# Copyright (c) 2020 VisualDL Authors. All Rights Reserve. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ======================================================================= from visualdl.proto.record_pb2 import Record import numpy as np from PIL import Image def scalar(tag, value, step, walltime=None): """Package data to one scalar. Args: tag (string): Data identifier value (float): Value of scalar step (int): Step of scalar walltime (int): Wall time of scalar Return: Package with format of record_pb2.Record """ value = float(value) return Record(values=[ Record.Value(id=step, tag=tag, timestamp=walltime, value=value) ]) def meta_data(tag='meta_data_tag', display_name="", step=0, walltime=None): """Package data to one meta_data. Meta data is info for one record file, include `display_name` etc. Args: tag (string): Data identifier display_name (string): Replace step (int): Step of scalar walltime (int): Wall time of scalar Return: Package with format of record_pb2.Record """ meta = Record.MetaData(display_name=display_name) return Record(values=[ Record.Value(id=step, tag=tag, timestamp=walltime, meta_data=meta) ]) def imgarray2bytes(np_array): """Convert image ndarray to bytes. Args: np_array (numpy.ndarray): Array to converte. Returns: Binary bytes of np_array. """ try: import cv2 np_array = cv2.cvtColor(np_array, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) ret, buf = cv2.imencode(".png", np_array) img_bin = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(buf)).tobytes("raw") except ImportError: import io im = Image.fromarray(np_array) with io.BytesIO() as fp: im.save(fp, format='png') img_bin = fp.getvalue() return img_bin def make_grid(I, ncols=8): assert isinstance( I, np.ndarray), 'plugin error, should pass numpy array here' if I.shape[1] == 1: I = np.concatenate([I, I, I], 1) assert I.ndim == 4 and I.shape[1] == 3 or I.shape[1] == 4 nimg = I.shape[0] H = I.shape[2] W = I.shape[3] ncols = min(nimg, ncols) nrows = int(np.ceil(float(nimg) / ncols)) canvas = np.zeros((I.shape[1], H * nrows, W * ncols), dtype=I.dtype) i = 0 for y in range(nrows): for x in range(ncols): if i >= nimg: break canvas[:, y * H:(y + 1) * H, x * W:(x + 1) * W] = I[i] i = i + 1 return canvas def convert_to_HWC(tensor, input_format): """Convert `NCHW`, `HWC`, `HW` to `HWC` Args: tensor (numpy.ndarray): Value of image input_format (string): Format of image Return: Image of format `HWC`. """ assert(len(set(input_format)) == len(input_format)), "You can not use the same dimension shordhand twice. \ input_format: {}".format(input_format) assert(len(tensor.shape) == len(input_format)), "size of input tensor and input format are different. \ tensor shape: {}, input_format: {}".format(tensor.shape, input_format) input_format = input_format.upper() if len(input_format) == 4: index = [input_format.find(c) for c in 'NCHW'] tensor_NCHW = tensor.transpose(index) tensor_CHW = make_grid(tensor_NCHW) return tensor_CHW.transpose(1, 2, 0) if len(input_format) == 3: index = [input_format.find(c) for c in 'HWC'] tensor_HWC = tensor.transpose(index) if tensor_HWC.shape[2] == 1: tensor_HWC = np.concatenate([tensor_HWC, tensor_HWC, tensor_HWC], 2) return tensor_HWC if len(input_format) == 2: index = [input_format.find(c) for c in 'HW'] tensor = tensor.transpose(index) tensor = np.stack([tensor, tensor, tensor], 2) return tensor def image(tag, image_array, step, walltime=None, dataformats="HWC"): """Package data to one image. Args: tag (string): Data identifier image_array (numpy.ndarray): Value of iamge step (int): Step of image walltime (int): Wall time of image dataformats (string): Format of image Return: Package with format of record_pb2.Record """ image_array = convert_to_HWC(image_array, dataformats) image_bytes = imgarray2bytes(image_array) image = Record.Image(encoded_image_string=image_bytes) return Record(values=[ Record.Value(id=step, tag=tag, timestamp=walltime, image=image) ]) def embedding(tag, labels, hot_vectors, step, labels_meta=None, walltime=None): """Package data to one embedding. Args: tag (string): Data identifier labels (list): A list of labels. hot_vectors (numpy.array or list): A matrix which each row is feature of labels. step (int): Step of embeddings. walltime (int): Wall time of embeddings. Return: Package with format of record_pb2.Record """ embeddings = Record.Embeddings() if labels_meta: embeddings.label_meta.extend(labels_meta) if isinstance(labels[0], list): temp = [] for index in range(len(labels[0])): temp.append([label[index] for label in labels]) labels = temp for label, hot_vector in zip(labels, hot_vectors): if not isinstance(label, list): label = [label] embeddings.embeddings.append(Record.Embedding(label=label, vectors=hot_vector)) return Record(values=[ Record.Value( id=step, tag=tag, timestamp=walltime, embeddings=embeddings) ]) def audio(tag, audio_array, sample_rate, step, walltime): """Package data to one audio. Args: tag (string): Data identifier audio_array (numpy.ndarray or list): audio represented by a numpy.array sample_rate (int): Sample rate of audio step (int): Step of audio walltime (int): Wall time of