diff --git a/fluid/icnet/README.md b/fluid/icnet/README.md
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+运行本目录下的程序示例需要使用PaddlePaddle develop最新版本。如果您的PaddlePaddle安装版本低于此要求,请按照[安装文档](http://www.paddlepaddle.org/docs/develop/documentation/zh/build_and_install/pip_install_cn.html)中的说明更新PaddlePaddle安装版本。
+## 代码结构
+├── network.py # 网络结构定义脚本
+├── train.py # 训练任务脚本
+├── eval.py # 评估脚本
+├── infer.py # 预测脚本
+├── cityscape.py # 数据预处理脚本
+└── utils.py # 定义通用的函数
+## 简介
+Image Cascade Network(ICNet)主要用于图像实时语义分割。相较于其它压缩计算的方法,ICNet即考虑了速度,也考虑了准确性。
+图 1
+## 数据准备
+|-- gtFine
+| |-- test
+| |-- train
+| `-- val
+|-- leftImg8bit
+| |-- test
+| |-- train
+| `-- val
+|-- train.list
+`-- val.list
+leftImg8bit/train/stuttgart/stuttgart_000021_000019_leftImg8bit.png gtFine/train/stuttgart/stuttgart_000021_000019_gtFine_labelTrainIds.png
+leftImg8bit/train/stuttgart/stuttgart_000072_000019_leftImg8bit.png gtFine/train/stuttgart/stuttgart_000072_000019_gtFine_labelTrainIds.png
+## 模型训练与预测
+### 训练
+python train.py --batch_size=16 --use_gpu=True
+python train.py --help
+训练过程中会根据用户的设置,输出训练集上每个网络分支的`loss`, 示例如下:
+Iter[0]; train loss: 2.338; sub4_loss: 3.367; sub24_loss: 4.120; sub124_loss: 0.151
+### 测试
+python eval.py --model_path="./model/" --use_gpu=True
+测试脚本的输出的评估指标为[mean IoU]()。
+### 预测
+python infer.py \
+--model_path="./model" \
+--images_path="./data/cityscape/" \
+## 实验结果
+图 2
+图 3
+## 其他信息
+|数据集 | pretrained model |
+|CityScape | [Model]()[md: ] |
+## 参考
+- [ICNet for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation on High-Resolution Images](https://arxiv.org/abs/1704.08545)
diff --git a/fluid/icnet/cityscape.py b/fluid/icnet/cityscape.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3288b7f1e178850e6dec99adb2efbb89cbaf8f11
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+++ b/fluid/icnet/cityscape.py
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+"""Reader for Cityscape dataset.
+import os
+import cv2
+import numpy as np
+import paddle.v2 as paddle
+DATA_PATH = "./data/cityscape"
+TRAIN_LIST = DATA_PATH + "/train.list"
+TEST_LIST = DATA_PATH + "/val.list"
+TRAIN_DATA_SHAPE = (3, 720, 720)
+TEST_DATA_SHAPE = (3, 1024, 2048)
+IMG_MEAN = np.array((103.939, 116.779, 123.68), dtype=np.float32)
+def train_data_shape():
+def test_data_shape():
+def num_classes():
+ return NUM_CLASSES
+class DataGenerater:
+ def __init__(self, data_list, mode="train", flip=True, scaling=True):
+ self.flip = flip
+ self.scaling = scaling
+ self.image_label = []
+ with open(data_list, 'r') as f:
+ for line in f:
+ image_file, label_file = line.strip().split(' ')
+ self.image_label.append((image_file, label_file))
+ def create_train_reader(self, batch_size):
+ """
+ Create a reader for train dataset.
+ """
+ def reader():
+ np.random.shuffle(self.image_label)
+ images = []
+ labels_sub1 = []
+ labels_sub2 = []
+ labels_sub4 = []
+ count = 0
+ for image, label in self.image_label:
+ image, label_sub1, label_sub2, label_sub4 = self.process_train_data(
+ image, label)
+ count += 1
+ images.append(image)
+ labels_sub1.append(label_sub1)
+ labels_sub2.append(label_sub2)
+ labels_sub4.append(label_sub4)
+ if count == batch_size:
+ yield self.mask(
+ np.array(images),
+ np.array(labels_sub1),
+ np.array(labels_sub2), np.array(labels_sub4))
+ images = []
+ labels_sub1 = []
+ labels_sub2 = []
+ labels_sub4 = []
+ count = 0
+ if images:
+ yield self.mask(
+ np.array(images),
+ np.array(labels_sub1),
+ np.array(labels_sub2), np.array(labels_sub4))
+ return reader
+ def create_test_reader(self):
+ """
+ Create a reader for test dataset.
