diff --git a/ssd/README.md b/ssd/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..428f8fd2ad42ee6a4a6890ff696c2eead1e2629b --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +# SSD目标检测 +## 概述 +SSD全称为Single Shot MultiBox Detector,是目标检测领域较新且效果较好的检测算法之一,具体参见论文\[[1](#引用)\]。SSD算法主要特点是检测速度快且检测精度高,当输入图像大小为300*300,显卡采用Nvidia Titan X时,检测速度可达到59FPS,并且在VOC2007 test数据集上mAP高达74.3%。PaddlePaddle已集成SSD算法,本示例旨在介绍如何使用PaddlePaddle的SSD模型进行目标检测。下文展开顺序为:首先简要介绍SSD原理,然后介绍示例包含文件及作用,接着介绍如何在PASCAL VOC数据集上训练、评估及检测,最后简要介绍如何在自有数据集上使用SSD。 +## SSD原理 +SSD使用一个卷积神经网络实现“端到端”的检测,所谓“端到端”指输入为原始图像,输出为检测结果,无需借助外部工具或流程进行特征提取、候选框生成等。论文中SSD的基础模型为VGG-16,其在VGG-16的某些层后面增加了一些额外的层进行候选框的提取,下图为模型的总体结构: + +

+图1. SSD网络结构 +

+ +如图所示,候选框的生成规则是预先设定的,比如Conv7输出的特征图每个像素点会对应6个候选框,这些候选框长宽比或面积有区分。在预测阶段模型会对这些提取出来的候选框做后处理,然后输出作为最终的检测结果。 +## 示例总览 +本示例共包含如下文件: +
+ +文件 | 用途 +---- | ----- +train.py | 训练脚本 +eval.py | 评估脚本,用于评估训好模型 +infer.py | 检测脚本,给定图片及模型,实施检测 +visual.py | 检测结果可视化 +image_util.py | 图像预处理所需公共函数 +data_provider.py | 数据处理脚本,生成训练、评估或检测所需数据 +config/pascal\_voc\_conf.py | 神经网络超参数配置文件 +data/label\_list | 类别列表 +data/prepare\_voc\_data.py | 准备训练PASCAL VOC数据列表 + +
表1. 示例文件
+ +训练阶段需要对数据做预处理,包括裁剪、采样等,这部分操作在```image_util.py```和```data_provider.py```中完成;值得注意的是,```config/vgg_config.py```为参数配置文件,包括训练参数、神经网络参数等,本配置文件包含参数是针对PASCAL VOC数据配置的,当训练自有数据时,需要仿照该文件配置新的参数;```data/prepare_voc_data.py```脚本用来生成文件列表,包括切分训练集和测试集,使用时需要用户事先下载并解压数据,默认采用VOC2007和VOC2012。 + +## PASCAL VOC数据集 +### 数据准备 +首先需要下载数据集,VOC2007\[[2](#引用)\]和VOC2012\[[3](#引用)\],VOC2007包含训练集和测试集,VOC2012只包含训练集,将下载好的数据解压,目录结构为```VOCdevkit/{VOC2007,VOC2012}```。进入```data```目录,运行```python prepare_voc_data.py```即可生成```trainval.txt```和```test.txt```,默认```prepare_voc_data.py```和```VOCdevkit```在相同目录下,且生成的文件列表也在该目录。需注意```trainval.txt```既包含VOC2007的训练数据,也包含VOC2012的训练数据,```test.txt```只包含VOC2007的测试数据。 +### 预训练模型准备 +下载训练好的VGG-16模型,推荐在ImageNet分类数据集上预训练的模型,针对caffe训练的模型,PaddlePaddle提供转换脚本,可方便转换成PaddlePaddle格式(待扩展),这里默认转换后的模型路径为```atrous_vgg/model.tar.gz```。 +### 模型训练 +直接执行```python train.py```即可进行训练。需要注意本示例仅支持CUDA GPU环境,无法在CPU上训练。```train.py```的一些关键执行逻辑: + +```python +paddle.init(use_gpu=True, trainer_count=4) +data_args = data_provider.Settings( + data_dir='./data', + label_file='label_list', + resize_h=cfg.IMG_HEIGHT, + resize_w=cfg.IMG_WIDTH, + mean_value=[104,117,124]) +train(train_file_list='./data/trainval.txt', + dev_file_list='./data/test.txt', + data_args=data_args, + init_model_path='./atrous_vgg/model.tar.gz') +``` + +调用```paddle.init```指定使用4卡GPU训练;调用```data_provider.Settings```配置数据预处理所需参数,其中```cfg.IMG_HEIGHT```和```cfg.IMG_WIDTH```在配置文件```config/vgg_config.py```中设置,这里均为300;调用```train```执行训练,其中```train_file_list```指定训练数据列表,```dev_file_list```指定评估数据列表,```init_model_path```指定预选模型位置。训练过程中会打印一些日志信息,每训练10个batch会输出当前的轮数、当前batch的cost及mAP,每训练一个pass,会保存一次模型,默认保存在```models```目录下(注:需事先创建)。 + +### 模型评估 +### 图像检测 + +## 自有数据集 + +## 引用 +1. Liu, Wei, et al. "Ssd: Single shot multibox detector." European conference on computer vision. Springer, Cham, 2016. +2. http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2007/index.html +3. http://host.robots.ox.ac.uk/pascal/VOC/voc2012/index.html diff --git a/ssd/config/__init__.py b/ssd/config/__init__.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391 diff --git a/ssd/config/pascal_voc_conf.py b/ssd/config/pascal_voc_conf.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..318b9ae6798be4855b9fdabdee85f690eb3139bc --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/config/pascal_voc_conf.py @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +from easydict import EasyDict as edict +import numpy as np + +__C = edict() +cfg = __C + +__C.TRAIN = edict() + +__C.IMG_WIDTH = 300 +__C.IMG_HEIGHT = 300 +__C.IMG_CHANNEL = 3 +__C.CLASS_NUM = 21 +__C.BACKGROUND_ID = 0 + +# training settings +__C.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE = 0.001 / 4 +__C.TRAIN.MOMENTUM = 0.9 +__C.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE = 32 +__C.TRAIN.NUM_PASS = 200 +__C.TRAIN.L2REGULARIZATION = 0.0005 * 4 +__C.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE_DECAY_A = 0.1 +__C.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE_DECAY_B = 16551 * 80 +__C.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE_SCHEDULE = 'discexp' + +__C.NET = edict() + +# configuration for multibox_loss_layer +__C.NET.MBLOSS = edict() +__C.NET.MBLOSS.OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.5 +__C.NET.MBLOSS.NEG_POS_RATIO = 3.0 +__C.NET.MBLOSS.NEG_OVERLAP = 0.5 + +# configuration for detection_map +__C.NET.DETMAP = edict() +__C.NET.DETMAP.OVERLAP_THRESHOLD = 0.5 +__C.NET.DETMAP.EVAL_DIFFICULT = False +__C.NET.DETMAP.AP_TYPE = "11point" + +# configuration for detection_output_layer +__C.NET.DETOUT = edict() +__C.NET.DETOUT.CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD = 0.01 +__C.NET.DETOUT.NMS_THRESHOLD = 0.45 +__C.NET.DETOUT.NMS_TOP_K = 400 +__C.NET.DETOUT.KEEP_TOP_K = 200 + +# configuration for priorbox_layer from conv4_3 +__C.NET.CONV4 = edict() +__C.NET.CONV4.PB = edict() +__C.NET.CONV4.PB.MIN_SIZE = [30] +__C.NET.CONV4.PB.ASPECT_RATIO = [2.] +__C.NET.CONV4.PB.VARIANCE = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] + +# configuration for