = PrePostProcessLayer(self.full_name(),
+ self._preprocess_cmd, 3)
+ self._multihead_attention_layer = MultiHeadAttentionLayer(
+ self.full_name(), d_key, d_value, d_model, n_head,
+ attention_dropout)
+ self._postprocess_layer = PrePostProcessLayer(
+ self.full_name(), self._postprocess_cmd, None)
+ self._preprocess_layer2 = PrePostProcessLayer(self.full_name(),
+ self._preprocess_cmd, 3)
+ self._positionwise_feed_forward = PositionwiseFeedForwardLayer(
+ self.full_name(), d_inner_hid, d_model, relu_dropout)
+ self._postprocess_layer2 = PrePostProcessLayer(
+ self.full_name(), self._postprocess_cmd, None)
+ def forward(self, enc_input, attn_bias):
+ """
+ forward
+ :param enc_input:
+ :param attn_bias:
+ :return:
+ """
+ pre_process_multihead = self._preprocess_layer(
+ None, enc_input, self._preprocess_cmd, self._prepostprocess_dropout)
+ attn_output = self._multihead_attention_layer(pre_process_multihead,
+ None, None, attn_bias)
+ attn_output = self._postprocess_layer(enc_input, attn_output,
+ self._postprocess_cmd,
+ self._prepostprocess_dropout)
+ pre_process2_output = self._preprocess_layer2(
+ None, attn_output, self._preprocess_cmd,
+ self._prepostprocess_dropout)
+ ffd_output = self._positionwise_feed_forward(pre_process2_output)
+ return self._postprocess_layer2(attn_output, ffd_output,
+ self._postprocess_cmd,
+ self._prepostprocess_dropout)
+class EncoderLayer(Layer):
+ """
+ encoder
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ name_scope,
+ n_layer,
+ n_head,
+ d_key,
+ d_value,
+ d_model,
+ d_inner_hid,
+ prepostprocess_dropout,
+ attention_dropout,
+ relu_dropout,
+ preprocess_cmd="n",
+ postprocess_cmd="da"):
+ super(EncoderLayer, self).__init__(name_scope)
+ self._preprocess_cmd = preprocess_cmd
+ self._encoder_sublayers = list()
+ self._prepostprocess_dropout = prepostprocess_dropout
+ self._n_layer = n_layer
+ self._preprocess_layer = PrePostProcessLayer(self.full_name(),
+ self._preprocess_cmd, 3)
+ for i in range(n_layer):
+ self._encoder_sublayers.append(
+ self.add_sublayer(
+ 'esl_%d' % i,
+ EncoderSubLayer(
+ self.full_name(), n_head, d_key, d_value, d_model,
+ d_inner_hid, prepostprocess_dropout, attention_dropout,
+ relu_dropout, preprocess_cmd, postprocess_cmd)))
+ def forward(self, enc_input, attn_bias):
+ """
+ forward
+ :param enc_input:
+ :param attn_bias:
+ :return:
+ """
+ for i in range(self._n_layer):
+ enc_output = self._encoder_sublayers[i](enc_input, attn_bias)
+ enc_input = enc_output
+ return self._preprocess_layer(None, enc_output, self._preprocess_cmd,
+ self._prepostprocess_dropout)
+class PrepareEncoderDecoderLayer(Layer):
+ """
+ PrepareEncoderDecoderLayer
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ name_scope,
+ src_vocab_size,
+ src_emb_dim,
+ src_max_len,
+ dropout_rate,
+ word_emb_param_name=None,
+ pos_enc_param_name=None):
+ super(PrepareEncoderDecoderLayer, self).__init__(name_scope)
+ self._src_max_len = src_max_len
+ self._src_emb_dim = src_emb_dim
+ self._src_vocab_size = src_vocab_size
+ self._dropout_rate = dropout_rate
+ self._input_emb = Embedding(
+ name_scope=self.full_name(),
+ size=[src_vocab_size, src_emb_dim],