+ """
+ def reader():
+ for image, label in self.image_label:
+ image, label = self.load(image, label)
+ image = paddle.image.to_chw(image)[np.newaxis, :]
+ label = label[np.newaxis, :, :, np.newaxis].astype("float32")
+ label_mask = np.where((label != IGNORE_LABEL).flatten())[
+ 0].astype("int32")
+ yield image, label, label_mask
+ return reader
+ def process_train_data(self, image, label):
+ """
+ Process training data.
+ """
+ image, label = self.load(image, label)
+ if self.flip:
+ image, label = self.random_flip(image, label)
+ if self.scaling:
+ image, label = self.random_scaling(image, label)
+ image, label = self.resize(image, label, out_size=TRAIN_DATA_SHAPE[1:])
+ label = label.astype("float32")
+ label_sub1 = paddle.image.to_chw(self.scale_label(label, factor=4))
+ label_sub2 = paddle.image.to_chw(self.scale_label(label, factor=8))
+ label_sub4 = paddle.image.to_chw(self.scale_label(label, factor=16))
+ image = paddle.image.to_chw(image)
+ return image, label_sub1, label_sub2, label_sub4
+ def load(self, image, label):
+ """
+ Load image from file.
+ """
+ image = paddle.image.load_image(
+ DATA_PATH + "/" + image, is_color=True).astype("float32")
+ image -= IMG_MEAN
+ label = paddle.image.load_image(
+ DATA_PATH + "/" + label, is_color=False).astype("float32")
+ return image, label
+ def random_flip(self, image, label):
+ """
+ Flip image and label randomly.
+ """
+ r = np.random.rand(1)
+ if r > 0.5:
+ image = paddle.image.left_right_flip(image, is_color=True)
+ label = paddle.image.left_right_flip(label, is_color=False)
+ return image, label
+ def random_scaling(self, image, label):
+ """
+ Scale image and label randomly.
+ """
+ scale = np.random.uniform(0.5, 2.0, 1)[0]
+ h_new = int(image.shape[0] * scale)
+ w_new = int(image.shape[1] * scale)
+ image = cv2.resize(image, (w_new, h_new))
+ label = cv2.resize(
+ label, (w_new, h_new), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
+ return image, label
+ def padding_as(self, image, h, w, is_color):
+ """
+ Padding image.
+ """
+ pad_h = max(image.shape[0], h) - image.shape[0]
+ pad_w = max(image.shape[1], w) - image.shape[1]
+ if is_color:
+ return np.pad(image, ((0, pad_h), (0, pad_w), (0, 0)), 'constant')
+ else:
+ return np.pad(image, ((0, pad_h), (0, pad_w)), 'constant')
+ def resize(self, image, label, out_size):
+ """
+ Resize image and label by padding or cropping.
+ """
+ ignore_label = IGNORE_LABEL
+ label = label - ignore_label
+ if len(label.shape) == 2:
+ label = label[:, :, np.newaxis]
+ combined = np.concatenate((image, label), axis=2)
+ combined = self.padding_as(
+ combined, out_size[0], out_size[1], is_color=True)
+ combined = paddle.image.random_crop(
+ combined, out_size[0], is_color=True)
+ image = combined[:, :, 0:3]
+ label = combined[:, :, 3:4] + ignore_label
+ return image, label
+ def scale_label(self, label, factor):
+ """
+ Scale label according to factor.
+ """
+ h = label.shape[0] / factor
+ w = label.shape[1] / factor
+ return cv2.resize(
+ label, (h, w), interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST)[:, :, np.newaxis]
+ def mask(self, image, label0, label1, label2):
+ """
+ Get mask for valid pixels.
+ """
+ mask_sub1 = np.where(((label0 < (NUM_CLASSES + 1)) & (
+ label0 != IGNORE_LABEL)).flatten())[0].astype("int32")
+ mask_sub2 = np.where(((label1 < (NUM_CLASSES + 1)) & (
+ label1 != IGNORE_LABEL)).flatten())[0].astype("int32")
+ mask_sub4 = np.where(((label2 < (NUM_CLASSES + 1)) & (
+ label2 != IGNORE_LABEL)).flatten())[0].astype("int32")
+ return image.astype(
+ "float32"), label0, mask_sub1, label1, mask_sub2, label2, mask_sub4
+def train(batch_size=32, flip=True, scaling=True):
+ """
+ Cityscape training set reader.
+ It returns a reader, in which each result is a batch with batch_size samples.
+ :param batch_size: The batch size of each result return by the reader.
+ :type batch_size: int
+ :param flip: Whether flip images randomly.
+ :type batch_size: bool
+ :param scaling: Whether scale images randomly.
+ :type batch_size: bool
+ :return: Training reader.
+ :rtype: callable
+ """
+ reader = DataGenerater(
+ TRAIN_LIST, flip=flip, scaling=scaling).create_train_reader(batch_size)
+ return reader
+def test():
+ """
+ Cityscape validation set reader.
+ It returns a reader, in which each result is a sample.
+ :return: Training reader.