priorbox_layer from fc7 +__C.NET.FC7 = edict() +__C.NET.FC7.PB = edict() +__C.NET.FC7.PB.MIN_SIZE = [60] +__C.NET.FC7.PB.MAX_SIZE = [114] +__C.NET.FC7.PB.ASPECT_RATIO = [2., 3.] +__C.NET.FC7.PB.VARIANCE = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] + +# configuration for priorbox_layer from conv6_2 +__C.NET.CONV6 = edict() +__C.NET.CONV6.PB = edict() +__C.NET.CONV6.PB.MIN_SIZE = [114] +__C.NET.CONV6.PB.MAX_SIZE = [168] +__C.NET.CONV6.PB.ASPECT_RATIO = [2., 3.] +__C.NET.CONV6.PB.VARIANCE = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] + +# configuration for priorbox_layer from conv7_2 +__C.NET.CONV7 = edict() +__C.NET.CONV7.PB = edict() +__C.NET.CONV7.PB.MIN_SIZE = [168] +__C.NET.CONV7.PB.MAX_SIZE = [222] +__C.NET.CONV7.PB.ASPECT_RATIO = [2., 3.] +__C.NET.CONV7.PB.VARIANCE = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] + +# configuration for priorbox_layer from conv8_2 +__C.NET.CONV8 = edict() +__C.NET.CONV8.PB = edict() +__C.NET.CONV8.PB.MIN_SIZE = [222] +__C.NET.CONV8.PB.MAX_SIZE = [276] +__C.NET.CONV8.PB.ASPECT_RATIO = [2., 3.] +__C.NET.CONV8.PB.VARIANCE = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] + +# configuration for priorbox_layer from pool6 +__C.NET.POOL6 = edict() +__C.NET.POOL6.PB = edict() +__C.NET.POOL6.PB.MIN_SIZE = [276] +__C.NET.POOL6.PB.MAX_SIZE = [330] +__C.NET.POOL6.PB.ASPECT_RATIO = [2., 3.] +__C.NET.POOL6.PB.VARIANCE = [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2] diff --git a/ssd/data/label_list b/ssd/data/label_list new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..87df23ce0aebcd5ab96fc91c868598c3333da59c --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/data/label_list @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +background +aeroplane +bicycle +bird +boat +bottle +bus +car +cat +chair +cow +diningtable +dog +horse +motorbike +person +pottedplant +sheep +sofa +train +tvmonitor diff --git a/ssd/data/prepare_voc_data.py b/ssd/data/prepare_voc_data.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a55b232de1ff50fc70ec65dc1412fcaff7601666 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/data/prepare_voc_data.py @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +import os +import os.path as osp +import re +import random + +devkit_dir = './VOCdevkit' +years = ['2007', '2012'] + + +def get_img_dir(devkit_dir, year): + return osp.join(devkit_dir, 'VOC' + year, 'JPEGImages') + + +def get_annotation_dir(devkit_dir, year): + return osp.join(devkit_dir, 'VOC' + year, 'Annotations') + + +def get_filelist_dir(devkit_dir, year): + return osp.join(devkit_dir, 'VOC' + year, 'ImageSets/Main') + + +def walk_dir(devkit_dir, year): + filelist_dir = get_filelist_dir(devkit_dir, year) + annotation_dir = get_annotation_dir(devkit_dir, year) + img_dir = get_img_dir(devkit_dir, year) + trainval_list = [] + test_list = [] + added = set() + + for _, _, files in os.walk(filelist_dir): + for fname in files: + img_ann_list = [] + if re.match('[a-z]+_trainval\.txt', fname): + img_ann_list = trainval_list + elif re.match('[a-z]+_test\.txt', fname): + img_ann_list = test_list + else: + continue + fpath = osp.join(filelist_dir, fname) + for line in open(fpath): + name_prefix = line.strip().split()[0] + if name_prefix in added: + continue + added.add(name_prefix) + ann_path = osp.join(annotation_dir, name_prefix + '.xml') + img_path = osp.join(img_dir, name_prefix + '.jpg') + assert os.path.isfile(ann_path), 'file %s not found.' % ann_path + assert os.path.isfile(img_path), 'file %s not found.' % img_path + img_ann_list.append((img_path, ann_path)) + + return trainval_list, test_list + + +def prepare_filelist(devkit_dir, years, output_dir): + trainval_list = [] + test_list = [] + for year in years: + trainval, test = walk_dir(devkit_dir, year) + trainval_list.extend(trainval) + test_list.extend(test) + random.shuffle(trainval_list) + with open(osp.join(output_dir, 'trainval.txt'), 'w') as ftrainval: + for item in trainval_list: + ftrainval.write(item[0] + ' ' + item[1] + '\n') + + with open(osp.join(output_dir, 'test.txt'), 'w') as ftest: + for item in test_list: + ftest.write(item[0] + ' ' + item[1] + '\n') + + +prepare_filelist(devkit_dir, years, '.') diff --git a/ssd/data_provider.py b/ssd/data_provider.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c01eb0819b9b29c4c5f979cf5052b056ecd91002 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/data_provider.py @@ -0,0 +1,182 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +import image_util +from paddle.utils.image_util import * +import random +from PIL import Image +import numpy as np +import xml.etree.ElementTree +import os + + +class Settings(object): + def __init__(self, data_dir, label_file, resize_h, resize_w, mean_value): + self._data_dir = data_dir + self._label_list = [] + label_fpath = os.path.join(data_dir, label_file) + for line in open(label_fpath): + self._label_list.append(line.strip()) + + self._resize_height = resize_h + self._resize_width = resize_w + self._mean_value = mean_value + + img_size = self._resize_height * self._resize_width + self._img_mean = np.zeros(img_size * 3, dtype=np.single) + for idx, value in enumerate(self._mean_value): + self._img_mean[idx * img_size:(idx + 1) * img_size] = value + self._img_mean = self._img_mean.reshape(3, self._resize_height, + self._resize_width) + self._img_mean = self._img_mean.astype('float32') + + @property + def data_dir(self): + return self._data_dir + + @property + def label_list(self): + return self._label_list + + @property + def resize_h(self): + return self._resize_height + + @property + def resize_w(self): + return self._resize_width + + @property + def img_mean(self): + return self._img_mean + + +def _reader_creator(settings, file_list, mode, shuffle): + def reader(): + with open(file_list) as flist: + lines = [line.strip() for line in flist] + if shuffle: + random.shuffle(lines) + for line in lines: + if mode == 'train' or mode == 'test': + img_path, label_path = line.split() + img_path = os.path.join(settings.data_dir, img_path) + label_path = os.path.join(settings.data_dir, label_path) + elif mode == 'infer': + img_path = os.path.join(settings.data_dir, line) + + img = Image.open(img_path) + img_width, img_height = img.size + img = np.array(img) + + # layout: label | xmin | ymin | xmax | ymax | difficult + if mode == 'train' or mode == 'test': + bbox_labels = [] + root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse(label_path).getroot() + for object in root.findall('object'): + bbox_sample = [] + # start from 1 + bbox_sample.append( + float( + settings.label_list.index( + object.find('name').text))) + bbox = object.find('bndbox') + difficult = float(object.find('difficult').text) + bbox_sample.append( + float(bbox.find('xmin').text) / img_width) + bbox_sample.append( + float(bbox.find('ymin').text) / img_height) + bbox_sample.append( + float(bbox.find('xmax').text) / img_width) + bbox_sample.append( + float(bbox.find('ymax').text) / img_height) + bbox_sample.append(difficult) + bbox_labels.append(bbox_sample) + + sample_labels = bbox_labels + if mode == 'train': + batch_sampler = [] + # hard-code here + batch_sampler.append( + image_util.sampler(1, 1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, + 0.0)) + batch_sampler.append( + image_util.sampler(1, 50, 0.3, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0, 0.1, + 0.0)) + batch_sampler.append( + image_util.sampler(1, 50, 0.3, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0, 0.3, + 0.0)) + batch_sampler.append( + image_util.sampler(1, 50, 0.3, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0, 0.5, + 0.0)) + batch_sampler.append( + image_util.sampler(1, 50, 0.3, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0, 0.7, + 0.0)) + batch_sampler.append( + image_util.sampler(1, 50, 0.3, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0, 0.9, + 0.0)) + batch_sampler.append( + image_util.sampler(1, 50, 0.3, 1.0, 0.5, 2.0, 0.0, + 1.0)) + """ random crop """ + sampled_bbox = image_util.generateBatchSamples( + batch_sampler, bbox_labels, img_width, img_height) + + if len(sampled_bbox) > 0: + idx = int(random.uniform(0, len(sampled_bbox))) + img, sample_labels = image_util.cropImage( + img, bbox_labels, sampled_bbox[idx], img_width, + img_height) + + img = Image.fromarray(img) + img = img.resize((settings.resize_w, settings.resize_h), + Image.ANTIALIAS) + img = np.array(img) + + if mode == 'train': + mirror = int(random.uniform(0, 2)) + if mirror == 1: + img = img[:, ::-1, :] + for i in xrange(len(sample_labels)): + tmp = sample_labels[i][1] + sample_labels[i][1] = 1 - sample_labels[i][3] + sample_labels[i][3] = 1 - tmp + + if len(img.shape) == 3: + img = np.swapaxes(img, 1, 2) + img = np.swapaxes(img, 1, 0) + + img = img.astype('float32') + img -= settings.img_mean + img = img.flatten() + + if mode == 'train' or mode == 'test': + if mode == 'train' and len(sample_labels) == 0: continue + yield img.astype('float32'), sample_labels + elif mode == 'infer': + yield img.astype('float32') + + return reader + + +def train(settings, file_list, shuffle=True): + return _reader_creator(settings, file_list, 'train', shuffle) + + +def test(settings, file_list): + return _reader_creator(settings, file_list, 'test', False) + + +def infer(settings, file_list): + return _reader_creator(settings, file_list, 'infer', False) diff --git a/ssd/eval.py b/ssd/eval.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..345e46f98b098480877a54dac842bd576112b1a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/eval.py @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +import paddle.v2 as paddle +import data_provider +import vgg_ssd_net +import os, sys +import gzip +from config.pascal_voc_conf import cfg + + +def eval(eval_file_list, batch_size, data_args, model_path): + cost, detect_out = vgg_ssd_net.net_conf(mode='eval') + + assert os.path.isfile(model_path), 'Invalid model.' + parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(gzip.open(model_path)) + + optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Momentum() + + trainer = paddle.trainer.SGD( + cost=cost, + parameters=parameters, + extra_layers=[detect_out], + update_equation=optimizer) + + feeding = {'image': 0, 'bbox': 1} + + reader = paddle.batch( + data_provider.test(data_args, eval_file_list), batch_size=batch_size) + + result = trainer.test(reader=reader, feeding=feeding) + + print "TestCost: %f, Detection mAP=%g" % \ + (result.cost, result.metrics['detection_evaluator']) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + paddle.init(use_gpu=True, trainer_count=4) # use 4 gpus + + data_args = data_provider.Settings( + data_dir='./data', + label_file='label_list', + resize_h=cfg.IMG_HEIGHT, + resize_w=cfg.IMG_WIDTH, + mean_value=[104, 117, 124]) + + eval( + eval_file_list='./data/test.txt', + batch_size=4, + data_args=data_args, + model_path='models/pass-00000.tar.gz') diff --git a/ssd/image_util.py b/ssd/image_util.