const zip = require('netron/src/zip'); const gzip = require('netron/src/gzip'); const tar = require('netron/src/tar'); const protobuf = require('netron/src/protobuf'); const d3 = require('d3'); const dagre = require('dagre'); const grapher = require('netron/src/view-grapher'); const sidebar = require('./sidebar'); const view = {}; view.View = class { constructor(host) { this._host = host; this._host .initialize(this) .then(() => { this._model = null; this._selection = []; this._host.start(); this._showAttributes = false; this._showInitializers = true; this._showNames = false; this._showHorizontal = false; this._modelFactoryService = new view.ModelFactoryService(this._host); }) .catch(err => { this.error(err.message, err); }); } cut() { this._host.document.execCommand('cut'); } copy() { this._host.document.execCommand('copy'); } paste() { this._host.document.execCommand('paste'); } selectAll() { this._host.document.execCommand('selectall'); } find(value) { if (this._activeGraph) { this.clearSelection(); const graphElement = document.getElementById('canvas'); const view = new sidebar.FindSidebar(this._host, graphElement, this._activeGraph); this._host.message('search', view.update(value)); } } toggleAttributes(toggle) { if (toggle != null && !(toggle ^ this._showAttributes)) { return; } this._showAttributes = toggle == null ? !this._showAttributes : toggle; this._reload(); } get showAttributes() { return this._showAttributes; } toggleInitializers(toggle) { if (toggle != null && !(toggle ^ this._showInitializers)) { return; } this._showInitializers = toggle == null ? !this._showInitializers : toggle; this._reload(); } get showInitializers() { return this._showInitializers; } toggleNames(toggle) { if (toggle != null && !(toggle ^ this._showNames)) { return; } this._showNames = toggle == null ? !this._showNames : toggle; this._reload(); } get showNames() { return this._showNames; } toggleDirection(toggle) { if (toggle != null && !(toggle ^ this._showHorizontal)) { return; } this._showHorizontal = toggle == null ? !this._showHorizontal : toggle; this._reload(); } get showHorizontal() { return this._showHorizontal; } _reload() { this._host.status('loading'); if (this._model && this._activeGraph) { this._updateGraph(this._model, this._activeGraph).catch(error => { if (error) { this.error('Graph update failed.', error); } }); } } _timeout(time) { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, time); }); } zoomIn() { if (this._zoom) { this._zoom.scaleBy('canvas')), 1.2); } } zoomOut() { if (this._zoom) { this._zoom.scaleBy('canvas')), 0.8); } } resetZoom() { if (this._zoom) { this._zoom.scaleTo('canvas')), 1); } } select(item) { this.clearSelection(); const graphElement = document.getElementById('canvas'); const selection = sidebar.FindSidebar.selection(item, graphElement); if (selection && selection.length > 0) { const graphElement = this._host.document.getElementById('canvas'); const graphRect = graphElement.getBoundingClientRect(); let x = 0; let y = 0; for (const element of selection) { element.classList.add('select'); this._selection.push(element); const transform = element.transform.baseVal.consolidate(); const box = element.getBBox(); const ex = transform ? transform.matrix.e : box.x + box.width / 2; const ey = transform ? transform.matrix.f : box.y + box.height / 2; x += ex; y += ey; } x = x / selection.length; y = y / selection.length; this._zoom.transform(, d3.zoomIdentity.translate(graphRect.width / 2 - x, graphRect.height / 2 - y) ); } } clearSelection() { while (this._selection.length > 0) { const element = this._selection.pop(); element.classList.remove('select'); } } error(message, err) { this._host.error(message, err.toString()); } accept(file) { return this._modelFactoryService.accept(file); } open(context) { return this._timeout(2).then(() => { return => { return this._timeout(20).then(() => { const graph = model.graphs.length > 0 ? model.graphs[0] : null; return this._updateGraph(model, graph); }); }); }); } _updateActiveGraph(name) { if (this._model) { const