+ :rtype: callable
+ """
+ reader = DataGenerater(TEST_LIST).create_test_reader()
+ return reader
+def infer(image_list=TEST_LIST):
+ """
+ Infer set reader.
+ It returns a reader, in which each result is a sample.
+ :param image_list: The image list file in which each line is a path of image to be infered.
+ :type batch_size: str
+ :return: Infer reader.
+ :rtype: callable
+ """
+ reader = DataGenerater(image_list).create_test_reader()
diff --git a/fluid/icnet/eval.py b/fluid/icnet/eval.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d3253c3cb63b8bb58d8a1bdad3318de1c1441142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluid/icnet/eval.py
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+"""Evaluator for ICNet model."""
+import paddle.fluid as fluid
+import numpy as np
+from utils import add_arguments, print_arguments, get_feeder_data
+from paddle.fluid.layers.learning_rate_scheduler import _decay_step_counter
+from paddle.fluid.initializer import init_on_cpu
+from icnet import icnet
+import cityscape
+import argparse
+import functools
+import sys
+import os
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+add_arg = functools.partial(add_arguments, argparser=parser)
+# yapf: disable
+add_arg('model_path', str, None, "Model path.")
+add_arg('use_gpu', bool, True, "Whether use GPU to test.")
+# yapf: enable
+def cal_mean_iou(wrong, correct):
+ sum = wrong + cerroct
+ true_num = (sum != 0).sum()
+ for i in len(sum):
+ if sum[i] == 0:
+ sum[i] = 1
+ return (cerroct.astype("float64") / sum).sum() / true_num
+def create_iou(predict, label, mask, num_classes, image_shape):
+ predict = fluid.layers.resize_bilinear(predict, out_shape=image_shape[1:3])
+ predict = fluid.layers.transpose(predict, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
+ predict = fluid.layers.reshape(predict, shape=[-1, num_classes])
+ label = fluid.layers.reshape(label, shape=[-1, 1])
+ _, predict = fluid.layers.topk(predict, k=1)
+ predict = fluid.layers.cast(predict, dtype="float32")
+ predict = fluid.layers.gather(predict, mask)
+ label = fluid.layers.gather(label, mask)
+ label = fluid.layers.cast(label, dtype="int32")
+ predict = fluid.layers.cast(predict, dtype="int32")
+ iou, out_w, out_r = fluid.layers.mean_iou(predict, label, num_classes)
+ return iou, out_w, out_r
+def eval(args):
+ data_shape = cityscape.test_data_shape()
+ num_classes = cityscape.num_classes()
+ # define network
+ images = fluid.layers.data(name='image', shape=data_shape, dtype='float32')
+ label = fluid.layers.data(name='label', shape=[1], dtype='int32')
+ mask = fluid.layers.data(name='mask', shape=[-1], dtype='int32')
+ _, _, sub124_out = icnet(images, num_classes,
+ np.array(data_shape[1:]).astype("float32"))
+ iou, out_w, out_r = create_iou(sub124_out, label, mask, num_classes,
+ data_shape)
+ inference_program = fluid.default_main_program().clone(for_test=True)
+ # prepare environment
+ place = fluid.CPUPlace()
+ if args.use_gpu:
+ place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
+ exe = fluid.Executor(place)
+ exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program())
+ assert os.path.exists(args.model_path)
+ fluid.io.load_params(exe, args.model_path)
+ print "loaded model from: %s" % args.model_path
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ fetch_vars = [iou, out_w, out_r]
+ out_wrong = np.zeros([num_classes]).astype("int64")
+ out_right = np.zeros([num_classes]).astype("int64")
+ count = 0
+ test_reader = cityscape.test()
+ for data in test_reader():
+ count += 1
+ result = exe.run(inference_program,
+ feed=get_feeder_data(
+ data, place, for_test=True),
+ fetch_list=fetch_vars)
+ out_wrong += result[1]
+ out_right += result[2]
+ print "count: %s; current iou: %.3f;\r" % (count, result[0]),
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ iou = cal_mean_iou(out_wrong, out_right)
+ print "\nmean iou: %.3f" % iou
+def main():
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ print_arguments(args)
+ eval(args)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/fluid/icnet/icnet.py b/fluid/icnet/icnet.py
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..14eaa5fa25c8570cc8747842333c7ca72f104fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluid/icnet/icnet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+import paddle.fluid as fluid
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+def conv(input,
+ k_h,
+ k_w,
+ c_o,
+ s_h,
+ s_w,
+ relu=False,
+ padding="VALID",
+ biased=False,
+ name=None):
+ act = None
+ tmp = input
+ if relu:
+ act = "relu"
+ if padding == "SAME":
+ padding_h = max(k_h - s_h, 0)
+ padding_w = max(k_w - s_w, 0)
+ padding_top = padding_h / 2
+ padding_left = padding_w / 2