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9997fd5589dd53b67e2d2279f296aa22ce56df83 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/image_util.py @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2016 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved +# +# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); +# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. +# You may obtain a copy of the License at +# +# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, +# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. +# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and +# limitations under the License. + +from PIL import Image +import numpy as np +import random +import math + + +class sampler(): + def __init__(self, max_sample, max_trial, min_scale, max_scale, + min_aspect_ratio, max_aspect_ratio, min_jaccard_overlap, + max_jaccard_overlap): + self.max_sample = max_sample + self.max_trial = max_trial + self.min_scale = min_scale + self.max_scale = max_scale + self.min_aspect_ratio = min_aspect_ratio + self.max_aspect_ratio = max_aspect_ratio + self.min_jaccard_overlap = min_jaccard_overlap + self.max_jaccard_overlap = max_jaccard_overlap + + +class bbox(): + def __init__(self, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax): + self.xmin = xmin + self.ymin = ymin + self.xmax = xmax + self.ymax = ymax + + +def bboxSize(src_bbox): + width = src_bbox.xmax - src_bbox.xmin + height = src_bbox.ymax - src_bbox.ymin + return width * height + + +def preprocessImg(obj, im): + im = im.astype('float32') + pic = im + pic -= obj.img_mean + return pic.flatten() + + +def generateSample(sampler): + scale = random.uniform(sampler.min_scale, sampler.max_scale) + min_aspect_ratio = max(sampler.min_aspect_ratio, (scale**2.0)) + max_aspect_ratio = min(sampler.max_aspect_ratio, 1 / (scale**2.0)) + aspect_ratio = random.uniform(min_aspect_ratio, max_aspect_ratio) + bbox_width = scale * (aspect_ratio**0.5) + bbox_height = scale / (aspect_ratio**0.5) + xmin_bound = 1 - bbox_width + ymin_bound = 1 - bbox_height + xmin = random.uniform(0, xmin_bound) + ymin = random.uniform(0, ymin_bound) + xmax = xmin + bbox_width + ymax = ymin + bbox_height + sampled_bbox = bbox(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) + return sampled_bbox + + +def jaccardOverlap(sample_bbox, object_bbox): + if sample_bbox.xmin >= object_bbox.xmax or \ + sample_bbox.xmax <= object_bbox.xmin or \ + sample_bbox.ymin >= object_bbox.ymax or \ + sample_bbox.ymax <= object_bbox.ymin: + return 0 + intersect_xmin = max(sample_bbox.xmin, object_bbox.xmin) + intersect_ymin = max(sample_bbox.ymin, object_bbox.ymin) + intersect_xmax = min(sample_bbox.xmax, object_bbox.xmax) + intersect_ymax = min(sample_bbox.ymax, object_bbox.ymax) + intersect_size = (intersect_xmax - intersect_xmin) * ( + intersect_ymax - intersect_ymin) + sample_bbox_size = bboxSize(sample_bbox) + object_bbox_size = bboxSize(object_bbox) + overlap = intersect_size / ( + sample_bbox_size + object_bbox_size - intersect_size) + return overlap + + +def satisfySampleConstraint(sampler, sample_bbox, bbox_labels): + if sampler.min_jaccard_overlap == 0 and sampler.max_jaccard_overlap == 0: + return True + for i in range(len(bbox_labels)): + object_bbox = bbox(bbox_labels[i][1], bbox_labels[i][2], + bbox_labels[i][3], bbox_labels[i][4]) + overlap = jaccardOverlap(sample_bbox, object_bbox) + if sampler.min_jaccard_overlap != 0 and \ + overlap < sampler.min_jaccard_overlap: + continue + if sampler.max_jaccard_overlap != 0 and \ + overlap > sampler.max_jaccard_overlap: + continue + return True + return False + + +def generateBatchSamples(batch_sampler, bbox_labels, image_width, image_height): + sampled_bbox = [] + index = [] + c = 0 + for sampler in batch_sampler: + found = 0 + for i in range(sampler.max_trial): + if found >= sampler.max_sample: + break + sample_bbox = generateSample(sampler) + if satisfySampleConstraint(sampler, sample_bbox, bbox_labels): + sampled_bbox.append(sample_bbox) + found = found + 1 + index.append(c) + c = c + 1 + return sampled_bbox + + +def clipBBox(src_bbox): + src_bbox.xmin = max(min(src_bbox.xmin, 1.0), 0.0) + src_bbox.ymin = max(min(src_bbox.ymin, 1.0), 0.0) + src_bbox.xmax = max(min(src_bbox.xmax, 1.0), 0.0) + src_bbox.ymax = max(min(src_bbox.ymax, 1.0), 0.0) + return src_bbox + + +def meetEmitConstraint(src_bbox, sample_bbox): + center_x = (src_bbox.xmax + src_bbox.xmin) / 2 + center_y = (src_bbox.ymax + src_bbox.ymin) / 2 + if center_x >= sample_bbox.xmin and \ + center_x <= sample_bbox.xmax and \ + center_y >= sample_bbox.ymin and \ + center_y <= sample_bbox.ymax: + return True + return False + + +def transformLabels(bbox_labels, sample_bbox): + proj_bbox = bbox(0, 0, 0, 0) + sample_labels = [] + for i in range(len(bbox_labels)): + sample_label = [] + object_bbox = bbox(bbox_labels[i][1], bbox_labels[i][2], + bbox_labels[i][3], bbox_labels[i][4]) + if not meetEmitConstraint(object_bbox, sample_bbox): + continue + sample_width = sample_bbox.xmax - sample_bbox.xmin + sample_height = sample_bbox.ymax - sample_bbox.ymin + proj_bbox.xmin = (object_bbox.xmin - sample_bbox.xmin) / sample_width + proj_bbox.ymin = (object_bbox.ymin - sample_bbox.ymin) / sample_height + proj_bbox.xmax = (object_bbox.xmax - sample_bbox.xmin) / sample_width + proj_bbox.ymax = (object_bbox.ymax - sample_bbox.ymin) / sample_height + proj_bbox = clipBBox(proj_bbox) + if bboxSize(proj_bbox) > 0: + sample_label.append(bbox_labels[i][0]) + sample_label.append(float(proj_bbox.xmin)) + sample_label.append(float(proj_bbox.ymin)) + sample_label.append(float(proj_bbox.xmax)) + sample_label.append(float(proj_bbox.ymax)) + sample_label.append(bbox_labels[i][5]) + sample_labels.append(sample_label) + return sample_labels + + +def cropImage(img, bbox_labels, sample_bbox, image_width, image_height): + sample_bbox = clipBBox(sample_bbox) + xmin = int(sample_bbox.xmin * image_width) + xmax = int(sample_bbox.xmax * image_width) + ymin = int(sample_bbox.ymin * image_height) + ymax = int(sample_bbox.ymax * image_height) + sample_img = img[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] + sample_labels = transformLabels(bbox_labels, sample_bbox) + return sample_img, sample_labels diff --git a/ssd/images/ssd_network.png b/ssd/images/ssd_network.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..193caa0168a4f981506ad7b97f8b9fb35557ed20 Binary files /dev/null and b/ssd/images/ssd_network.png differ diff --git a/ssd/index.html b/ssd/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c312ea5013ab9f1873213936d7f46c2b578c0bf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/ssd/infer.py b/ssd/infer.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..600f44b4d09e0b67c1fab89bb28cef136adb6bf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/infer.py @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +import paddle.v2 as paddle +import data_provider +import vgg_ssd_net +import os, sys +import numpy as np +import gzip +from PIL import Image +from config.pascal_voc_conf import cfg + + +def _infer(inferer, infer_data, threshold): + ret = [] + infer_res = inferer.infer(input=infer_data) + keep_inds = np.where(infer_res[:, 2] >= threshold)[0] + for idx in keep_inds: + ret.append([ + infer_res[idx][0], infer_res[idx][1] - 1, infer_res[idx][2], + infer_res[idx][3], infer_res[idx][4], infer_res[idx][5], + infer_res[idx][6] + ]) + return ret + + +def infer(eval_file_list, save_path, data_args, batch_size, model_path, + threshold): + detect_out = vgg_net_ssd_v2.net_conf(mode='infer') + + assert os.path.isfile(init_model_path), 'Invalid model.' + parameters = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar(gzip.open(model_path)) + + inferer = paddle.inference.Inference( + output_layer=detect_out, parameters=parameters) + + reader = data_provider.infer(data_args, eval_file_list) + all_fname_list = [line.strip() for line in open(eval_file_list).readlines()] + + test_data = [] + fname_list = [] + img_w = [] + img_h = [] + idx = 0 + """Do inference batch by batch, + coords of bbox will be scaled based on image size + """ + with open(save_path, 'w') as fout: + for img in reader(): + test_data.append([img]) + fname_list.append(all_fname_list[idx]) + w, h = \ + Image.open(os.path.join('./data', fname_list[-1])).size + img_w.append(w) + img_h.append(h) + if len(test_data) == batch_size: + ret_res = _infer(inferer, test_data, threshold) + for det_res in ret_res: + img_idx = int(det_res[0]) + label = int(det_res[1]) + conf_score = det_res[2] + xmin = det_res[3] * img_w[img_idx] + ymin = det_res[4] * img_h[img_idx] + xmax = det_res[5] * img_w[img_idx] + ymax = det_res[6] * img_h[img_idx] + fout.write(fname_list[img_idx] + '\t' + str(label) + '\t' + + str(conf_score) + '\t' + str(xmin) + ' ' + str( + ymin) + ' ' + str(xmax) + ' ' + str( + ymax) + '\n') + test_data = [] + fname_list = [] + img_w = [] + img_h = [] + idx += 1 + + if len(test_data) > 0: + ret_res = _infer(inferer, test_data, threshold) + for det_res in ret_res: + img_idx = int(det_res[0]) + label = int(det_res[1]) + conf_score = det_res[2] + xmin = det_res[3] * img_w[img_idx] + ymin = det_res[4] * img_h[img_idx] + xmax = det_res[5] * img_w[img_idx] + ymax = det_res[6] * img_h[img_idx] + fout.write(fname_list[img_idx] + '\t' + str(label) + '\t' + str( + conf_score) + '\t' + str(xmin) + ' ' + str(ymin) + ' ' + + str(xmax) + ' ' + str(ymax) + '\n') + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + paddle.init(use_gpu=True, trainer_count=1) + + data_args = data_provider.Settings( + data_dir='./data', + label_file='label_list', + resize_h=cfg.IMG_HEIGHT, + resize_w=cfg.IMG_WIDTH, + mean_value=[104, 117, 124]) + + infer( + eval_file_list='./data/infer.txt', + save_path='infer.res', + data_args=data_args, + batch_size=4, + model_path='models/pass-00000.tar.gz', + threshold=0.3) diff --git a/ssd/train.py b/ssd/train.