audio Return: Package with format of record_pb2.Record """ audio_array = audio_array.squeeze() if abs(audio_array).max() > 1: print('warning: audio amplitude out of range, auto clipped.') audio_array = audio_array.clip(-1, 1) assert (audio_array.ndim == 1), 'input tensor should be 1 dimensional.' audio_array = [int(32767.0 * x) for x in audio_array] import io import wave import struct fio = io.BytesIO() wave_writer = wave.open(fio, 'wb') wave_writer.setnchannels(1) wave_writer.setsampwidth(2) wave_writer.setframerate(sample_rate) audio_enc = b'' audio_enc += struct.pack("<" + "h" * len(audio_array), *audio_array) wave_writer.writeframes(audio_enc) wave_writer.close() audio_string = fio.getvalue() fio.close() audio_data = Record.Audio( sample_rate=sample_rate, num_channels=1, length_frames=len(audio_array), encoded_audio_string=audio_string, content_type='audio/wav') return Record(values=[ Record.Value(id=step, tag=tag, timestamp=walltime, audio=audio_data) ]) def histogram(tag, hist, bin_edges, step, walltime): """Package data to one histogram. Args: tag (string): Data identifier hist (numpy.ndarray or list): The values of the histogram bin_edges (numpy.ndarray or list): The bin edges step (int): Step of histogram walltime (int): Wall time of histogram Return: Package with format of record_pb2.Record """ histogram = Record.Histogram(hist=hist, bin_edges=bin_edges) return Record(values=[ Record.Value( id=step, tag=tag, timestamp=walltime, histogram=histogram) ]) def compute_curve(labels, predictions, num_thresholds=None, weights=None): """ Compute precision-recall curve data by labels and predictions. Args: labels (numpy.ndarray or list): Binary labels for each element. predictions (numpy.ndarray or list): The probability that an element be classified as true. num_thresholds (int): Number of thresholds used to draw the curve. weights (float): Multiple of data to display on the curve. """ if isinstance(labels, list): labels = np.array(labels) if isinstance(predictions, list): predictions = np.array(predictions) _MINIMUM_COUNT = 1e-7 if weights is None: weights = 1.0 bucket_indices = np.int32(np.floor(predictions * (num_thresholds - 1))) float_labels = labels.astype(np.float) histogram_range = (0, num_thresholds - 1) tp_buckets, _ = np.histogram( bucket_indices, bins=num_thresholds, range=histogram_range, weights=float_labels * weights) fp_buckets, _ = np.histogram( bucket_indices, bins=num_thresholds, range=histogram_range, weights=(1.0 - float_labels) * weights) # Obtain the reverse cumulative sum. tp = np.cumsum(tp_buckets[::-1])[::-1] fp = np.cumsum(fp_buckets[::-1])[::-1] tn = fp[0] - fp fn = tp[0] - tp precision = tp / np.maximum(_MINIMUM_COUNT, tp + fp) recall = tp / np.maximum(_MINIMUM_COUNT, tp + fn) data = { 'tp': tp.astype(int).tolist(), 'fp': fp.astype(int).tolist(), 'tn': tn.astype(int).tolist(), 'fn': fn.astype(int).tolist(), 'precision': precision.astype(float).tolist(), 'recall': recall.astype(float).tolist() } return data def pr_curve(tag, labels, predictions, step, walltime, num_thresholds=127, weights=None): """Package data to one pr_curve. Args: tag (string): Data identifier labels (numpy.ndarray or list): Binary labels for each element. predictions (numpy.ndarray or list): The probability that an element be classified as true. step (int): Step of pr_curve walltime (int): Wall time of pr_curve num_thresholds (int): Number of thresholds used to draw the curve. weights (float): Multiple of data to display on the curve. Return: Package with format of record_pb2.Record """ num_thresholds = min(num_thresholds, 127) prcurve_map = compute_curve(labels, predictions, num_thresholds, weights) return pr_curve_raw(tag=tag, tp=prcurve_map['tp'], fp=prcurve_map['fp'], tn=prcurve_map['tn'], fn=prcurve_map['fn'], precision=prcurve_map['precision'], recall=prcurve_map['recall'], step=step, walltime=walltime) def pr_curve_raw(tag, tp, fp, tn, fn, precision, recall, step, walltime): """Package raw data to one pr_curve. Args: tag (string): Data identifier tp (list): True Positive. fp (list): False Positive. tn (list): True Negative. fn (list): False Negative. precision (list): The fraction of retrieved documents that are relevant to the query: recall (list): The fraction of the relevant documents that are successfully retrieved. step (int): Step of pr_curve walltime (int): Wall time of pr_curve num_thresholds (int): Number of thresholds used to draw the curve. weights (float): Multiple of data to display on the curve. Return: Package with format of record_pb2.Record """ """ if isinstance(tp, np.ndarray): tp = tp.astype(int).tolist() if isinstance(fp, np.ndarray): fp = fp.astype(int).tolist() if isinstance(tn, np.ndarray): tn = tn.astype(int).tolist() if isinstance(fn, np.ndarray): fn = fn.astype(int).tolist() if isinstance(precision, np.ndarray): precision = precision.astype(int).tolist() if isinstance(recall, np.ndarray): recall = recall.astype(int).tolist() """ prcurve = Record.PRCurve(TP=tp, FP=fp, TN=tn, FN=fn, precision=precision, recall=recall) return Record(values=[ Record.Value( id=step, tag=tag, timestamp=walltime, pr_curve=prcurve) ])