+ padding_bottom = padding_h - padding_top
+ padding_right = padding_w - padding_left
+ padding = [
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, padding_top, padding_bottom, padding_left, padding_right
+ ]
+ tmp = fluid.layers.pad(tmp, padding)
+ tmp = fluid.layers.conv2d(
+ tmp,
+ num_filters=c_o,
+ filter_size=[k_h, k_w],
+ stride=[s_h, s_w],
+ groups=1,
+ act=act,
+ bias_attr=biased,
+ use_cudnn=False,
+ name=name)
+ return tmp
+def atrous_conv(input,
+ k_h,
+ k_w,
+ c_o,
+ dilation,
+ relu=False,
+ padding="VALID",
+ biased=False,
+ name=None):
+ act = None
+ if relu:
+ act = "relu"
+ tmp = input
+ if padding == "SAME":
+ padding_h = max(k_h - s_h, 0)
+ padding_w = max(k_w - s_w, 0)
+ padding_top = padding_h / 2
+ padding_left = padding_w / 2
+ padding_bottom = padding_h - padding_top
+ padding_right = padding_w - padding_left
+ padding = [
+ 0, 0, 0, 0, padding_top, padding_bottom, padding_left, padding_right
+ ]
+ tmp = fluid.layers.pad(tmp, padding)
+ tmp = fluid.layers.conv2d(
+ input,
+ num_filters=c_o,
+ filter_size=[k_h, k_w],
+ dilation=dilation,
+ groups=1,
+ act=act,
+ bias_attr=biased,
+ use_cudnn=False,
+ name=name)
+ return tmp
+def zero_padding(input, padding):
+ return fluid.layers.pad(input,
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, padding, padding, padding, padding])
+def bn(input, relu=False, name=None, is_test=False):
+ act = None
+ if relu:
+ act = 'relu'
+ name = input.name.split(".")[0] + "_bn"
+ tmp = fluid.layers.batch_norm(
+ input, act=act, momentum=0.95, epsilon=1e-5, name=name)
+ return tmp
+def avg_pool(input, k_h, k_w, s_h, s_w, name=None, padding=0):
+ temp = fluid.layers.pool2d(
+ input,
+ pool_size=[k_h, k_w],
+ pool_type="avg",
+ pool_stride=[s_h, s_w],
+ pool_padding=padding,
+ name=name)
+ return temp
+def max_pool(input, k_h, k_w, s_h, s_w, name=None, padding=0):
+ temp = fluid.layers.pool2d(
+ input,
+ pool_size=[k_h, k_w],
+ pool_type="max",
+ pool_stride=[s_h, s_w],
+ pool_padding=padding,
+ name=name)
+ return temp
+def interp(input, out_shape):
+ out_shape = list(out_shape.astype("int32"))
+ return fluid.layers.resize_bilinear(input, out_shape=out_shape)
+def dilation_convs(input):
+ tmp = res_block(input, filter_num=256, padding=1, name="conv3_2")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=256, padding=1, name="conv3_3")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=256, padding=1, name="conv3_4")
+ tmp = proj_block(tmp, filter_num=512, padding=2, dilation=2, name="conv4_1")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=512, padding=2, dilation=2, name="conv4_2")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=512, padding=2, dilation=2, name="conv4_3")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=512, padding=2, dilation=2, name="conv4_4")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=512, padding=2, dilation=2, name="conv4_5")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=512, padding=2, dilation=2, name="conv4_6")
+ tmp = proj_block(
+ tmp, filter_num=1024, padding=4, dilation=4, name="conv5_1")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=1024, padding=4, dilation=4, name="conv5_2")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=1024, padding=4, dilation=4, name="conv5_3")
+ return tmp
+def pyramis_pooling(input, input_shape):
+ shape = np.ceil(input_shape / 32).astype("int32")
+ h, w = shape
+ pool1 = avg_pool(input, h, w, h, w)
+ pool1_interp = interp(pool1, shape)
+ pool2 = avg_pool(input, h / 2, w / 2, h / 2, w / 2)
+ pool2_interp = interp(pool2, shape)
+ pool3 = avg_pool(input, h / 3, w / 3, h / 3, w / 3)
+ pool3_interp = interp(pool3, shape)
+ pool4 = avg_pool(input, h / 4, w / 4, h / 4, w / 4)
+ pool4_interp = interp(pool4, shape)
+ conv5_3_sum = input + pool4_interp + pool3_interp + pool2_interp + pool1_interp
+ return conv5_3_sum
+def shared_convs(image):
+ tmp = conv(image, 3, 3, 32, 2, 2, padding='SAME', name="conv1_1_3_3_s2")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = conv(tmp, 3, 3, 32, 1, 1, padding='SAME', name="conv1_2_3_3")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = conv(tmp, 3, 3, 64, 1, 1, padding='SAME', name="conv1_3_3_3")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = max_pool(tmp, 3, 3, 2, 2, padding=[1, 1])
+ tmp = proj_block(tmp, filter_num=128, padding=0, name="conv2_1")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=128, padding=1, name="conv2_2")
+ tmp = res_block(tmp, filter_num=128, padding=1, name="conv2_3")
+ tmp = proj_block(tmp, filter_num=256, padding=1, stride=2, name="conv3_1")
+ return tmp
+def res_block(input, filter_num, padding=0, dilation=None, name=None):
+ tmp = conv(input, 1, 1, filter_num / 4, 1, 1, name=name + "_1_1_reduce")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = zero_padding(tmp, padding=padding)