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f980bf4e9ac412ae607963cf0286903103d8d2e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/train.py @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +import paddle.v2 as paddle +import data_provider +import vgg_ssd_net +import os, sys +import gzip +import tarfile +from pascal_voc_conf import cfg + + +def train(train_file_list, dev_file_list, data_args, init_model_path): + cost, detect_out = vgg_ssd_net.net_conf('train') + + parameters = paddle.parameters.create(cost) + + if not (init_model_path is None): + assert os.path.isfile(init_model_path), 'Invalid model.' + fparams = paddle.parameters.Parameters.from_tar( + gzip.open(init_model_path)) + for param_name in fparams.names(): + parameters.set(param_name, fparams.get(param_name)) + + optimizer = paddle.optimizer.Momentum( + momentum=cfg.TRAIN.MOMENTUM, + learning_rate=cfg.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE, + regularization=paddle.optimizer.L2Regularization( + rate=cfg.TRAIN.L2REGULARIZATION), + learning_rate_decay_a=cfg.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE_DECAY_A, + learning_rate_decay_b=cfg.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE_DECAY_B, + learning_rate_schedule=cfg.TRAIN.LEARNING_RATE_SCHEDULE) + + trainer = paddle.trainer.SGD( + cost=cost, + parameters=parameters, + extra_layers=[detect_out], + update_equation=optimizer) + + feeding = {'image': 0, 'bbox': 1} + + train_reader = paddle.batch( + paddle.reader.shuffle( + data_provider.train(data_args, train_file_list), buf_size=200), + batch_size=cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE) # generate a batch image each time + + dev_reader = paddle.batch( + data_provider.test(data_args, dev_file_list), + batch_size=cfg.TRAIN.BATCH_SIZE) + + def event_handler(event): + if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndIteration): + if event.batch_id % 1 == 0: + print "\nPass %d, Batch %d, TrainCost %f, Detection mAP=%f" % \ + (event.pass_id, + event.batch_id, + event.cost, + event.metrics['detection_evaluator']) + else: + sys.stdout.write('.') + sys.stdout.flush() + + if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndPass): + with gzip.open('models/params_pass_%05d.tar.gz' % event.pass_id, + 'w') as f: + parameters.to_tar(f) + result = trainer.test(reader=dev_reader, feeding=feeding) + print "\nTest with Pass %d, TestCost: %f, Detection mAP=%g" % \ + (event.pass_id, + result.cost, + result.metrics['detection_evaluator']) + + trainer.train( + reader=train_reader, + event_handler=event_handler, + num_passes=cfg.TRAIN.NUM_PASS, + feeding=feeding) + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + paddle.init(use_gpu=True, trainer_count=4) + data_args = data_provider.Settings( + data_dir='./data', + label_file='label_list', + resize_h=cfg.IMG_HEIGHT, + resize_w=cfg.IMG_WIDTH, + mean_value=[104, 117, 124]) + train( + train_file_list='./data/trainval.txt', + dev_file_list='./data/test.txt', + data_args=data_args, + init_model_path='./atrous_vgg/model.tar.gz') diff --git a/ssd/vgg_ssd_net.py b/ssd/vgg_ssd_net.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a4f0d314a685b957cb0a1c2f0a74efc77bc477a --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/vgg_ssd_net.py @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ +import paddle.v2 as paddle +from config.vgg_config import cfg + + +def net_conf(mode): + """Network configuration. Total three modes included 'train' 'eval' + and 'infer'. Loss and mAP evaluation layer will return if using 'train' + and 'eval'. In 'infer' mode, only detection output layer will be returned. + """ + default_l2regularization = cfg.TRAIN.L2REGULARIZATION + + default_bias_attr = paddle.attr.ParamAttr( + l2_rate=0.0, learning_rate=2.0, momentum=cfg.TRAIN.MOMENTUM) + default_static_bias_attr = paddle.attr.ParamAttr(is_static=True) + + def xavier(channels, filter_size, local_lr, regularization): + init_w = (3.0 / (filter_size**2 * channels))**0.5 + is_static = False + if local_lr == 0.0: + is_static = True + return paddle.attr.ParamAttr( + initial_min=(0.0 - init_w), + initial_max=init_w, + learning_rate=local_lr, + l2_rate=regularization, + momentum=cfg.TRAIN.MOMENTUM, + is_static=is_static) + + def vgg_block(idx_str, input, num_channels, num_filters, pool_size, + pool_stride, pool_pad): + layer_name = "conv%s_" % idx_str + conv1 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name=layer_name + "1", + input=input, + filter_size=3, + num_channels=num_channels, + num_filters=num_filters, + stride=1, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(num_filters, 3, 1, default_l2regularization), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + conv2 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name=layer_name + "2", + input=conv1, + filter_size=3, + num_channels=num_filters, + num_filters=num_filters, + stride=1, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(num_filters, 3, 1, default_l2regularization), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + conv3 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name=layer_name + "3", + input=conv2, + filter_size=3, + num_channels=num_filters, + num_filters=num_filters, + stride=1, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(num_filters, 3, 1, default_l2regularization), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + pool = paddle.layer.img_pool( + input=conv3, + pool_size=pool_size, + num_channels=num_filters, + pool_type=paddle.pooling.CudnnMax(), + stride=pool_stride, + padding=pool_pad) + return conv3, pool + + def mbox_block(layer_idx, input, num_channels, filter_size, loc_filters, + conf_filters): + mbox_loc_name = layer_idx + "_mbox_loc" + mbox_loc = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name=mbox_loc_name, + input=input, + filter_size=filter_size, + num_channels=num_channels, + num_filters=loc_filters, + stride=1, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(loc_filters, filter_size, 1, + default_l2regularization), + act=paddle.activation.Identity()) + + mbox_conf_name = layer_idx + "_mbox_conf" + mbox_conf = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name=mbox_conf_name, + input=input, + filter_size=filter_size, + num_channels=num_channels, + num_filters=conf_filters, + stride=1, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(conf_filters, filter_size, 1, + default_l2regularization), + act=paddle.activation.Identity()) + + return mbox_loc, mbox_conf + + def ssd_block(layer_idx, input, img_shape, num_channels, num_filters1, + num_filters2, aspect_ratio, variance, min_size, max_size): + layer_name = "conv" + layer_idx + "_" + conv1_name = layer_name + "1" + conv1 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name=conv1_name, + input=input, + filter_size=1, + num_channels=num_channels, + num_filters=num_filters1, + stride=1, + padding=0, + bias_attr=default_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(num_filters1, 1, 1, default_l2regularization), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + conv2_name = layer_name + "2" + conv2 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name=conv2_name, + input=conv1, + filter_size=3, + num_channels=num_filters1, + num_filters=num_filters2, + stride=2, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(num_filters2, 3, 1, default_l2regularization), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + + loc_filters = (len(aspect_ratio) * 2 + 1 + len(max_size)) * 4 + conf_filters = ( + len(aspect_ratio) * 2 + 1 + len(max_size)) * cfg.CLASS_NUM + mbox_loc, mbox_conf = mbox_block(conv2_name, conv2, num_filters2, 3, + loc_filters, conf_filters) + mbox_priorbox = paddle.layer.priorbox( + input=conv2, + image=img_shape, + min_size=min_size, + max_size=max_size, + aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio, + variance=variance) + + return conv2, mbox_loc, mbox_conf, mbox_priorbox + + img = paddle.layer.data( + name='image', + type=paddle.data_type.dense_vector(cfg.IMG_CHANNEL * cfg.IMG_HEIGHT * + cfg.IMG_WIDTH), + height=cfg.IMG_HEIGHT, + width=cfg.IMG_WIDTH) + + conv1_1 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name="conv1_1", + input=img, + filter_size=3, + num_channels=3, + num_filters=64, + stride=1, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_static_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(64, 3, 0, 0), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + conv1_2 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name="conv1_2", + input=conv1_1, + filter_size=3, + num_channels=64, + num_filters=64, + stride=1, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_static_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(64, 3, 0, 0), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + pool1 = paddle.layer.img_pool( + name="pool1", + input=conv1_2, + pool_type=paddle.pooling.CudnnMax(), + pool_size=2, + num_channels=64, + stride=2) + + conv2_1 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name="conv2_1", + input=pool1, + filter_size=3, + num_channels=64, + num_filters=128, + stride=1, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_static_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(128, 3, 0, 0), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + conv2_2 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name="conv2_2", + input=conv2_1, + filter_size=3, + num_channels=128, + num_filters=128, + stride=1, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_static_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(128, 3, 0, 0), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + pool2 = paddle.layer.img_pool( + name="pool2", + input=conv2_2, + pool_type=paddle.pooling.CudnnMax(), + pool_size=2, + num_channels=128, + stride=2) + + conv3_3, pool3 = vgg_block("3", pool2, 128, 256, 2, 2, 0) + + conv4_3, pool4 = vgg_block("4", pool3, 256, 512, 2, 2, 0) + conv4_3_mbox_priorbox = paddle.layer.priorbox( + input=conv4_3, + image=img, + min_size=cfg.NET.CONV4.PB.MIN_SIZE, + aspect_ratio=cfg.NET.CONV4.PB.ASPECT_RATIO, + variance=cfg.NET.CONV4.PB.VARIANCE) + conv4_3_norm = paddle.layer.cross_channel_norm( + name="conv4_3_norm", + input=conv4_3, + param_attr=paddle.attr.ParamAttr( + initial_mean=20, + initial_std=0, + is_static=False, + learning_rate=1, + momentum=cfg.TRAIN.MOMENTUM)) + conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc, conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf = \ + mbox_block("conv4_3_norm", conv4_3_norm, 512, 3, 12, 63) + + conv5_3, pool5 = vgg_block("5", pool4, 512, 512, 3, 1, 1) + + fc6 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name="fc6", + input=pool5, + filter_size=3, + num_channels=512, + num_filters=1024, + stride=1, + padding=1, + bias_attr=default_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(1024, 3, 1, default_l2regularization), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + + fc7 = paddle.layer.img_conv( + name="fc7", + input=fc6, + filter_size=1, + num_channels=1024, + num_filters=1024, + stride=1, + padding=0, + bias_attr=default_bias_attr, + param_attr=xavier(1024, 1, 1, default_l2regularization), + act=paddle.activation.Relu()) + fc7_mbox_loc, fc7_mbox_conf = mbox_block("fc7", fc7, 1024, 3, 24, 126) + fc7_mbox_priorbox = paddle.layer.priorbox( + input=fc7, + image=img, + min_size=cfg.NET.FC7.PB.MIN_SIZE, + max_size=cfg.NET.FC7.PB.MAX_SIZE, + aspect_ratio=cfg.NET.FC7.PB.ASPECT_RATIO, + variance=cfg.NET.FC7.PB.VARIANCE) + + conv6_2, conv6_2_mbox_loc, conv6_2_mbox_conf, conv6_2_mbox_priorbox = \ + ssd_block("6", fc7, img, 1024, 256, 512, + cfg.NET.CONV6.PB.ASPECT_RATIO, + cfg.NET.CONV6.PB.VARIANCE, + cfg.NET.CONV6.PB.MIN_SIZE, + cfg.NET.CONV6.PB.MAX_SIZE) + conv7_2, conv7_2_mbox_loc, conv7_2_mbox_conf, conv7_2_mbox_priorbox = \ + ssd_block("7", conv6_2, img, 512, 128, 256, + cfg.NET.CONV7.PB.ASPECT_RATIO, + cfg.NET.CONV7.PB.VARIANCE, + cfg.NET.CONV7.PB.MIN_SIZE, + cfg.NET.CONV7.PB.MAX_SIZE) + conv8_2, conv8_2_mbox_loc, conv8_2_mbox_conf, conv8_2_mbox_priorbox = \ + ssd_block("8", conv7_2, img, 256, 128, 256, + cfg.NET.CONV8.PB.ASPECT_RATIO, + cfg.NET.CONV8.PB.VARIANCE, + cfg.NET.CONV8.PB.MIN_SIZE, + cfg.NET.CONV8.PB.MAX_SIZE) + + pool6 = paddle.layer.img_pool( + name="pool6", + input=conv8_2, + pool_size=3, + num_channels=256, + stride=1, + pool_type=paddle.pooling.Avg()) + pool6_mbox_loc, pool6_mbox_conf = mbox_block("pool6", pool6, 256, 3, 24, + 126) + pool6_mbox_priorbox = paddle.layer.priorbox( + input=pool6, + image=img, + min_size=cfg.NET.POOL6.PB.MIN_SIZE, + max_size=cfg.NET.POOL6.PB.MAX_SIZE, + aspect_ratio=cfg.NET.POOL6.PB.ASPECT_RATIO, + variance=cfg.NET.POOL6.PB.VARIANCE) + + mbox_priorbox = paddle.layer.concat( + name="mbox_priorbox", + input=[ + conv4_3_mbox_priorbox, fc7_mbox_priorbox, conv6_2_mbox_priorbox, + conv7_2_mbox_priorbox, conv8_2_mbox_priorbox, pool6_mbox_priorbox + ]) + + loc_loss_input = [ + conv4_3_norm_mbox_loc, fc7_mbox_loc, conv6_2_mbox_loc, conv7_2_mbox_loc, + conv8_2_mbox_loc, pool6_mbox_loc + ] + + conf_loss_input = [ + conv4_3_norm_mbox_conf, fc7_mbox_conf, conv6_2_mbox_conf, + conv7_2_mbox_conf, conv8_2_mbox_conf, pool6_mbox_conf + ] + + detection_out = paddle.layer.detection_output( + input_loc=loc_loss_input, + input_conf=conf_loss_input, + priorbox=mbox_priorbox, + confidence_threshold=cfg.NET.DETOUT.CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD, + nms_threshold=cfg.NET.DETOUT.NMS_THRESHOLD, + num_classes=cfg.CLASS_NUM, + nms_top_k=cfg.NET.DETOUT.NMS_TOP_K, + keep_top_k=cfg.NET.DETOUT.KEEP_TOP_K, + background_id=cfg.BACKGROUND_ID, + name="detection_output") + + if mode == 'train' or mode == 'eval': + bbox = paddle.layer.data( + name='bbox', type=paddle.data_type.dense_vector_sequence(6)) + loss = paddle.layer.multibox_loss( + input_loc=loc_loss_input, + input_conf=conf_loss_input, + priorbox=mbox_priorbox, + label=bbox, + num_classes=cfg.CLASS_NUM, + overlap_threshold=cfg.NET.MBLOSS.OVERLAP_THRESHOLD, + neg_pos_ratio=cfg.NET.MBLOSS.NEG_POS_RATIO, + neg_overlap=cfg.NET.MBLOSS.NEG_OVERLAP, + background_id=cfg.BACKGROUND_ID, + name="multibox_loss") + paddle.evaluator.detection_map( + input=detection_out, + label=bbox, + overlap_threshold=cfg.NET.DETMAP.OVERLAP_THRESHOLD, + background_id=cfg.BACKGROUND_ID, + evaluate_difficult=cfg.NET.DETMAP.EVAL_DIFFICULT, + ap_type=cfg.NET.DETMAP.AP_TYPE, + name="detection_evaluator") + return loss, detection_out + elif mode == 'infer': + return detection_out diff --git a/ssd/visual.py b/ssd/visual.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2ad794539aab4cb90fbf1fcb14c280ed3f5ab5b --- /dev/null +++ b/ssd/visual.py @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +import cv2 +import os + +data_dir = './data' +infer_file = './infer.res' + +path_to_im = dict() + +for line in open(infer_file): + img_path, _, _, _ = line.strip().split('\t') + if img_path not in path_to_im: + im = cv2.imread(os.path.join(data_dir, img_path)) + path_to_im[img_path] = im + +for line in open(infer_file): + img_path, label, conf, bbox = line.strip().split('\t') + xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = map(float, bbox.split(' ')) + xmin = int(round(xmin)) + ymin = int(round(ymin)) + xmax = int(round(xmax)) + ymax = int(round(ymax)) + + img = path_to_im[img_path] + cv2.rectangle(img, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), + (0, (1 - xmin) * 255, xmin * 255), 2) + +for img_path in path_to_im: + im = path_to_im[img_path] + cv2.imwrite(img_path, im) + +print 'Done.'