model = this._model; const graph = model.graphs.filter(graph => name ==; if (graph) { this._host.status('loading'); this._timeout(200).then(() => { return this._updateGraph(model, graph).catch(error => { if (error) { this.error('Graph update failed.', error); } }); }); } } } _updateGraph(model, graph) { return this._timeout(100).then(() => { if (graph && graph != this._activeGraph) { const nodes = graph.nodes; if (nodes.length > 1400) { if ( !this._host.confirm( 'Large model detected.', 'This graph contains a large number of nodes and might take a long time to render. Do you want to continue?' ) ) { return null; } } } return this.renderGraph(model, graph) .then(() => { this._model = model; this._activeGraph = graph; this._host.status('rendered'); return this._model; }) .catch(error => { return this.renderGraph(this._model, this._activeGraph) .then(() => { this._host.status('rendered'); throw error; }) .catch(() => { throw error; }); }); }); } renderGraph(model, graph) { try { const graphElement = this._host.document.getElementById('canvas'); while (graphElement.lastChild) { graphElement.removeChild(graphElement.lastChild); } if (!graph) { return Promise.resolve(); } else { this._zoom = null; = 'absolute'; = '0'; const groups = graph.groups; const graphOptions = {}; graphOptions.nodesep = 25; graphOptions.ranksep = 20; if (this._showHorizontal) { graphOptions.rankdir = 'LR'; } const g = new dagre.graphlib.Graph({compound: groups}); g.setGraph(graphOptions); g.setDefaultEdgeLabel(() => { return {}; }); let nodeId = 0; const edgeMap = {}; const clusterMap = {}; const clusterParentMap = {}; let id = new Date().getTime(); const nodes = graph.nodes; if (nodes.length > 1500) { graphOptions.ranker = 'longest-path'; } if (groups) { for (const node of nodes) { if ( { const path ='/'); while (path.length > 0) { const name = path.join('/'); path.pop(); clusterParentMap[name] = path.join('/'); } } } } for (const node of nodes) { const element = new grapher.NodeElement(this._host.document); const addNode = (element, node, edges) => { const header = element.block('header'); const styles = ['node-item-type']; const metadata = node.metadata; const category = metadata && metadata.category ? metadata.category : ''; if (category) { styles.push('node-item-type-' + category.toLowerCase()); } const type = node.type; if (typeof type !== 'string' || !type.split) { // #416 throw new ModelError( "Unknown node type '" + JSON.stringify(type) + "' in '" + model.format + "'." ); } const content = this.showNames && ? : type.split('.').pop(); const tooltip = this.showNames && ? type :; header.add(null, styles, content, tooltip, () => { this.showNodeProperties(node); }); if (node.function) { header.add(null, ['node-item-function'], '+', null, () => { // debugger; }); } const initializers = []; let hiddenInitializers = false; if (this._showInitializers) { for (const input of node.inputs) { if ( input.visible && input.arguments.length == 1 && input.arguments[0].initializer != null ) { initializers.push(input); } if ( (!input.visible || input.arguments.length > 1) && input.arguments.some(argument => argument.initializer != null) ) { hiddenInitializers = true; } } } let sortedAttributes = []; const attributes = node.attributes; if (this.showAttributes && attributes) { sortedAttributes = attributes.filter(attribute => attribute.visible).slice(); sortedAttributes.sort((a, b) => { const au =; const bu =; return au < bu ? -1 : au > bu ? 