+ padding_idx=0,
+ param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(
+ name=word_emb_param_name,
+ initializer=fluid.initializer.Normal(0., src_emb_dim**-0.5)))
+ if pos_enc_param_name is pos_enc_param_names[0]:
+ pos_inp = pos_inp1
+ else:
+ pos_inp = pos_inp2
+ self._pos_emb = Embedding(
+ name_scope=self.full_name(),
+ size=[self._src_max_len, src_emb_dim],
+ param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(
+ name=pos_enc_param_name,
+ initializer=fluid.initializer.NumpyArrayInitializer(pos_inp),
+ trainable=False))
+ # use in dygraph_mode to fit different length batch
+ # self._pos_emb._w = to_variable(
+ # position_encoding_init(self._src_max_len, self._src_emb_dim))
+ def forward(self, src_word, src_pos):
+ """
+ forward
+ :param src_word:
+ :param src_pos:
+ :return:
+ """
+ # print("here")
+ # print(self._input_emb._w._numpy().shape)
+ src_word_emb = self._input_emb(src_word)
+ src_word_emb = fluid.layers.scale(
+ x=src_word_emb, scale=self._src_emb_dim**0.5)
+ # # TODO change this to fit dynamic length input
+ src_pos_emb = self._pos_emb(src_pos)
+ src_pos_emb.stop_gradient = True
+ enc_input = src_word_emb + src_pos_emb
+ return fluid.layers.dropout(
+ enc_input,
+ dropout_prob=self._dropout_rate,
+ seed=ModelHyperParams.dropout_seed,
+ is_test=False) if self._dropout_rate else enc_input
+class WrapEncoderLayer(Layer):
+ """
+ encoderlayer
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name_cope, src_vocab_size, max_length, n_layer, n_head,
+ d_key, d_value, d_model, d_inner_hid, prepostprocess_dropout,
+ attention_dropout, relu_dropout, preprocess_cmd,
+ postprocess_cmd, weight_sharing):
+ """
+ The wrapper assembles together all needed layers for the encoder.
+ """
+ super(WrapEncoderLayer, self).__init__(name_cope)
+ self._prepare_encoder_layer = PrepareEncoderDecoderLayer(
+ self.full_name(),
+ src_vocab_size,
+ d_model,
+ max_length,
+ prepostprocess_dropout,
+ word_emb_param_name=word_emb_param_names[0],
+ pos_enc_param_name=pos_enc_param_names[0])
+ self._encoder = EncoderLayer(
+ self.full_name(), n_layer, n_head, d_key, d_value, d_model,
+ d_inner_hid, prepostprocess_dropout, attention_dropout,
+ relu_dropout, preprocess_cmd, postprocess_cmd)
+ def forward(self, enc_inputs):
+ """forward"""
+ src_word, src_pos, src_slf_attn_bias = enc_inputs
+ enc_input = self._prepare_encoder_layer(src_word, src_pos)
+ enc_output = self._encoder(enc_input, src_slf_attn_bias)
+ return enc_output
+class DecoderSubLayer(Layer):
+ """
+ decoder
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ name_scope,
+ n_head,
+ d_key,
+ d_value,
+ d_model,
+ d_inner_hid,
+ prepostprocess_dropout,
+ attention_dropout,
+ relu_dropout,
+ preprocess_cmd,
+ postprocess_cmd,
+ cache=None,
+ gather_idx=None):
+ super(DecoderSubLayer, self).__init__(name_scope)
+ self._postprocess_cmd = postprocess_cmd
+ self._preprocess_cmd = preprocess_cmd
+ self._prepostprcess_dropout = prepostprocess_dropout
+ self._pre_process_layer = PrePostProcessLayer(self.full_name(),
+ preprocess_cmd, 3)
+ self._multihead_attention_layer = MultiHeadAttentionLayer(
+ self.full_name(),
+ d_key,
+ d_value,
