A demo to show converting caffe models trained on 'imagenet' using caffe2fluid --- # How to use 1. Prepare python environment 2. Download caffe model to "../../models/xxx" which contains "xxx.caffemodel" and "xxx.prototxt" 3. Convert the Caffe model to Fluid model - generate fluid code and weight file ```python convert.py alexnet.prototxt \ --caffemodel alexnet.caffemodel \ --data-output-path alexnet.npy \ --code-output-path alexnet.py ``` - save weights as fluid model file ``` python alexnet.py alexnet.npy ./fluid ``` 4. Do inference ``` python infer.py infer ./fluid data/65.jpeg ``` 5. convert model and do inference together ``` bash ./tools/run.sh alexnet ../../models ../../models ``` * Assume the Caffe model is stored in '../../models/alexnet.prototxt|caffemodel*' * converted model will be stored as '../../models/alexnet.py|npy*' 6. test the difference with caffe's results(need pycaffe installed) ``` bash ./tools/diff.sh alexnet ../../models/ ../../models ``` * Make sure your caffemodel stored in '../../models/alexnet.prototxt|caffemodel*' * The results will be stored in '*./results/alexnet.paddle|caffe*'