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# Copyright (c) 2020 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved.
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import math
import sys
from collections import defaultdict

def get_match_size(cand_ngram, refs_ngram):
    ref_set = defaultdict(int)
    for ref_ngram in refs_ngram:
        tmp_ref_set = defaultdict(int)
        for ngram in ref_ngram:
            tmp_ref_set[ngram] += tmp_ref_set.get(ngram, 0) + 1
        for ngram, count in tmp_ref_set.items():
            ref_set[ngram] = max(ref_set[ngram], count)
    cand_set = defaultdict(int)
    for ngram in cand_ngram:
        cand_set[ngram] += 1
    match_size = 0
    for ngram, count in cand_set.items():
        match_size += min(count, ref_set.get(ngram, 0))
    cand_size = len(cand_ngram)
    return match_size, cand_size

def get_ngram(sent, n_size, label=None):
    def _ngram(sent, n_size):
        ngram_list = []
        for left in range(len(sent) - n_size):
            ngram_list.append(sent[left:left + n_size + 1])
        return ngram_list

    ngram_list = _ngram(sent, n_size)
    if label is not None:
        ngram_list = [ngram + '_' + label for ngram in ngram_list]
    return ngram_list

class BLEU(object):
    BLEU (bilingual evaluation understudy) is an algorithm for evaluating the quality of
    text which has been machine-translated from one natural language to another. This metric
    uses a modified form of precision to compare a candidate translation against multiple
    reference translations.

    .. math::

        BP & =
        1,  & \text{if }c>r \\
        e_{1-r/c}, & \text{if }c\leq r

        BLEU & = BP\exp(\sum_{n=1}^N w_{n} \log{p_{n}})

    where `c` is the length of candidate sentence, and 'r' is the length of refrence sentence.

        n_size (int): Number of gram for BLEU metric. Default: 4.
        weights (list, optional): The weights of precision of each gram. Default: None.  

    def __init__(self, n_size=4, weights=None):
        if not weights:
            weights = [1 / n_size for _ in range(n_size)]

        assert len(weights) == n_size, (
            "Number of weights and n-gram should be the same, got Number of weights: '%d' and n-gram: '%d'"
            % (len(weights), n_size))

        self.match_ngram = {}
        self.candi_ngram = {}
        self.weights = weights
        self.bp_r = 0
        self.bp_c = 0
        self.n_size = n_size

    def add_inst(self, cand, ref_list):
        Update the states based on the a pair of candidate and references.

            cand (str): The candidate sentence generated by model.
            ref_list (list): List of ground truth sentences.
        for n_size in range(self.n_size):
            self.count_ngram(cand, ref_list, n_size)
        self.count_bp(cand, ref_list)

    def count_ngram(self, cand, ref_list, n_size):
        cand_ngram = get_ngram(cand, n_size)
        refs_ngram = []
        for ref in ref_list:
            refs_ngram.append(get_ngram(ref, n_size))
        if n_size not in self.match_ngram:
            self.match_ngram[n_size] = 0
            self.candi_ngram[n_size] = 0
        match_size, cand_size = get_match_size(cand_ngram, refs_ngram)

        self.match_ngram[n_size] += match_size
        self.candi_ngram[n_size] += cand_size

    def count_bp(self, cand, ref_list):
        self.bp_c += len(cand)
        self.bp_r += min([(abs(len(cand) - len(ref)), len(ref))
                          for ref in ref_list])[1]

    def score(self):
        Calculate the final bleu metric.
        prob_list = []
        for n_size in range(self.n_size):
                if self.candi_ngram[n_size] == 0:
                    _score = 0.0
                    _score = self.match_ngram[n_size] / float(self.candi_ngram[
                _score = 0
            if _score == 0:
                _score = w_i * math.log(sys.float_info.min)

        logs = math.fsum(w_i * math.log(p_i)
                         for w_i, p_i in zip(self.weights, prob_list))
        bp = math.exp(min(1 - self.bp_r / float(self.bp_c), 0))
        bleu = bp * math.exp(logs)

        return bleu

class BLEUForDuReader(BLEU):
    BLEU metric with bonus for DuReader contest.

    Please refer to `DuReader Homepage<>`_ for more details.

    def __init__(self, n_size=4, alpha=1.0, beta=1.0):
        super(BLEUForDuReader, self).__init__(n_size)
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.beta = beta

    def add_inst(self,
        #super(BLEUWithBonus, self).add_inst(cand, ref_list)
        BLEU.add_inst(self, cand, ref_list)
        if yn_label is not None and yn_ref is not None:
            self.add_yn_bonus(cand, ref_list, yn_label, yn_ref)
        elif entity_ref is not None:
            self.add_entity_bonus(cand, entity_ref)

    def add_yn_bonus(self, cand, ref_list, yn_label, yn_ref):
        for n_size in range(self.n_size):
            cand_ngram = get_ngram(cand, n_size, label=yn_label)
            ref_ngram = []
            for ref_id, r in enumerate(yn_ref):
                ref_ngram.append(get_ngram(ref_list[ref_id], n_size, label=r))
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            match_size, cand_size = get_match_size(cand_ngram, ref_ngram)
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            self.match_ngram[n_size] += self.alpha * match_size
            self.candi_ngram[n_size] += self.alpha * match_size

    def add_entity_bonus(self, cand, entity_ref):
        for n_size in range(self.n_size):
            cand_ngram = get_ngram(cand, n_size, label='ENTITY')
            ref_ngram = []
            for reff_id, r in enumerate(entity_ref):
                ref_ngram.append(get_ngram(r, n_size, label='ENTITY'))
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            match_size, cand_size = get_match_size(cand_ngram, ref_ngram)
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            self.match_ngram[n_size] += self.beta * match_size
            self.candi_ngram[n_size] += self.beta * match_size