+ if dilation is None:
+ tmp = conv(tmp, 3, 3, filter_num / 4, 1, 1, name=name + "_3_3")
+ else:
+ tmp = atrous_conv(
+ tmp, 3, 3, filter_num / 4, dilation, name=name + "_3_3")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = conv(tmp, 1, 1, filter_num, 1, 1, name=name + "_1_1_increase")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=False)
+ tmp = input + tmp
+ tmp = fluid.layers.relu(tmp, name=name + "_relu")
+ return tmp
+def proj_block(input, filter_num, padding=0, dilation=None, stride=1,
+ name=None):
+ proj = conv(
+ input, 1, 1, filter_num, stride, stride, name=name + "_1_1_proj")
+ proj_bn = bn(proj, relu=False)
+ tmp = conv(
+ input, 1, 1, filter_num / 4, stride, stride, name=name + "_1_1_reduce")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = zero_padding(tmp, padding=padding)
+ if padding == 0:
+ padding = 'SAME'
+ else:
+ padding = 'VALID'
+ if dilation is None:
+ tmp = conv(
+ tmp,
+ 3,
+ 3,
+ filter_num / 4,
+ 1,
+ 1,
+ padding=padding,
+ name=name + "_3_3")
+ else:
+ tmp = atrous_conv(
+ tmp,
+ 3,
+ 3,
+ filter_num / 4,
+ dilation,
+ padding=padding,
+ name=name + "_3_3")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = conv(tmp, 1, 1, filter_num, 1, 1, name=name + "_1_1_increase")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=False)
+ tmp = proj_bn + tmp
+ tmp = fluid.layers.relu(tmp, name=name + "_relu")
+ return tmp
+def sub_net_4(input, input_shape):
+ tmp = interp(input, out_shape=np.ceil(input_shape / 32))
+ tmp = dilation_convs(tmp)
+ tmp = pyramis_pooling(tmp, input_shape)
+ tmp = conv(tmp, 1, 1, 256, 1, 1, name="conv5_4_k1")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = interp(tmp, input_shape / 16)
+ return tmp
+def sub_net_2(input):
+ tmp = conv(input, 1, 1, 128, 1, 1, name="conv3_1_sub2_proj")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=False)
+ return tmp
+def sub_net_1(input):
+ tmp = conv(input, 3, 3, 32, 2, 2, padding='SAME', name="conv1_sub1")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = conv(tmp, 3, 3, 32, 2, 2, padding='SAME', name="conv2_sub1")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = conv(tmp, 3, 3, 64, 2, 2, padding='SAME', name="conv3_sub1")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=True)
+ tmp = conv(tmp, 1, 1, 128, 1, 1, name="conv3_sub1_proj")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=False)
+ return tmp
+def CCF24(sub2_out, sub4_out, input_shape):
+ tmp = zero_padding(sub4_out, padding=2)
+ tmp = atrous_conv(tmp, 3, 3, 128, 2, name="conv_sub4")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=False)
+ tmp = tmp + sub2_out
+ tmp = fluid.layers.relu(tmp)
+ tmp = interp(tmp, input_shape / 8)
+ return tmp
+def CCF124(sub1_out, sub24_out, input_shape):
+ tmp = zero_padding(sub24_out, padding=2)
+ tmp = atrous_conv(tmp, 3, 3, 128, 2, name="conv_sub2")
+ tmp = bn(tmp, relu=False)
+ tmp = tmp + sub1_out
+ tmp = fluid.layers.relu(tmp)
+ tmp = interp(tmp, input_shape / 4)
+ return tmp
+def icnet(data, num_classes, input_shape):
+ image_sub1 = data
+ image_sub2 = interp(data, out_shape=input_shape * 0.5)
+ s_convs = shared_convs(image_sub2)
+ sub4_out = sub_net_4(s_convs, input_shape)
+ sub2_out = sub_net_2(s_convs)
+ sub1_out = sub_net_1(image_sub1)
+ sub24_out = CCF24(sub2_out, sub4_out, input_shape)
+ sub124_out = CCF124(sub1_out, sub24_out, input_shape)
+ conv6_cls = conv(
+ sub124_out, 1, 1, num_classes, 1, 1, biased=True, name="conv6_cls")
+ sub4_out = conv(
+ sub4_out, 1, 1, num_classes, 1, 1, biased=True, name="sub4_out")
+ sub24_out = conv(
+ sub24_out, 1, 1, num_classes, 1, 1, biased=True, name="sub24_out")
+ return sub4_out, sub24_out, conv6_cls
diff --git a/fluid/icnet/images/icnet.png b/fluid/icnet/images/icnet.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f261bb14a85eceac7cd5df282ebc43021b7760d9
Binary files /dev/null and b/fluid/icnet/images/icnet.png differ
diff --git a/fluid/icnet/images/result.png b/fluid/icnet/images/result.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3b0b52ade05943b4a1d741fa4f3a947e8ac28ae
Binary files /dev/null and b/fluid/icnet/images/result.png differ
diff --git a/fluid/icnet/images/train_loss.png b/fluid/icnet/images/train_loss.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..15011073ae0bd55a9df853934f3329747ee9a426
Binary files /dev/null and b/fluid/icnet/images/train_loss.png differ
diff --git a/fluid/icnet/infer.py b/fluid/icnet/infer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63fb3268060248f70462cf914c613c53a1fc1f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluid/icnet/infer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+"""Infer for ICNet model."""
