提交 4f422f02 编写于 作者: G Guo Sheng 提交者: gongweibao

Support pyreader and data feeding in Transformer (#1239)

上级 d1e78e57
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash
DATA_PATH=$HOME/.cache/paddle/dataset/wmt16 DATA_PATH=$HOME/.cache/paddle/dataset/wmt16
if [ ! -d $DATA_PATH/en_10000.dict ] ; then if [ ! -e $DATA_PATH/en_10000.dict ] ; then
python -c 'import paddle;paddle.dataset.wmt16.train(10000, 10000, "en")().next()' python -c 'import paddle;paddle.dataset.wmt16.train(10000, 10000, "en")().next()'
tar -zxf $DATA_PATH/wmt16.tar.gz -C $DATA_PATH tar -zxf $DATA_PATH/wmt16.tar.gz -C $DATA_PATH
fi fi
...@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ WMT 数据集是机器翻译领域公认的主流数据集;WMT 英德和英法 ...@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ WMT 数据集是机器翻译领域公认的主流数据集;WMT 英德和英法
#### WMT 英德翻译数据 #### WMT 英德翻译数据
[WMT'16 EN-DE 数据集](http://www.statmt.org/wmt16/translation-task.html)是一个中等规模的数据集。参照论文,英德数据集我们使用 BPE 编码的数据,这能够更好的解决未登录词(out-of-vocabulary,OOV)的问题[4]。用到的 BPE 数据可以参照[这里](https://github.com/google/seq2seq/blob/master/docs/data.md)进行下载(如果希望在自定义数据中使用 BPE 编码,可以参照[这里](https://github.com/rsennrich/subword-nmt)进行预处理),下载后解压,其中 `train.tok.clean.bpe.32000.en``train.tok.clean.bpe.32000.de` 为使用 BPE 的训练数据(平行语料,分别对应了英语和德语,经过了 tokenize 和 BPE 的处理),`newstest2013.tok.bpe.32000.en``newstest2013.tok.bpe.32000.de` 等为测试数据(`newstest2013.tok.en``newstest2013.tok.de` 等则为对应的未使用 BPE 的测试数据),`vocab.bpe.32000` 为相应的词典文件(源语言和目标语言共享该词典文件)。 [WMT'16 EN-DE 数据集](http://www.statmt.org/wmt16/translation-task.html)是一个中等规模的数据集。参照论文,英德数据集我们使用 BPE 编码的数据,这能够更好的解决未登录词(out-of-vocabulary,OOV)的问题[4]。用到的 BPE 数据可以参照[这里](https://github.com/google/seq2seq/blob/master/docs/data.md)进行下载(如果希望在自定义数据中使用 BPE 编码,可以参照[这里](https://github.com/rsennrich/subword-nmt)进行预处理),下载后解压,其中 `train.tok.clean.bpe.32000.en``train.tok.clean.bpe.32000.de` 为使用 BPE 的训练数据(平行语料,分别对应了英语和德语,经过了 tokenize 和 BPE 的处理),`newstest2016.tok.bpe.32000.en``newstest2016.tok.bpe.32000.de` 等为测试数据(`newstest2016.tok.en``newstest2016.tok.de` 等则为对应的未使用 BPE 的测试数据),`vocab.bpe.32000` 为相应的词典文件(源语言和目标语言共享该词典文件)。
由于本示例中的数据读取脚本 `reader.py` 默认使用的样本数据的格式为 `\t` 分隔的的源语言和目标语言句子对(默认句子中的词之间使用空格分隔),因此需要将源语言到目标语言的平行语料库文件合并为一个文件,可以执行以下命令进行合并: 由于本示例中的数据读取脚本 `reader.py` 默认使用的样本数据的格式为 `\t` 分隔的的源语言和目标语言句子对(默认句子中的词之间使用空格分隔),因此需要将源语言到目标语言的平行语料库文件合并为一个文件,可以执行以下命令进行合并:
```sh ```sh
...@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ python -u train.py \ ...@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ python -u train.py \
--train_file_pattern data/train.tok.clean.bpe.32000.en-de \ --train_file_pattern data/train.tok.clean.bpe.32000.en-de \
--token_delimiter ' ' \ --token_delimiter ' ' \
--use_token_batch True \ --use_token_batch True \
--batch_size 3200 \ --batch_size 4096 \
--sort_type pool \ --sort_type pool \
--pool_size 200000 --pool_size 200000
``` ```
...@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ python -u train.py \ ...@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ python -u train.py \
python train.py --help python train.py --help
``` ```
更多模型训练相关的参数则在 `config.py` 中的 `ModelHyperParams``TrainTaskConfig` 内定义;`ModelHyperParams` 定义了 embedding 维度等模型超参数,`TrainTaskConfig` 定义了 warmup 步数等训练需要的参数。这些参数默认使用了 Transformer 论文中 base model 的配置,如需调整可以在该脚本中进行修改。另外这些参数同样可在执行训练脚本的命令行中设置,传入的配置会合并并覆盖 `config.py` 中的配置,如可以通过以下命令来训练 Transformer 论文中的 big model : 更多模型训练相关的参数则在 `config.py` 中的 `ModelHyperParams``TrainTaskConfig` 内定义;`ModelHyperParams` 定义了 embedding 维度等模型超参数,`TrainTaskConfig` 定义了 warmup 步数等训练需要的参数。这些参数默认使用了 Transformer 论文中 base model 的配置,如需调整可以在该脚本中进行修改。另外这些参数同样可在执行训练脚本的命令行中设置,传入的配置会合并并覆盖 `config.py` 中的配置,如可以通过以下命令来训练 Transformer 论文中的 big model (如显存不够可适当减小 batch size 的值)
```sh ```sh
python -u train.py \ python -u train.py \
...@@ -117,22 +117,23 @@ python -u train.py \ ...@@ -117,22 +117,23 @@ python -u train.py \
n_head 16 \ n_head 16 \
d_model 1024 \ d_model 1024 \
d_inner_hid 4096 \ d_inner_hid 4096 \
dropout 0.3 n_head 16 \
prepostprocess_dropout 0.3
``` ```
有关这些参数更详细信息的请参考 `config.py` 中的注释说明。对于英法翻译数据,执行训练和英德翻译训练类似,修改命令中的词典和数据文件为英法数据相应文件的路径,另外要注意的是由于英法翻译数据 token 间不是使用空格进行分隔,需要修改 `token_delimiter` 参数的设置为 `--token_delimiter '\x01'` 有关这些参数更详细信息的请参考 `config.py` 中的注释说明。对于英法翻译数据,执行训练和英德翻译训练类似,修改命令中的词典和数据文件为英法数据相应文件的路径,另外要注意的是由于英法翻译数据 token 间不是使用空格进行分隔,需要修改 `token_delimiter` 参数的设置为 `--token_delimiter '\x01'`
训练时默认使用所有 GPU,可以通过 `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` 环境变量来设置使用的 GPU 数目。也可以只使用 CPU 训练(通过参数 `--divice CPU` 设置),训练速度相对较慢。在训练过程中,每个 epoch 结束后将保存模型到参数 `model_dir` 指定的目录,每个 epoch 内也会每隔1000个 iteration 进行一次保存,每个 iteration 将打印如下的日志到标准输出: 训练时默认使用所有 GPU,可以通过 `CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES` 环境变量来设置使用的 GPU 数目。也可以只使用 CPU 训练(通过参数 `--divice CPU` 设置),训练速度相对较慢。在训练过程中,每隔一定 iteration 后(通过参数 `save_freq` 设置,默认为10000)保存模型到参数 `model_dir` 指定的目录,每个 epoch 结束后也会保存 checkpiont 到 `ckpt_dir` 指定的目录,每个 iteration 将打印如下的日志到标准输出:
```txt ```txt
epoch: 0, batch: 0, sum loss: 258793.343750, avg loss: 11.069005, ppl: 64151.644531 step_idx: 0, epoch: 0, batch: 0, avg loss: 11.059394, normalized loss: 9.682427, ppl: 63538.027344
epoch: 0, batch: 1, sum loss: 256140.718750, avg loss: 11.059616, ppl: 63552.148438 step_idx: 1, epoch: 0, batch: 1, avg loss: 11.053112, normalized loss: 9.676146, ppl: 63140.144531
epoch: 0, batch: 2, sum loss: 258931.093750, avg loss: 11.064013, ppl: 63832.167969 step_idx: 2, epoch: 0, batch: 2, avg loss: 11.054576, normalized loss: 9.677609, ppl: 63232.640625
epoch: 0, batch: 3, sum loss: 256837.875000, avg loss: 11.058206, ppl: 63462.574219 step_idx: 3, epoch: 0, batch: 3, avg loss: 11.046638, normalized loss: 9.669671, ppl: 62732.664062
epoch: 0, batch: 4, sum loss: 256461.000000, avg loss: 11.053401, ppl: 63158.390625 step_idx: 4, epoch: 0, batch: 4, avg loss: 11.030095, normalized loss: 9.653129, ppl: 61703.449219
epoch: 0, batch: 5, sum loss: 257064.562500, avg loss: 11.019099, ppl: 61028.683594 step_idx: 5, epoch: 0, batch: 5, avg loss: 11.047491, normalized loss: 9.670525, ppl: 62786.230469
epoch: 0, batch: 6, sum loss: 256180.125000, avg loss: 11.008556, ppl: 60388.644531 step_idx: 6, epoch: 0, batch: 6, avg loss: 11.044509, normalized loss: 9.667542, ppl: 62599.273438
epoch: 0, batch: 7, sum loss: 256619.671875, avg loss: 11.007106, ppl: 60301.113281 step_idx: 7, epoch: 0, batch: 7, avg loss: 11.011090, normalized loss: 9.634124, ppl: 60541.859375
epoch: 0, batch: 8, sum loss: 255716.734375, avg loss: 10.966025, ppl: 57874.105469 step_idx: 8, epoch: 0, batch: 8, avg loss: 10.985243, normalized loss: 9.608276, ppl: 58997.058594
epoch: 0, batch: 9, sum loss: 245157.500000, avg loss: 10.966562, ppl: 57905.187500 step_idx: 9, epoch: 0, batch: 9, avg loss: 10.993434, normalized loss: 9.616467, ppl: 59482.292969
``` ```
### 模型预测 ### 模型预测
...@@ -143,19 +144,19 @@ python -u infer.py \ ...@@ -143,19 +144,19 @@ python -u infer.py \
--src_vocab_fpath data/vocab.bpe.32000 \ --src_vocab_fpath data/vocab.bpe.32000 \
--trg_vocab_fpath data/vocab.bpe.32000 \ --trg_vocab_fpath data/vocab.bpe.32000 \
--special_token '<s>' '<e>' '<unk>' \ --special_token '<s>' '<e>' '<unk>' \
--test_file_pattern data/newstest2013.tok.bpe.32000.en-de \ --test_file_pattern data/newstest2016.tok.bpe.32000.en-de \
