# Copyright (c) 2020 VisualDL Authors. All Rights Reserve. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ======================================================================= import os import tempfile import hashlib import base64 import time try: import hdfs from hdfs.util import HdfsError HDFS_ENABLED = True except ImportError: HDFS_ENABLED = False try: from baidubce.services.bos.bos_client import BosClient from baidubce import exception from baidubce.bce_client_configuration import BceClientConfiguration from baidubce.auth.bce_credentials import BceCredentials BOS_ENABLED = True except ImportError: BOS_ENABLED = False # Note: Some codes here refer to TensorBoardX. # A good default block size depends on the system in question. # A somewhat conservative default chosen here. _DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024 def content_md5(buffer): md5 = hashlib.md5() md5.update(buffer) return base64.standard_b64encode(md5.digest()) class FileFactory(object): def __init__(self): self._register_factories = {} def register_filesystem(self, path, filesystem): self._register_factories.update({path: filesystem}) def get_filesystem(self, path): if path.startswith( 'hdfs://') and "hdfs" not in self._register_factories: if not HDFS_ENABLED: raise RuntimeError('Please install module named "hdfs".') try: default_file_factory.register_filesystem("hdfs", HDFileSystem()) except hdfs.util.HdfsError: raise RuntimeError( "Please initialize `~/.hdfscli.cfg` for HDFS.") elif path.startswith( 'bos://') and "bos" not in self._register_factories: if not BOS_ENABLED: raise RuntimeError( 'Please install module named "bce-python-sdk".') default_file_factory.register_filesystem("bos", BosFileSystem()) prefix = "" index = path.find("://") if index >= 0: prefix = path[:index] fs = self._register_factories.get(prefix, None) if fs is None: raise ValueError("No recognized filesystem for prefix %s" % prefix) return fs default_file_factory = FileFactory() class LocalFileSystem(object): def __init__(self): pass @staticmethod def exists(path): return os.path.exists(path) @staticmethod def makedirs(path): os.makedirs(path) @staticmethod def join(path, *paths): return os.path.join(path, *paths) def isfile(self, filename): return os.path.isfile(filename) def read_file(self, filename, binary_mode=True): mode = "rb" if binary_mode else "r" with open(filename, mode) as reader: data = reader.read() return data def read(self, filename, binary_mode=False, size=None, continue_from=None): mode = "rb" if binary_mode else "r" encoding = None if binary_mode else "utf-8" offset = None if continue_from is not None: offset = continue_from.get("last_offset", None) with open(filename, mode=mode, encoding=encoding) as fp: if offset is not None: fp.seek(offset) data = fp.read(size) continue_from_token = {"last_offset": fp.tell()} return data, continue_from_token def _write(self, filename, file_content, mode): encoding = None if "b" in mode else "utf-8" with open(filename, mode, encoding=encoding) as fp: fp.write(file_content) def append(self, filename, file_content, binary_mode=False): self._write(filename, file_content, "ab" if binary_mode else "a") def write(self, filename, file_content, binary_mode=False): self._write(filename, file_content, "wb" if binary_mode else "w") def walk(self, dir): if 'posix' == os.name: return os.walk(dir, followlinks=True) return os.walk(dir) default_file_factory.register_filesystem("", LocalFileSystem()) class HDFileSystem(object): def __init__(self): self.cli = hdfs.config.Config().get_client('dev') def exists(self, path): if self.cli.status(hdfs_path=path[7:], strict=False) is None: return False else: return True def isfile(self, filename): return exists(filename) def read_file(self, filename, binary_mode=True): with self.cli.read(hdfs_path=filename[7:]) as reader: data = reader.read() return data def makedirs(self, path): self.cli.makedirs(hdfs_path=path[7:]) @staticmethod def join(path, *paths): result = os.path.join(path, *paths) result.replace('\\', '/') return result def read(self, filename, binary_mode=False, size=0, continue_from=None): offset = 0 if continue_from is not None: offset = continue_from.get("last_offset", 0) encoding = None if binary_mode else "utf-8" try: with self.cli.read(hdfs_path=filename[7:], offset=offset, encoding=encoding) as reader: data = reader.read() continue_from_token = {"last_offset": offset + len(data)} return data, continue_from_token except HdfsError: raise EOFError('No more events to read on HDFS.') def append(self, filename, file_content, binary_mode=False): self.cli.write(hdfs_path=filename[7:], data=file_content, append=True) def write(self, filename, file_content, binary_mode=False): self.cli.write(hdfs_path=filename[7:], data=file_content) def walk(self, dir): walks = self.cli.walk(hdfs_path=dir[7:]) return (['hdfs://' + root, dirs, files] for root, dirs, files in walks) class BosFileSystem(object): def __init__(self): self.max_contents_count = 1 self.max_contents_time = 1 self.get_bos_config() self.bos_client = BosClient(self.config) self.file_length_map = {} self._file_contents_to_add = b'' self._file_contents_count = 