+import cityscape
+import argparse
+import functools
+import sys
+import os
+import cv2
+import paddle.fluid as fluid
+import paddle.v2 as paddle
+from icnet import icnet
+from utils import add_arguments, print_arguments, get_feeder_data
+from paddle.fluid.layers.learning_rate_scheduler import _decay_step_counter
+from paddle.fluid.initializer import init_on_cpu
+import numpy as np
+IMG_MEAN = np.array((103.939, 116.779, 123.68), dtype=np.float32)
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+add_arg = functools.partial(add_arguments, argparser=parser)
+# yapf: disable
+add_arg('model_path', str, None, "Model path.")
+add_arg('images_list', str, None, "List file with images to be infered.")
+add_arg('images_path', str, None, "The images path.")
+add_arg('out_path', str, "./output", "Output path.")
+add_arg('use_gpu', bool, True, "Whether use GPU to test.")
+# yapf: enable
+data_shape = [3, 1024, 2048]
+num_classes = 19
+label_colours = [
+ [128, 64, 128],
+ [244, 35, 231],
+ [69, 69, 69]
+ # 0 = road, 1 = sidewalk, 2 = building
+ ,
+ [102, 102, 156],
+ [190, 153, 153],
+ [153, 153, 153]
+ # 3 = wall, 4 = fence, 5 = pole
+ ,
+ [250, 170, 29],
+ [219, 219, 0],
+ [106, 142, 35]
+ # 6 = traffic light, 7 = traffic sign, 8 = vegetation
+ ,
+ [152, 250, 152],
+ [69, 129, 180],
+ [219, 19, 60]
+ # 9 = terrain, 10 = sky, 11 = person
+ ,
+ [255, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 142],
+ [0, 0, 69]
+ # 12 = rider, 13 = car, 14 = truck
+ ,
+ [0, 60, 100],
+ [0, 79, 100],
+ [0, 0, 230]
+ # 15 = bus, 16 = train, 17 = motocycle
+ ,
+ [119, 10, 32]
+# 18 = bicycle
+def color(input):
+ """
+ Convert infered result to color image.
+ """
+ result = []
+ for i in input.flatten():
+ result.append(
+ [label_colours[i][2], label_colours[i][1], label_colours[i][0]])
+ result = np.array(result).reshape([input.shape[0], input.shape[1], 3])
+ return result
+def infer(args):
+ data_shape = cityscape.test_data_shape()
+ num_classes = cityscape.num_classes()
+ # define network
+ images = fluid.layers.data(name='image', shape=data_shape, dtype='float32')
+ _, _, sub124_out = icnet(images, num_classes,
+ np.array(data_shape[1:]).astype("float32"))
+ predict = fluid.layers.resize_bilinear(
+ sub124_out, out_shape=data_shape[1:3])
+ predict = fluid.layers.transpose(predict, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
+ predict = fluid.layers.reshape(predict, shape=[-1, num_classes])
+ _, predict = fluid.layers.topk(predict, k=1)
+ predict = fluid.layers.reshape(
+ predict,
+ shape=[data_shape[1], data_shape[2], -1]) # batch_size should be 1
+ inference_program = fluid.default_main_program().clone(for_test=True)
+ # prepare environment
+ place = fluid.CPUPlace()
+ if args.use_gpu:
+ place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
+ exe = fluid.Executor(place)
+ exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program())
+ assert os.path.exists(args.model_path)
+ fluid.io.load_params(exe, args.model_path)
+ print "loaded model from: %s" % args.model_path
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if not os.path.isdir(args.out_path):
+ os.makedirs(args.out_path)
+ for line in open(args.images_list):
+ image_file = args.images_path + "/" + line.strip()
+ filename = os.path.basename(image_file)
+ image = paddle.image.load_image(
+ image_file, is_color=True).astype("float32")
+ image -= IMG_MEAN
+ img = paddle.image.to_chw(image)[np.newaxis, :]
+ image_t = fluid.core.LoDTensor()
+ image_t.set(img, place)
+ result = exe.run(inference_program,
+ feed={"image": image_t},
+ fetch_list=[predict])
+ cv2.imwrite(args.out_path + "/" + filename + "_result.png",
+ color(result[0]))
+def main():
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ print_arguments(args)
+ infer(args)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/fluid/icnet/train.py b/fluid/icnet/train.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..298a2113a15614641d573551e67006f9abbe751a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluid/icnet/train.py
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+"""Trainer for ICNet model."""