--use_wordpiece False \ --use_wordpiece False \
--token_delimiter ' ' \ --token_delimiter ' ' \
--batch_size 4 \ --batch_size 32 \
model_path trained_models/pass_20.infer.model \ model_path trained_models/iter_199999.infer.model \
beam_size 5 \ beam_size 4 \
max_out_len 256 max_out_len 255
``` ```
和模型训练时类似,预测时也需要设置数据和 reader 相关的参数,并可以执行 `python infer.py --help` 查看这些参数的说明(部分参数意义和训练时略有不同);同样可以在预测命令中设置模型超参数,但应与模型训练时的设置一致;此外相比于模型训练,预测时还有一些额外的参数,如需要设置 `model_path` 来给出模型所在目录,可以设置 `beam_size``max_out_len` 来指定 Beam Search 算法的搜索宽度和最大深度(翻译长度),这些参数也可以在 `config.py` 中的 `InferTaskConfig` 内查阅注释说明并进行更改设置。 和模型训练时类似,预测时也需要设置数据和 reader 相关的参数,并可以执行 `python infer.py --help` 查看这些参数的说明(部分参数意义和训练时略有不同);同样可以在预测命令中设置模型超参数,但应与模型训练时的设置一致;此外相比于模型训练,预测时还有一些额外的参数,如需要设置 `model_path` 来给出模型所在目录,可以设置 `beam_size``max_out_len` 来指定 Beam Search 算法的搜索宽度和最大深度(翻译长度),这些参数也可以在 `config.py` 中的 `InferTaskConfig` 内查阅注释说明并进行更改设置。
执行以上预测命令会打印翻译结果到标准输出,每行输出是对应行输入的得分最高的翻译。对于使用 BPE 的英德数据,预测出的翻译结果也将是 BPE 表示的数据,要还原成原始的数据(这里指 tokenize 后的数据)才能进行正确的评估,可以使用以下命令来恢复 `predict.txt` 内的翻译结果到 `predict.tok.txt` 中(无需再次 tokenize 处理): 执行以上预测命令会打印翻译结果到标准输出,每行输出是对应行输入的得分最高的翻译。对于使用 BPE 的英德数据,预测出的翻译结果也将是 BPE 表示的数据,要还原成原始的数据(这里指 tokenize 后的数据)才能进行正确的评估,可以使用以下命令来恢复 `predict.txt` 内的翻译结果到 `predict.tok.txt` 中(无需再次 tokenize 处理):
```sh ```sh
sed 's/@@ //g' predict.txt > predict.tok.txt sed -r 's/(@@ )|(@@ ?$)//g' predict.txt > predict.tok.txt
``` ```
对于英法翻译的 wordpiece 数据,执行预测和英德翻译预测类似,修改命令中的词典和数据文件为英法数据相应文件的路径,另外需要注意修改 `token_delimiter` 参数的设置为 `--token_delimiter '\x01'`;同时要修改 `use_wordpiece` 参数的设置为 `--use_wordpiece True`,这会在预测时将翻译得到的 wordpiece 数据还原为原始数据输出。为了使用 tokenize 的数据进行评估,还需要对翻译结果进行 tokenize 的处理,[Moses](https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder) 提供了一系列机器翻译相关的脚本。执行 `git clone https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder.git` 克隆 mosesdecoder 仓库后,可以使用其中的 `tokenizer.perl` 脚本对 `predict.txt` 内的翻译结果进行 tokenize 处理并输出到 `predict.tok.txt` 中,如下: 对于英法翻译的 wordpiece 数据,执行预测和英德翻译预测类似,修改命令中的词典和数据文件为英法数据相应文件的路径,另外需要注意修改 `token_delimiter` 参数的设置为 `--token_delimiter '\x01'`;同时要修改 `use_wordpiece` 参数的设置为 `--use_wordpiece True`,这会在预测时将翻译得到的 wordpiece 数据还原为原始数据输出。为了使用 tokenize 的数据进行评估,还需要对翻译结果进行 tokenize 的处理,[Moses](https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder) 提供了一系列机器翻译相关的脚本。执行 `git clone https://github.com/moses-smt/mosesdecoder.git` 克隆 mosesdecoder 仓库后,可以使用其中的 `tokenizer.perl` 脚本对 `predict.txt` 内的翻译结果进行 tokenize 处理并输出到 `predict.tok.txt` 中,如下:
...@@ -163,15 +164,21 @@ sed 's/@@ //g' predict.txt > predict.tok.txt ...@@ -163,15 +164,21 @@ sed 's/@@ //g' predict.txt > predict.tok.txt
perl mosesdecoder/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -l fr < predict.txt > predict.tok.txt perl mosesdecoder/scripts/tokenizer/tokenizer.perl -l fr < predict.txt > predict.tok.txt
``` ```
接下来就可以使用参考翻译对翻译结果进行 BLEU 指标的评估了。计算 BLEU 值的脚本也在 Moses 中包含,以英德翻译 `newstest2013.tok.de` 数据为例,执行如下命令: 接下来就可以使用参考翻译对翻译结果进行 BLEU 指标的评估了。计算 BLEU 值的脚本也在 Moses 中包含,以英德翻译 `newstest2016.tok.de` 数据为例,执行如下命令:
```sh ```sh
perl mosesdecoder/scripts/generic/multi-bleu.perl data/newstest2013.tok.de < predict.tok.txt perl mosesdecoder/scripts/generic/multi-bleu.perl data/newstest2016.tok.de < predict.tok.txt
``` ```
可以看到类似如下的结果。 可以看到类似如下的结果(为单机两卡训练 200K 个 iteration 后模型的预测结果)
``` ```
BLEU = 25.08, 58.3/31.5/19.6/12.6 (BP=0.966, ratio=0.967, hyp_len=61321, ref_len=63412) BLEU = 33.08, 64.2/39.2/26.4/18.5 (BP=0.994, ratio=0.994, hyp_len=61971, ref_len=62362)
``` ```
目前在未使用 model average 的情况下,使用默认配置单机八卡(同论文中 base model 的配置)进行训练,英德翻译在 `newstest2013` 上测试 BLEU 值为25.,在 `newstest2014` 上测试 BLEU 值为26.;英法翻译在 `newstest2014` 上测试 BLEU 值为36.。 目前在未使用 model average 的情况下,英德翻译 base model 八卡训练 100K 个 iteration 后测试 BLEU 值如下:
| 测试集 | newstest2013 | newstest2014 | newstest2015 | newstest2016 |
| BLEU | 25.27 | 26.05 | 28.75 | 33.27 |
英法翻译 base model 八卡训练 100K 个 iteration 后在 `newstest2014` 上测试 BLEU 值为36.。
### 分布式训练 ### 分布式训练
...@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ class TrainTaskConfig(object): ...@@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ class TrainTaskConfig(object):
# the hyper parameters for Adam optimizer. # the hyper parameters for Adam optimizer.
# This static learning_rate will be multiplied to the LearningRateScheduler # This static learning_rate will be multiplied to the LearningRateScheduler
# derived learning rate the to get the final learning rate. # derived learning rate the to get the final learning rate.
learning_rate = 1 learning_rate = 2.0
beta1 = 0.9 beta1 = 0.9
beta2 = 0.98 beta2 = 0.997
eps = 1e-9 eps = 1e-9
# the parameters for learning rate scheduling. # the parameters for learning rate scheduling.
warmup_steps = 4000 warmup_steps = 8000
# the weight used to mix up the ground-truth distribution and the fixed # the weight used to mix up the ground-truth distribution and the fixed
# uniform distribution in label smoothing when training. # uniform distribution in label smoothing when training.
# Set this as zero if label smoothing is not wanted. # Set this as zero if label smoothing is not wanted.
...@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ class TrainTaskConfig(object): ...@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ class TrainTaskConfig(object):
# It should be provided if use checkpoints, since the checkpoint doesn't # It should be provided if use checkpoints, since the checkpoint doesn't
# include the training step counter currently. # include the training step counter currently.
start_step = 0 start_step = 0
# the frequency to save trained models.
save_freq = 10000
class InferTaskConfig(object): class InferTaskConfig(object):
...@@ -63,7 +65,6 @@ class ModelHyperParams(object): ...@@ -63,7 +65,6 @@ class ModelHyperParams(object):
# index for <unk> token # index for <unk> token
unk_idx = 2 unk_idx = 2
# max length of sequences deciding the size of position encoding table. # max length of sequences deciding the size of position encoding table.
# Start from 1 and count start and end tokens in.
max_length = 256 max_length = 256
# the dimension for word embeddings, which is also the last dimension of # the dimension for word embeddings, which is also the last dimension of
# the input and output of multi-head attention, position-wise feed-forward # the input and output of multi-head attention, position-wise feed-forward
...@@ -79,8 +80,14 @@ class ModelHyperParams(object): ...@@ -79,8 +80,14 @@ class ModelHyperParams(object):
n_head = 8 n_head = 8
# number of sub-layers to be stacked in the encoder and decoder. # number of sub-layers to be stacked in the encoder and decoder.
n_layer = 6 n_layer = 6
# dropout rate used by all dropout layers. # dropout rates of different modules.
dropout = 0.1 prepostprocess_dropout = 0.1
attention_dropout = 0.1
relu_dropout = 0.1
# to process before each sub-layer
preprocess_cmd = "n" # layer normalization
# to process after each sub-layer
postprocess_cmd = "da" # dropout + residual connection
# random seed used in dropout for CE. # random seed used in dropout for CE.
dropout_seed = None dropout_seed = None
# the flag indicating whether to share embedding and softmax weights. # the flag indicating whether to share embedding and softmax weights.
