// Copyright (c) 2019 PaddlePaddle Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #include #include #include #include //NOLINT #include "cube/cube-api/include/cube_api.h" #define TIME_FLAG(flag) \ struct timeval flag; \ gettimeofday(&(flag), NULL); DEFINE_string(config_file, "./cube.conf", "m-cube config file"); DEFINE_string(keys, "keys", "keys to seek"); DEFINE_string(dict, "dict", "dict to seek"); DEFINE_uint64(batch, 500, "batch size"); DEFINE_int32(timeout, 200, "timeout in ms"); DEFINE_int32(retry, 3, "retry times"); DEFINE_bool(print_output, false, "print output flag"); DEFINE_int32(thread_num, 1, "thread num"); std::atomic g_concurrency(0); std::vector time_list; std::vector request_list; namespace { inline uint64_t time_diff(const struct timeval& start_time, const struct timeval& end_time) { return (end_time.tv_sec - start_time.tv_sec) * 1000000 + (end_time.tv_usec - start_time.tv_usec); } } namespace rec { namespace mcube { std::string string_to_hex(const std::string& input) { static const char* const lut = "0123456789ABCDEF"; size_t len = input.length(); std::string output; output.reserve(2 * len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { const unsigned char c = input[i]; output.push_back(lut[c >> 4]); output.push_back(lut[c & 15]); } return output; } int run(int argc, char** argv, int thread_id) { google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); CubeAPI* cube = CubeAPI::instance(); int ret = cube->init(FLAGS_config_file.c_str()); if (ret != 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "init cube api failed err=" << ret; return ret; } /* FILE* key_file = fopen(FLAGS_keys.c_str(), "r"); if (key_file == NULL) { LOG(ERROR) << "open key file [" << FLAGS_keys << "] failed"; return -1; } */ std::atomic seek_counter(0); std::atomic seek_cost_total(0); uint64_t seek_cost_max = 0; uint64_t seek_cost_min = 500000; char buffer[1024]; std::vector keys; std::vector values; std::string line; std::vector key_list; std::ifstream key_file(FLAGS_keys.c_str()); while (getline(key_file, line)) { key_list.push_back(std::stoll(line)); } uint64_t file_size = key_list.size(); uint64_t index = 0; uint64_t request = 0; while (g_concurrency.load() >= FLAGS_thread_num) { } g_concurrency++; while (index < file_size) { // uint64_t key = strtoul(buffer, NULL, 10); keys.push_back(key_list[index]); index += 1; int ret = 0; if (keys.size() > FLAGS_batch) { TIME_FLAG(seek_start); ret = cube->seek(FLAGS_dict, keys, &values); TIME_FLAG(seek_end); request += 1; if (ret != 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "cube seek failed"; } else if (FLAGS_print_output) { for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { fprintf(stdout, "key:%lu value:%s\n", keys[i], string_to_hex(values[i].buff).c_str()); } } ++seek_counter; uint64_t seek_cost = time_diff(seek_start, seek_end); seek_cost_total += seek_cost; if (seek_cost > seek_cost_max) { seek_cost_max = seek_cost; } if (seek_cost < seek_cost_min) { seek_cost_min = seek_cost; } keys.clear(); values.clear(); } } /* if (keys.size() > 0) { int ret = 0; values.resize(keys.size()); TIME_FLAG(seek_start); ret = cube->seek(FLAGS_dict, keys, &values); TIME_FLAG(seek_end); if (ret != 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "cube seek failed"; } else if (FLAGS_print_output) { for (size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i) { fprintf(stdout, "key:%lu value:%s\n", keys[i], string_to_hex(values[i].buff).c_str()); } } ++seek_counter; uint64_t seek_cost = time_diff(seek_start, seek_end); seek_cost_total += seek_cost; if (seek_cost > seek_cost_max) { seek_cost_max = seek_cost; } if (seek_cost < seek_cost_min) { seek_cost_min = seek_cost; } } */ g_concurrency--; // fclose(key_file); // ret = cube->destroy(); if (ret != 0) { LOG(WARNING) << "destroy cube api failed err=" << ret; } uint64_t seek_cost_avg = seek_cost_total / seek_counter; LOG(INFO) << "seek cost avg = " << seek_cost_avg; LOG(INFO) << "seek cost max = " << seek_cost_max; LOG(INFO) << "seek cost min = " << seek_cost_min; time_list[thread_id] = seek_cost_avg; request_list[thread_id] = request; return 0; } int run_m(int argc, char** argv) { google::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); int thread_num = FLAGS_thread_num; request_list.resize(thread_num); time_list.resize(thread_num); std::vector thread_pool; for (int i = 0; i < thread_num; i++) { thread_pool.push_back(new std::thread(run, argc, argv, i)); } for (int i = 0; i < thread_num; i++) { thread_pool[i]->join(); delete thread_pool[i]; } uint64_t sum_time = 0; uint64_t max_time = 0; uint64_t min_time = 1000000; uint64_t request_num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < thread_num; i++) { sum_time += time_list[i]; if (time_list[i] > max_time) { max_time = time_list[i]; } if (time_list[i] < min_time) { min_time = time_list[i]; } request_num += request_list[i]; } uint64_t mean_time = sum_time / thread_num; LOG(INFO) << thread_num << " thread seek cost" << " avg = " << std::to_string(mean_time) << " max = " << std::to_string(max_time) << " min = " << std::to_string(min_time); LOG(INFO) << " total_request = " << std::to_string(request_num) << " speed = " << std::to_string(1000000 * thread_num / mean_time) << " query per second"; } } // namespace mcube } // namespace rec int main(int argc, char** argv) { return ::rec::mcube::run_m(argc, argv); }