import * as chart from '~/utils/chart'; import type {EChartOption, ECharts, EChartsConvertFinder} from 'echarts'; import React, {useCallback, useEffect, useImperativeHandle, useMemo, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import {WithStyled, primaryColor} from '~/utils/style'; import useECharts, {Options, Wrapper} from '~/hooks/useECharts'; import GridLoader from 'react-spinners/GridLoader'; import defaultsDeep from 'lodash/defaultsDeep'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import useThrottleFn from '~/hooks/useThrottleFn'; const Tooltip = styled.div` position: absolute; z-index: 1; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); color: #fff; border-radius: 4px; padding: 5px; display: none; `; type renderItem = NonNullable; type renderItemArguments = NonNullable; type RenderItem = ( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any params: any, api: Required> ) => NonNullable; type GetValue = (i: number) => number; type GetCoord = (p: [number, number]) => [number, number]; export type StackChartProps = { options?: EChartOption; title?: string; data?: Partial['series']>[number], 'data'>> & { minZ: number; maxZ: number; minX: number; maxX: number; minY: number; maxY: number; data: number[][]; }; loading?: boolean; zoom?: boolean; onInit?: Options['onInit']; }; export type StackChartRef = { saveAsImage(): void; }; const StackChart = React.forwardRef( ({options, data, title, loading, zoom, className, onInit}, ref) => { const {minZ, maxZ, minY, maxY, minX, maxX, ...seriesData} = data ?? { minZ: 0, maxZ: 0, minY: 0, maxY: 0, minX: 0, maxX: 0, data: null }; const rawData = useMemo(() => ?? [], []); const negativeY = useMemo(() => minY - (maxY - minY) * 0.4, [minY, maxY]); const getPoint = useCallback( (x: number, y: number, z: number, getCoord: GetCoord) => { const pt = getCoord([x, y]); // bug of echarts if (!pt) { return [0, 0]; } // linear map in z axis pt[1] -= ((z - minZ) / (maxZ - minZ)) * (getCoord([0, minY])[1] - getCoord([0, negativeY])[1]); return pt; }, [minZ, maxZ, minY, negativeY] ); const makePolyPoints = useCallback( (dataIndex: number, getValue: GetValue, getCoord: GetCoord) => { const points = []; let i = 0; while (rawData[dataIndex] && i < rawData[dataIndex].length) { const x = getValue(i++); const y = getValue(i++); const z = getValue(i++); if (z !== 1 && i === 3) { points.push(getPoint(x, y, 1, getCoord)); } points.push(getPoint(x, y, z, getCoord)); if (z !== 1 && i === rawData[dataIndex].length) { points.push(getPoint(x, y, 1, getCoord)); } } return points; }, [getPoint, rawData] ); const renderItem = useCallback( (params, api) => { const points = makePolyPoints(params.dataIndex as number, api.value as GetValue, api.coord as GetCoord); return { type: 'polygon', silent: true, z: api.value(1), shape: { points }, style:{ stroke: chart.xAxis.axisLine.lineStyle.color, lineWidth: 1 }) }; }, [makePolyPoints] ); const [highlight, setHighlight] = useState(null); const [dots, setDots] = useState<[number, number, number][]>([]); const tooltipRef = useRef(null); const [tooltip, setTooltip] = useState(''); const highLightRef = useRef(highlight); const dotsRef = useRef(dots); useEffect(() => { highLightRef.current = highlight; }, [highlight]); useEffect(() => { dotsRef.current = dots; }, [dots]); const pointerLabelFormatter = options?.axisPointer?.label?.formatter; // formatter change will cause echarts rerender axis pointer label // so we need to use 2 refs instead of dots and highlight to get rid of dependencies of these two variables const axisPointerLabelFormatter = useCallback( params => { if (!pointerLabelFormatter || highLightRef.current == null) { return ''; } if ('string' === typeof pointerLabelFormatter) { return pointerLabelFormatter; } return pointerLabelFormatter(params, dotsRef.current[highLightRef.current]); }, [pointerLabelFormatter] ); const chartOptions = useMemo(() => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const {color, colorAlt, toolbox, series, ...defaults} = chart; return defaultsDeep( { title: { text: title ?? '' }, visualMap: { min: minY, max: maxY }, axisPointer: { label: { formatter: axisPointerLabelFormatter } }, xAxis: { min: minX, max: maxX, axisPointer: { type: 'none' } }, yAxis: { inverse: true, position: 'right', min: negativeY, max: maxY, axisLine: { onZero: false }, axisLabel: { formatter: (value: number) => (value < minY ? '' : value + '') }, axisPointer: { type: 'none' } }, grid: { left: defaults.grid.right, right: defaults.grid.left }, tooltip: { trigger: 'none', showContent: false, axisPointer: { axis: 'y', snap: false } }, series: [ { ...series, type: 'custom', silent: true, data: rawData, renderItem } ] }, options, defaults ); }, [options, title, rawData, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, negativeY, renderItem, axisPointerLabelFormatter]); const mouseout = useCallback(() => { setHighlight(null); setDots([]); if (chartOptions.tooltip?.formatter) { setTooltip(''); if (tooltipRef.current) { = 'none'; } } }, [chartOptions.tooltip]); const mousemove = useCallback( (echarts: ECharts, e: {offsetX: number; offsetY: number}) => { try { if (!echarts || !e) { return; } const {offsetX, offsetY} = e; if (offsetY < negativeY + ((chartOptions.grid as EChartOption.Grid).top as number) ?? 0) { mouseout(); return; } const [x, y] = echarts.convertFromPixel('grid' as EChartsConvertFinder, [offsetX, offsetY]) as [ number, number ]; const data = (echarts.getOption().series?.[0].data as number[][]) ?? []; // find right on top step const steps = => row[1]).sort((a, b) => a - b); let i = 0; let step: number | null = null; while (i < steps.length) { if (y <= steps[i++]) { step = steps[i - 1]; break; } } const highlight = step == null ? null : data.findIndex(row => row[1] === step); setHighlight(highlight); // find nearest x axis point let dots: [number, number, number][] = []; if (step == null) { setDots(dots); } else { dots = => { const pt: [number, number, number] = [row[0], row[1], row[2]]; let d = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (let j = 0; j < row.length; j += 3) { const d1 = Math.abs(row[j] - x); if (d1 < d) { d = d1; pt[0] = row[j]; pt[2] = row[j + 2]; } } return pt; }); setDots(dots); } // set tooltip if (chartOptions.tooltip?.formatter) { setTooltip( // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any highlight == null ? '' : (chartOptions.tooltip?.formatter as any)?.(dots[highlight]) ); if (tooltipRef.current) { if (step == null) { = 'none'; } else { = `${offsetX + 10}px`; = `${offsetY + 10}px`; = 'block'; } } } } catch { mouseout(); } }, [mouseout, negativeY, chartOptions.grid, chartOptions.tooltip] ); const throttled = useThrottleFn(mousemove, {wait: 200}); const init = useCallback>( echarts => { try { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const zr = (echarts as any).getZr(); if (zr) { zr.on('mousemove', (e: {offsetX: number; offsetY: number}) =>, e)); zr.on('mouseout', () => { throttled.cancel(); mouseout(); }); } } catch { throttled.cancel(); } onInit?.(echarts); }, [onInit, throttled, mouseout] ); const {ref: echartRef, echart, wrapper, saveAsImage} = useECharts({ loading: !!loading, zoom, autoFit: true, onInit: init }); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => ({ saveAsImage: () => { saveAsImage(title); } })); useEffect(() => { echart?.setOption(chartOptions, {notMerge: true}); }, [echart, chartOptions]); useEffect(() => { if (echart) { try { if (highlight == null) { echart.setOption({ graphic: { elements: [ { id: 'highlight', type: 'polyline', $action: 'remove' } ] } }); } else { const data = (echart.getOption().series?.[0].data as number[][]) ?? []; const getCoord: GetCoord = pt => echart.convertToPixel('grid' as EChartsConvertFinder, pt) as [number, number]; const getValue: GetValue = i => data[highlight][i]; echart.setOption({ graphic: { elements: [ { id: 'highlight', type: 'polyline', $action: 'replace', silent: true, cursor: 'default', zlevel: 1, z: 1, shape: { points: makePolyPoints(highlight, getValue, getCoord) } } ] } }); } } catch { // ignore } } }, [highlight, echart, makePolyPoints]); useEffect(() => { if (echart) { try { if (!dots.length) { echart.setOption({ graphic: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any elements: ((echart.getOption()?.graphic as any[])?.[0]?.elements as any[]) ?.filter(element => ( as string).startsWith('dot')) .map(element => ({ id:, type: 'circle', $action: 'remove' })) } }); } else { const getCoord: GetCoord = pt => echart.convertToPixel('grid' as EChartsConvertFinder, pt) as [number, number]; echart.setOption({ graphic: { elements:, i) => { const pt = getPoint(dot[0], dot[1], dot[2], getCoord); return { type: 'circle', id: `dot${i}`, $action: 'replace', cursor: 'default', zlevel: 1, z: 2, shape: { cx: pt[0], cy: pt[1], r: 3 }, style: { fill: '#fff', stroke: chartOptions.color?.[0], lineWidth: 2 } }; }) } }); } } catch { // ignore } } }, [dots, echart, chartOptions.color, getPoint]); return ( {!echart && (
); } ); export default StackChart;