...@@ -156,7 +156,9 @@ def fast_infer(test_data, trg_idx2word, use_wordpiece): ...@@ -156,7 +156,9 @@ def fast_infer(test_data, trg_idx2word, use_wordpiece):
ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1, ModelHyperParams.n_layer, ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1, ModelHyperParams.n_layer,
ModelHyperParams.n_head, ModelHyperParams.d_key, ModelHyperParams.n_head, ModelHyperParams.d_key,
ModelHyperParams.d_value, ModelHyperParams.d_model, ModelHyperParams.d_value, ModelHyperParams.d_model,
ModelHyperParams.d_inner_hid, ModelHyperParams.dropout, ModelHyperParams.d_inner_hid, ModelHyperParams.prepostprocess_dropout,
ModelHyperParams.attention_dropout, ModelHyperParams.relu_dropout,
ModelHyperParams.preprocess_cmd, ModelHyperParams.postprocess_cmd,
ModelHyperParams.weight_sharing, InferTaskConfig.beam_size, ModelHyperParams.weight_sharing, InferTaskConfig.beam_size,
InferTaskConfig.max_out_len, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx) InferTaskConfig.max_out_len, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx)
...@@ -11,12 +11,18 @@ def position_encoding_init(n_position, d_pos_vec): ...@@ -11,12 +11,18 @@ def position_encoding_init(n_position, d_pos_vec):
""" """
Generate the initial values for the sinusoid position encoding table. Generate the initial values for the sinusoid position encoding table.
""" """
position_enc = np.array([[ channels = d_pos_vec
pos / np.power(10000, 2. * (j // 2) / d_pos_vec) position = np.arange(n_position)
for j in range(d_pos_vec) num_timescales = channels // 2
] if pos != 0 else np.zeros(d_pos_vec) for pos in range(n_position)]) log_timescale_increment = (np.log(float(1e4) / float(1)) /
position_enc[1:, 0::2] = np.sin(position_enc[1:, 0::2]) # dim 2i (num_timescales - 1))
position_enc[1:, 1::2] = np.cos(position_enc[1:, 1::2]) # dim 2i+1 inv_timescales = np.exp(np.arange(
num_timescales)) * -log_timescale_increment
scaled_time = np.expand_dims(position, 1) * np.expand_dims(inv_timescales,
signal = np.concatenate([np.sin(scaled_time), np.cos(scaled_time)], axis=1)
signal = np.pad(signal, [[0, 0], [0, np.mod(channels, 2)]], 'constant')
position_enc = signal
return position_enc.astype("float32") return position_enc.astype("float32")
...@@ -35,6 +41,9 @@ def multi_head_attention(queries, ...@@ -35,6 +41,9 @@ def multi_head_attention(queries,
computing softmax activiation to mask certain selected positions so that computing softmax activiation to mask certain selected positions so that
they will not considered in attention weights. they will not considered in attention weights.
""" """
keys = queries if keys is None else keys
values = keys if values is None else values
if not (len(queries.shape) == len(keys.shape) == len(values.shape) == 3): if not (len(queries.shape) == len(keys.shape) == len(values.shape) == 3):
raise ValueError( raise ValueError(
"Inputs: quries, keys and values should all be 3-D tensors.") "Inputs: quries, keys and values should all be 3-D tensors.")
...@@ -92,11 +101,11 @@ def multi_head_attention(queries, ...@@ -92,11 +101,11 @@ def multi_head_attention(queries,
return layers.reshape( return layers.reshape(
x=trans_x, shape=[0, 0, trans_x.shape[2] * trans_x.shape[3]]) x=trans_x, shape=[0, 0, trans_x.shape[2] * trans_x.shape[3]])
def scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, attn_bias, d_model, dropout_rate): def scaled_dot_product_attention(q, k, v, attn_bias, d_key, dropout_rate):
""" """
Scaled Dot-Product Attention Scaled Dot-Product Attention
""" """
scaled_q = layers.scale(x=q, scale=d_model**-0.5) scaled_q = layers.scale(x=q, scale=d_key**-0.5)
product = layers.matmul(x=scaled_q, y=k, transpose_y=True) product = layers.matmul(x=scaled_q, y=k, transpose_y=True)
if attn_bias: if attn_bias:
product += attn_bias product += attn_bias
...@@ -133,7 +142,7 @@ def multi_head_attention(queries, ...@@ -133,7 +142,7 @@ def multi_head_attention(queries,
return proj_out return proj_out
def positionwise_feed_forward(x, d_inner_hid, d_hid): def positionwise_feed_forward(x, d_inner_hid, d_hid, dropout_rate):
""" """
Position-wise Feed-Forward Networks. Position-wise Feed-Forward Networks.
This module consists of two linear transformations with a ReLU activation This module consists of two linear transformations with a ReLU activation
...@@ -143,6 +152,12 @@ def positionwise_feed_forward(x, d_inner_hid, d_hid): ...@@ -143,6 +152,12 @@ def positionwise_feed_forward(x, d_inner_hid, d_hid):
size=d_inner_hid, size=d_inner_hid,
num_flatten_dims=2, num_flatten_dims=2,
act="relu") act="relu")
if dropout_rate:
hidden = layers.dropout(
out = layers.fc(input=hidden, size=d_hid, num_flatten_dims=2) out = layers.fc(input=hidden, size=d_hid, num_flatten_dims=2)
return out return out
...@@ -177,14 +192,14 @@ pre_process_layer = partial(pre_post_process_layer, None) ...@@ -177,14 +192,14 @@ pre_process_layer = partial(pre_post_process_layer, None)
post_process_layer = pre_post_process_layer post_process_layer = pre_post_process_layer
def prepare_encoder(src_word, def prepare_encoder_decoder(src_word,
src_pos, src_pos,
src_vocab_size, src_vocab_size,
src_emb_dim, src_emb_dim,
src_max_len, src_max_len,
dropout_rate=0., dropout_rate=0.,
word_emb_param_name=None, word_emb_param_name=None,
pos_enc_param_name=None): pos_enc_param_name=None):
"""Add word embeddings and position encodings. """Add word embeddings and position encodings.
The output tensor has a shape of: The output tensor has a shape of:
[batch_size, max_src_length_in_batch, d_model]. [batch_size, max_src_length_in_batch, d_model].
...@@ -193,6 +208,7 @@ def prepare_encoder(src_word, ...@@ -193,6 +208,7 @@ def prepare_encoder(src_word,
src_word_emb = layers.embedding( src_word_emb = layers.embedding(
src_word, src_word,
size=[src_vocab_size, src_emb_dim], size=[src_vocab_size, src_emb_dim],
padding_idx=ModelHyperParams.bos_idx, # set embedding of bos to 0
param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr( param_attr=fluid.ParamAttr(
name=word_emb_param_name, name=word_emb_param_name,
initializer=fluid.initializer.Normal(0., src_emb_dim**-0.5))) initializer=fluid.initializer.Normal(0., src_emb_dim**-0.5)))
...@@ -212,9 +228,9 @@ def prepare_encoder(src_word, ...@@ -212,9 +228,9 @@ def prepare_encoder(src_word,
prepare_encoder = partial( prepare_encoder = partial(
prepare_encoder, pos_enc_param_name=pos_enc_param_names[0]) prepare_encoder_decoder, pos_enc_param_name=pos_enc_param_names[0])
prepare_decoder = partial( prepare_decoder = partial(
prepare_encoder, pos_enc_param_name=pos_enc_param_names[1]) prepare_encoder_decoder, pos_enc_param_name=pos_enc_param_names[1])
def encoder_layer(enc_input, def encoder_layer(enc_input,
...@@ -224,20 +240,28 @@ def encoder_layer(enc_input, ...@@ -224,20 +240,28 @@ def encoder_layer(enc_input,
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate=0.): prepostprocess_dropout,
"""The encoder layers that can be stacked to form a deep encoder. """The encoder layers that can be stacked to form a deep encoder.
This module consits of a multi-head (self) attention followed by This module consits of a multi-head (self) attention followed by
position-wise feed-forward networks and both the two components companied position-wise feed-forward networks and both the two components companied
with the post_process_layer to add residual connection, layer normalization with the post_process_layer to add residual connection, layer normalization
and droput. and droput.
""" """
attn_output = multi_head_attention(enc_input, enc_input, enc_input, attn_output = multi_head_attention(
attn_bias, d_key, d_value, d_model, pre_process_layer(enc_input, preprocess_cmd,
n_head, dropout_rate) prepostprocess_dropout), None, None, attn_bias, d_key,
attn_output = post_process_layer(enc_input, attn_output, "dan", d_value, d_model, n_head, attention_dropout)
dropout_rate) attn_output = post_process_layer(enc_input, attn_output, postprocess_cmd,
ffd_output = positionwise_feed_forward(attn_output, d_inner_hid, d_model) prepostprocess_dropout)
return post_process_layer(attn_output, ffd_output, "dan", dropout_rate) ffd_output = positionwise_feed_forward(
pre_process_layer(attn_output, preprocess_cmd, prepostprocess_dropout),
d_inner_hid, d_model, relu_dropout)
return post_process_layer(attn_output, ffd_output, postprocess_cmd,
def encoder(enc_input, def encoder(enc_input,
...@@ -248,15 +272,32 @@ def encoder(enc_input, ...@@ -248,15 +272,32 @@ def encoder(enc_input,
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate=0.): prepostprocess_dropout,
""" """
The encoder is composed of a stack of identical layers returned by calling The encoder is composed of a stack of identical layers returned by calling
encoder_layer. encoder_layer.
""" """
for i in range(n_layer): for i in range(n_layer):
enc_output = encoder_layer(enc_input, attn_bias, n_head, d_key, d_value, enc_output = encoder_layer(
d_model, d_inner_hid, dropout_rate) enc_input,
postprocess_cmd, )
enc_input = enc_output enc_input = enc_output
enc_output = pre_process_layer(enc_output, preprocess_cmd,
return enc_output return enc_output
...@@ -269,30 +310,35 @@ def decoder_layer(dec_input, ...@@ -269,30 +310,35 @@ def decoder_layer(dec_input,
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate=0., prepostprocess_dropout,
cache=None): cache=None):
""" The layer to be stacked in decoder part. """ The layer to be stacked in decoder part.
