提交 4f58a37d 编写于 作者: S SunGaofeng

fix load pretrain and load params due to the shape check in fluid.io

上级 ecd723a1
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import paddle.fluid as fluid
from ..model import ModelBase
from . import resnet_video
from .nonlocal_utils import load_params_from_file
from .nonlocal_utils import load_pretrain_params_from_file, load_weights_params_from_file
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
......@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ class NonLocal(ModelBase):
self.crop_size = self.get_config_from_sec(self.mode, 'crop_size')
def build_input(self, use_dataloader=True):
input_shape = [None, 3, self.video_length, self.crop_size, self.crop_size]
input_shape = [
None, 3, self.video_length, self.crop_size, self.crop_size
label_shape = [None, 1]
data = fluid.data(
......@@ -140,20 +142,10 @@ class NonLocal(ModelBase):
def load_pretrain_params(self, exe, pretrain, prog, place):
load_params_from_file(exe, prog, pretrain, place)
load_pretrain_params_from_file(exe, prog, pretrain, place)
def load_test_weights(self, exe, weights, prog, place):
super(NonLocal, self).load_test_weights(exe, weights, prog, place)
pred_w = fluid.global_scope().find_var('pred_w').get_tensor()
pred_array = np.array(pred_w)
pred_w_shape = pred_array.shape
if len(pred_w_shape) == 2:
logger.info('reshape for pred_w when test')
pred_array = np.transpose(pred_array, (1, 0))
pred_w_shape = pred_array.shape
pred_array = np.reshape(
pred_array, [pred_w_shape[0], pred_w_shape[1], 1, 1, 1])
pred_w.set(pred_array.astype('float32'), place)
load_weights_params_from_file(exe, prog, weights, place)
def get_learning_rate_decay_list(base_learning_rate, lr_decay, step_lists):
......@@ -19,58 +19,115 @@ import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def load_params_from_file(exe, prog, pretrained_file, place):
logger.info('load params from {}'.format(pretrained_file))
def is_parameter(var):
return isinstance(var, fluid.framework.Parameter)
def load_pretrain_params_from_file(exe, prog, pretrained_file, place):
The pretrined_file stores ResNet50/101 parameters pretrained on ImageNet.
However, the conv_weights of Nonlocal model is not the same as that in ResNet50/101 because the
input shape is [N, C, T, H, W] and the convolution kernels' shape is [Cout, Cin, Kt, Kh, Kw]. It is
different from the convolution kernels of ResNet whose shape is typically [Cout, Cin, Kh, Kw].
When loading conv_weights from the pretrained file, shape mismatch error will be raised due to the check
in fluid.io. This check on params' shape is newly added in fluid.version==1.6.0. So it is recommendated to
treat conv_weights specifically.
The process is as following:
1, check the params that will be loaded, those with the same name in the target program and pretrained_file.
These params will be called common params in this function.
2, Create presistable variables in the new_scope with the name of each common params. If it is the weights of
convolution, the created varibale's shape will be set to 2D-convolution-kernel type.
3, load params from the pretrained_file into those persistable variables created in the new_scope
4, get the value of common params in the new_scope and transform it if it belongs to conv weights.
5, set the value to params in the target program
logger.info('load pretrained params from {}'.format(pretrained_file))
if os.path.isdir(pretrained_file):
param_list = prog.block(0).all_parameters()
# get params' list in prog
param_list = filter(is_parameter, prog.list_vars())
param_name_list = [p.name for p in param_list]
param_shape = {}
for name in param_name_list:
param_tensor = fluid.global_scope().find_var(name).get_tensor()
param_shape[name] = np.array(param_tensor).shape
# get all params' names in pretrained_file
param_name_from_file = os.listdir(pretrained_file)
# get common params of prog and pretrained_file
# only those common params will be loaded from pretrained_file into prog
common_names = get_common_names(param_name_list, param_name_from_file)
logger.info('-------- loading params -----------')
# get global scope and block for prog
global_scope = fluid.global_scope()
global_block = prog.global_block()
# save details of common params
common_var_map = {}
for name in common_names:
var = global_block.var(name)
var_type = var.type
var_dtype = var.dtype
var_shape = var.shape
if len(var_shape) == 5:
