/** * Copyright 2020 Baidu Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import type {FunctionComponent, LazyExoticComponent} from 'react'; import React from 'react'; export enum Pages { Scalar = 'scalar', Histogram = 'histogram', Image = 'image', Audio = 'audio', Text = 'text', Graph = 'graph', x2paddle = 'x2paddle', HighDimensional = 'high-dimensional', PRCurve = 'pr-curve', ROCCurve = 'roc-curve', Profiler = 'profiler', HyperParameter = 'hyper-parameter', fastdeploy_server = 'fastdeploy_server', fastdeploy_client = 'fastdeploy_client' } export interface Route { id: Pages | string; default?: boolean; visible?: boolean; path?: string; // component?: LazyExoticComponent; component?: any; children?: Pick[]; } const routes: Route[] = [ { id: 'index', default: true, visible: false, path: '/index', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/index')) }, { id: Pages.Scalar, path: '/scalar', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/scalar')) }, { id: 'sample', children: [ { id: Pages.Image, path: '/sample/image', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/sample/image')) }, { id: Pages.Audio, path: '/sample/audio', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/sample/audio')) }, { id: Pages.Text, path: '/sample/text', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/sample/text')) } ] }, { id: Pages.Graph, children: [ { id: 'dynamic_graph', path: '/graph/dynamic_graph', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/graphDynamic')) }, { id: 'static_graph', path: '/graph/static_graph', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/graphStatic')) } ] }, { id: Pages.x2paddle, path: '/x2paddle', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/x2paddle')) }, { id: Pages.Histogram, path: '/histogram', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/histogram')) }, { id: Pages.HyperParameter, path: '/hyper-parameter', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/hyper-parameter')) }, { id: Pages.Profiler, path: '/profiler', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/profiler')) }, { id: Pages.HighDimensional, path: '/high-dimensional', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/high-dimensional')) }, { id: Pages.PRCurve, path: '/pr-curve', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/curves/pr')) }, { id: Pages.ROCCurve, path: '/roc-curve', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/curves/roc')) }, { id: Pages.fastdeploy_server, path: '/fastdeploy_server', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/Fastdeploy')) }, { id: Pages.fastdeploy_client, path: '/fastdeploy_client', component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/FastdeployClient')) } ]; export default routes;