+ d_model,
+ n_head,
+ attention_dropout,
+ cache=cache,
+ gather_idx=gather_idx)
+ self._post_process_layer = PrePostProcessLayer(self.full_name(),
+ postprocess_cmd, None)
+ self._pre_process_layer2 = PrePostProcessLayer(self.full_name(),
+ preprocess_cmd, 3)
+ self._multihead_attention_layer2 = MultiHeadAttentionLayer(
+ self.full_name(),
+ d_key,
+ d_value,
+ d_model,
+ n_head,
+ attention_dropout,
+ cache=cache,
+ gather_idx=gather_idx,
+ static_kv=True)
+ self._post_process_layer2 = PrePostProcessLayer(self.full_name(),
+ postprocess_cmd, None)
+ self._pre_process_layer3 = PrePostProcessLayer(self.full_name(),
+ preprocess_cmd, 3)
+ self._positionwise_feed_forward_layer = PositionwiseFeedForwardLayer(
+ self.full_name(), d_inner_hid, d_model, relu_dropout)
+ self._post_process_layer3 = PrePostProcessLayer(self.full_name(),
+ postprocess_cmd, None)
+ def forward(self, dec_input, enc_output, slf_attn_bias, dec_enc_attn_bias):
+ """
+ forward
+ :param dec_input:
+ :param enc_output:
+ :param slf_attn_bias:
+ :param dec_enc_attn_bias:
+ :return:
+ """
+ pre_process_rlt = self._pre_process_layer(
+ None, dec_input, self._preprocess_cmd, self._prepostprcess_dropout)
+ slf_attn_output = self._multihead_attention_layer(pre_process_rlt, None,
+ None, slf_attn_bias)
+ slf_attn_output_pp = self._post_process_layer(
+ dec_input, slf_attn_output, self._postprocess_cmd,
+ self._prepostprcess_dropout)
+ pre_process_rlt2 = self._pre_process_layer2(None, slf_attn_output_pp,
+ self._preprocess_cmd,
+ self._prepostprcess_dropout)
+ enc_attn_output_pp = self._multihead_attention_layer2(
+ pre_process_rlt2, enc_output, enc_output, dec_enc_attn_bias)
+ enc_attn_output = self._post_process_layer2(
+ slf_attn_output_pp, enc_attn_output_pp, self._postprocess_cmd,
+ self._prepostprcess_dropout)
+ pre_process_rlt3 = self._pre_process_layer3(None, enc_attn_output,
+ self._preprocess_cmd,
+ self._prepostprcess_dropout)
+ ffd_output = self._positionwise_feed_forward_layer(pre_process_rlt3)
+ dec_output = self._post_process_layer3(enc_attn_output, ffd_output,
+ self._postprocess_cmd,
+ self._prepostprcess_dropout)
+ return dec_output
+class DecoderLayer(Layer):
+ """
+ decoder
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ name_scope,
+ n_layer,
+ n_head,
+ d_key,
+ d_value,
+ d_model,
+ d_inner_hid,
+ prepostprocess_dropout,
+ attention_dropout,
+ relu_dropout,
+ preprocess_cmd,
+ postprocess_cmd,
+ caches=None,
+ gather_idx=None):
+ super(DecoderLayer, self).__init__(name_scope)
+ self._pre_process_layer = PrePostProcessLayer(self.full_name(),
+ preprocess_cmd, 3)
+ self._decoder_sub_layers = list()
+ self._n_layer = n_layer
+ self._preprocess_cmd = preprocess_cmd
+ self._prepostprocess_dropout = prepostprocess_dropout
+ for i in range(n_layer):
+ self._decoder_sub_layers.append(
+ self.add_sublayer(
+ 'dsl_%d' % i,
+ DecoderSubLayer(
+ self.full_name(),
+ n_head,
+ d_key,
+ d_value,
+ d_model,
+ d_inner_hid,
+ prepostprocess_dropout,
+ attention_dropout,
+ relu_dropout,
+ preprocess_cmd,
+ postprocess_cmd,
+ cache=None if caches is None else caches[i],
+ gather_idx=gather_idx)))
+ def forward(self, dec_input, enc_output, dec_slf_attn_bias,
