未验证 提交 07fc8488 编写于 作者: R RotPublic 提交者: GitHub

前端 路由选项卡模块代码 (#1159)

* routeChange

* 11-17

* 11-17 02

* 11-17 04

* routechange2

* 11-18

* 11-18 2

* 112

* x2paddle

* x2paddle

* x2paddles

* x2paddles
上级 4913fdbb
......@@ -16,13 +16,12 @@
// cSpell:words pageview inited
import 'antd/dist/antd.css';
import React, {FunctionComponent, Suspense, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo} from 'react';
import {Redirect, Route, BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, useLocation} from 'react-router-dom';
import React, {FunctionComponent, Suspense, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react';
import {Redirect, Route, BrowserRouter as Router, Switch, useLocation, useHistory} from 'react-router-dom';
import {THEME, matchMedia} from '~/utils/theme';
import {actions, selectors} from '~/store';
import {headerHeight, position, size, zIndexes, setRem} from '~/utils/style';
import {useDispatch, useSelector} from 'react-redux';
import ErrorBoundary from '~/components/ErrorBoundary';
import ErrorPage from '~/pages/error';
import {Helmet} from 'react-helmet';
......@@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ import {ToastContainer} from 'react-toastify';
import {fetcher} from '~/utils/fetch';
import routes from '~/routes';
import styled from 'styled-components';
import {useTranslation} from 'react-i18next';
import {setDefaults, useTranslation} from 'react-i18next';
const BASE_URI: string = import.meta.env.SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_BASE_URI;
......@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ const Header = styled.header`
${position('fixed', 0, 0, null, 0)}
const defaultRoute = routes.find(route => route.default);
const routers = routes.reduce<Omit<typeof routes[number], 'children'>[]>((m, route) => {
if (route.children) {
......@@ -79,7 +77,7 @@ const Telemetry: FunctionComponent = () => {
const App: FunctionComponent = () => {
const {t, i18n} = useTranslation('errors');
const [defaultRoute, setDefaultRoute] = useState('');
const dir = useMemo(() => (i18n.language ? i18n.dir(i18n.language) : ''), [i18n]);
const dispatch = useDispatch();
......@@ -107,7 +105,6 @@ const App: FunctionComponent = () => {
}, [toggleTheme]);
return (
<div className="app">
<Helmet defaultTitle="VisualDL" titleTemplate="%s - VisualDL">
......@@ -129,7 +126,7 @@ const App: FunctionComponent = () => {
<ErrorBoundary fallback={<ErrorPage />}>
<Suspense fallback={<Progress />}>
<Redirect exact from="/" to={defaultRoute?.path ?? '/index'} />
<Redirect exact from="/" to={defaultRoute ?? '/index'} />
{routers.map(route => (
<Route key={route.id} path={route.path} component={route.component} />
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
// cspell:words cimode
import {Link, LinkProps, useLocation} from 'react-router-dom';
import {useHistory} from 'react-router-dom';
import React, {FunctionComponent, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react';
import {border, borderRadius, rem, size, transitionProps, triangle} from '~/utils/style';
......@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ import type {Route} from '~/routes';
import ThemeToggle from '~/components/ThemeToggle';
import Tippy from '@tippyjs/react';
import ee from '~/utils/event';
import routes from '~/routes';
import {getApiToken} from '~/utils/fetch';
import logo from '~/assets/images/logo.svg';
import queryString from 'query-string';
......@@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ import styled from 'styled-components';
import useClassNames from '~/hooks/useClassNames';
import useComponents from '~/hooks/useComponents';
import {useTranslation} from 'react-i18next';
import {fetcher} from '~/utils/fetch';
import {Child} from './ProfilerPage/OperatorView/type';
const BASE_URI: string = import.meta.env.SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_BASE_URI;
const PUBLIC_PATH: string = import.meta.env.SNOWPACK_PUBLIC_PATH;
......@@ -261,9 +265,10 @@ const SubNav: FunctionComponent<{
const Navbar: FunctionComponent = () => {
