import {NextFunction, Request, Response} from 'express'; import { addSubpath, lngFromReq, redirectWithoutCache, removeSubpath, subpathFromLng, subpathIsPresent, subpathIsRequired } from '../utils'; import NextI18Next from '../index'; import i18nextMiddleware from 'i18next-http-middleware'; import pathMatch from 'path-match'; const route = pathMatch(); export default function (nexti18next: NextI18Next) { const {config, i18n} = nexti18next; const {allLanguages, ignoreRoutes, localeSubpaths, publicPath} = config; const isI18nRoute = (req: Request) => ignoreRoutes?.every(x => !req.url.startsWith((publicPath || '') + x)); const localeSubpathRoute = route(`/:subpath(${Object.values(localeSubpaths || {}).join('|')})(.*)`); const middleware = []; /* If not using server side language detection, we need to manually set the language for each request */ if (!config.serverLanguageDetection) { middleware.push((req: Request, _res: Response, next: NextFunction) => { if (isI18nRoute(req)) { req.lng = config.defaultLanguage; } next(); }); } /* This does the bulk of the i18next work */ middleware.push(i18nextMiddleware.handle(i18n)); /* This does the locale subpath work */ middleware.push((req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => { if (isI18nRoute(req) && req.i18n) { let url = publicPath ? req.url.replace(publicPath, '') : req.url; if (!url) { url = '/'; } let currentLng = lngFromReq(req); const currentLngSubpath = subpathFromLng(config, currentLng); const currentLngRequiresSubpath = subpathIsRequired(config, currentLng || ''); const currentLngSubpathIsPresent = subpathIsPresent(url, currentLngSubpath); const lngFromCurrentSubpath = allLanguages.find((l: string) => subpathIsPresent(url, subpathFromLng(config, l)) ); if (lngFromCurrentSubpath !== undefined && lngFromCurrentSubpath !== currentLng) { /* If a user has hit a subpath which does not match their language, give preference to the path, and change user language. */ req.i18n.changeLanguage(lngFromCurrentSubpath); currentLng = lngFromCurrentSubpath; } else if (currentLngRequiresSubpath && !currentLngSubpathIsPresent) { /* If a language subpath is required and not present, prepend correct subpath */ return redirectWithoutCache(res, (publicPath || '') + addSubpath(url, currentLngSubpath)); } /* If a locale subpath is present in the URL, modify req.url in place so that NextJs will render the correct route */ if (typeof lngFromCurrentSubpath === 'string') { const params = localeSubpathRoute(url); if (params !== false) { const {subpath} = params; req.query = {...req.query, subpath, lng: currentLng}; req.url = (publicPath || '') + removeSubpath(url, subpath); } } } next(); }); return middleware; }