The structure of this module is similar to that in the encoder part except The structure of this module is similar to that in the encoder part except
a multi-head attention is added to implement encoder-decoder attention. a multi-head attention is added to implement encoder-decoder attention.
""" """
slf_attn_output = multi_head_attention( slf_attn_output = multi_head_attention(
dec_input, pre_process_layer(dec_input, preprocess_cmd, prepostprocess_dropout),
dec_input, None,
dec_input, None,
slf_attn_bias, slf_attn_bias,
d_key, d_key,
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
n_head, n_head,
dropout_rate, attention_dropout,
cache, ) cache, )
slf_attn_output = post_process_layer( slf_attn_output = post_process_layer(
dec_input, dec_input,
slf_attn_output, slf_attn_output,
"dan", # residual connection + dropout + layer normalization postprocess_cmd,
dropout_rate, ) prepostprocess_dropout, )
enc_attn_output = multi_head_attention( enc_attn_output = multi_head_attention(
slf_attn_output, pre_process_layer(slf_attn_output, preprocess_cmd,
enc_output, enc_output,
enc_output, enc_output,
dec_enc_attn_bias, dec_enc_attn_bias,
...@@ -300,21 +346,23 @@ def decoder_layer(dec_input, ...@@ -300,21 +346,23 @@ def decoder_layer(dec_input,
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
n_head, n_head,
dropout_rate, ) attention_dropout, )
enc_attn_output = post_process_layer( enc_attn_output = post_process_layer(
slf_attn_output, slf_attn_output,
enc_attn_output, enc_attn_output,
"dan", # residual connection + dropout + layer normalization postprocess_cmd,
dropout_rate, ) prepostprocess_dropout, )
ffd_output = positionwise_feed_forward( ffd_output = positionwise_feed_forward(
enc_attn_output, pre_process_layer(enc_attn_output, preprocess_cmd,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
d_model, ) d_model,
relu_dropout, )
dec_output = post_process_layer( dec_output = post_process_layer(
enc_attn_output, enc_attn_output,
ffd_output, ffd_output,
"dan", # residual connection + dropout + layer normalization postprocess_cmd,
dropout_rate, ) prepostprocess_dropout, )
return dec_output return dec_output
...@@ -328,16 +376,16 @@ def decoder(dec_input, ...@@ -328,16 +376,16 @@ def decoder(dec_input,
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate=0., prepostprocess_dropout,
caches=None): caches=None):
""" """
The decoder is composed of a stack of identical decoder_layer layers. The decoder is composed of a stack of identical decoder_layer layers.
""" """
for i in range(n_layer): for i in range(n_layer):
cache = None
if caches is not None:
cache = caches[i]
dec_output = decoder_layer( dec_output = decoder_layer(
dec_input, dec_input,
enc_output, enc_output,
...@@ -348,9 +396,15 @@ def decoder(dec_input, ...@@ -348,9 +396,15 @@ def decoder(dec_input,
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate, prepostprocess_dropout,
cache=cache) attention_dropout,
cache=None if caches is None else caches[i])
dec_input = dec_output dec_input = dec_output
dec_output = pre_process_layer(dec_output, preprocess_cmd,
return dec_output return dec_output
...@@ -371,24 +425,58 @@ def make_all_inputs(input_fields): ...@@ -371,24 +425,58 @@ def make_all_inputs(input_fields):
return inputs return inputs
def transformer( def make_all_py_reader_inputs(input_fields, is_test=False):
src_vocab_size, reader = layers.py_reader(
trg_vocab_size, capacity=20,
max_length, name="test_reader" if is_test else "train_reader",
n_layer, shapes=[input_descs[input_field][0] for input_field in input_fields],
n_head, dtypes=[input_descs[input_field][1] for input_field in input_fields],
d_key, lod_levels=[
d_value, input_descs[input_field][2]
d_model, if len(input_descs[input_field]) == 3 else 0
d_inner_hid, for input_field in input_fields
dropout_rate, ])
weight_sharing, return layers.read_file(reader), reader
label_smooth_eps, ):
def transformer(src_vocab_size,
if weight_sharing: if weight_sharing:
assert src_vocab_size == src_vocab_size, ( assert src_vocab_size == src_vocab_size, (
"Vocabularies in source and target should be same for weight sharing." "Vocabularies in source and target should be same for weight sharing."
) )
enc_inputs = make_all_inputs(encoder_data_input_fields)
data_input_names = encoder_data_input_fields + \
decoder_data_input_fields[:-1] + label_data_input_fields
if use_py_reader:
all_inputs, reader = make_all_py_reader_inputs(data_input_names,
all_inputs = make_all_inputs(data_input_names)
enc_inputs_len = len(encoder_data_input_fields)
dec_inputs_len = len(decoder_data_input_fields[:-1])
enc_inputs = all_inputs[0:enc_inputs_len]
dec_inputs = all_inputs[enc_inputs_len:enc_inputs_len + dec_inputs_len]
label = all_inputs[-2]
weights = all_inputs[-1]
enc_output = wrap_encoder( enc_output = wrap_encoder(
src_vocab_size, src_vocab_size,
...@@ -399,12 +487,14 @@ def transformer( ...@@ -399,12 +487,14 @@ def transformer(
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate, prepostprocess_dropout,
weight_sharing, weight_sharing,
enc_inputs, ) enc_inputs, )
dec_inputs = make_all_inputs(decoder_data_input_fields[:-1])
predict = wrap_decoder( predict = wrap_decoder(
trg_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size,
max_length, max_length,
...@@ -414,14 +504,17 @@ def transformer( ...@@ -414,14 +504,17 @@ def transformer(
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate, prepostprocess_dropout,
weight_sharing, weight_sharing,
dec_inputs, dec_inputs,
enc_output, ) enc_output, )
# Padding index do not contribute to the total loss. The weights is used to # Padding index do not contribute to the total loss. The weights is used to
# cancel padding index in calculating the loss. # cancel padding index in calculating the loss.
label, weights = make_all_inputs(label_data_input_fields)
if label_smooth_eps: if label_smooth_eps:
label = layers.label_smooth( label = layers.label_smooth(
label=layers.one_hot( label=layers.one_hot(
...@@ -436,9 +529,9 @@ def transformer( ...@@ -436,9 +529,9 @@ def transformer(
weighted_cost = cost * weights weighted_cost = cost * weights
sum_cost = layers.reduce_sum(weighted_cost) sum_cost = layers.reduce_sum(weighted_cost)
token_num = layers.reduce_sum(weights) token_num = layers.reduce_sum(weights)
token_num.stop_gradient = True
avg_cost = sum_cost / token_num avg_cost = sum_cost / token_num
avg_cost.stop_gradient = True return sum_cost, avg_cost, predict, token_num, reader if use_py_reader else None
return sum_cost, avg_cost, predict, token_num
def wrap_encoder(src_vocab_size, def wrap_encoder(src_vocab_size,
...@@ -449,7 +542,11 @@ def wrap_encoder(src_vocab_size, ...@@ -449,7 +542,11 @@ def wrap_encoder(src_vocab_size,
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate, prepostprocess_dropout,
weight_sharing, weight_sharing,
enc_inputs=None): enc_inputs=None):
""" """
...@@ -457,21 +554,32 @@ def wrap_encoder(src_vocab_size, ...@@ -457,21 +554,32 @@ def wrap_encoder(src_vocab_size,
""" """
if enc_inputs is None: if enc_inputs is None:
# This is used to implement independent encoder program in inference. # This is used to implement independent encoder program in inference.
src_word, src_pos, src_slf_attn_bias = \ src_word, src_pos, src_slf_attn_bias = make_all_inputs(
make_all_inputs(encoder_data_input_fields) encoder_data_input_fields)
else: else:
src_word, src_pos, src_slf_attn_bias = \ src_word, src_pos, src_slf_attn_bias = enc_inputs
enc_input = prepare_encoder( enc_input = prepare_encoder(
src_word, src_word,
src_pos, src_pos,
src_vocab_size, src_vocab_size,
d_model, d_model,
max_length, max_length,
dropout_rate, prepostprocess_dropout,
word_emb_param_name=word_emb_param_names[0]) word_emb_param_name=word_emb_param_names[0])
enc_output = encoder(enc_input, src_slf_attn_bias, n_layer, n_head, d_key, enc_output = encoder(
d_value, d_model, d_inner_hid, dropout_rate) enc_input,
postprocess_cmd, )
return enc_output return enc_output
...@@ -483,7 +591,11 @@ def wrap_decoder(trg_vocab_size, ...@@ -483,7 +591,11 @@ def wrap_decoder(trg_vocab_size,
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate, prepostprocess_dropout,
weight_sharing, weight_sharing,
dec_inputs=None, dec_inputs=None,
enc_output=None, enc_output=None,
...@@ -493,9 +605,8 @@ def wrap_decoder(trg_vocab_size, ...@@ -493,9 +605,8 @@ def wrap_decoder(trg_vocab_size,
""" """
if dec_inputs is None: if dec_inputs is None:
# This is used to implement independent decoder program in inference. # This is used to implement independent decoder program in inference.
trg_word, trg_pos, trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias, \ trg_word, trg_pos, trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias, enc_output = \
enc_output = make_all_inputs( make_all_inputs(decoder_data_input_fields)
decoder_data_input_fields + decoder_util_input_fields)
else: else:
trg_word, trg_pos, trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias = dec_inputs trg_word, trg_pos, trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias = dec_inputs
...@@ -505,7 +616,7 @@ def wrap_decoder(trg_vocab_size, ...@@ -505,7 +616,7 @@ def wrap_decoder(trg_vocab_size,
trg_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size,
d_model, d_model,
max_length, max_length,
dropout_rate, prepostprocess_dropout,
word_emb_param_name=word_emb_param_names[0] word_emb_param_name=word_emb_param_names[0]
if weight_sharing else word_emb_param_names[1]) if weight_sharing else word_emb_param_names[1])
dec_output = decoder( dec_output = decoder(
...@@ -519,9 +630,12 @@ def wrap_decoder(trg_vocab_size, ...@@ -519,9 +630,12 @@ def wrap_decoder(trg_vocab_size,
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate, prepostprocess_dropout,
caches=caches) caches=caches)
# Return logits for training and probs for inference.
if weight_sharing: if weight_sharing:
predict = layers.matmul( predict = layers.matmul(
x=dec_output, x=dec_output,
...@@ -533,6 +647,7 @@ def wrap_decoder(trg_vocab_size, ...@@ -533,6 +647,7 @@ def wrap_decoder(trg_vocab_size,
bias_attr=False, bias_attr=False,
num_flatten_dims=2) num_flatten_dims=2)
if dec_inputs is None: if dec_inputs is None:
# Return probs for independent decoder program.
predict = layers.softmax(predict) predict = layers.softmax(predict)
return predict return predict
...@@ -547,7 +662,11 @@ def fast_decode( ...@@ -547,7 +662,11 @@ def fast_decode(
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate, prepostprocess_dropout,
weight_sharing, weight_sharing,
beam_size, beam_size,
max_out_len, max_out_len,
...@@ -556,11 +675,12 @@ def fast_decode( ...@@ -556,11 +675,12 @@ def fast_decode(
Use beam search to decode. Caches will be used to store states of history Use beam search to decode. Caches will be used to store states of history
steps which can make the decoding faster. steps which can make the decoding faster.