1 : 0; }); } if (initializers.length > 0 || hiddenInitializers || sortedAttributes.length > 0) { const block = element.block('list'); block.handler = () => { this.showNodeProperties(node); }; for (const initializer of initializers) { const argument = initializer.arguments[0]; const type = argument.type; let shape = ''; let separator = ''; if ( type && type.shape && type.shape.dimensions &&, 'length') ) { shape = '\u3008' + => (d ? d : '?')).join('\u00D7') + '\u3009'; if ( type.shape.dimensions.length == 0 && argument.initializer && !argument.initializer.state ) { shape = argument.initializer.toString(); if (shape && shape.length > 10) { shape = shape.substring(0, 10) + '\u2026'; } separator = ' = '; } } block.add( 'initializer-' +,, shape, type ? type.toString() : '', separator ); } if (hiddenInitializers) { block.add(null, '\u3008' + '\u2026' + '\u3009', '', null, ''); } for (const attribute of sortedAttributes) { if (attribute.visible) { let attributeValue = sidebar.NodeSidebar.formatAttributeValue( attribute.value, attribute.type ); if (attributeValue && attributeValue.length > 25) { attributeValue = attributeValue.substring(0, 25) + '\u2026'; } block.add(null,, attributeValue, attribute.type, ' = '); } } } if (edges) { const inputs = node.inputs; for (const input of inputs) { for (const argument of input.arguments) { if ( != '' && !argument.initializer) { let tuple = edgeMap[]; if (!tuple) { tuple = {from: null, to: []}; edgeMap[] = tuple; }{ node: nodeId, name: }); } } } let outputs = node.outputs; if (node.chain && node.chain.length > 0) { const chainOutputs = node.chain[node.chain.length - 1].outputs; if (chainOutputs.length > 0) { outputs = chainOutputs; } } for (const output of outputs) { for (const argument of output.arguments) { if ( != '') { let tuple = edgeMap[]; if (!tuple) { tuple = {from: null, to: []}; edgeMap[] = tuple; } tuple.from = { node: nodeId, name:, type: argument.type }; } } } } if (node.chain && node.chain.length > 0) { for (const innerNode of node.chain) { addNode(element, innerNode, false); } } if (node.inner) { addNode(element, node.inner, false); } }; addNode(element, node, true); if (node.controlDependencies && node.controlDependencies.length > 0) { for (const controlDependency of node.controlDependencies) { let tuple = edgeMap[controlDependency]; if (!tuple) { tuple = {from: null, to: []}; edgeMap[controlDependency] = tuple; }{ node: nodeId, name: controlDependency, controlDependency: true }); } } const nodeName =; if (nodeName) { g.setNode(nodeId, {label: element.format(graphElement), id: 'node-' + nodeName}); } else { g.setNode(nodeId, {label: element.format(graphElement), id: 'node-' + id.toString()}); id++; } const createCluster = function (name) { if (!clusterMap[name]) { g.setNode(name, {rx: 5, ry: 5}); clusterMap[name] = true; const parent = clusterParentMap[name]; if (parent) { createCluster(parent); g.setParent(name, parent); } } }; if (groups) { let groupName =; if (groupName && groupName.length > 0) { if (!, groupName)) { const lastIndex = groupName.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastIndex != -1) { groupName = groupName.substring(0, lastIndex); if (!, groupName)) { groupName = null; } } else { groupName = null; } } if (groupName) { createCluster(groupName); g.setParent(nodeId, groupName); } } } nodeId++; } for (const input of graph.inputs) { for (const argument of input.arguments) { let tuple = edgeMap[]; if (!tuple) { tuple = {from: null, to: []}; edgeMap[] = tuple; } tuple.from = { node: nodeId, type: argument.type }; } const types = => argument.type || '').join('\n'); let inputName = || ''; if (inputName.length > 16) { inputName = inputName.split('/').pop(); } const inputElement = new grapher.NodeElement(this._host.document); const inputHeader = inputElement.block('header'); inputHeader.add(null, ['graph-item-input'], inputName, types, () => { this.showModelProperties(); }); g.setNode(nodeId++, {label: inputElement.format(graphElement), class: 'graph-input'}); } for (const output of graph.outputs) { for (const argument of output.arguments) { let tuple = edgeMap[]; if (!tuple) { tuple = {from: null, to: []}; edgeMap[] = tuple; }{node: nodeId}); } const outputTypes = => argument.type || '').join('\n'); let outputName = || ''; if (outputName.length > 16) { outputName = outputName.split('/').pop(); } const outputElement = new grapher.NodeElement(this._host.document); const outputHeader = outputElement.block('header'); outputHeader.add(null, ['graph-item-output'], outputName, outputTypes, () => { this.showModelProperties(); }); g.setNode(nodeId++, {label: outputElement.format(graphElement)}); } for (const edge of Object.keys(edgeMap)) { const tuple = edgeMap[edge]; if (tuple.from != null) { for (const to of { let text = ''; const type = tuple.from.type; if (type && type.shape && type.shape.dimensions && type.shape.dimensions.length > 0) { text = type.shape.dimensions.join('\u00D7'); } if (this._showNames) { text = edge.split('\n').shift(); // custom argument id } if (to.controlDependency) { g.setEdge(tuple.from.node, to.node, { label: text, id: 'edge-' + edge, arrowhead: 'vee', class: 'edge-path-control-dependency' }); } else { g.setEdge(tuple.from.node, to.node, { label: text, id: 'edge-' + edge, arrowhead: 'vee' }); } } } } // Workaround for Safari background drag/zoom issue: // const backgroundElement = this._host.document.createElementNS('', 'rect'); backgroundElement.setAttribute('id', 'background'); backgroundElement.setAttribute('width', '100%'); backgroundElement.setAttribute('height', '100%'); backgroundElement.setAttribute('fill', 'none'); backgroundElement.setAttribute('pointer-events', 'all'); graphElement.appendChild(backgroundElement); const originElement = this._host.document.createElementNS('', 'g'); originElement.setAttribute('id', 'origin'); graphElement.appendChild(originElement); let svg = null; svg =; this._zoom = d3.zoom(); this._zoom(svg); this._zoom.scaleExtent([0.1, 2]); this._zoom.on('zoom', () => { originElement.setAttribute('transform', d3.event.transform.toString()); }); this._zoom.transform(svg, d3.zoomIdentity); return this._timeout(20).then(() => { const graphRenderer = new grapher.Renderer(this._host.document, originElement); graphRenderer.render(g); const inputElements = graphElement.getElementsByClassName('graph-input'); const svgSize = graphElement.getBoundingClientRect(); if (inputElements && inputElements.length > 0) { // Center view based on input elements const xs = []; const ys = []; for (let i = 0; i < inputElements.length; i++) { const inputTransform = inputElements[i].transform.baseVal.consolidate().matrix; xs.push(inputTransform.e); ys.push(inputTransform.f); } let x = xs[0]; const y = ys[0]; if (ys.every(y => y == ys[0])) { x = xs.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / xs.length; } const sx = svgSize.width / (this._showHorizontal ? 4 : 2) - x; const sy = svgSize.height / (this._showHorizontal ? 2 : 4) - y; this._zoom.transform(svg, d3.zoomIdentity.translate(sx, sy)); } else { this._zoom.transform( svg, d3.zoomIdentity.translate( (svgSize.width - g.graph().width) / 2, (svgSize.height - g.graph().height) / 2 ) ); } return; }); } } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } applyStyleSheet(element, name) { let rules = []; for (let i = 0; i < this._host.document.styleSheets.length; i++) { const styleSheet = this._host.document.styleSheets[i]; if (styleSheet && styleSheet.href && styleSheet.href.endsWith('/' + name)) { rules = styleSheet.cssRules; break; } } const nodes = element.getElementsByTagName('*'); for (let j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++) { const node = nodes[j]; for (let k = 0; k < rules.length; k++) { const rule = rules[k]; if (node.matches(rule.selectorText)) { for (let l = 0; l <; l++) { const item =;[item] =[item]; } } } } } export(file) { const lastIndex = file.lastIndexOf('.'); const extension = lastIndex != -1 ? file.substring(lastIndex + 1) : ''; if (this._activeGraph && (extension == 'png' || extension == 'svg')) { const graphElement = this._host.document.getElementById('canvas'); const exportElement = graphElement.cloneNode(true); this.applyStyleSheet(exportElement, 'style.css'); exportElement.setAttribute('id', 'export'); exportElement.removeAttribute('width'); exportElement.removeAttribute('height');'opacity');'display'); const backgroundElement = exportElement.querySelector('#background'); const originElement = exportElement.querySelector('#origin'); originElement.setAttribute('transform', 'translate(0,0) scale(1)'); backgroundElement.removeAttribute('width'); backgroundElement.removeAttribute('height'); const