const history = useHistory();
const {t, i18n} = useTranslation('common');
const {pathname} = useLocation();
const [navList, setNavlist] = useState<string[]>([]);
const changeLanguage = useCallback(() => {
const language = i18n.language;
const allLanguages = (i18n.options.supportedLngs || []).filter(lng => lng !== 'cimode');
......@@ -271,13 +276,68 @@ const Navbar: FunctionComponent = () => {
const nextLanguage = index < 0 || index >= allLanguages.length - 1 ? allLanguages[0] : allLanguages[index + 1];
}, [i18n]);
const routeEm: any = useMemo(() => {
return {
scalar: 'scalar',
histogram: 'histogram',
image: 'image',
audio: 'audio',
text: 'text',
graphStatic: 'dynamic_graph',
graphDynamic: 'dynamic_graph',
'high-dimensional': 'embeddings',
'pr-curve': 'pr_curve',
'roc-curve': 'roc_curve',
profiler: 'profiler',
'hyper-parameter': 'hyper_parameters',
x2paddle: 'x2paddle',
fastdeploy_server: 'fastdeploy_server'
}, []);
const currentPath = useMemo(() => pathname.replace(BASE_URI, ''), [pathname]);
const [components] = useComponents();
const routePush = (route: any, Components: any[]) => {
if (navList.includes(routeEm[route.id])) {
// debugger;
const componentsInNavbar = useMemo(() => components.slice(0, MAX_ITEM_COUNT_IN_NAVBAR), [components]);
const flattenMoreComponents = useMemo(() => flatten(components.slice(MAX_ITEM_COUNT_IN_NAVBAR)), [components]);
return true;
// setDefaultRoute(route.id);
if (route.children) {
for (const Route of route.children) {
routePush(Route, Components);
const newcomponents = useMemo(() => {
const Components = [];
const parent: any[] = [];
if (navList.length > 0) {
for (const item of components) {
// debugger;
// const Id: any = item.id;
if (navList.includes(routeEm[item.id])) {
if (item.children) {
for (const Route of item.children) {
const flag = routePush(Route, Components);
if (flag && !parent.includes(item.id)) {
return Components;
}, [components, navList]);
const componentsInNavbar = useMemo(() => newcomponents.slice(0, MAX_ITEM_COUNT_IN_NAVBAR), [newcomponents]);
const flattenMoreComponents = useMemo(
() => flatten(newcomponents.slice(MAX_ITEM_COUNT_IN_NAVBAR)),
const componentsInMoreMenu = useMemo(
() =>
flattenMoreComponents.map(item => ({
......@@ -287,6 +347,36 @@ const Navbar: FunctionComponent = () => {
[currentPath, flattenMoreComponents]
const [navItemsInNavbar, setNavItemsInNavbar] = useState<NavbarItemType[]>([]);
const routesChange = (route: any) => {
if (navList.includes(routeEm[route.id])) {
// debugger;
return true;
// setDefaultRoute(route.id);
if (route.Children) {
for (const Route of route.Children) {
useEffect(() => {
// setLoading(true);
fetcher('/component_tabs').then((res: any) => {
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
// const defaultRoute = routes;
if (navList.length > 0) {
for (const route of routes) {
const flag = routesChange(route);
if (flag) {
}, [navList]);
useEffect(() => {
setNavItemsInNavbar(oldItems =>
componentsInNavbar.map(item => {
......@@ -325,7 +415,8 @@ const Navbar: FunctionComponent = () => {
}, [componentsInNavbar, currentPath]);
}, [componentsInNavbar, currentPath, navList]);
console.log('componentsInNavbar', componentsInNavbar);
return (
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ export enum Pages {
Audio = 'audio',
Text = 'text',
Graph = 'graph',
ToggleGraph = 'ToggleGraph',
x2paddle = 'x2paddle',
HighDimensional = 'high-dimensional',
PRCurve = 'pr-curve',
ROCCurve = 'roc-curve',
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ const routes: Route[] = [
id: Pages.ToggleGraph,
id: Pages.x2paddle,
path: '/x2paddle',
component: React.lazy(() => import('~/pages/x2paddle'))
* Copyright 2020 Baidu Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// export default [
// 'scalar',
// 'image',
// 'text',
// 'embeddings',
// 'audio',
// 'histogram',
// 'hyper_parameters',
// 'static_graph',
// 'dynamic_graph',
// 'pr_curve',
// 'roc_curve',
// 'profiler',
// 'x2paddle',
// 'fastdeploy_server'
// ];
export default ['x2paddle'];
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