@@ -120,20 +120,285 @@ Figure 3. A hybrid recommendation model.
We use the [MovieLens ml-1m](http://files.grouplens.org/datasets/movielens/ml-1m.zip) to train our model. This dataset includes 10,000 ratings of 4,000 movies from 6,000 users to 4,000 movies. Each rate is in the range of 1~5. Thanks to GroupLens Research for collecting, processing and publishing the dataset.
We don't have to download and preprocess the data. Instead, we can use PaddlePaddle's dataset module `paddle.v2.dataset.movielens`.
`paddle.v2.datasets` package encapsulates multiple public datasets, including `cifar`, `imdb`, `mnist`, `moivelens` and `wmt14`, etc. There's no need for us to manually download and preprocess `MovieLens` dataset.
# Run this block to show dataset's documentation
The raw `MoiveLens` contains movie ratings, relevant features from both movies and users.
print "User %s rates Movie %s with Score %s"%(user_info[uid], movie_info[mov_id], train_sample[-1])
User <UserInfoid(1),gender(F),age(1),job(10)> rates Movie <MovieInfoid(1193),title(OneFlewOvertheCuckoo'sNest),categories(['Drama'])> with Score [5.0]
The output shows that user 1 gave movie `1193` a rating of 5.
After issuing a command `python train.py`, training will start immediately. The details will be unpacked by the following sessions to see how it works.
## Model Architecture
### Initialize PaddlePaddle
First, we must import and initialize PaddlePaddle (enable/disable GPU, set the number of trainers, etc).
As shown in the above code, the input is four dimension integers for each user, that is, `user_id`,`gender_id`, `age_id` and `job_id`. In order to deal with these features conveniently, we use the language model in NLP to transform these discrete values into embedding vaules `usr_emb`, `usr_gender_emb`, `usr_age_emb` and `usr_job_emb`.
Movie title, a sequence of words represented by an integer word index sequence, will be feed into a `sequence_conv_pool` layer, which will apply convolution and pooling on time dimension. Because pooling is done on time dimension, the output will be a fixed-length vector regardless the length of the input sequence.
Finally, we can use cosine similarity to calculate the similarity between user characteristics and movie features.
First, we define the model parameters according to the previous model configuration `cost`.
# Create parameters
parameters = paddle.parameters.create(cost)
### Create Trainer
Before jumping into creating a training module, algorithm setting is also necessary. Here we specified Adam optimization algorithm via `paddle.optimizer`.
[INFO 2017-03-06 17:12:13,378 networks.py:1472] The input order is [user_id, gender_id, age_id, job_id, movie_id, category_id, movie_title, score]
[INFO 2017-03-06 17:12:13,379 networks.py:1478] The output order is [__regression_cost_0__]
### Training
`paddle.dataset.movielens.train` will yield records during each pass, after shuffling, a batch input is generated for training.
paddle.dataset.movielens.trai(), buf_size=8192),
`feeding` is devoted to specifying the correspondence between each yield record and `paddle.layer.data`. For instance, the first column of data generated by `movielens.train` corresponds to `user_id` feature.
feeding = {
'user_id': 0,
'gender_id': 1,
'age_id': 2,
'job_id': 3,
'movie_id': 4,
'category_id': 5,
'movie_title': 6,
'score': 7
Callback function `event_handler` will be called during training when a pre-defined event happens.
def event_handler(event):
global step
global train_costs
global test_costs
if isinstance(event, paddle.event.EndIteration):
need_plot = False
if step % 10 == 0: # every 10 batches, record a train cost
if step % 1000 == 0: # every 1000 batches, record a test cost
result = trainer.test(reader=paddle.batch(
paddle.dataset.movielens.test(), batch_size=256))
if step % 100 == 0: # every 100 batches, update cost plot
Finally, we can invoke `trainer.train` to start training:
## Conclusion
@@ -141,12 +406,12 @@ This tutorial goes over traditional approaches in recommender system and a deep
## Reference
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