parentElement = graphElement.parentElement; parentElement.insertBefore(exportElement, graphElement); const size = exportElement.getBBox(); parentElement.removeChild(exportElement); parentElement.removeChild(graphElement); parentElement.appendChild(graphElement); const delta = (Math.min(size.width, size.height) / 2.0) * 0.1; const width = Math.ceil(delta + size.width + delta); const height = Math.ceil(delta + size.height + delta); originElement.setAttribute( 'transform', 'translate(' + delta.toString() + ', ' + delta.toString() + ') scale(1)' ); exportElement.setAttribute('width', width); exportElement.setAttribute('height', height); backgroundElement.setAttribute('width', width); backgroundElement.setAttribute('height', height); backgroundElement.setAttribute('fill', '#fff'); const data = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(exportElement); if (extension === 'svg') { const blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'image/svg'}); this._host.export(file, blob); } else if (extension === 'png') { const imageElement = new Image(); imageElement.onload = () => { const max = Math.max(width, height); const scale = max * 2.0 > 24000 ? 24000.0 / max : 2.0; const canvas = this._host.document.createElement('canvas'); canvas.width = Math.ceil(width * scale); canvas.height = Math.ceil(height * scale); const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.scale(scale, scale); context.drawImage(imageElement, 0, 0); this._host.document.body.removeChild(imageElement); canvas.toBlob(blob => { if (blob) { this._host.export(file, blob); } else { const err = new Error(); = 'Error exporting image.'; err.message = 'Image may be too large to render as PNG.'; this._host.exception(err, false); this._host.error(, err.message); } }, 'image/png'); }; imageElement.src = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(data))); this._host.document.body.insertBefore(imageElement, this._host.document.body.firstChild); } } } showModelProperties() { if (this._model) { const modelSidebar = new sidebar.ModelSidebar(this._host, this._model, this._activeGraph); this._host.message('show-model-properties', modelSidebar.render()); } } showNodeProperties(node) { if (node) { const nodeSidebar = new sidebar.NodeSidebar(this._host, node); // TODO: export // nodeSidebar.on('export-tensor', (sender, tensor) => { // this._host // .require('./numpy') // .then(numpy => { // const defaultPath = // ?'/').join('_').split(':').join('_').split('.').join('_') // : 'tensor'; //'NumPy Array', 'npy', defaultPath, file => { // try { // const dataTypeMap = new Map([ // ['float16', 'f2'], // ['float32', 'f4'], // ['float64', 'f8'], // ['int8', 'i1'], // ['int16', 'i2'], // ['int32', 'i4'], // ['int64', 'i8'], // ['uint8', 'u1'], // ['uint16', 'u2'], // ['uint32', 'u4'], // ['uint64', 'u8'], // ['qint8', 'i1'], // ['qint16', 'i2'], // ['quint8', 'u1'], // ['quint16', 'u2'] // ]); // const array = new numpy.Array(); // array.shape = tensor.type.shape.dimensions; // = tensor.value; // array.dataType = dataTypeMap.has(tensor.type.dataType) // ? dataTypeMap.get(tensor.type.dataType) // : tensor.type.dataType; // const blob = new Blob([array.toBuffer()], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); // this._host.export(file, blob); // } catch (error) { // this.error('Error saving NumPy tensor.', error); // } // }); // }) // .catch(() => {}); // }); this._host.message('show-node-properties', {...nodeSidebar.render(), metadata: node.metadata}); } } showNodeDocumentation(node) { const metadata = node.metadata; if (metadata) { const documentationSidebar = new sidebar.DocumentationSidebar(this._host, metadata); this._host.message('show-node-documentation', documentationSidebar.render()); } } }; class ModelError extends Error { constructor(message, telemetry) { super(message); = 'Error loading model.'; this.telemetry = telemetry; } } class ModelContext { constructor(context) { this._context = context; this._tags = new Map(); this._entries = new Map(); } request(file, encoding) { return