# HTTP Inferface Paddle Serving服务均可以通过HTTP接口访问,客户端只需按照Service定义的Request消息格式构造json字符串即可。客户端构造HTTP请求,将json格式数据以POST请求发给serving端,serving端**自动**按Service定义的Protobuf消息格式,将json数据转换成protobuf消息。 本文档介绍以python和PHP语言访问Serving的HTTP服务接口的用法。 ## 1. 访问地址 访问Serving节点的HTTP服务与C++服务使用同一个端口(例如8010),访问URL规则为: ``` ``` 其中ServiceName应该与Serving的配置文件`conf/services.prototxt`中配置的一致,假如有如下2个service: ```protobuf services { name: "BuiltinTestEchoService" workflows: "workflow3" } services { name: "TextClassificationService" workflows: "workflow6" } ``` 则访问上述2个Serving服务的HTTP URL分别为: ``` ``` ## 2. Python访问HTTP Serving Python语言访问HTTP Serving,关键在于构造json格式的请求数据,可以通过以下步骤完成: 1) 按照Service定义的Request消息格式构造python object 2) `json.dump()` / `json.dumps()` 等函数将python object转换成json格式字符串 以TextClassificationService为例,关键代码如下: ```python # Connect to server conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("", 8010) # samples是一个list,其中每个元素是一个ids字典: # samples[0] = [190, 1, 70, 382, 914, 5146, 190...] for i in range(0, len(samples) - BATCH_SIZE, BATCH_SIZE): # 构建批量预测数据 batch = samples[i: i + BATCH_SIZE] ids = [] for x in batch: ids.append({"ids" : x}) ids = {"instances": ids} # python object转成json request_json = json.dumps(ids) # 请求HTTP服务,打印response try: conn.request('POST', "/TextClassificationService/inference", request_json, {"Content-Type": "application/json"}) response = conn.getresponse() print response.read() except httplib.HTTPException as e: print e.reason ``` 完整示例请参考[text_classification.py](demo-client/python/text_classification.py) ## 3. PHP访问HTTP Serving PHP语言构造json格式字符串的步骤如下: 1) 按照Service定义的Request消息格式,构造PHP array 2) `json_encode()`函数将PHP array转换成json字符串 以TextCLassificationService为例,关键代码如下: ```PHP function http_post(&$ch, $data) { // array to json string $data_string = json_encode($data); // post data 封装 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string); // set header curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array( 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data_string) ) ); // 执行 $result = curl_exec($ch); return $result; } $ch = &http_connect(''); $count = 0; # $samples是一个2层array,其中每个元素是一个如下array: # $samples[0] = array( # "ids" => array( # [0] => int(190), # [1] => int(1), # [2] => int(70), # [3] => int(382), # [4] => int(914), # [5] => int(5146), # [6] => int(190)...) # ) for ($i = 0; $i < count($samples) - BATCH_SIZE; $i += BATCH_SIZE) { $instances = array_slice($samples, $i, BATCH_SIZE); echo http_post($ch, array("instances" => $instances)) . "\n"; } curl_close($ch); ``` 完整代码请参考[text_classification.php](demo-client/php/text_classification.php)