+from icnet import icnet
+import cityscape
+import argparse
+import functools
+import sys
+import time
+import paddle.fluid as fluid
+import numpy as np
+from utils import add_arguments, print_arguments, get_feeder_data
+from paddle.fluid.layers.learning_rate_scheduler import _decay_step_counter
+from paddle.fluid.initializer import init_on_cpu
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
+add_arg = functools.partial(add_arguments, argparser=parser)
+# yapf: disable
+add_arg('batch_size', int, 16, "Minibatch size.")
+add_arg('checkpoint_path', str, None, "Checkpoint svae path.")
+add_arg('init_model', str, None, "Pretrain model path.")
+add_arg('use_gpu', bool, True, "Whether use GPU to train.")
+add_arg('random_mirror', bool, True, "Whether prepare by random mirror.")
+add_arg('random_scaling', bool, True, "Whether prepare by random scaling.")
+# yapf: enable
+LAMBDA1 = 0.16
+LAMBDA2 = 0.4
+LAMBDA3 = 1.0
+POWER = 0.9
+TOTAL_STEP = 60000
+no_grad_set = []
+def create_loss(predict, label, mask, num_classes):
+ predict = fluid.layers.transpose(predict, perm=[0, 2, 3, 1])
+ predict = fluid.layers.reshape(predict, shape=[-1, num_classes])
+ label = fluid.layers.reshape(label, shape=[-1, 1])
+ predict = fluid.layers.gather(predict, mask)
+ label = fluid.layers.gather(label, mask)
+ label = fluid.layers.cast(label, dtype="int64")
+ loss = fluid.layers.softmax_with_cross_entropy(predict, label)
+ no_grad_set.append(label.name)
+ return fluid.layers.reduce_mean(loss)
+def poly_decay():
+ global_step = _decay_step_counter()
+ with init_on_cpu():
+ decayed_lr = LEARNING_RATE * (fluid.layers.pow(
+ (1 - global_step / TOTAL_STEP), POWER))
+ return decayed_lr
+def train(args):
+ data_shape = cityscape.train_data_shape()
+ num_classes = cityscape.num_classes()
+ # define network
+ images = fluid.layers.data(name='image', shape=data_shape, dtype='float32')
+ label_sub1 = fluid.layers.data(name='label_sub1', shape=[1], dtype='int32')
+ label_sub2 = fluid.layers.data(name='label_sub2', shape=[1], dtype='int32')
+ label_sub4 = fluid.layers.data(name='label_sub4', shape=[1], dtype='int32')
+ mask_sub1 = fluid.layers.data(name='mask_sub1', shape=[-1], dtype='int32')
+ mask_sub2 = fluid.layers.data(name='mask_sub2', shape=[-1], dtype='int32')
+ mask_sub4 = fluid.layers.data(name='mask_sub4', shape=[-1], dtype='int32')
+ sub4_out, sub24_out, sub124_out = icnet(
+ images, num_classes, np.array(data_shape[1:]).astype("float32"))
+ loss_sub4 = create_loss(sub4_out, label_sub4, mask_sub4, num_classes)
+ loss_sub24 = create_loss(sub24_out, label_sub2, mask_sub2, num_classes)
+ loss_sub124 = create_loss(sub124_out, label_sub1, mask_sub1, num_classes)
+ reduced_loss = LAMBDA1 * loss_sub4 + LAMBDA2 * loss_sub24 + LAMBDA3 * loss_sub124
+ regularizer = fluid.regularizer.L2Decay(0.0001)
+ optimizer = fluid.optimizer.Momentum(
+ learning_rate=poly_decay(), momentum=0.9, regularization=regularizer)
+ _, params_grads = optimizer.minimize(reduced_loss, no_grad_set=no_grad_set)
+ # prepare environment
+ place = fluid.CPUPlace()
+ if args.use_gpu:
+ place = fluid.CUDAPlace(0)
+ exe = fluid.Executor(place)
+ exe.run(fluid.default_startup_program())
+ if args.init_model is not None:
+ print "load model from: %s" % args.init_model
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ fluid.io.load_params(exe, args.init_model)
+ iter_id = 0
+ t_loss = 0.