this._context.request(file, encoding); } get identifier() { return this._context.identifier; } get buffer() { return this._context.buffer; } get text() { if (!this._text) { this._text = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(this.buffer); } return this._text; } entries(extension) { let entries = this._entries.get(extension); if (!entries) { entries = []; try { const buffer = this.buffer; switch (extension) { case 'zip': { if (buffer && buffer.length > 2 && buffer[0] == 0x50 && buffer[1] == 0x4b) { entries = new zip.Archive(buffer).entries; } break; } case 'tar': { if (buffer.length >= 512) { let sum = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 512; i++) { sum += i >= 148 && i < 156 ? 32 : buffer[i]; } let checksum = ''; for (let i = 148; i < 156 && buffer[i] !== 0x00; i++) { checksum += String.fromCharCode(buffer[i]); } checksum = parseInt(checksum, 8); if (!isNaN(checksum) && sum == checksum) { entries = new tar.Archive(buffer).entries; } } break; } } } catch (error) { entries = []; } this._entries.set(extension, entries); } return entries; } tags(extension) { let tags = this._tags.get(extension); if (!tags) { tags = new Map(); try { switch (extension) { case 'pbtxt': { const b = this.buffer; const length = b.length; const signature = (length >= 3 && b[0] === 0xef && b[1] === 0xbb && b[2] === 0xbf) || (length >= 4 && b[0] === 0x00 && b[1] === 0x00 && b[2] === 0xfe && b[3] === 0xff) || (length >= 4 && b[0] === 0xff && b[1] === 0xfe && b[2] === 0x00 && b[3] === 0x00) || (length >= 4 && b[0] === 0x84 && b[1] === 0x31 && b[2] === 0x95 && b[3] === 0x33) || (length >= 2 && b[0] === 0xfe && b[1] === 0xff) || (length >= 2 && b[0] === 0xff && b[1] === 0xfe); if ( !signature && b.subarray(0, Math.min(1024, length)).some(c => c < 7 || (c > 14 && c < 32)) ) { break; } const reader = protobuf.TextReader.create(this.text); reader.start(false); while (!reader.end(false)) { const tag = reader.tag(); tags.set(tag, true); reader.skip(); } break; } case 'pb': { const tagTypes = new Set([0, 1, 2, 3, 5]); const reader = protobuf.Reader.create(this.buffer); const end =; while (reader.pos < end) { const tagType = reader.uint32(); tags.set(tagType >>> 3, tagType & 7); if (!tagTypes.has(tagType & 7)) { tags = new Map(); break; } try { reader.skipType(tagType & 7); } catch (err) { tags = new Map(); break; } } break; } } } catch (error) { tags = new Map(); } this._tags.set(extension, tags); } return tags; } } class ArchiveContext { constructor(entries, rootFolder, identifier, buffer) { this._entries = {}; if (entries) { for (const entry of entries) { if ( { const name =; if (identifier.length > 0 && identifier.indexOf('/') < 0) { this._entries[name] = entry; } } } } this._identifier = identifier.substring(rootFolder.length); this._buffer = buffer; } request(file, encoding) { const entry = this._entries[file]; if (!entry) { return Promise.reject(new Error('File not found.')); } const data = encoding ? new TextDecoder(encoding).decode( :; return Promise.resolve(data); } get identifier() { return this._identifier; } get buffer() { return this._buffer; } } class ArchiveError extends Error { constructor(message) { super(message); = 'Error loading archive.'; } } view.ModelFactoryService = class { constructor(host) { this._host = host; this._extensions = []; this.register('./onnx', ['.onnx', '.pb', '.pbtxt', '.prototxt']); this.register('./mxnet', ['.mar', '.model', '.json', '.params']); this.register('./keras', ['.h5', '.hd5', '.hdf5', '.keras', '.json', '.model', '.pb', '.pth']); this.register('./coreml', ['.mlmodel']); this.register('./caffe', ['.caffemodel', '.pbtxt', '.prototxt', '.pt']); this.register('./caffe2', ['.pb', '.pbtxt', '.prototxt']); this.register('./pytorch', [ '.pt', '.pth', '.pt1', '.pkl', '.h5', '.t7', '.model', '.dms', '.tar', '.ckpt', '.bin', '.pb', '.zip' ]); this.register('./torch', ['.t7']); this.register('./tflite', ['.tflite', '.lite', '.tfl', '.bin', '.pb', '.tmfile', '.h5', '.model', '.json']); this.register('./tf', ['.pb', '.meta', '.pbtxt', '.prototxt', '.json', '.index', '.ckpt']); this.register('./mediapipe', ['.pbtxt']); this.register('./uff', ['.uff', '.pb', '.trt', '.pbtxt', '.uff.txt']); this.register('./sklearn', ['.pkl', '.pickle', '.joblib', '.model', '.meta', '.pb', '.pt', '.h5']); this.register('./cntk', ['.model', '.cntk', '.cmf', '.dnn']); this.register('./paddle', ['.paddle', '.pdmodel', '__model__']); this.register('./armnn', ['.armnn']); this.register('./bigdl', ['.model', '.bigdl']); this.register('./darknet', ['.cfg', '.model']); this.register('./mnn', ['.mnn']); this.register('./ncnn', ['.param', '.bin', '.cfg.ncnn', '.weights.ncnn']); this.register('./tnn', ['.tnnproto', '.tnnmodel']); this.register('./tengine', ['.tmfile']); this.register('./barracuda', ['.nn']); this.register('./openvino', ['.xml', '.bin']); this.register('./flux', ['.bson']); this.register('./npz', ['.npz', '.h5', '.hd5', '.hdf5']); this.register('./dl4j', ['.zip']); this.register('./mlnet', ['.zip']); } register(id, extensions) { for (const extension of extensions) { this._extensions.push({extension: extension, id: id}); } } open(context) { return this._openSignature(context).then(context => { return this._openArchive(context).then(context => { context = new ModelContext(context); const identifier = context.identifier; const extension = identifier.split('.').pop().toLowerCase(); const modules = this._filter(context); if (modules.length == 0) { throw new ModelError("Unsupported file extension '." + extension + "'."); } const errors = []; let match = false; const nextModule = () => { if (modules.length > 0) { const id = modules.shift(); return this._host.require(id).then(module => { if (!module.ModelFactory) { throw new ModelError("Failed to load module '" + id + "'."); } const modelFactory = new module.ModelFactory(); if (!modelFactory.match(context)) { return nextModule(); } match++; return modelFactory .open(context, this._host) .then(model => { return model; }) .catch(error => { errors.push(error); return nextModule(); }); }); } else { if (match) { if (errors.length == 1) { throw errors[0]; } throw new ModelError( => err.message).join('\n')); } const knownUnsupportedIdentifiers = new Set([ 'natives_blob.bin', 'v8_context_snapshot.bin', 'snapshot_blob.bin', 'image_net_labels.json', 'package.json', 'models.json', 'LICENSE.meta', 'input_0.pb', 'output_0.pb' ]); const skip = knownUnsupportedIdentifiers.has(identifier); const buffer = context.buffer; const content = Array.from(buffer.subarray(0, Math.min(16, buffer.length))) .map(c => (c < 16 ? '0' : '') + c.toString(16)) .join(''); throw new ModelError( 'Unsupported file content (' + content + ") for extension '." + extension + "' in '" + identifier + "'.", !skip ); } }; return nextModule(); }); }); } _openArchive(context) { let archive = null; let extension; let identifier = context.identifier; let buffer = context.buffer; try { extension = identifier.split('.').pop().toLowerCase(); if (extension == 'gz' || extension == 'tgz') { archive = new gzip.Archive(buffer); if (archive.entries.length == 1) { const entry = archive.entries[0]; if ( { identifier =; } else { identifier = identifier.substring(0, identifier.lastIndexOf('.')); if (extension == 'tgz') { identifier += '.tar'; } } buffer =; } } } catch (error) { const message = error && error.message ? error.message : error.toString(); return Promise.reject(new ArchiveError(message.replace(/\.$/, '') + " in '" + identifier + "'.")); } try { extension = identifier.split('.').pop().toLowerCase(); switch (extension) { case 'tar': { // handle .pth.tar const torch = [0x8a, 0x0a, 0x6c, 0xfc, 0x9c, 0x46, 0xf9, 0x20, 0x6a, 0xa8, 0x50, 0x19]; if ( !buffer || buffer.length < 14 || buffer[0] != 0x80 || !torch.every((v, i) => v == buffer[i + 2]) ) { archive = new tar.Archive(buffer); } break; } case 'zip': { archive = new zip.Archive(buffer); // PyTorch Zip archive if ( archive.entries.some(e =>'/').pop().split('\\').pop() === 'version') && archive.entries.some(e =>'/').pop().split('\\').pop() === 'data.pkl') ) { return Promise.resolve(context); } // dl4j if ( archive.entries.some(e =>'/').pop().split('\\').pop() === 'coefficients.bin') && archive.entries.some(e =>'/').pop().split('\\').pop() === 'configuration.json') ) { return Promise.resolve(context); } break; } } } catch (error) { const message = error && error.message ? error.message : error.toString(); return Promise.reject(new ArchiveError(message.replace(/\.