""" """
enc_output = wrap_encoder(src_vocab_size, max_in_len, n_layer, n_head, enc_output = wrap_encoder(
d_key, d_value, d_model, d_inner_hid, src_vocab_size, max_in_len, n_layer, n_head, d_key, d_value, d_model,
dropout_rate, weight_sharing) d_inner_hid, prepostprocess_dropout, attention_dropout, relu_dropout,
start_tokens, init_scores, trg_src_attn_bias = \ preprocess_cmd, postprocess_cmd, weight_sharing)
make_all_inputs(fast_decoder_data_input_fields ) start_tokens, init_scores, trg_src_attn_bias = make_all_inputs(
def beam_search(): def beam_search():
max_len = layers.fill_constant( max_len = layers.fill_constant(
...@@ -609,8 +729,7 @@ def fast_decode( ...@@ -609,8 +729,7 @@ def fast_decode(
value=1, value=1,
shape=[-1, 1, 1], shape=[-1, 1, 1],
dtype=pre_ids.dtype), dtype=pre_ids.dtype),
y=layers.increment( y=step_idx,
x=step_idx, value=1.0, in_place=False),
axis=0) axis=0)
logits = wrap_decoder( logits = wrap_decoder(
trg_vocab_size, trg_vocab_size,
...@@ -621,7 +740,11 @@ def fast_decode( ...@@ -621,7 +740,11 @@ def fast_decode(
d_value, d_value,
d_model, d_model,
d_inner_hid, d_inner_hid,
dropout_rate, prepostprocess_dropout,
weight_sharing, weight_sharing,
dec_inputs=(pre_ids, pre_pos, None, pre_src_attn_bias), dec_inputs=(pre_ids, pre_pos, None, pre_src_attn_bias),
enc_output=pre_enc_output, enc_output=pre_enc_output,
import os
import time
import argparse import argparse
import ast import ast
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing import multiprocessing
import os
import six
import time
import paddle import numpy as np
import paddle.fluid as fluid import paddle.fluid as fluid
import paddle.fluid.profiler as profiler import paddle.fluid.profiler as profiler
from train import split_data, read_multiple, prepare_batch_input
from model import transformer, position_encoding_init
from optim import LearningRateScheduler
from config import *
import reader import reader
from config import *
from train import pad_batch_data, prepare_data_generator, \
prepare_feed_dict_list, py_reader_provider_wrapper
from model import transformer, position_encoding_init
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Training for Transformer.")
"Profile the training process for Transformer.")
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"--src_vocab_fpath", "--src_vocab_fpath",
type=str, type=str,
...@@ -43,38 +42,70 @@ def parse_args(): ...@@ -43,38 +42,70 @@ def parse_args():
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"--batch_size", "--batch_size",
type=int, type=int,
default=2048, default=4096,
help="The number of sequences contained in a mini-batch, or the maximum " help="The number of sequences contained in a mini-batch, or the maximum "
"number of tokens (include paddings) contained in a mini-batch. Note " "number of tokens (include paddings) contained in a mini-batch. Note "
"that this represents the number on single device and the actual batch " "that this represents the number on single device and the actual batch "
"size for multi-devices will multiply the device number.") "size for multi-devices will multiply the device number.")
help="The maximum number of iterations profiling over.")
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"--pool_size", "--pool_size",
type=int, type=int,
default=10000, default=200000,
help="The buffer size to pool data.") help="The buffer size to pool data.")
choices=("global", "pool", "none"),
help="The grain to sort by length: global for all instances; pool for "
"instances in pool; none for no sort.")
help="The flag indicating whether to shuffle instances in each pass.")
help="The flag indicating whether to shuffle the data batches.")
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"--special_token", "--special_token",
type=str, type=str,
default=["<s>", "<e>", "<unk>"], default=["<s>", "<e>", "<unk>"],
nargs=3, nargs=3,
help="The <bos>, <eos> and <unk> tokens in the dictionary.") help="The <bos>, <eos> and <unk> tokens in the dictionary.")
type=lambda x: str(x.encode().decode("unicode-escape")),
default=" ",
help="The delimiter used to split tokens in source or target sentences. "
"For EN-DE BPE data we provided, use spaces as token delimiter. "
"For EN-FR wordpiece data we provided, use '\x01' as token delimiter.")
help="The flag indicating whether to use memory optimization.")
help="The flag indicating whether to use py_reader.")
help="The iteration number to run in profiling.")
help="The flag indicating whether to use ParallelExecutor.")
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
'opts', 'opts',
help='See config.py for all options', help='See config.py for all options',
default=None, default=None,
nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
choices=['CPU', 'GPU'],
help="The device type.")
args = parser.parse_args() args = parser.parse_args()
# Append args related to dict # Append args related to dict
...@@ -91,153 +122,147 @@ def parse_args(): ...@@ -91,153 +122,147 @@ def parse_args():
return args return args
def train_loop(exe, train_progm, init, num_iters, train_data, dev_count, def main(args):
sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler, token_num, predict): train_prog = fluid.Program()
startup_prog = fluid.Program()
data_input_names = encoder_data_input_fields + decoder_data_input_fields[: with fluid.program_guard(train_prog, startup_prog):
-1] + label_data_input_fields with fluid.unique_name.guard():
sum_cost, avg_cost, predict, token_num, pyreader = transformer(
start_time = time.time() ModelHyperParams.src_vocab_size,
exec_time = 0.0 ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size,
for batch_id, data in enumerate(train_data()): ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1,
if batch_id >= num_iters: ModelHyperParams.n_layer,
break ModelHyperParams.n_head,
feed_list = [] ModelHyperParams.d_key,
total_num_token = 0 ModelHyperParams.d_value,
for place_id, data_buffer in enumerate( ModelHyperParams.d_model,
split_data( ModelHyperParams.d_inner_hid,
data, num_part=dev_count)): ModelHyperParams.prepostprocess_dropout,
data_input_dict, num_token = prepare_batch_input( ModelHyperParams.attention_dropout,
data_buffer, data_input_names, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, ModelHyperParams.relu_dropout,
ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, ModelHyperParams.n_head, ModelHyperParams.preprocess_cmd,
ModelHyperParams.d_model) ModelHyperParams.postprocess_cmd,
total_num_token += num_token ModelHyperParams.weight_sharing,
feed_kv_pairs = data_input_dict.items() TrainTaskConfig.label_smooth_eps,
lr_rate = lr_scheduler.update_learning_rate() use_py_reader=args.use_py_reader,
feed_kv_pairs += {lr_scheduler.learning_rate.name: lr_rate}.items() is_test=False)
feed_list.append(dict(feed_kv_pairs)) lr_decay = fluid.layers.learning_rate_scheduler.noam_decay(
ModelHyperParams.d_model, TrainTaskConfig.warmup_steps)
if not init: optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adam(
for pos_enc_param_name in pos_enc_param_names: learning_rate=lr_decay * TrainTaskConfig.learning_rate,
pos_enc = position_encoding_init( beta1=TrainTaskConfig.beta1,
ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1, beta2=TrainTaskConfig.beta2,
ModelHyperParams.d_model) epsilon=TrainTaskConfig.eps)
feed_list[place_id][pos_enc_param_name] = pos_enc optimizer.minimize(avg_cost)
for feed_dict in feed_list:
feed_dict[sum_cost.name + "@GRAD"] = 1. / total_num_token if args.use_mem_opt:
exe_start_time = time.time()
if dev_count > 1: if TrainTaskConfig.use_gpu:
# prallel executor
outs = exe.run(fetch_list=[sum_cost.name, token_num.name],
# executor
outs = exe.run(fetch_list=[sum_cost, token_num], feed=feed_list[0])
exec_time += time.time() - exe_start_time
sum_cost_val, token_num_val = np.array(outs[0]), np.array(outs[1])
total_sum_cost = sum_cost_val.sum() # sum the cost from multi-devices
total_token_num = token_num_val.sum()
total_avg_cost = total_sum_cost / total_token_num
print("batch: %d, sum loss: %f, avg loss: %f, ppl: %f" %
(batch_id, total_sum_cost, total_avg_cost,
np.exp([min(total_avg_cost, 100)])))
init = True
return time.time() - start_time, exec_time
def profile(args):
print args
if args.device == 'CPU':
TrainTaskConfig.use_gpu = False
if not TrainTaskConfig.use_gpu:
place = fluid.CPUPlace()
dev_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0) place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
dev_count = fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count() dev_count = fluid.core.get_cuda_device_count()
place = fluid.CPUPlace()
dev_count = int(os.environ.get('CPU_NUM', multiprocessing.cpu_count()))
exe = fluid.Executor(place) exe = fluid.Executor(place)
sum_cost, avg_cost, predict, token_num = transformer(
ModelHyperParams.src_vocab_size, ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size,
ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1, ModelHyperParams.n_layer,
ModelHyperParams.n_head, ModelHyperParams.d_key,
ModelHyperParams.d_value, ModelHyperParams.d_model,
ModelHyperParams.d_inner_hid, ModelHyperParams.dropout,
ModelHyperParams.weight_sharing, TrainTaskConfig.label_smooth_eps)
lr_scheduler = LearningRateScheduler(ModelHyperParams.d_model,
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adam(
# Initialize the parameters. # Initialize the parameters.
if TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_path: if TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_path:
fluid.io.load_persistables(exe, TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_path) fluid.io.load_persistables(exe, TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_path)
lr_scheduler.current_steps = TrainTaskConfig.start_step
else: else:
exe.run(fluid.framework.default_startup_program()) exe.run(startup_prog)
# Disable all sorts for they will be done in the 1st batch. exec_strategy = fluid.ExecutionStrategy()
train_data = reader.DataReader( # For faster executor
src_vocab_fpath=args.src_vocab_fpath, exec_strategy.use_experimental_executor = True
trg_vocab_fpath=args.trg_vocab_fpath, exec_strategy.num_iteration_per_drop_scope = 5
fpattern=args.train_file_pattern, build_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy()
use_token_batch=args.use_token_batch, # Since the token number differs among devices, customize gradient scale to
batch_size=args.batch_size * (1 if args.use_token_batch else dev_count), # use token average cost among multi-devices. and the gradient scale is
pool_size=args.pool_size, # `1 / token_number` for average cost.