+ dec_enc_attn_bias):
+ """
+ forward
+ :param dec_input:
+ :param enc_output:
+ :param dec_slf_attn_bias:
+ :param dec_enc_attn_bias:
+ :return:
+ """
+ for i in range(self._n_layer):
+ tmp_dec_output = self._decoder_sub_layers[i](
+ dec_input, enc_output, dec_slf_attn_bias, dec_enc_attn_bias)
+ dec_input = tmp_dec_output
+ dec_output = self._pre_process_layer(None, tmp_dec_output,
+ self._preprocess_cmd,
+ self._prepostprocess_dropout)
+ return dec_output
+class WrapDecoderLayer(Layer):
+ """
+ decoder
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ name_scope,
+ trg_vocab_size,
+ max_length,
+ n_layer,
+ n_head,
+ d_key,
+ d_value,
+ d_model,
+ d_inner_hid,
+ prepostprocess_dropout,
+ attention_dropout,
+ relu_dropout,
+ preprocess_cmd,
+ postprocess_cmd,
+ weight_sharing,
+ caches=None,
+ gather_idx=None):
+ """
+ The wrapper assembles together all needed layers for the encoder.
+ """
+ super(WrapDecoderLayer, self).__init__(name_scope)
+ self._prepare_decoder_layer = PrepareEncoderDecoderLayer(
+ self.full_name(),
+ trg_vocab_size,
+ d_model,
+ max_length,
+ prepostprocess_dropout,
+ word_emb_param_name=word_emb_param_names[1],
+ pos_enc_param_name=pos_enc_param_names[1])
+ self._decoder_layer = DecoderLayer(
+ self.full_name(),
+ n_layer,
+ n_head,
+ d_key,
+ d_value,
+ d_model,
+ d_inner_hid,
+ prepostprocess_dropout,
+ attention_dropout,
+ relu_dropout,
+ preprocess_cmd,
+ postprocess_cmd,
+ caches=caches,
+ gather_idx=gather_idx)
+ self._weight_sharing = weight_sharing
+ if not weight_sharing:
+ self._fc = FC(self.full_name(),
+ size=trg_vocab_size,
+ bias_attr=False)
+ def forward(self, dec_inputs=None, enc_output=None):
+ """
+ forward
+ :param dec_inputs:
+ :param enc_output:
+ :return:
+ """
+ trg_word, trg_pos, trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias = dec_inputs
+ dec_input = self._prepare_decoder_layer(trg_word, trg_pos)
+ dec_output = self._decoder_layer(dec_input, enc_output,
+ trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias)
+ dec_output_reshape = fluid.layers.reshape(
+ dec_output, shape=[-1, dec_output.shape[-1]], inplace=False)
+ if self._weight_sharing:
+ predict = fluid.layers.matmul(
+ x=dec_output_reshape,
+ y=self._prepare_decoder_layer._input_emb._w,
+ transpose_y=True)
+ else:
+ predict = self._fc(dec_output_reshape)
+ if dec_inputs is None:
+ # Return probs for independent decoder program.
+ predict_out = fluid.layers.softmax(predict)
+ return predict_out
+ return predict
+class TransFormer(Layer):
+ """
+ model
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name_scope, src_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size, max_length,
+ n_layer, n_head, d_key, d_value, d_model, d_inner_hid,
+ prepostprocess_dropout, attention_dropout, relu_dropout,
+ preprocess_cmd, postprocess_cmd, weight_sharing,
+ label_smooth_eps):
+ super(TransFormer, self).__init__(name_scope)
+ self._label_smooth_eps = label_smooth_eps
+ self._trg_vocab_size = trg_vocab_size
+ if weight_sharing:
+ assert src_vocab_size == trg_vocab_size, (
+ "Vocabularies in source and target should be same for weight sharing."