+ sub4_loss = 0.
+ sub24_loss = 0.
+ sub124_loss = 0.
+ train_reader = cityscape.train(
+ args.batch_size, flip=args.random_mirror, scaling=args.random_scaling)
+ while True:
+ # train a pass
+ for data in train_reader():
+ if iter_id > TOTAL_STEP:
+ return
+ iter_id += 1
+ results = exe.run(
+ feed=get_feeder_data(data, place),
+ fetch_list=[reduced_loss, loss_sub4, loss_sub24, loss_sub124])
+ t_loss += results[0]
+ sub4_loss += results[1]
+ sub24_loss += results[2]
+ sub124_loss += results[3]
+ # training log
+ if iter_id % LOG_PERIOD == 0:
+ print "Iter[%d]; train loss: %.3f; sub4_loss: %.3f; sub24_loss: %.3f; sub124_loss: %.3f" % (
+ iter_id, t_loss / LOG_PERIOD, sub4_loss / LOG_PERIOD,
+ sub24_loss / LOG_PERIOD, sub124_loss / LOG_PERIOD)
+ t_loss = 0.
+ sub4_loss = 0.
+ sub24_loss = 0.
+ sub124_loss = 0.
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ if iter_id % CHECKPOINT_PERIOD == 0:
+ dir_name = args.checkpoint_path + "/" + str(iter_id)
+ fluid.io.save_persistables(exe, dirname=dir_name)
+ print "Saved checkpoint: %s" % (dir_name)
+def main():
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ print_arguments(args)
+ train(args)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/fluid/icnet/utils.py b/fluid/icnet/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..699841d65f16ffd0dfae0d27e33c2ec52479826e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fluid/icnet/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+"""Contains common utility functions."""
+# Copyright (c) 2018 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserve.
+#Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#limitations under the License.
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+import distutils.util
+import numpy as np
+from paddle.fluid import core
+def print_arguments(args):
+ """Print argparse's arguments.
+ Usage:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("name", default="Jonh", type=str, help="User name.")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ print_arguments(args)
+ :param args: Input argparse.Namespace for printing.
+ :type args: argparse.Namespace
+ """
+ print("----------- Configuration Arguments -----------")
+ for arg, value in sorted(vars(args).iteritems()):
+ print("%s: %s" % (arg, value))
+ print("------------------------------------------------")
+def add_arguments(argname, type, default, help, argparser, **kwargs):
+ """Add argparse's argument.
+ Usage:
+ .. code-block:: python
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ add_argument("name", str, "Jonh", "User name.", parser)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ """
+ type = distutils.util.strtobool if type == bool else type
+ argparser.add_argument(
+ "--" + argname,
+ default=default,
+ type=type,
+ help=help + ' Default: %(default)s.',
+ **kwargs)
+def to_lodtensor(data, place):
+ seq_lens = [len(seq) for seq in data]
+ cur_len = 0
+ lod = [cur_len]
+ for l in seq_lens:
+ cur_len += l
+ lod.append(cur_len)
+ flattened_data = np.concatenate(data, axis=0).astype("int32")
+ flattened_data = flattened_data.reshape([len(flattened_data), 1])
+ res = core.LoDTensor()
+ res.set(flattened_data, place)
+ res.set_lod([lod])
+ return res
+def get_feeder_data(data, place, for_test=False):
+ feed_dict = {}
+ image_t = core.LoDTensor()
+ image_t.set(data[0], place)
+ feed_dict["image"] = image_t
+ if not for_test:
+ labels_sub1_t = core.LoDTensor()
+ labels_sub2_t = core.LoDTensor()
+ labels_sub4_t = core.LoDTensor()
+ mask_sub1_t = core.LoDTensor()
+ mask_sub2_t = core.LoDTensor()
+ mask_sub4_t = core.LoDTensor()
+ labels_sub1_t.set(data[1], place)
+ labels_sub2_t.set(data[3], place)
+ mask_sub1_t.set(data[2], place)
+ mask_sub2_t.set(data[4], place)
+ labels_sub4_t.set(data[5], place)
+ mask_sub4_t.set(data[6], place)
+ feed_dict["label_sub1"] = labels_sub1_t
+ feed_dict["label_sub2"] = labels_sub2_t
+ feed_dict["mask_sub1"] = mask_sub1_t
+ feed_dict["mask_sub2"] = mask_sub2_t
+ feed_dict["label_sub4"] = labels_sub4_t
+ feed_dict["mask_sub4"] = mask_sub4_t
+ else:
+ label_t = core.LoDTensor()
+ mask_t = core.LoDTensor()
+ label_t.set(data[1], place)
+ mask_t.set(data[2], place)
+ feed_dict["label"] = label_t
+ feed_dict["mask"] = mask_t
+ return feed_dict