# Copyright (c) 2022 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License" # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from .opset9 import OpSet9 from x2paddle.core.util import * import numpy as np import math def print_mapping_info(func): def run_mapping(*args, **kwargs): node = args[1] try: res = func(*args, **kwargs) except: raise Exception("convert failed node:{}, op_type is {}".format( node.name[9:], node.layer_type)) else: return res return run_mapping def _get_same_padding(in_size, kernel_size, stride, autopad): new_size = int(math.ceil(in_size * 1.0 / stride)) pad_size = (new_size - 1) * stride + kernel_size - in_size pad0 = int(pad_size / 2) pad1 = pad_size - pad0 if autopad == "SAME_UPPER": return [pad0, pad1] if autopad == "SAME_LOWER": return [pad1, pad0] class OpSet10(OpSet9): def __init__(self, decoder, paddle_graph): super(OpSet10, self).__init__(decoder, paddle_graph) @print_mapping_info def AveragePool(self, node): val_x = self.graph.get_input_node(node, idx=0, copy=True) auto_pad = node.get_attr('auto_pad', 'NOTSET') kernel_shape = node.get_attr("kernel_shape") count_include_pad = node.get_attr("count_include_pad", 0) # Support ceil_mode Since opset version >= 10 ceil_mode = bool(node.get_attr("ceil_mode", 0)) exclusive = True if count_include_pad > 0: exclusive = False poolnd = len(kernel_shape) strides = node.get_attr("strides") pad_mode = node.get_attr("pads") pads = node.get_attr('pads', [0] * (poolnd * 2)) input_shape = val_x.out_shapes[0] paddings = np.array(pads).reshape((2, -1)).transpose().astype("int32") paddings = paddings.flatten().tolist() if auto_pad == "SAME_UPPER" or auto_pad == "SAME_LOWER": # Warning: SAME_UPPER and SAME_LOWER does not yet support dynamic shapes if input_shape[2] == -1 or input_shape[3] == -1: _logger.warning( 'SAME_UPPER and SAME_LOWER does not yet support dynamic shapes, the conversion result may have a diff!!!' ) pad_h = _get_same_padding(input_shape[2], kernel_shape[0], strides[0], auto_pad) pad_w = _get_same_padding(input_shape[3], kernel_shape[1], strides[1], auto_pad) paddings = pad_h + pad_w op_name = name_generator("pool", self.nn_name2id) output_name = node.name layer_outputs = [op_name, output_name] paddle_op = 'paddle.nn.AvgPool{}D'.format(poolnd) assert 1 <= poolnd <= 3, 'only Pool1D, Pool2D and Pool3D are supported' layer_attrs = { "kernel_size": kernel_shape, "stride": strides, "ceil_mode": ceil_mode, "padding": paddings, "exclusive": exclusive, } self.paddle_graph.add_layer( paddle_op, inputs={'x': val_x if isinstance(val_x, str) else val_x.name}, outputs=layer_outputs, **layer_attrs) @print_mapping_info def Mod(self, node): # Support Mod op Since opset version >= 10 val_x = self.graph.get_input_node(node, idx=0, copy=True) val_y = self.graph.get_input_node(node, idx=1, copy=True) input_dtype = str(val_x.dtype) assert "int" in input_dtype, 'Now only support int32 or int64 dtype' fmod = node.get_attr('fmod', 0) assert fmod == 0, 'Now only support fmod == 0' self.paddle_graph.add_layer( 'paddle.mod', inputs={"x": val_x.name, "y": val_y.name}, outputs=[node.name])