/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ import React from 'react'; import {NextPageContext} from 'next'; import {AppContext} from 'next/app'; import {withRouter} from 'next/router'; import hoistNonReactStatics from 'hoist-non-react-statics'; import {I18nextProvider, withSSR} from 'react-i18next'; import {isServer, lngFromReq, lngPathCorrector, lngsToLoad} from '../utils'; import {NextStaticProvider} from '../components'; import NextI18Next from '../index'; import {I18n} from '../types'; interface Props { initialLanguage: string; initialI18nStore: any; i18nServerInstance: any; } interface WrappedComponentProps { pageProps: { namespacesRequired?: string[]; }; } type I18nReq = { i18n?: I18n; locale?: string; lng?: string; language?: string; }; type I18nRes = { locals?: { language?: string; languageDir?: string; }; }; export const appWithTranslation = function(this: NextI18Next, WrappedComponent: any) { const WrappedComponentWithSSR = withSSR()(WrappedComponent); const {config, i18n} = this; const consoleMessage = this.consoleMessage.bind(this); const clientLoadNamespaces = (lng: string, namespaces: string[]) => Promise.all(namespaces.filter(ns => !i18n.hasResourceBundle(lng, ns)).map(ns => i18n.reloadResources(lng, ns))); class AppWithTranslation extends React.Component { constructor(props: any) { super(props); if (!isServer()) { const changeLanguageCallback = (prevLng: string, newLng: string) => { const {router} = props; const {pathname, asPath, query} = router; const routeInfo = {pathname, query}; if ((i18n as any).initializedLanguageOnce && typeof newLng === 'string' && prevLng !== newLng) { const {as, href} = lngPathCorrector(config, {as: asPath, href: routeInfo}, newLng); router.replace(href, as, {shallow: config.shallowRender}); } }; const changeLanguage = i18n.changeLanguage.bind(i18n); i18n.changeLanguage = async (newLng: string, callback = () => null) => { const prevLng = i18n.language; if (typeof newLng === 'string' && (i18n as any).initializedLanguageOnce === true) { const usedNamespaces = Object.entries((i18n.reportNamespaces as any).usedNamespaces) .filter(x => x[1] === true) .map(x => x[0]); await clientLoadNamespaces(newLng, usedNamespaces); } return changeLanguage(newLng, () => { changeLanguageCallback(prevLng, newLng); callback(null, i18n.t); }); }; } } static async getInitialProps(ctx: AppContext) { let wrappedComponentProps: WrappedComponentProps = {pageProps: {}}; if (WrappedComponent.getInitialProps) { wrappedComponentProps = await WrappedComponent.getInitialProps(ctx); } if (typeof wrappedComponentProps.pageProps === 'undefined') { consoleMessage( 'error', 'If you have a getInitialProps method in your custom _app.js file, you must explicitly return pageProps. For more information, see: https://github.com/zeit/next.js#custom-app' ); } /* Initiate vars to return */ const req = ctx.ctx.req as (NextPageContext['req'] & I18nReq) | undefined; let initialI18nStore: Record = {}; let initialLanguage = null; let i18nServerInstance = null; if (req && !req.i18n) { const {router} = ctx; const result = router.asPath.match(/^\/(.*?)\//); const lng = result ? result[1] : process.env.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE; req.i18n = i18n.cloneInstance({initImmediate: false, lng}); const res = ctx.ctx.res as (NextPageContext['res'] & I18nRes) | undefined; const setContextLocale = (lng?: string) => { // SEE: i18n-express-middleware req.language = req.locale = req.lng = lng; if (res) { res.locals = res.locals || {}; res.locals.language = lng; res.locals.languageDir = i18n.dir(lng); } }; setContextLocale(lng); i18n.on('languageChanged', setContextLocale); } /* Step 1: Determine initial language */ if (req && req.i18n) { initialLanguage = lngFromReq(req as any); /* Perform a lang change in case we're not on the right lang */ await req.i18n.changeLanguage(initialLanguage as string); } else if (Array.isArray(i18n.languages) && i18n.languages.length > 0) { initialLanguage = i18n.language; } /* Step 2: Determine namespace dependencies */ let namespacesRequired = config.ns; if (Array.isArray(wrappedComponentProps.pageProps.namespacesRequired)) { ({namespacesRequired} = wrappedComponentProps.pageProps); } else { consoleMessage( 'warn', `You have not declared a namespacesRequired array on your page-level component: ${ctx.Component .displayName || ctx.Component.name || 'Component'}. This will cause all namespaces to be sent down to the client, possibly negatively impacting the performance of your app. For more info, see: https://github.com/isaachinman/next-i18next#4-declaring-namespace-dependencies` ); } /* We must always send down the defaultNS, otherwise the client will trigger a request for it and issue the "Did not expect server HTML to contain a

" error */ if (typeof config.defaultNS === 'string' && !(namespacesRequired as string[]).includes(config.defaultNS)) { (namespacesRequired as string[]).push(config.defaultNS); } /* Step 3: Perform data fetching, depending on environment */ if (req && req.i18n) { /* Detect the languages to load based upon the fallbackLng configuration */ const {fallbackLng} = config; const languagesToLoad = lngsToLoad(initialLanguage, fallbackLng, config.otherLanguages); /* Initialise the store with the languagesToLoad and necessary namespaces needed to render this specific tree */ languagesToLoad.forEach(lng => { initialI18nStore[lng as string] = {}; (namespacesRequired as string[]).forEach(ns => { initialI18nStore[lng as string][ns] = ((req.i18n as I18n).services.resourceStore.data[lng as string] || {})[ns] || {}; }); }); } else if (Array.isArray(i18n.languages) && i18n.languages.length > 0) { /* Load newly-required translations if changing route clientside */ await clientLoadNamespaces(i18n.languages[0], namespacesRequired as string[]); initialI18nStore = (i18n as any).store.data; } /* Step 4: Overwrite i18n.toJSON method to be able to serialize the instance */ if (req && req.i18n) { (req.i18n as any).toJSON = () => null; i18nServerInstance = req.i18n; } /* `pageProps` will get serialized automatically by NextJs */ return { initialI18nStore, initialLanguage, i18nServerInstance, ...wrappedComponentProps }; } render() { const {initialLanguage, initialI18nStore, i18nServerInstance} = this.props; return ( ); } } return hoistNonReactStatics(withRouter(AppWithTranslation as any), WrappedComponent, {getInitialProps: true}); };