sort_type='none', build_strategy.gradient_scale_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy.GradientScaleStrategy.Customized
shuffle=False, train_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor(
shuffle_batch=False, use_cuda=TrainTaskConfig.use_gpu,
start_mark=args.special_token[0], loss_name=avg_cost.name,
end_mark=args.special_token[1], main_program=train_prog,
unk_mark=args.special_token[2], build_strategy=build_strategy,
# count start and end tokens out exec_strategy=exec_strategy)
max_length=ModelHyperParams.max_length - 2,
clip_last_batch=False) # the best cross-entropy value with label smoothing
train_data = read_multiple( loss_normalizer = -((1. - TrainTaskConfig.label_smooth_eps) * np.log(
reader=train_data.batch_generator, (1. - TrainTaskConfig.label_smooth_eps
count=dev_count if args.use_token_batch else 1) )) + TrainTaskConfig.label_smooth_eps *
np.log(TrainTaskConfig.label_smooth_eps / (
if dev_count > 1: ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size - 1) + 1e-20))
build_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy()
build_strategy.gradient_scale_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy.GradientScaleStrategy.Customized train_data = prepare_data_generator(
train_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor( args, is_test=False, count=dev_count, pyreader=pyreader)
use_cuda=TrainTaskConfig.use_gpu, if args.use_py_reader:
loss_name=sum_cost.name, pyreader.start()
main_program=fluid.default_main_program(), data_generator = None
print("Warming up ...")
train_loop(exe if dev_count == 1 else train_exe,
fluid.default_main_program(), False, 3, train_data, dev_count,
sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler, token_num, predict)
print("\nProfiling ...")
if dev_count == 1:
with profiler.profiler('All', 'total', '/tmp/profile_file'):
total_time, exec_time = train_loop(
fluid.default_main_program(), True, args.num_iters, train_data,
dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler, token_num, predict)
else: else:
total_time, exec_time = train_loop( data_generator = train_data()
fluid.default_main_program(), True, args.num_iters, train_data, def run(iter_num):
dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler, token_num, predict) reader_time = []
print("Elapsed time: total %f s, in executor %f s" % run_time = []
(total_time, exec_time))
for step_idx in six.moves.xrange(iter_num):
start_time = time.time()
feed_dict_list = prepare_feed_dict_list(data_generator,
init_flag, dev_count)
end_time = time.time()
reader_time.append(end_time - start_time)
start_time = time.time()
if args.use_parallel_exe:
outs = train_exe.run(
fetch_list=[sum_cost.name, token_num.name],
outs = exe.run(program=train_prog,
fetch_list=[sum_cost.name, token_num.name],
if feed_dict_list is not None else None)
end_time = time.time()
run_time.append(end_time - start_time)
sum_cost_val, token_num_val = np.array(outs[0]), np.array(outs[
# sum the cost from multi-devices
total_sum_cost = sum_cost_val.sum()
total_token_num = token_num_val.sum()
total_avg_cost = total_sum_cost / total_token_num
print("step_idx: %d, avg loss: %f, "
"normalized loss: %f, ppl: %f" %
(step_idx, total_avg_cost,
total_avg_cost - loss_normalizer,
np.exp([min(total_avg_cost, 100)])))
except (StopIteration, fluid.core.EOFException):
# The current pass is over.
if args.use_py_reader:
return reader_time, run_time
# start-up
init_flag = True
init_flag = False
# profiling
start = time.time()
# currently only support profiling on one device
with profiler.profiler('All', 'total', '/tmp/profile_file'):
reader_time, run_time = run(args.iter_num)
end = time.time()
total_time = end - start
print("Total time: {0}, reader time: {1} s, run time: {2} s".format(
total_time, np.sum(reader_time), np.sum(run_time)))
if __name__ == "__main__": if __name__ == "__main__":
args = parse_args() args = parse_args()
profile(args) main(args)
...@@ -12,15 +12,16 @@ class SortType(object): ...@@ -12,15 +12,16 @@ class SortType(object):
class Converter(object): class Converter(object):
def __init__(self, vocab, beg, end, unk, delimiter): def __init__(self, vocab, beg, end, unk, delimiter, add_beg):
self._vocab = vocab self._vocab = vocab
self._beg = beg self._beg = beg
self._end = end self._end = end
self._unk = unk self._unk = unk
self._delimiter = delimiter self._delimiter = delimiter
self._add_beg = add_beg
def __call__(self, sentence): def __call__(self, sentence):
return [self._beg] + [ return ([self._beg] if self._add_beg else []) + [
self._vocab.get(w, self._unk) self._vocab.get(w, self._unk)
for w in sentence.split(self._delimiter) for w in sentence.split(self._delimiter)
] + [self._end] ] + [self._end]
...@@ -215,7 +216,8 @@ class DataReader(object): ...@@ -215,7 +216,8 @@ class DataReader(object):
beg=self._src_vocab[start_mark], beg=self._src_vocab[start_mark],
end=self._src_vocab[end_mark], end=self._src_vocab[end_mark],
unk=self._src_vocab[unk_mark], unk=self._src_vocab[unk_mark],
delimiter=self._token_delimiter) delimiter=self._token_delimiter,
] ]
if not self._only_src: if not self._only_src:
converters.append( converters.append(
...@@ -224,7 +226,8 @@ class DataReader(object): ...@@ -224,7 +226,8 @@ class DataReader(object):
beg=self._trg_vocab[start_mark], beg=self._trg_vocab[start_mark],
end=self._trg_vocab[end_mark], end=self._trg_vocab[end_mark],
unk=self._trg_vocab[unk_mark], unk=self._trg_vocab[unk_mark],
delimiter=self._token_delimiter)) delimiter=self._token_delimiter,
converters = ComposedConverter(converters) converters = ComposedConverter(converters)
...@@ -280,8 +283,7 @@ class DataReader(object): ...@@ -280,8 +283,7 @@ class DataReader(object):
def batch_generator(self): def batch_generator(self):
# global sort or global shuffle # global sort or global shuffle
if self._sort_type == SortType.GLOBAL: if self._sort_type == SortType.GLOBAL:
infos = sorted( infos = sorted(self._sample_infos, key=lambda x: x.max_len)
self._sample_infos, key=lambda x: x.max_len, reverse=True)
else: else:
if self._shuffle: if self._shuffle:
infos = self._sample_infos infos = self._sample_infos
...@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import paddle.fluid as fluid ...@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import paddle.fluid as fluid
import reader import reader
from config import * from config import *
from model import transformer, position_encoding_init from model import transformer, position_encoding_init
from optim import LearningRateScheduler
def parse_args(): def parse_args():
...@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ def parse_args(): ...@@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ def parse_args():
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"--batch_size", "--batch_size",
type=int, type=int,
default=2048, default=4096,
help="The number of sequences contained in a mini-batch, or the maximum " help="The number of sequences contained in a mini-batch, or the maximum "
"number of tokens (include paddings) contained in a mini-batch. Note " "number of tokens (include paddings) contained in a mini-batch. Note "
"that this represents the number on single device and the actual batch " "that this represents the number on single device and the actual batch "
...@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ def parse_args(): ...@@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ def parse_args():
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"--pool_size", "--pool_size",
type=int, type=int,
default=10000, default=200000,
help="The buffer size to pool data.") help="The buffer size to pool data.")