# When param is conv_weights, its shape is [Cout, Cin, Kt, Kh, Kw].
# The corresponding params in ResNet50/101 is [Cout, Cin, Kh, Kw]
var_shape2d = (var_shape[0], var_shape[1], var_shape[3],
var_shape2d = var_shape[:]
common_var_map[name] = [var_type, var_dtype, var_shape, var_shape2d]
# create new_scope and new_prog to create vars
cpu_place = fluid.CPUPlace()
exe_cpu = fluid.Executor(cpu_place)
new_scope = fluid.Scope()
new_prog = fluid.Program()
new_start_prog = fluid.Program()
new_block = new_prog.global_block()
# load params from file
def is_parameter(var):
if isinstance(var, fluid.framework.Parameter):
return isinstance(var, fluid.framework.Parameter) and \
os.path.exists(os.path.join(pretrained_file, var.name))
# create vars in new_scope
created_vars = []
with fluid.scope_guard(new_scope):
with fluid.program_guard(new_prog, new_start_prog):
for name in common_names:
var_type, var_dtype, var_shape, var_shape2d = common_var_map[
new_var = new_block.create_var(
logger.info("Load pretrain weights from file {}".format(
vars = filter(is_parameter, prog.list_vars())
fluid.io.load_vars(exe, pretrained_file, vars=vars, main_program=prog)
# load pretrained_file into the persistable vars created in new_scope
with fluid.scope_guard(new_scope):
# reset params if necessary
logger.info('-------- loading params -----------')
for name in common_names:
t = fluid.global_scope().find_var(name).get_tensor()
t_array = np.array(t)
origin_shape = param_shape[name]
if t_array.shape == origin_shape:
logger.info("load param {}".format(name))
elif (t_array.shape[:2] == origin_shape[:2]) and (
t_array.shape[-2:] == origin_shape[-2:]):
num_inflate = origin_shape[2]
stack_t_array = np.stack(
[t_array] * num_inflate, axis=2) / float(num_inflate)
assert origin_shape == stack_t_array.shape, "inflated shape should be the same with tensor {}".format(
t.set(stack_t_array.astype('float32'), place)
# get the tensor of vars in new_scope
new_tensor = new_scope.var(name).get_tensor()
new_value = np.array(new_tensor)
prog_tensor = global_scope.var(name).get_tensor()
var_type, var_dtype, var_shape, var_shape2d = common_var_map[name]
# set the value of loaded vars to those with the same name in the target program
if len(var_shape) == 5:
# transform the loaded conv weights into the format of [Cout, Cin, Kt, Kh, Kw]
num_inflate = var_shape[2]
stacked_array = np.stack(
[new_value] * num_inflate, axis=2) / float(num_inflate)
prog_tensor.set(stacked_array.astype('float32'), place)
logger.info("load inflated({}) param {}".format(num_inflate,
logger.info("Invalid case for name: {}".format(name))
logger.info("finished loading params from resnet pretrained model")
prog_tensor.set(new_value, place)
logger.info("load param {}".format(name))
"pretrained file is not in a directory, not suitable to load params".
raise TypeError, \
"pretrained file is not in a directory, not suitable to load params".format(pretrained_file)
def get_common_names(param_name_list, param_name_from_file):
......@@ -96,3 +153,89 @@ def get_common_names(param_name_list, param_name_from_file):
return common_names
def load_weights_params_from_file(exe, prog, weights, place):
The params of the training process is stored in the file named weights.
However, the network of the training and test process is slightly different due to the layer
named "pred" was fc in trainng but convolution in test. When loading weights of pred (pred_w),
from the pretrained file, shape mismatch error will be raised due to the check in fluid.io.
This check on params' shape is newly added in fluid.version==1.6.0. So it is recommendated to
treat pred_w specifically.
The process is as following:
1, get the details of param_list in the target program (prog)
2, create persistable vars in new_scope with the same name as those in param_list with
the details stored in step 1. If the name is 'pred_w', the var shape should be [Cin, Cout].
3, get the value of vars in the new_scope.
If var.name is 'pred_w', transform it from fc-weights type to be consistent with convolution.
4, set the value to params in prog
logger.info('Load test weights from {}'.format(weights))
# get the param_list in prog
prog_vars = filter(is_parameter, prog.list_vars())
# save the details of params in prog
var_map = {}
for var in prog_vars:
var_name = var.name
var_type = var.type
var_dtype = var.dtype
var_shape = var.shape
# For pred_w, get the fc-weights type shape
if var_name == "pred_w":
assert len(
) == 5, "pred_weights.shape shoud be [Cout, Cin, 1, 1, 1] when test"
var_shape = (var_shape[1], var_shape[0])
var_map[var_name] = [var_type, var_dtype, var_shape]
# create new_scope and new_prog
cpu_place = fluid.CPUPlace()
exe_cpu = fluid.Executor(cpu_place)
new_scope = fluid.Scope()
new_prog = fluid.Program()
new_start_prog = fluid.Program()
new_block = new_prog.global_block()
created_vars = []
# create persistable variables in new_scope
with fluid.scope_guard(new_scope):
with fluid.program_guard(new_prog, new_start_prog):
for var_name in var_map.keys():
var_type, var_dtype, var_shape = var_map[var_name]
new_var = new_block.create_var(
# load params from file into the above vars created in new_scope
with fluid.scope_guard(new_scope):
# get the global scope of prog
global_scope = fluid.global_scope()
# set value of vars in new_scope to the params of prog with the same name
# and specially treat on "pred_w"
for var_name in var_map.keys():
global_tensor = global_scope.var(var_name).get_tensor()
new_tensor = new_scope.var(var_name).get_tensor()
new_value = np.array(new_tensor)
if var_name != "pred_w":
global_tensor.set(new_value, place)
pred_array = np.transpose(new_value, (1, 0))
pred_array = np.reshape(
[pred_array.shape[0], pred_array.shape[1], 1, 1, 1])
global_tensor.set(pred_array.astype('float32'), place)
......@@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ class STNET(ModelBase):
image_shape = [None, self.seg_num] + image_shape
self.use_dataloader = use_dataloader
image = fluid.data(
name='image', shape=image_shape, dtype='float32')
image = fluid.data(name='image', shape=image_shape, dtype='float32')
if self.mode != 'infer':
label = fluid.data(name='label', shape=[None, 1], dtype='int64')
......@@ -149,21 +148,76 @@ class STNET(ModelBase):
def load_pretrain_params(self, exe, pretrain, prog, place):
The pretrained params are ResNet50 pretrained on ImageNet.