$/, '') + " in '" + identifier + "'.")); } if (!archive) { return Promise.resolve(context); } try { const folders = {}; for (const entry of archive.entries) { if ('/') != -1) { folders['/').shift() + '/'] = true; } else { folders['/'] = true; } } if (extension == 'tar') { delete folders['PaxHeader/']; } let rootFolder = Object.keys(folders).length == 1 ? Object.keys(folders)[0] : ''; rootFolder = rootFolder == '/' ? '' : rootFolder; let matches = []; const entries = archive.entries.slice(); const nextEntry = () => { if (entries.length > 0) { const entry = entries.shift(); if ( { const identifier =; if (identifier.length > 0 && identifier.indexOf('/') < 0 && !identifier.startsWith('.')) { const context = new ModelContext( new ArchiveContext(null, rootFolder,, ); let modules = this._filter(context); const nextModule = () => { if (modules.length > 0) { const id = modules.shift(); return this._host.require(id).then(module => { if (!module.ModelFactory) { throw new ArchiveError("Failed to load module '" + id + "'.", null); } const factory = new module.ModelFactory(); if (factory.match(context)) { matches.push(entry); modules = []; } return nextModule(); }); } else { return nextEntry(); } }; return nextModule(); } } return nextEntry(); } else { if (matches.length == 0) { return Promise.resolve(context); } // MXNet if ( matches.length == 2 && matches.some(e =>'.params')) && matches.some(e =>'-symbol.json')) ) { matches = matches.filter(e =>'.params')); } if (matches.length > 1) { return Promise.reject(new ArchiveError('Archive contains multiple model files.')); } const match = matches[0]; return Promise.resolve( new ModelContext(new ArchiveContext(archive.entries, rootFolder,, ); } }; return nextEntry(); } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(new ArchiveError(error.message)); } } accept(identifier) { identifier = identifier.toLowerCase(); for (const extension of this._extensions) { if (identifier.endsWith(extension.extension)) { return true; } } if ( identifier.endsWith('.zip') || identifier.endsWith('.tar') || identifier.endsWith('.tar.gz') || identifier.endsWith('.tgz') ) { return true; } return false; } _filter(context) { const identifier = context.identifier.toLowerCase(); const list = this._extensions.filter(entry => identifier.endsWith(entry.extension)).map(extry =>; return Array.from(new Set(list)); } _openSignature(context) { const buffer = context.buffer; if (context.buffer.length === 0) { return Promise.reject(new ModelError('File has no content.', true)); } const list = [ {name: 'ELF executable', value: /^\x7FELF/}, {name: 'Git LFS header', value: /^version https:\/\/\/spec\/v1\n/}, {name: 'Git LFS header', value: /^oid sha256:/}, {name: 'HTML markup', value: /^\s*/}, {name: 'HTML markup', value: /^\s*/}, {name: 'HTML markup', value: /^\s*/}, {name: 'Unity metadata', value: /^fileFormatVersion:/}, {name: 'Vulkan SwiftShader ICD manifest', value: /^{\s*"file_format_version":\s*"1.0.0"\s*,\s*"ICD":/}, {name: 'StringIntLabelMapProto data', value: /^item\s*{\r?\n\s*id:/}, {name: 'StringIntLabelMapProto data', value: /^item\s*{\r?\n\s*name:/}, {name: 'Python source code', value: /^\s*import sys, types, os;/} ]; const text = new TextDecoder().decode(buffer.subarray(0, Math.min(1024, buffer.length))); for (const item of list) { if (text.match(item.value)) { return Promise.reject(new ModelError('Invalid file content. File contains ' + + '.', true)); } } return Promise.resolve(context); } }; if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof module.exports === 'object') { module.exports.View = view.View; module.exports.ModelFactoryService = view.ModelFactoryService; }