0 self._start_append_time = time.time() def get_bos_config(self): bos_host = os.getenv("BOS_HOST") if not bos_host: raise KeyError('${BOS_HOST} is not found.') access_key_id = os.getenv("BOS_AK") if not access_key_id: raise KeyError('${BOS_AK} is not found.') secret_access_key = os.getenv("BOS_SK") if not secret_access_key: raise KeyError('${BOS_SK} is not found.') self.max_contents_count = int(os.getenv('BOS_CACHE_COUNT', 1)) self.max_contents_time = int(os.getenv('BOS_CACHE_TIME', 1)) bos_sts = os.getenv("BOS_STS") self.config = BceClientConfiguration( credentials=BceCredentials(access_key_id, secret_access_key), endpoint=bos_host, security_token=bos_sts) def isfile(self, filename): return exists(filename) def read_file(self, filename, binary=True): print('BosFileSystem not support --model yet.') return @staticmethod def _get_object_info(path): path = path[6:] index = path.index('/') bucket_name = path[0:index] object_key = path[index + 1:] return bucket_name, object_key def exists(self, path): bucket_name, object_key = BosFileSystem._get_object_info(path) try: self.bos_client.get_object_meta_data(bucket_name, object_key) return True except exception.BceError: return False def get_meta(self, bucket_name, object_key): return self.bos_client.get_object_meta_data(bucket_name, object_key) def makedirs(self, path): if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' if self.exists(path): return bucket_name, object_key = BosFileSystem._get_object_info(path) if not object_key.endswith('/'): object_key += '/' init_data = b'' self.bos_client.append_object(bucket_name=bucket_name, key=object_key, data=init_data, content_md5=content_md5(init_data), content_length=len(init_data)) @staticmethod def join(path, *paths): result = os.path.join(path, *paths) result.replace('\\', '/') return result def read(self, filename, binary_mode=False, size=0, continue_from=None): bucket_name, object_key = BosFileSystem._get_object_info(filename) offset = 0 if continue_from is not None: offset = continue_from.get("last_offset", 0) length = int( self.get_meta(bucket_name, object_key).metadata.content_length) if offset < length: data = self.bos_client.get_object_as_string(bucket_name=bucket_name, key=object_key, range=[offset, length - 1]) else: data = b'' continue_from_token = {"last_offset": length} return data, continue_from_token def ready_to_append(self): if self._file_contents_count >= self.max_contents_count or \ time.time() - self._start_append_time > self.max_contents_time: return True else: return False def append(self, filename, file_content, binary_mode=False, force=False): self._file_contents_to_add += file_content self._file_contents_count += 1 if not force and not self.ready_to_append(): return file_content = self._file_contents_to_add bucket_name, object_key = BosFileSystem._get_object_info(filename) if not self.exists(filename): init_data = b'' self.bos_client.append_object(bucket_name=bucket_name, key=object_key, data=init_data, content_md5=content_md5(init_data), content_length=len(init_data), offset=0) content_length = len(file_content) offset = self.get_meta(bucket_name, object_key).metadata.content_length self.bos_client.append_object(bucket_name=bucket_name, key=object_key, data=file_content, content_md5=content_md5(file_content), content_length=content_length, offset=offset) self._file_contents_to_add = b'' self._file_contents_count = 0 self._start_append_time = time.time() def write(self, filename, file_content, binary_mode=False): bucket_name, object_key = BosFileSystem._get_object_info(filename) self.bos_client.append_object(bucket_name=bucket_name, key=object_key, data=file_content, content_md5=content_md5(file_content), content_length=len(file_content)) def walk(self, dir): class WalkGenerator(): def __init__(self, bucket_name, contents): self.contents = None self.length = 0 self.bucket = bucket_name self.handle_contents(contents) self.count = 0 def handle_contents(self, contents): contents_map = {} for item in contents: try: rindex = item.rindex('/') key = item[0:rindex] value = item[rindex + 1:] except ValueError: key = '.' value = item if key in contents_map.keys(): contents_map[key].append(value) else: contents_map[key] = [value] temp_walk = [] for key, value in contents_map.items(): temp_walk.append( [BosFileSystem.join('bos://' + self.bucket, key), [], value]) self.length = len(temp_walk) self.contents = temp_walk def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.count < self.length: self.count += 1 return self.contents[self.count - 1] else: raise StopIteration bucket_name, object_key = BosFileSystem._get_object_info(dir) if object_key in ['.', './']: prefix = None else: prefix = object_key if object_key.endswith( '/') else object_key + '/' response = self.bos_client.list_objects(bucket_name, prefix=prefix) contents = [content.key for content in response.contents] return WalkGenerator(bucket_name, contents) class BFile(object): def __init__(self, filename, mode): if mode not in ('r', 'rb', 'br', 'w', 'wb', 'bw'): raise NotImplementedError("mode {} not supported by " "BFile.".format(mode)) self._filename = filename self.fs = default_file_factory.get_filesystem(filename) self.fs_supports_append = hasattr(self.fs, 'append') self.buff = None self.buff_chunk_size = _DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE self.buff_offset = 0 self.continuation_token = None self.write_temp = None self.write_started = False self.binary_mode = 'b' in mode self.write_mode = 'w' in mode self.closed = False def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() self.buff = None self.buff_offset = 0 self.continuation_token = None def __iter__(self): return self def isfile(self, filename): return self.fs.isfile(filename) def _read_buffer_to_offset(self, new_buff_offset): """Read buffer from index self.buffer_offset to index new_buff_offset. self.buff_offset marks the last position of the last read, new_buff_offset indicates the last position of this read. self.buff_offset will be updated by new_buff_offset after this read. Returns: self.buff[i1: i2]: Content of self.buff. """ old_buff_offset = self.buff_offset read_size = min(len(self.buff), new_buff_offset) - old_buff_offset self.buff_offset += read_size return self.buff[old_buff_offset:old_buff_offset + read_size] def read_file(self, filename, binnary=True): return self.fs.read_file(filename, binnary) def read(self, n=None): """Read `n` or all contents of self.buff or file. Returns: result: Data from self.buff or file. """ result = None # If self.buff is not none and length of self.buff more than # self.buff_offset, means there are some content in self.buff have # not been read. if self.buff and len(self.buff) > self.buff_offset: if n is not None: chunk = self._read_buffer_to_offset(self.buff_offset + n) # If length of data in self.buff is more than `n`, then read `n` # data from local buffer. if len(chunk) == n: return chunk result = chunk # The length of all data in self.buff may less than `n`, # so we should read other `n-length(self.buff)` data. n -= len(chunk) # If n is none, read all data in self.buff. else: # add all local buffer and update offsets result = self._read_buffer_to_offset(len(self.buff)) # self.buff is empty if program is here. # Read from filesystem. # If n is not none, read max(n, self.buff_chunk_size) data from file, # otherwise read all data from file. # TODO(shenhuhan) N is limited to max_buff, but all-data is unlimited? read_size = max(self.buff_chunk_size, n) if n is not None else None self.buff, self.continuation_token = self.fs.read( self._filename, self.binary_mode, read_size, self.continuation_token) self.buff_offset = 0 if n is not None: chunk = self._read_buffer_to_offset(n) else: # add all local buffer and update offsets chunk = self._read_buffer_to_offset(len(self.buff)) result = result + chunk if result else chunk return result def write(self, file_content): """Write contents to file. Args: file_content: Contents waiting to be written to file. """ if not self.write_mode: raise RuntimeError("File not opened in write mode") if self.closed: raise RuntimeError("File already closed") if self.fs_supports_append: if not self.write_started: self.fs.write(self._filename, file_content, self.binary_mode) self.write_started = True else: self.fs.append(self._filename, file_content, self.binary_mode) else: # add to temp file, but wait for flush to write to final filesystem if self.write_temp is None: mode = "w+b" if self.binary_mode else "w+" self.write_temp = tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode) self.write_temp.write(file_content) def __next__(self): line = None while True: if not self.buff: # read one unit into the buffer line = self.read(1) if line and (line[-1] == '\n' or not self.buff): return line if not self.buff: raise StopIteration() else: index = self.buff.find('\n', self.buff_offset) if index != -1: # include line until now plus newline chunk = self.read(index + 1 - self.buff_offset) line = line + chunk if line else chunk return line # read one unit past end of buffer chunk = self.read(len(self.buff) + 1 - self.buff_offset) line = line + chunk if line else chunk if line and (line[-1] == '\n' or not self.buff): return line if not self.buff: raise StopIteration() def next(self): return self.__next__() def flush(self): """Flush data to disk. """ if self.closed: raise RuntimeError("File already closed") if not self.fs_supports_append: if self.write_temp is not None: # read temp file from the beginning self.write_temp.flush() self.write_temp.seek(0) chunk = self.write_temp.read() if chunk is not None: # write full contents and keep in temp file self.fs.write(self._filename, chunk, self.binary_mode) self.write_temp.seek(len(chunk)) def close(self): if isinstance(self.fs, BosFileSystem): self.fs.append(self._filename, b'', self.binary_mode, force=True) self.flush() if self.write_temp is not None: self.write_temp.close() self.write_temp = None self.write_started = False self.closed = True def exists(path): return default_file_factory.get_filesystem(path).exists(path) def makedirs(path): return default_file_factory.get_filesystem(path).makedirs(path) def join(path, *paths): return default_file_factory.get_filesystem(path).join(path, *paths) def walk(dir): return default_file_factory.get_filesystem(dir).walk(dir)