However, conv1_weights of StNet is not the same as that in ResNet50 because the input are super-image
concatanated by a series of images. When loading conv1_weights from the pretrained file, shape
mismatch error will be raised due to the check in fluid.io. This check on params' shape is newly
added in fluid.version==1.6.0. So it is recommendated to treat conv1_weights specifically.
The process is as following:
1, load params except conv1_weights from pretrain
2, create var named 'conv1_weights' in new_scope, and load the value from the pretrain file
3, get the value of conv1_weights in the new_scope and transform it
4, set the transformed value to conv1_weights in prog
def is_parameter(var):
if isinstance(var, fluid.framework.Parameter):
return isinstance(var, fluid.framework.Parameter) and (not ("fc_0" in var.name)) \
and (not ("batch_norm" in var.name)) and (not ("xception" in var.name)) and (not ("conv3d" in var.name))
and (not ("batch_norm" in var.name)) and (not ("xception" in var.name)) \
and (not ("conv3d" in var.name)) and (not ("conv1_weights") in var.name)
"Load pretrain weights from {}, exclude fc, batch_norm, xception, conv3d layers.".
"Load pretrain weights from {}, exclude conv1, fc, batch_norm, xception, conv3d layers.".
vars = filter(is_parameter, prog.list_vars())
fluid.io.load_vars(exe, pretrain, vars=vars, main_program=prog)
param_tensor = fluid.global_scope().find_var(
param_numpy = np.array(param_tensor)
param_numpy = np.mean(param_numpy, axis=1, keepdims=True) / self.seglen
# loaded params from pretrained file exclued conv1, fc, batch_norm, xception, conv3d
prog_vars = filter(is_parameter, prog.list_vars())
fluid.io.load_vars(exe, pretrain, vars=prog_vars, main_program=prog)
# get global scope and conv1_weights' details
global_scope = fluid.global_scope()
global_block = prog.global_block()
conv1_weights_name = "conv1_weights"
var_conv1_weights = global_block.var(conv1_weights_name)
tensor_conv1_weights = global_scope.var(conv1_weights_name).get_tensor()
var_type = var_conv1_weights.type
var_dtype = var_conv1_weights.dtype
var_shape = var_conv1_weights.shape
assert var_shape[
1] == 3 * self.seglen, "conv1_weights.shape[1] shoud be 3 x seglen({})".format(
# transform shape to be consistent with conv1_weights of ResNet50
var_shape = (var_shape[0], 3, var_shape[2], var_shape[3])
# create new_scope and new_prog to create var with transformed shape
cpu_place = fluid.CPUPlace()
exe_cpu = fluid.Executor(cpu_place)
new_scope = fluid.Scope()
new_prog = fluid.Program()
new_start_prog = fluid.Program()
new_block = new_prog.global_block()
with fluid.scope_guard(new_scope):
with fluid.program_guard(new_prog, new_start_prog):
new_var = new_block.create_var(
# load conv1_weights from pretrain file into the var created in new_scope
with fluid.scope_guard(new_scope):
exe_cpu, pretrain, main_program=new_prog, vars=[new_var])
# get the valued of loaded conv1_weights, and transform it
new_tensor = new_scope.var(conv1_weights_name).get_tensor()
new_value = np.array(new_tensor)
param_numpy = np.mean(new_value, axis=1, keepdims=True) / self.seglen
param_numpy = np.repeat(param_numpy, 3 * self.seglen, axis=1)
param_tensor.set(param_numpy.astype(np.float32), place)
# set the value of conv1_weights in the original program
tensor_conv1_weights.set(param_numpy.astype(np.float32), place)
# All the expected pretrained params are set to prog now
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