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"--sort_type", "--sort_type",
...@@ -104,9 +103,19 @@ def parse_args(): ...@@ -104,9 +103,19 @@ def parse_args():
parser.add_argument( parser.add_argument(
"--enable_ce", "--enable_ce",
type=ast.literal_eval, type=ast.literal_eval,
default=True, default=False,
help="The flag indicating whether to run the task " help="The flag indicating whether to run the task "
"for continuous evaluation.") "for continuous evaluation.")
help="The flag indicating whether to use memory optimization.")
help="The flag indicating whether to use py_reader.")
args = parser.parse_args() args = parser.parse_args()
# Append args related to dict # Append args related to dict
...@@ -148,7 +157,7 @@ def pad_batch_data(insts, ...@@ -148,7 +157,7 @@ def pad_batch_data(insts,
return_list += [inst_weight.astype("float32").reshape([-1, 1])] return_list += [inst_weight.astype("float32").reshape([-1, 1])]
else: # position data else: # position data
inst_pos = np.array([ inst_pos = np.array([
list(range(1, len(inst) + 1)) + [0] * (max_len - len(inst)) list(range(0, len(inst))) + [0] * (max_len - len(inst))
for inst in insts for inst in insts
]) ])
return_list += [inst_pos.astype("int64").reshape([-1, 1])] return_list += [inst_pos.astype("int64").reshape([-1, 1])]
...@@ -212,95 +221,183 @@ def prepare_batch_input(insts, data_input_names, src_pad_idx, trg_pad_idx, ...@@ -212,95 +221,183 @@ def prepare_batch_input(insts, data_input_names, src_pad_idx, trg_pad_idx,
src_word, src_pos, src_slf_attn_bias, trg_word, trg_pos, src_word, src_pos, src_slf_attn_bias, trg_word, trg_pos,
trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias, lbl_word, lbl_weight trg_slf_attn_bias, trg_src_attn_bias, lbl_word, lbl_weight
])) ]))
return data_input_dict, np.asarray([num_token], dtype="float32") return data_input_dict, np.asarray([num_token], dtype="float32")
def read_multiple(reader, count, clip_last=True): def prepare_data_generator(args, is_test, count, pyreader):
""" """
Stack data from reader for multi-devices. Data generator wrapper for DataReader. If use py_reader, set the data
provider for py_reader
""" """
data_reader = reader.DataReader(
def __impl__(): fpattern=args.val_file_pattern if is_test else args.train_file_pattern,
res = []
for item in reader():
if len(res) == count:
yield res
res = []
if len(res) == count:
yield res
elif not clip_last:
data = []
for item in res:
data += item
if len(data) > count:
inst_num_per_part = len(data) // count
yield [
data[inst_num_per_part * i:inst_num_per_part * (i + 1)]
for i in range(count)
return __impl__
def split_data(data, num_part):
Split data for each device.
if len(data) == num_part:
return data
data = data[0]
inst_num_per_part = len(data) // num_part
return [
data[inst_num_per_part * i:inst_num_per_part * (i + 1)]
for i in range(num_part)
def test_context(test_program, avg_cost, train_exe, dev_count, data_input_names,
sum_cost, token_num):
val_data = reader.DataReader(
src_vocab_fpath=args.src_vocab_fpath, src_vocab_fpath=args.src_vocab_fpath,
trg_vocab_fpath=args.trg_vocab_fpath, trg_vocab_fpath=args.trg_vocab_fpath,
token_delimiter=args.token_delimiter, token_delimiter=args.token_delimiter,
use_token_batch=args.use_token_batch, use_token_batch=args.use_token_batch,
batch_size=args.batch_size * (1 if args.use_token_batch else dev_count), batch_size=args.batch_size * (1 if args.use_token_batch else count),
pool_size=args.pool_size, pool_size=args.pool_size,
sort_type=args.sort_type, sort_type=args.sort_type,
start_mark=args.special_token[0], start_mark=args.special_token[0],
end_mark=args.special_token[1], end_mark=args.special_token[1],
unk_mark=args.special_token[2], unk_mark=args.special_token[2],
# count start and end tokens out # count start and end tokens out
max_length=ModelHyperParams.max_length - 2, max_length=ModelHyperParams.max_length - 2,
clip_last_batch=False, clip_last_batch=False).batch_generator
shuffle_batch=False) def stack(data_reader, count, clip_last=True):
def __impl__():
res = []
for item in data_reader():
if len(res) == count:
yield res
res = []
if len(res) == count:
yield res
elif not clip_last:
data = []
for item in res:
data += item
if len(data) > count:
inst_num_per_part = len(data) // count
yield [
data[inst_num_per_part * i:inst_num_per_part * (i + 1)]
for i in range(count)
return __impl__
def split(data_reader, count):
def __impl__():
for item in data_reader():
inst_num_per_part = len(item) // count
for i in range(count):
yield item[inst_num_per_part * i:inst_num_per_part * (i + 1
return __impl__
if not args.use_token_batch:
# to make data on each device have similar token number
data_reader = split(data_reader, count)
if args.use_py_reader:
data_reader = None
else: # Data generator for multi-devices
data_reader = stack(data_reader, count)
return data_reader
def prepare_feed_dict_list(data_generator, init_flag, count):
Prepare the list of feed dict for multi-devices.
feed_dict_list = []
if data_generator is not None: # use_py_reader == False
data_input_names = encoder_data_input_fields + \
decoder_data_input_fields[:-1] + label_data_input_fields
data = next(data_generator)
for idx, data_buffer in enumerate(data):
data_input_dict, num_token = prepare_batch_input(
data_buffer, data_input_names, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx,
ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, ModelHyperParams.n_head,
if init_flag:
for idx in range(count):
pos_enc_tables = dict()
for pos_enc_param_name in pos_enc_param_names:
pos_enc_tables[pos_enc_param_name] = position_encoding_init(
ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1, ModelHyperParams.d_model)
if len(feed_dict_list) <= idx:
feed_dict_list[idx] = dict(
list(pos_enc_tables.items()) + list(feed_dict_list[idx]
return feed_dict_list if len(feed_dict_list) == count else None
def py_reader_provider_wrapper(data_reader):
Data provider needed by fluid.layers.py_reader.
def py_reader_provider():
data_input_names = encoder_data_input_fields + \
decoder_data_input_fields[:-1] + label_data_input_fields
for batch_id, data in enumerate(data_reader()):
data_input_dict, num_token = prepare_batch_input(
data, data_input_names, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx,
ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, ModelHyperParams.n_head,
total_dict = dict(data_input_dict.items())
yield [total_dict[item] for item in data_input_names]
return py_reader_provider
def test_context(exe, train_exe, dev_count):
# Context to do validation.
startup_prog = fluid.Program()
test_prog = fluid.Program()
with fluid.program_guard(test_prog, startup_prog):
with fluid.unique_name.guard():
sum_cost, avg_cost, predict, token_num, pyreader = transformer(
ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1,
test_data = prepare_data_generator(
args, is_test=True, count=dev_count, pyreader=pyreader)
test_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor( test_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor(
use_cuda=TrainTaskConfig.use_gpu, use_cuda=TrainTaskConfig.use_gpu,
main_program=test_program, main_program=test_prog,
share_vars_from=train_exe) share_vars_from=train_exe)
def test(exe=test_exe): def test(exe=test_exe, pyreader=pyreader):
test_total_cost = 0 test_total_cost = 0
test_total_token = 0 test_total_token = 0
test_data = read_multiple(
reader=val_data.batch_generator, if args.use_py_reader:
count=dev_count if args.use_token_batch else 1) pyreader.start()
for batch_id, data in enumerate(test_data()): data_generator = None
feed_list = [] else:
for place_id, data_buffer in enumerate( data_generator = test_data()
split_data( while True:
data, num_part=dev_count)): try:
data_input_dict, _ = prepare_batch_input( feed_dict_list = prepare_feed_dict_list(data_generator, False,
data_buffer, data_input_names, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, dev_count)
ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, ModelHyperParams.n_head, outs = test_exe.run(fetch_list=[sum_cost.name, token_num.name],
ModelHyperParams.d_model) feed=feed_dict_list)
feed_list.append(data_input_dict) except (StopIteration, fluid.core.EOFException):
# The current pass is over.
outs = exe.run(feed=feed_list, if args.use_py_reader:
fetch_list=[sum_cost.name, token_num.name]) pyreader.reset()
sum_cost_val, token_num_val = np.array(outs[0]), np.array(outs[1]) sum_cost_val, token_num_val = np.array(outs[0]), np.array(outs[1])
test_total_cost += sum_cost_val.sum() test_total_cost += sum_cost_val.sum()
test_total_token += token_num_val.sum() test_total_token += token_num_val.sum()
...@@ -311,37 +408,22 @@ def test_context(test_program, avg_cost, train_exe, dev_count, data_input_names, ...@@ -311,37 +408,22 @@ def test_context(test_program, avg_cost, train_exe, dev_count, data_input_names,
return test return test
def train_loop(exe, train_progm, dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler, def train_loop(exe, train_prog, startup_prog, dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost,
token_num, predict, test_program): token_num, predict, pyreader):
