"""a util for convert protobuf to dict """ from google.protobuf.message import Message from google.protobuf.descriptor import FieldDescriptor __all__ = [ "protobuf_to_dict", "TYPE_CALLABLE_MAP", "dict_to_protobuf", "REVERSE_TYPE_CALLABLE_MAP" ] EXTENSION_CONTAINER = '___X' TYPE_CALLABLE_MAP = { FieldDescriptor.TYPE_DOUBLE: float, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FLOAT: float, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_INT32: int, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_INT64: int, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT32: int, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_UINT64: int, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT32: int, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SINT64: int, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FIXED32: int, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_FIXED64: int, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SFIXED32: int, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_SFIXED64: int, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BOOL: bool, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_STRING: str, FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: lambda b: b.encode("base64"), FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM: int, } def repeated(type_callable): return lambda value_list: [type_callable(value) for value in value_list] def enum_label_name(field, value): return field.enum_type.values_by_number[int(value)].name def protobuf_to_dict(pb, type_callable_map=TYPE_CALLABLE_MAP, use_enum_labels=False): result_dict = {} extensions = {} for field, value in pb.ListFields(): type_callable = _get_field_value_adaptor(pb, field, type_callable_map, use_enum_labels) if field.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: type_callable = repeated(type_callable) if field.is_extension: extensions[str(field.number)] = type_callable(value) continue result_dict[field.name] = type_callable(value) if extensions: result_dict[EXTENSION_CONTAINER] = extensions return result_dict def _get_field_value_adaptor(pb, field, type_callable_map=TYPE_CALLABLE_MAP, use_enum_labels=False): if field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: # recursively encode protobuf sub-message return lambda pb: protobuf_to_dict(pb, type_callable_map=type_callable_map, use_enum_labels=use_enum_labels) if use_enum_labels and field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM: return lambda value: enum_label_name(field, value) if field.type in type_callable_map: return type_callable_map[field.type] raise TypeError("Field %s.%s has unrecognised type id %d" % (pb.__class__.__name__, field.name, field.type)) def get_bytes(value): return value.decode('base64') REVERSE_TYPE_CALLABLE_MAP = {FieldDescriptor.TYPE_BYTES: get_bytes, } def dict_to_protobuf(pb_klass_or_instance, values, type_callable_map=REVERSE_TYPE_CALLABLE_MAP, strict=True): """Populates a protobuf model from a dictionary. :param pb_klass_or_instance: a protobuf message class, or an protobuf instance :type pb_klass_or_instance: a type or instance of a subclass of google.protobuf.message.Message :param dict values: a dictionary of values. Repeated and nested values are fully supported. :param dict type_callable_map: a mapping of protobuf types to callables for setting values on the target instance. :param bool strict: complain if keys in the map are not fields on the message. """ if isinstance(pb_klass_or_instance, Message): instance = pb_klass_or_instance else: instance = pb_klass_or_instance() return _dict_to_protobuf(instance, values, type_callable_map, strict) def _get_field_mapping(pb, dict_value, strict): field_mapping = [] for key, value in dict_value.items(): if key == EXTENSION_CONTAINER: continue if key not in pb.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name: if strict: raise KeyError("%s does not have a field called %s" % (pb, key)) continue field_mapping.append( (pb.DESCRIPTOR.fields_by_name[key], value, getattr(pb, key, None))) for ext_num, ext_val in dict_value.get(EXTENSION_CONTAINER, {}).items(): try: ext_num = int(ext_num) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Extension keys must be integers.") if ext_num not in pb._extensions_by_number: if strict: raise KeyError( "%s does not have a extension with number %s. Perhaps you forgot to import it?" % (pb, key)) continue ext_field = pb._extensions_by_number[ext_num] pb_val = None pb_val = pb.Extensions[ext_field] field_mapping.append((ext_field, ext_val, pb_val)) return field_mapping def _dict_to_protobuf(pb, value, type_callable_map, strict): fields = _get_field_mapping(pb, value, strict) for field, input_value, pb_value in fields: if field.label == FieldDescriptor.LABEL_REPEATED: for item in input_value: if field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: m = pb_value.add() _dict_to_protobuf(m, item, type_callable_map, strict) elif field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM and isinstance( item, basestring): pb_value.append(_string_to_enum(field, item)) else: pb_value.append(item) continue if field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_MESSAGE: _dict_to_protobuf(pb_value, input_value, type_callable_map, strict) continue if field.type in type_callable_map: input_value = type_callable_map[field.type](input_value) if field.is_extension: pb.Extensions[field] = input_value continue if field.type == FieldDescriptor.TYPE_ENUM and isinstance(input_value, basestring): input_value = _string_to_enum(field, input_value) setattr(pb, field.name, input_value) return pb def _string_to_enum(field, input_value): enum_dict = field.enum_type.values_by_name try: input_value = enum_dict[input_value].number except KeyError: raise KeyError("`%s` is not a valid value for field `%s`" % (input_value, field.name)) return input_value