+ )
+ self._wrap_encoder_layer = WrapEncoderLayer(
+ self.full_name(), src_vocab_size, max_length, n_layer, n_head,
+ d_key, d_value, d_model, d_inner_hid, prepostprocess_dropout,
+ attention_dropout, relu_dropout, preprocess_cmd, postprocess_cmd,
+ weight_sharing)
+ self._wrap_decoder_layer = WrapDecoderLayer(
+ self.full_name(), trg_vocab_size, max_length, n_layer, n_head,
+ d_key, d_value, d_model, d_inner_hid, prepostprocess_dropout,
+ attention_dropout, relu_dropout, preprocess_cmd, postprocess_cmd,
+ weight_sharing)
+ if weight_sharing:
+ self._wrap_decoder_layer._prepare_decoder_layer._input_emb._w = self._wrap_encoder_layer._prepare_encoder_layer._input_emb._w
+ def forward(self, enc_inputs, dec_inputs, label, weights):
+ """
+ forward
+ :param enc_inputs:
+ :param dec_inputs:
+ :param label:
+ :param weights:
+ :return:
+ """
+ enc_output = self._wrap_encoder_layer(enc_inputs)
+ predict = self._wrap_decoder_layer(dec_inputs, enc_output)
+ if self._label_smooth_eps:
+ label_out = fluid.layers.label_smooth(
+ label=fluid.layers.one_hot(
+ input=label, depth=self._trg_vocab_size),
+ epsilon=self._label_smooth_eps)
+ cost = fluid.layers.softmax_with_cross_entropy(
+ logits=predict,
+ label=label_out,
+ soft_label=True if self._label_smooth_eps else False)
+ weighted_cost = cost * weights
+ sum_cost = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(weighted_cost)
+ token_num = fluid.layers.reduce_sum(weights)
+ token_num.stop_gradient = True
+ avg_cost = sum_cost / token_num
+ return sum_cost, avg_cost, predict, token_num
+def train():
+ """
+ train models
+ :return:
+ """
+ with guard():
+ transformer = TransFormer(
+ 'transformer', ModelHyperParams.src_vocab_size,
+ ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size, ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1,
+ ModelHyperParams.n_layer, ModelHyperParams.n_head,
+ ModelHyperParams.d_key, ModelHyperParams.d_value,
+ ModelHyperParams.d_model, ModelHyperParams.d_inner_hid,
+ ModelHyperParams.prepostprocess_dropout,
+ ModelHyperParams.attention_dropout, ModelHyperParams.relu_dropout,
+ ModelHyperParams.preprocess_cmd, ModelHyperParams.postprocess_cmd,
+ ModelHyperParams.weight_sharing, TrainTaskConfig.label_smooth_eps)
+ optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(learning_rate=0.003)
+ reader = paddle.batch(
+ wmt16.train(ModelHyperParams.src_vocab_size,
+ ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size),
+ batch_size=TrainTaskConfig.batch_size)
+ for i in range(200):
+ dy_step = 0
+ for batch in reader():
+ np_values = prepare_batch_input(
+ batch, ModelHyperParams.src_pad_idx,
+ ModelHyperParams.trg_pad_idx, ModelHyperParams.n_head)
+ enc_inputs, dec_inputs, label, weights = create_data(np_values)
+ dy_sum_cost, dy_avg_cost, dy_predict, dy_token_num = transformer(
+ enc_inputs, dec_inputs, label, weights)
+ dy_avg_cost.backward()
+ optimizer.minimize(dy_avg_cost)
+ transformer.clear_gradients()
+ dy_step = dy_step + 1
+ if dy_step % 10 == 0:
+ print("pass num : {}, batch_id: {}, dy_graph avg loss: {}".
+ format(i, dy_step, dy_avg_cost.numpy()))
+ print("pass : {} finished".format(i))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ train()