# Initialize the parameters. # Initialize the parameters.
if TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_path: if TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_path:
fluid.io.load_persistables(exe, TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_path) fluid.io.load_persistables(exe, TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_path)
lr_scheduler.current_steps = TrainTaskConfig.start_step
else: else:
print("init fluid.framework.default_startup_program") print("init fluid.framework.default_startup_program")
exe.run(fluid.framework.default_startup_program()) exe.run(startup_prog)
train_data = reader.DataReader( train_data = prepare_data_generator(
src_vocab_fpath=args.src_vocab_fpath, args, is_test=False, count=dev_count, pyreader=pyreader)
batch_size=args.batch_size * (1 if args.use_token_batch else dev_count),
# count start and end tokens out
max_length=ModelHyperParams.max_length - 2,
train_data = read_multiple(
count=dev_count if args.use_token_batch else 1)
# For faster executor
exec_strategy = fluid.ExecutionStrategy()
exec_strategy.use_experimental_executor = True
# exec_strategy.num_iteration_per_drop_scope = 5
build_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy() build_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy()
# Since the token number differs among devices, customize gradient scale to # Since the token number differs among devices, customize gradient scale to
# use token average cost among multi-devices. and the gradient scale is # use token average cost among multi-devices. and the gradient scale is
...@@ -349,16 +431,13 @@ def train_loop(exe, train_progm, dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler, ...@@ -349,16 +431,13 @@ def train_loop(exe, train_progm, dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler,
build_strategy.gradient_scale_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy.GradientScaleStrategy.Customized build_strategy.gradient_scale_strategy = fluid.BuildStrategy.GradientScaleStrategy.Customized
train_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor( train_exe = fluid.ParallelExecutor(
use_cuda=TrainTaskConfig.use_gpu, use_cuda=TrainTaskConfig.use_gpu,
loss_name=sum_cost.name, loss_name=avg_cost.name,
main_program=train_progm, main_program=train_prog,
build_strategy=build_strategy) build_strategy=build_strategy,
data_input_names = encoder_data_input_fields + decoder_data_input_fields[:
-1] + label_data_input_fields
if args.val_file_pattern is not None: if args.val_file_pattern is not None:
test = test_context(test_program, avg_cost, train_exe, dev_count, test = test_context(exe, train_exe, dev_count)
data_input_names, sum_cost, token_num)
# the best cross-entropy value with label smoothing # the best cross-entropy value with label smoothing
loss_normalizer = -((1. - TrainTaskConfig.label_smooth_eps) * np.log( loss_normalizer = -((1. - TrainTaskConfig.label_smooth_eps) * np.log(
...@@ -368,61 +447,60 @@ def train_loop(exe, train_progm, dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler, ...@@ -368,61 +447,60 @@ def train_loop(exe, train_progm, dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler,
ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size - 1) + 1e-20)) ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size - 1) + 1e-20))
step_idx = 0 step_idx = 0
inst_num = 0 init_flag = True
init = False
for pass_id in six.moves.xrange(TrainTaskConfig.pass_num): for pass_id in six.moves.xrange(TrainTaskConfig.pass_num):
pass_start_time = time.time() pass_start_time = time.time()
for batch_id, data in enumerate(train_data()):
feed_list = [] if args.use_py_reader:
total_num_token = 0 pyreader.start()
if args.local: data_generator = None
lr_rate = lr_scheduler.update_learning_rate() else:
for place_id, data_buffer in enumerate( data_generator = train_data()
data, num_part=dev_count)): batch_id = 0
data_input_dict, num_token = prepare_batch_input( while True:
data_buffer, data_input_names, ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, try:
ModelHyperParams.eos_idx, ModelHyperParams.n_head, feed_dict_list = prepare_feed_dict_list(data_generator,
ModelHyperParams.d_model) init_flag, dev_count)
total_num_token += num_token
inst_num += len(data_buffer) outs = train_exe.run(
feed_kv_pairs = list(data_input_dict.items()) fetch_list=[sum_cost.name, token_num.name],
if args.local: feed=feed_dict_list)
feed_kv_pairs += list({ sum_cost_val, token_num_val = np.array(outs[0]), np.array(outs[
lr_scheduler.learning_rate.name: lr_rate 1])
}.items()) # sum the cost from multi-devices
feed_list.append(dict(feed_kv_pairs)) total_sum_cost = sum_cost_val.sum()
total_token_num = token_num_val.sum()
if not init: total_avg_cost = total_sum_cost / total_token_num
for pos_enc_param_name in pos_enc_param_names:
pos_enc = position_encoding_init( print("step_idx: %d, epoch: %d, batch: %d, avg loss: %f, "
ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1, "normalized loss: %f, ppl: %f" %
ModelHyperParams.d_model) (step_idx, pass_id, batch_id, total_avg_cost,
feed_list[place_id][pos_enc_param_name] = pos_enc total_avg_cost - loss_normalizer,
for feed_dict in feed_list: np.exp([min(total_avg_cost, 100)])))
feed_dict[sum_cost.name + "@GRAD"] = 1. / total_num_token
outs = train_exe.run(fetch_list=[sum_cost.name, token_num.name], if step_idx % int(TrainTaskConfig.
feed=feed_list) save_freq) == TrainTaskConfig.save_freq - 1:
sum_cost_val, token_num_val = np.array(outs[0]), np.array(outs[1]) fluid.io.save_persistables(
total_sum_cost = sum_cost_val.sum( exe,
) # sum the cost from multi-devices os.path.join(TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_dir,
total_token_num = token_num_val.sum() "latest.checkpoint"), train_prog)
total_avg_cost = total_sum_cost / total_token_num fluid.io.save_params(
print( exe,
"step_idx: %d, total samples: %d, epoch: %d, batch: %d, avg loss: %f, " os.path.join(TrainTaskConfig.model_dir,
"normalized loss: %f, ppl: %f" % "iter_" + str(step_idx) + ".infer.model"),
(step_idx, inst_num, pass_id, batch_id, total_avg_cost, train_prog)
total_avg_cost - loss_normalizer, init_flag = False
np.exp([min(total_avg_cost, 100)]))) batch_id += 1
if batch_id > 0 and batch_id % 1000 == 0: step_idx += 1
fluid.io.save_persistables( except (StopIteration, fluid.core.EOFException):
exe, # The current pass is over.
os.path.join(TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_dir, "latest.checkpoint")) if args.use_py_reader:
step_idx += 1 pyreader.reset()
init = True break
time_consumed = time.time() - pass_start_time time_consumed = time.time() - pass_start_time
# Validate and save the model for inference. # Validate and save the persistable.
if args.val_file_pattern is not None: if args.val_file_pattern is not None:
val_avg_cost, val_ppl = test() val_avg_cost, val_ppl = test()
print( print(
...@@ -435,14 +513,12 @@ def train_loop(exe, train_progm, dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler, ...@@ -435,14 +513,12 @@ def train_loop(exe, train_progm, dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, lr_scheduler,
fluid.io.save_persistables( fluid.io.save_persistables(
exe, exe,
os.path.join(TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_dir, os.path.join(TrainTaskConfig.ckpt_dir,
"pass_" + str(pass_id) + ".checkpoint")) "pass_" + str(pass_id) + ".checkpoint"), train_prog)
"pass_" + str(pass_id) + ".infer.model"),
data_input_names[:-2], [predict], exe)
if args.enable_ce: # For CE if args.enable_ce: # For CE
print("kpis\ttrain_cost_card%d\t%f" % (dev_count, total_avg_cost)) print("kpis\ttrain_cost_card%d\t%f" % (dev_count, total_avg_cost))
print("kpis\ttest_cost_card%d\t%f" % (dev_count, val_avg_cost)) if args.val_file_pattern is not None:
print("kpis\ttest_cost_card%d\t%f" % (dev_count, val_avg_cost))
print("kpis\ttrain_duration_card%d\t%f" % (dev_count, time_consumed)) print("kpis\ttrain_duration_card%d\t%f" % (dev_count, time_consumed))
...@@ -467,50 +543,54 @@ def train(args): ...@@ -467,50 +543,54 @@ def train(args):
exe = fluid.Executor(place) exe = fluid.Executor(place)
if args.enable_ce: train_prog = fluid.Program()
fluid.default_startup_program().random_seed = 1000 startup_prog = fluid.Program()
sum_cost, avg_cost, predict, token_num = transformer( if args.enable_ce:
ModelHyperParams.src_vocab_size, ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size, train_prog.random_seed = 1000
ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1, ModelHyperParams.n_layer, startup_prog.random_seed = 1000
ModelHyperParams.n_head, ModelHyperParams.d_key,
ModelHyperParams.d_value, ModelHyperParams.d_model, with fluid.program_guard(train_prog, startup_prog):
ModelHyperParams.d_inner_hid, ModelHyperParams.dropout, with fluid.unique_name.guard():
ModelHyperParams.weight_sharing, TrainTaskConfig.label_smooth_eps) sum_cost, avg_cost, predict, token_num, pyreader = transformer(
lr_scheduler = LearningRateScheduler(ModelHyperParams.d_model, ModelHyperParams.src_vocab_size,
TrainTaskConfig.warmup_steps, ModelHyperParams.trg_vocab_size,
TrainTaskConfig.learning_rate) ModelHyperParams.max_length + 1,
test_program = fluid.default_main_program().clone(for_test=True) ModelHyperParams.n_head,
if args.local: if args.local:
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adam( lr_decay = fluid.layers.learning_rate_scheduler.noam_decay(
learning_rate=lr_scheduler.learning_rate, ModelHyperParams.d_model, TrainTaskConfig.warmup_steps)
beta1=TrainTaskConfig.beta1, optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adam(
beta2=TrainTaskConfig.beta2, learning_rate=lr_decay * TrainTaskConfig.learning_rate,
epsilon=TrainTaskConfig.eps) beta1=TrainTaskConfig.beta1,
optimizer.minimize(sum_cost) beta2=TrainTaskConfig.beta2,
elif args.sync == False: epsilon=TrainTaskConfig.eps)
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(0.003) elif args.sync == False:
optimizer.minimize(sum_cost) optimizer = fluid.optimizer.SGD(0.003)
else: optimizer.minimize(avg_cost)
lr_decay = fluid.layers\
.learning_rate_scheduler\ if args.use_mem_opt:
.noam_decay(ModelHyperParams.d_model, fluid.memory_optimize(train_prog)
optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Adam(
if args.local: if args.local:
print("local start_up:") print("local start_up:")
train_loop(exe, train_loop(exe, train_prog, startup_prog, dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost,
fluid.default_main_program(), dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, token_num, predict, pyreader)
lr_scheduler, token_num, predict, test_program)
else: else:
port = os.getenv("PADDLE_PORT", "6174") port = os.getenv("PADDLE_PORT", "6174")
pserver_ips = os.getenv("PADDLE_PSERVERS") # ip,ip... pserver_ips = os.getenv("PADDLE_PSERVERS") # ip,ip...
...@@ -522,7 +602,12 @@ def train(args): ...@@ -522,7 +602,12 @@ def train(args):
current_endpoint = os.getenv("POD_IP") + ":" + port current_endpoint = os.getenv("POD_IP") + ":" + port
trainer_id = int(os.getenv("PADDLE_TRAINER_ID")) trainer_id = int(os.getenv("PADDLE_TRAINER_ID"))
t = fluid.DistributeTranspiler() t = fluid.DistributeTranspiler()
t.transpile(trainer_id, pservers=pserver_endpoints, trainers=trainers) t.transpile(
if training_role == "PSERVER": if training_role == "PSERVER":
current_endpoint = os.getenv("POD_IP") + ":" + os.getenv( current_endpoint = os.getenv("POD_IP") + ":" + os.getenv(
...@@ -542,12 +627,11 @@ def train(args): ...@@ -542,12 +627,11 @@ def train(args):
exe.run(pserver_startup) exe.run(pserver_startup)
exe.run(pserver_prog) exe.run(pserver_prog)
elif training_role == "TRAINER": elif training_role == "TRAINER":
trainer_prog = t.get_trainer_program() trainer_prog = t.get_trainer_program()
with open('trainer_prog.desc', 'w') as f: with open('trainer_prog.desc', 'w') as f:
f.write(str(trainer_prog)) f.write(str(trainer_prog))
train_loop(exe, trainer_prog, dev_count, sum_cost, avg_cost, train_loop(exe, train_prog, startup_prog, dev_count, sum_cost,
lr_scheduler, token_num, predict, test_program) avg_cost, token_num, predict, pyreader)
else: else:
print("environment var TRAINER_ROLE should be TRAINER os PSERVER") print("environment var TRAINER_ROLE should be TRAINER os PSERVER")
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